WriteOn! 2024
Online Writing Course for Teachers
Lesson 1
Creating a culture of writing
Upon completion of this unit you will be able to:
- Identify 3 routines that you will use to encourage a writing culture
- Identify 3 expectations that you will use encourage a writing culture
- Describe a writer's workshop
- TedX Talk: What makes a good teacher great? ( https://youtu.be/vrU6YJle6Q4)
- How to teach a Writing workshop (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xpr_--Tddw)
- Writer's Workship (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI2LBpCwyOE)
Creating Culture
Every group develops its own culture over time. Peace Corps Volunteers are of course very aware of how culture can clash and how hard it can be to adjust to a new culture. But did you know you can create culture? A teacher can create a classroom culture by creating routines and expectations that are consitently enforced.
TASK: Watch the Video "What makes a good teacher great?"
Video Questions: How does this video relate to creating classroom culture?
Routines that encourage writing
In order to create a culture that encourages writing you first need to establish some routines. It is best to start with 2-3 routines that you teach, model, reinforce and reteach as nessary. You can add more routines as you get comfotable.
- Sharing of Writer's Journal: If students are keeping a Writer's Journal there should be a dedicated time during every class that students have an option to share their ideas for writing and get feedback from peers.
- Quiet writing time: Rules and a singnal should be used to identify that a quiet writing time is starting. For example: Quiet writing time is starting. I will count back from 10. By the time I get to 0 you should have you writing materials out, be in a comfordable place away, and focusedon your writing until the bell sounds. Remember no talking.
- Construtive Feedback: It is important that their is a routine for giving feedback in order to ensure it is constructive. A common way is to have two students face each other. One reads the story while the other listens and writes notes. After the first person is done reading the second gives a "sandwiche" Iliked... I have a question about..I think you could improve...my favorite part was...
TASK: Write down three routines you will use in your classroom or club to encourage a classroom culture around writing. Be as detailed as possable.
Expectations that encourage writing
In order to create a culture that encourages writing you first need to establish expectations. Expections often go along with what routines you are teaching.
-Everyone shares: Keep a list of students names. When asking for someone to share their work go down the list in order. If a student does not want to share skip them. Do not force the student to share a specfic set of work but do make it clear you will ask them again next class. Include ways to share in private or annomously.
- Respect means listening with your mouth closed and mind open: We often tell students to show respect but we do not explain what respect is. Set up specfic ways to show respect on the first day of class.
-Writing is Private: Students need feedback but they have the right not to have their writing shared. Teach students that what they hear in class is private and not to be shared without permision.
-Grow and Challenge yourself: Keeping a potfolio (routine), requiring a minimum of two drafts and praising growth are all ways to teach students the expectation that they will grow and challenges themselves.
TASK: Write down three expectations you will use in your classroom or club to encourage a classroom culture around writing. Describe how you will reinforce them.