WriteOn! 2024
Winning Essays 2014 6th-9th Forms
6th Form Group

Orjona Skenderaj from Feir
Topic: If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be and what would you do?
If I could be an animal for a day, I will choose to be a dolphin. I will choose this animal because dolphins are peaceful animals and because I like the sea. If I was a dolphin for one day, I will see all seas and I will visit all countries so I will swim all day long and I will see beautiful beaches of all the world. I will see animals in the sea, that I didn’t see before. I will see animals like: fishes, sea snakes, crabs, sea stars etc. I will see their life, what they feed on, their life style etc. I will help injured animals by swimming above them. I will discover treasures hidden in the sea. I will swim in the Bermuda triangle and I will understand the cause why all planes that fly in the Bermuda triangle and ships that swim there disappear. I will meet all dolphins and I will see how they communicate. I will prove to myself if mermaids exist so I will be sure if they really exist or is just a fairytale. Also, I will go in the zone, where there is dark and I will see animals that live there because in my science book, the author says that in the zone where it is dark, there lives animals that are very strange with big eyes. (I will.) If I was a dolphin I will collect all shells that I can find so I will make my own collection of shells. I will see how people treat animals and what problems animals face so I can understand why some animals face extinction, is this from nature or from humans? I will make some animal friends too. I will see pearls for my first time in my life and I will collect some of them to make a necklace for my sister. A fact that I saw in a film was the island of “Atlantis”. I will see if it exists, does this island really disappeared in the water, does it appear in 100 years in the surface so I will answer many questions in myself. I will discover islands that aren’t in maps too. But the best of all is that I will swim all day and nobody will say to me to get out of the water. I will travel all around the world I will see traditions of each country. I will face risks in the sea like fighting with a shark and I won’t use strength but my wisdom. If I have adventures like a dolphin this will be an experience that I will never forget and I will tell everyone about this adventure and all things I discovered. Also I will explain to the world that with their moves, they make animals extinct. I will join an organization to protect animals because they are our friends.

Maria Gjata from Vlore
Topic: If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be and what would you do?
If I could be an animal for a day, I would like to be an eagle because the eagle is a beautiful bird and I like it. The eagle can fly and is scary so nobody would disturb me. I would fly in the mountains and I would see a lot of plants and a lot of animals. I would fly free in the sky without any disturbance. I don’t know what I would eat. Maybe I would eat some other animals even that is a bit disgusting. I would eat to survive. I would see the forest from the sky and I think that it is an amazing adventure. I would like to be an eagle because I would like to fly by myself. And this is an adventure too. I would like that once in my life I would survive like the animals. I would survive by catching the food by myself. I would see food perfectly like the eagle does. It is a funny adventure to be an animal for one day. The eagle is strong and is a symbol of freedom. To live in a forest is a bit difficult for the people that’s why I want to be an eagle for one day because I can live in the mountains and in forests for one day and I would survive. I wouldn’t be scared from the animals that live in forests. This is amazing too. I would have my little “home” where I can eat the food that I catch. And at night I would be safe while I would be sleeping I would like that this adventure can be real for once in my life. This is why I want to be an eagle for one day in my whole life.

Holger Lilaj from Kucove
Topic: Imagine you were 15 meters tall.
Describe one day in your life.
If I can be 15 meters boy for one day I won’t save the cats from the trees or take a guinness record and be the tallest man in the world. I can help the people with their jobs and I can open a campaign for the saving and helping of the people like when they are in danger or when they can’t do jobs and we can. I can play football with my favorite football team and in the night I can grab a big light and I can shine it all over the sea for the boats so they can come in the ground with a safer way. This is my day like a 15 meter boy. This was my favorite day of my life. I don’t want this day to be finished.
7th Form Group

Anxhela Doko from Fier

Topic: Pretend that you have been shrunk down to the size of an ant for a day. What do you do and see?
OMG! OMG! OMG! Why the heck am I saying OMG?! Well this isn’t the real problem right now. The real problem is why is everything around me so huge? I know I’m 1m51cm but hey, I’m not THAT small. OMG! OMG! OMG! Why are my hands black and covered with some kind of fur and why does my bed, my room, everything look so weird? OMG! OMG! OMG! (Seriously, I should stop doing that. It’s getting boring.) Well, let’s return to the dramatic part: I am an ANT. So you’re thinking what’s the big deal? Well last night I was a human, a very popular girl in my school and now I was a stupid, disgusting ANT. “Hey, ants are not disgusting.” Oh well my conscience is speaking back at me. So what? I am crazy, big deal. “No, you’re not crazy.” Ok this is getting much weirder. “Hey shut up and listen to me, I am an ant too. Well I wasn’t born as an ant. I was a girl, a pretty one not as pretty as you, MUCH PRETTIER and that’s what brought me to this life. The life of an ant. I was disgusted by these little animals until the king of the ants inserted some kind of poison in my food and here I am trying to explain to you everything. The same thing happened to you Raina. You were so selfish and ruthless that you cared only about you.” So I am stuck like this? “No if you don’t’ get your butt up and start trying to get your life back.” Wait what did I do to deserve this? “Let me give you a clue: biology.” What? No I didn’t seriously mean it I didn’t mean to insult ants. “Well you did so…” It was a joke! “I didn’t get it, but pretty soon you will. You have 24 hours to prove that you’ve charged that you are no more the selfish Raina you were. You’ve got to go to the mountain of the pure soul. You’ve got to pass through the Wood of the Liars, the River of Richness and you’ll be there. Find Love and bring her back.” Ok so you’re not coming with me? “Nope you’ve got to do it on your own.” Ok I am the captain of the cheerleaders how hard can it be. Ok, ok Rain we’ve got to go for it. I mean you’ve got to go for it anyway, just go for it! So now I am alone and now I’ve got to go to the Wood of the Liars. It’s in the north. Let’s go… wow I didn’t know what great views the ants faced from down here these woods are great. I wonder how old they are? “I am 150 years and I am the Liar Wood. I will lie to every single question.” Ok so does everybody in my school love me? “Yes you are they idle.” Am I beautiful? “Yes, you are the only shining star in the sky.” Do I have a pure heart? “No.” Wait you’re supposed to lie so that means nobody really likes me but still if they are talking bad about me I am already way better than they so who cares? I still got a pure heart and with a pure heart I’ll go to the end of this mission. And another thing as long as I am beautiful from the inside I don’t care if I am not sleeping beauty. So bye you nice tree thanks or opening my eyes. Good luck in your life. So I’m already thinking a lot about what the tree said but I still can’t... hey wait. Ow, no my feet they’re wet. That means that I’m now at the River of Richness. “Hi there I can take you to one road only: choose the road of richness and that of the poor but happy people where you can find Love the wife of the king.” I am sorry but if I want to be rich I’ll earn it and now take me to the way of the mountain of the pure soul. “Let’s go.” Oh well all this traveling is making my eyes heavy. The sound of the running water is almost like the sound of the lullaby my mom sang to me every night. God I miss her. “Here you go to the mountain of the pure soul.” God bless you nice fish, good bye and may luck tell you the right way. “Nice words you’ve got there. Oh let me introduce myself I’m Love, the wife of the king.” “I’ll tell you more on our way back. Let’s go.” Oh ok wait birds eat ants. “Just the diabolic ones.” So why did I have to come over here and rescue you when you could have come home yourself? “Because I’m proof that will show whe kind of girl you are. You made the right choices that’s what brought you to me. You learned how to see the world in a different manner. A good many. So you made it, you cleared your thoughts and you let your heart speak where your mind was going to say something bratty. You made yourself a good person again. That was your true mission.” Really well that was… unexpected. Hey here we are. “You brought my wife back on time. Go home little girl. I hope you learned something. Not only that an ant lives a beautiful life but that everyone deep down is a good person, you just have to let your heart speak.” Thank you king. I’ll never forget you. You were a precious lesson for me. Now I must go home. I miss my mum and another last thing I’ll never insult any other insect again. They’re like humans, the only different thing is that they are with a much more pure soul than us. Good bye Love, good bye king, I shall never ever forget you or what you taught me.

Vasil Prendi from Kucove
Topic: Pretend that you have been shrunk down to the size of an ant for a day. What do you do and see?
When I will be a size of an any for a day, I’ll go to my friend’s house and I’ll frighten him. When he will be playing football, I’ll enter in his shoes and they will lose the match. Next I will go to a person who I hate and will throw a lot of salt onto his dinner.
Later I will enter on the airplane and go to Egypt to the pyramids and will see the people who sell mystic things. Next I’ll go to the shop who will sell cars and motorbike. I will entered on the cars and will go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower. Next I’ll go to the shop who sell computers and I will take one of tem and will go to my house. I’ll enter in my TV because it doesn’t work and I will be in work him. In the middle of the night I’ll go to a pub and will drink there. Next I’ll go with my car in my house and I’ll turn into a man.

Megi Kushta from Librazhd
Topic: If you could invent a candy, what would it be? What ingredients would it have and what would it taste like?
If I would invent a new candy I would call it “High-tech candy”. It would taste like an ice cream and a chocolate at the same time. But at the end it would be a gum. It would have the colors of the rainbow. Every color would have a different taste. The red color would taste like a strawberry, the yellow color would taste like a lemon. The green color would taste like a kiwi. The pink color would taste like a peace. The purple color would taste like a grape. Everyone would like my new candy. It would have the hand’s shape and the nails of the hand would taste like a milk chocolate. The ring of the hand would be ice cream. The bracelet would be caramel. The hand would have a tattoo, which would taste like cake. The fingers would taste like cherry. It won’t be expensive, so everyone could buy it.
8th Form Group

Sara Pjetrushaj from Fier

Topic: If you could make a new animal, what would it be like?
Animals are living beings. Even humans are animals, evoluted but still animals. The thing is… all the animals have almost the same characteristics: they move, they eat… In my opinion, that’s just plain boring. We study animals all the time in biology class but I never heard of any animal living just by water and sun. If I’d have to create an animal all by my own, that’s definitely what I’d do. The animal I’d create would be big, kind of like a wolf, in height and weight. It’d have a bright kind of fur, that would shine in the sunlight. It’s eyes would be in a deep shade of purple that looks like it’s staring through your soul. This animal would have big ears and a round cute nose. The mouth would be big with huge teeth which won’t be sharp at all. This creature would be too cute to be dangerous! Then it’s body would be very furry but it’s paws would be very similar with daisies. They’d have no claws or nails to go with them. The tail would look like a small ball of frizzy hair. But the look won’t be the only thing different from the other animals. It’s lifestyle would be totally different. Like I said before, this animal would only live by water and sun. The sun doesn’t have to be the summer kind of sun, that burns, but just its light would do. Also, living just by water and sun would make all the ugly work go away. It’d be a very smart animal, which especially liked little children. That’s why most parents would take them as babysitters. Not only would they love to play hide and seek but they would also have a common sense and a harsh sense of responsibility. It’d be a kid’s best friend! Since it wouldn’t’ eat, the mouth would be used to “talk” with others of it’s kind. They’d communicate with their own language that’d be something between barking and actual speaking. This animal would reproduce by it’s paws, just like flowers. It’s daisy paws would be able to produce some pink seeds which would be planted in the ground. Then, 12 months later, new animals would be born. I think they’d be the cutest thing ever. They’d be extremely playful! This animal’s would be so smart, they used 751 of their brain. And, some of them, if they tried to learn very hard, they’d be able to fly. Not too long, of course, but enough to move very quickly around the garden or house. They’d also help with house chores and everything else. Also, sometimes, they’d like to sip strawberry juice instead of water just because they like it. It’s lifespan would be just like a human’s, so you’d never be sad about their death. It’d also like funk music since it’s very energetic. And last, but not least, the name. I could think about los of names for this animal but I guess I’d call it sunbow. I just think it would fit perfectly with the image in my mind. I’d never be bored with a sunbow and I’m sure no one else would. It’s just the perfect pet!

Iris Osmanaj from Bajram Curri
Topic: If you were elected president, what would you do on your first day in office?
If I were elected president in my country, I will do a lot of things in my office. For example: I will take a lot of money for me, for my family and cousins. I will go to Disney Land, because I love it. I will have the most wonderful office in the whole world, the most special office with rock and roll bands posters and electronic guitar. That’s what I like so… yeah. Right when people come to my office, I will like not to be scared because I will paint my office with a black color. Black is not a thing for people to be scared. Or yes it’s a little bit but I will do a lot of things for my country. I will be the most awesome president for my country and one thing; I don’t want people to judge me because of my rock style. It’s not a big thing my people. Me as president I wouldn’t do a lot of promises like others. I wouldn’t say: if you choose me to be president I’m gonna make you rich. I will build everyone a house or things like that because none of them keeps those promises. They choose me as president and I will make the rules. In every bar, café or restaurant people are going to listen to rock, heavy metal or punk music. They’re gonna listen to Bon Jovi, Metallica, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan etc. At weddings too, it’s gonna be the same thing. People in my country have to listen to that kind of music because it’s very helpful. I don’t want people to be surprised because of my rules because it’s not something who people don’t do. It’s just something that Albanians need.
Thanks a lot My Peoples
Just One Promise: We
Gonna Make Fun Together

Oriola Biba from Lezhe
Topic: If you could make a new animal, what would it be like?
The animal I would create would be purple, round and it would have 2 lovely eyes. I love to call my animal “Folushi”. It’s a cute and a lovely name that would fit it’s character. The “Folushi” is an animal that can speak, walk and can understand feelings too. It is special because it can also sing every single song in the whole word in the best way possible. It is an animal that gets created when a baby smiles for her first time and the only reason for that is because it is an animal that never gets sad and always brings the smile back to people in difficult and sad times. It is very positive. It can fly and it can appear whenever you call it. But they have a rule, everyone in the world, I mean every family in the whole world should have one at home so they can take good care of them and they can help each other. I would create those creatures because they can make the world happy and positive. Folushis exist only if everyone “hosts” them into their house and if everyone did, if they do not then they do not exist. That’s their rule because they will help them to be only positive and to avoid negative sides on them. They will need to eat only sweets because they are sweet and lovely pinkish creatures. Well their personality has only wonderful lovely things except when they die after 40 years. They are all in the same age and their birthdays will be in the same day which makes them die in the same days. But if the results shows that they changed the world, new Folushes will be created and they will live forever. If they don’t life will carry on like before Folushes were created. So the world would be positive forever too. I would love to create Folushies because they are lovely from the physical view also. So they are round, like a pillow, purple and if it’s for boys it will be dark purple and if it is for girls it will be bright purple. They will be 60 c tall and they will have pink eyes if it is bright purple and blue eyes if it is dark purple. They will have a small mouth and they can change their color how the owner wants. They do not have legs. They have 2 little ears and a short tail. They will be in cotton skin like teddy bears and they would be always smiling even while they are sleeping. They will help the world change and we need them, the world needs them.
9th Form Group

Elisa Pashku from Fier

Topic: You've been in a coma for 30 years. You wake up in the year 2044. Describe what the world is like.
Wow… is this real? Where is the Earth? I mean, the real Earth? … So many years have passed since I have ben awake. Ummm… let me explain and start this story from the bottom. I remember that in 2014 a massive war began. It was between the arth and Lu. Lu was a gigantic planet far, far away from us. It’s people wanted to invade and spread their power throughout the whole universe. They have conquered all of the Milky Way planets except the blue circle known as Earth.
At first, the Lus (the aliens who lived in the Lu) thought that “people” were weak and their planet would be quickly under their control. But they were so damn wrong. As soon as the people knew that the Earth was being threatened, they got ready. All the best warriors and soldiers were gathered in NASA and from there they were sent to Lu.
The war was so harsh. From both planets died a lot of creatures. (I used “creatures” because Lus couldn’t be called humans.) Unfortunately, even though people did their best, they couldn’t defeat the Lus. Humans had an excellent technology but Lus were better and more advanced.
So all in all, the Earth couldn’t manage to survive. They fought gracefully, bravely, but it wasn’t written for them to come with flying colours. In the heart of their alive relatives, all the 5 billion humans were remembered as international heroes.
I need to skip the part which I have to say that I don’t really like. Ummm… as you may assume… the Lus set their nasty food on the Earth. They destroyed everything. I was just a little girl at that time. My dad died out there and I couldn’t even cry on his buried body because it was lost in the galaxy. Lus came in my hometown too. I was really angry with them. Why did they have to come and destroy us? Did we do the same with their planet! No… so they had to get their “ass” out of Earth. I was thinking this and I got sooo frustrated. The general of the Lus was standing in front of me asking me about my planet. They did this with every single human left.
I raised on my bare legs, got my wooden chair where I was sitting and hit him on the head. I have heard from the TV that their nose was the exact part from where their power generated. This guy got mad and shot me with his gun.
Now I am standing in a bed. It is very comfortable. I look around me and find myself in a blue room. It is my favorite color wow. I get out of this cool bed and look at my body. I cannot find the old me. My legs are covered with fish scales in a crimson color. I touch my head and instead of my long, brown shining curls I feel only metal. I manage to walk to the mirror and get shocked at what I see there.
I am turned into a bloody Lu. Wait… I don’t look like any of those disgusting soldiers. I have to admit that I love what I am seeing there. I continue my move and go to the French window. I cannot believe my eyes. Earth is not Earth. I bring back in a blur all what I can remember of what had happened. So the Lus have destroyed the Earth and rebuilt it on their own style.
Everywhere I can see skyscrapers. Not like those man made ones. These are colorful and so bright and so magical. There are no cars, no buses, no trains. Strange creatures are using flying objects to go to one place to another. I could see no animals, no nightingales singing, no larks annoying my ears. They have all vanished into thin air. They have disappeared forever. I was going to miss every single thing of my old dear planet. And I am putting some blame on myself now. How could I not love my planet before?! How could I think that it was junk?! How could those who have already passed away not have appreciated it?
Oh my god. Now that I think of those who have died… How is it possible that I am still ALIVE?! Wasn’t I supposed to be DEAD?! So many questions which are waiting for me to find their answers. I think that I can take my time now and enjoy maybe…ummm…my second “LIFE”?!

Sabina Lloshi from Fier
Topic: You've been in a coma for 30 years. You wake up in the year 2044. Describe what the world is like.
I can barely move and my body hurts. I open my eyes but I don’t see anyone. Everything around me is white. Suddenly a strange creature enteres the room. I can’t see it really well since I’m on a rare thing I had never seen before, it must be some kind of bed. When the creature gets near me I can see him clearly. Wait, was that a metal body. I don’t know for how long I’ve been asleep or it’s my weird mind imagining this thing. Anyway the creature tells me that I could go and that I was fine. I went down the stairs and then out of the fornt door. I couldn’t believe what I was actuall seeing. Everywhere were these creatures that looked a lot like the one I had seen when I woke up. They were hanging out with real people and to them everything so so normal. I run through the streets when suddenly I saw my sister. She was alone. “God, finally someone is still normal” I thought. I called her but it seemed she couldn’t hear me. When I got near her she ran over to me and said that she was so happy that I had finally woken up. I asked her what was happening, why everyone seemed to be crazy. She whispered heavily and then started to tell me what had happened in these 30 years where I was sleeping in a strange bed.
Everything had started in the year 2020 when one day people had suddenly gotten crazy. It was said that everything started when people started drinking a new kind of unalcoholic drink. It came out so strangely but everyone liked it. After days passed people started to feel strange. They were all like hypnotized. These were only a few people that hadn’t proved the drink. So when everyone has hypnotized the robots, that was the name of the creatures I had seen, came down to our planet. Since people were unable to do anything they had managed the humans how they liked. But these robots didn’t work alone. They had a big academy that was ruled by aliens. So all the humans were needed for the experiment test the aliens were doing. Everything was turned into a disaster. But not everything was lost. As my sister told me earlier there were still 13 people that weren’t affected and still could think with their mind. They had been gathering information about the robots, the aliens and even their society. They knew where they were standing and in fact the unaffected people had been studying a plan to destroy the society.
The 13 humans who were the only ones who we could call humans had created new weapons. They used the material they had gathered from the robots to use for humanities good. I was totally shocked and had really no words. Was that a bad nightmare? Well no it was reality and I had to face it. I knew that we, the people who weren’t affected, were the only ones who could do something to save our world. And that’s why I didn’t feel guilty at all when I accepted my sister’s request to join them and their plan to rescue the world, our world.
Who knows what would have happened, maybe we could have died along the way or we could have turned into strange creatures. Well I didn’t care. I was sure of my choice whatever the final result was. I had woken up from only one day and all I had seen was terror. But these people have been living in this terror for more than 20 years. It was my time now to do something. All my life I had been that lazy person who stands in front of the computer all da and doesn’t care what happens around them. But not this time. This time I’m gonna show everyone, or those remaining, that I can also do something. Maybe in the end I won’t be able to save the world and I would turn into a strange creature but at least I would have tried. I always liked adventures. Well this was a strange adventure.

Frida Isufaj from Kucove
Topic: What do trees think about?
My goodness sake! What are you doing to me? I’m human too. My arms and legs are cut down. My leaves. Oh my green and adorable leaves don’t function anymore. My brain, oh where is my brain?! My friends have left now. I’m the one who is surviving. All my children are too little to grow up on their own. You, people of the world, you are destroying me and the Earth. What are you going to do without me, without these trees. We are your life, your body, your oxygen. Please protect us, protect your life. We need this soil, this water, these minerals to live, all these ingredients of life that you are polluting and not taking for guaranteed. I wish I could be one of the persons of this world and you a tree so everything would be in it’s own place. I would live longer and you would be dead. What do you think about this? What if you change roles. For this action is needed a magical hand which would fix everything. See these tears of mine? You feel something don’t you? Now you are crystal clear that you are the destroyers of this life and all these new lifes. Think for me and all these trees as you think of your own children. Don’t let them die, don’t let them go without a life.