WriteOn! 2024
Online Writing Course for Teachers
Lesson 3
Introduction to teaching writing.
- Describe the "basic" skill and understanding nessary for writing an essay or story.
- Be able to describe the rules for writing a sentence and paragraph.
- Describe the writing process.
- How to write a basic paragraph (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_pZWdF7ujA)
- How to write a complete sentence (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ8faQgi6UE)
- Parts of Speech (Grammar Lesson) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDJ7lqxBBXo)
Teaching the Basics
Students often come to class at all different levels. It is helpful for a teacher to keep in mind the process students go through in order to be ready for writing essays or stories. It is of the utmost importance that teachers have a strong grasp of these basic levels themselves. At any time a teacher may encounter a problem with a student and need to identify if a lack of foundation is the cause.
TASK: Study the graph below.
Written words corrspond to spoken words
Language follows a set of rules: Grammar
Parts of speech
How to write a paragraph
How to write a sentence.
Writing Styles
& Writing Process
Notice that a student can not write a paragraph until they know the rules for writing a sentence. This is because paragraphs are made up of sentences. Students can't learn the rules to write a sentence until they understand the differnce between nouns, verbs and other parts of speech. Like wise a student can't understand parts of speech until they grasp the concepts of grammar. Native speakers of most languages will easily grasp the first three basic concepts. However, as we leave school many native english speakers forget the rules to writing a sentence or pargraph. Many native speakers will even have a hard time recalling the names for less common parts of speech.
TASK: Refresh your memory about parts of speach, sentence and paragraph writing by watching these videos. Consider how you would teach these subjects to Albanian students. Could this be a mini-lesson in a writer's workshop?