WriteOn! 2024
2024 National Winners
6th Grade
Prompt A:
A. Imagine you wake up one morning in the middle of a mysterious forest.
A. Imagjinoni të zgjoheni një mëngjes në mes të një pylli misterioz.
Prompt B:
B. My dog, Rex, was the best dog there ever was, but we had a secret... he could talk.
B. Qeni im Rex, ishte qeni më i mirë qe kishim patur ndonjëherë, por ne kishim një sekret ... ai mund të fliste.
1st Place
Alba Zemeli, Kukes
I woke up last Monday in the morning at 6:00am. I got up from the bed and, believe it or not I was in the middle at a mysterious forest. I couldn't belive my eyes. It was so creepy. I felt scared but at the same time so curious about this place. I started searching for food but there was nothing. I was starving. There was a big tree near a lake. I digged in and… OH MY GOD: I found a treasure. It looks like it comes from the past. There was a writen number: year: 176. This treasure is so old. I opened it. There was a big sword, gold and also a mysterious book. I was trying to read some word because it was covered indirt. I was saying the words that were written there and sudennly: a portal. It teleporled me to the other side of the lake. Then I red something related to food and BOOM I saw a big table of food. At the last page of the book there was a message it says: Who reads this Be careful don’t open page 36. I was so curious: “ What's in that page”?! I closed the book and the went to the shower in the lake. When I wanted to open the book it opened exactly at pag 36. But then apeared a Dark light, the sky turned Bllack abd started a heavy rain and storms. I was so stressed. But this isn't the worst part it teleported to a feild full of Bulls. I started running. I was so lucky that I had a red scarf and also I was trained in a couure in Mexiko. I started using my abilities. I managed to escape the bulls. But then I remembered that I have a family, a house, a school and also my friendship. I saw again the book. I started searching for the word “Home”. There was a blank paper, but I needed to finish a challenge to make the words in the book appear. The challenge was to jump in the rocks across the lake and to try to not get bitten by an aligor. It was such a long way I was getting tired but I got the hang of it. I was so close to get bitten by the Aligator. It fallowed all the way to the end and managed to finish the challange. Happily I opened the book but there was no words. OH MY GOD. I need another challenge: It was : You need to jump the trees just like monkey and eat bananas too. It was funny and easy too. Finished! Then I went to see the book again and… the page appeared! I was so happy. Then said the words. What a relieve I come back to my loved ones. They were so worried. I told them all the adventure but they didn't belive it. However the so proud of me. I ate dinner. And went tired to bed waiting to tell my friens the news. That’s my story! How about you?
2nd Place
Joana Domi, Kukes
I was always a normal girl. I had the perfect life and a perfect family. I used to be so happy, until, we moved to another state. I changed schools, I was bullied by most of the people but the one thing that I liked was that I made a best friend. We would always do everything together. If she was going somewhere, I would go too. So one day we were in the school's library and I found a huge book. It had a black cover and there was somethng writen in it. There was writen “Magic”. I knew I had to read it because it looked mysterious. I showed the book to my friend who I forgot to tell you, was named Ella. Ella was really interested in that book and so was I. After school she came to my house and we started reading it together. It talked about a boy who woke up in a forest and he couldn't go out. It was kinda a message to help him out. At the end of the story there was a code that we had to say to help the young guy. I was curious so I said it out loud. Ella too. It was time for her to go home. I was really sad that she was leaving because the next day she would go on a trip. She left and I was pretty bored. I was rethinking of what I did that day and I fell asleep. When I woke up I was next to Ella in the forest. I was surrounded by animals like snakes, squrriels, frogs and birds. I was scared at first but then I saw the same young boy, that was on that book I read. I was shocked. It hit me, I was inside of the book.
I started pinching myself but no, it wasn't a dream. I had to get out. I screamed and screamed but no one was hearing me. I got confused because Ella was olay. She was happy. I mean this is all she had dreamed of. she likes adventures, but I don't. I was rethinking of what I read and I remembered that there was a way out. After the message to help the young boy there was a sentence writen in red ink. “To get out you have to find the treasure, the treasure is behind the biggest waterfall you can see.” I ran the fastest I could and within minutes I was back on the place I woke up to and Ellaand the boy weren't surprised. Ella woke up earlier then me and she told me that there was no way out. I started crying and screaming. I was having a panik attack. I cried that much that I couldn’t feel my face or hands. Only my mind and my legs were left I kept running and running and the boy and Ella were fallowing me. Then I stopped I saw some big big treees that were on the forest. They had the shape of a waterfall. I went behind it and there was the treasure. I opened it a key was there. On the key there was another writing saying: “you're the key, wake up!” The reality hit me, I was in a dream. I couldn;t hide my happiness. I was in a dream, it was all fake, my mind created all this and I started shouting “I am greatful for all the things I expiranced, I love my lofe and I love everything about it. I woke up and I was smiling. I was finaly happy with what I had. That book was the key to me being happy. That explained everything . From that day and on I learned being greatful.
3rd Place
Saminda Cenaj, Kukes
I felt like a fairy. I went out and saw this marvellous and mysterious forest. It was only my house and another. Everything was going well until I heard some noided. It was so creepy so I called the police with leaf and came a gigant monster and he thought there inside was a little orage man their enemy but no it was a grandma snoring as much as she could laught as much as I could. After this the trees started talking to me after the oldest tree that said: “you miee have them but orange men will kill the world. So your secret mision is to put the little orange men in the end of the land”. I had eagles hand, snakes legs and eagle body and face. The little orange man had a knife in his hand and tride to cut my arm but I was preety fast. i went back home and from a cabin my house was a palace with lions but they're so friendly and they did all the house works. When I was back to my room I found a box and inside it was a fairy and said to me you have to come with me in the way to save the world I went with her there was the biggest palace ever and it was built with butterflies and the queen was in danger from the little orange man. The queen was going todie if I would not find the little orange man. I went out there and opend the land 4OOOOOOOOOOOO Milion KM down and I did. I did it I Found the little orange man 10 Min. I grabed him and the real fight had just started. Man he was so strong. As I fighted with him and I has a poisonues drink in my hand that writed “you should know how to use it.” I made like I was dead so he was happy but not for too much time. And I gave it to him and I said if you drink it you will be the king of the world. He aggred and drank it. He wasn't a bad man so the drink made him the king. The power of the drink was to get good people what deserved. So many years ago the little man was into jail for nothing so the angels gave him the power to get what he deserved. the queen that was dying was the little man's true love. She was so famous and she thought how can I be the wife of a little idiot and silly man and she putted him to prison that he loved her. Now the little man is so kind and so good that he let the queen of the mysterious forest to be his wife and she agred directly. The forest's trees and other features undevstanded their wrong and said sorry to their friends ‘cause he treats the features like his kids. I lived with them in this forest and I was the princess of the of the forest. Only good people could stay at that forest like us.
Learning: Be a good person to get as much good deads.
7th Grade
Prompt A:
A. You wake up and discover you have grown wings. What do you do first?
A. Ju zgjoheni dhe zbuloni se keni rritur krahë [fluturimi]. Çfarë bëni si fillim?
Prompt B:
B. Create a new planet and describe its inhabitants, landscapes, and unique features
B. Krijoni një planet të ri dhe përshkruani banorët e tij, peizazhet dhe veçoritë unike
1st Place
Ejona Sopoti, Peshkopi
My eyes slowly opened after long night of peaceful sleep. I stretched a little in bed before I took a deep breath and `let it out. The night had been a quiet one, one of those nights when you sleep like a rock. The sunrays light up my room and made the whole morning somewhat more beautiful. I was sleeping on my side but my back felt a little sore, I just shrugged it off, knowing that usually my back had this type of problems.
I sat up on my bed, still a little sleepy yet awake enough to understand what was going on around me Now. My once sore back felt like it weighted more then usual. A slight confusion came over me but I tried to think it wasn't a big deal. I took a deep breath, looked around my room and out the window. I was a sunny day, like most of them at that season. With that, ignoring my back, I got up. You3can imagine my surprise whn I fell right back in bed from the heavy weight on my back. My eyes narrowed a litte and I looked to my side to see what was happening or maybe even a cle of that. White feathers were all around my mattres. My eyes widened and I looked at the other side in hopes that maybe my brother was pulling some kind of prank on me… but no. It was the same. I reached to touch one of those feathers who seemed to be shining slightly from the sunlight which was reflecting on them.
I pulled one of them and to my horror it hurt. Like a lot. My eyes and mind on the other hand focused on this little but seemingly very valuable feather. I quickly got up, my curiosity and fear getting the better of me. I stumbled across my room to my mirror. I usually checked my outfits and how I look in them there. I soon reached the mirror and turned to my side.
There It was. The feathers. The weight and sore back. There stood two wings, Most certainly twice my size. My breath quickened a little and I stood there, Looking at myself in disbelief, “no,no,no…” I kept mumbling under my breath, Not exactly able to move yet.Praying to God.I was still in my little slumber of sleep. I slapped and pinched myself a couple of times, Still trying to convince myself.I was sleeping but it was no use.
My heart had dropped my stomach And I have gone a bit pail. Soon I gathered my thoughts and shook my head a little. Until then , I was holding onto a nearby trip, and now I just heed To move. Can't be that difficult right? Wrong. I knocked down a couple of my stuff and after fallen on the ground around ten times, I made it back to my bed. Is this the was I going to live? I just groaned a little in true pain. I felt like someone was pulling on my bare flesh the whole time. At least they were pretty… Right? Now, I would get called the school freak. Wonderful!
I snapped out of my painful way of thinking when I heard a knock at my door. How could I forget?! It was sunday and my parents were home. My mom called my name and I just told her that I would be going downstairs soon. Maybe she heard the banging around and such that's why she came up to check on me again, and again and again.
“Hey…” her voice called softly. She usually gave the best advice but right now I was going mental. “If this is about a boy, you know how this goes…” sje added briefly after. I just shouted a no. I wasn't exactly sure why I couldn't think straight. My mind was as blank as an untouched sheet of paper. I felt cold and hot at the same time and I didn't like it at all.
“Don't wrestle with a pig. You'll get dirty and besides, it likes it.” My eyebrows furrowed a little as I heard her words before she continued. “That's how t is with young boys too.” I wasn't myself so I just responded quickly. “Yeah, okay mom. I'll be there in a minute.” It seemed like she trusted me this time around and I heard her footsteps slowly go down the stairs.
After another few second… well, minutes and maybe an hour I kind of got used to it. I was walking normally and all but still, I was as worried as one could get. “Why me?” my mind kept repeating as I went back and fourth. I wasn't happy. I didn't want to stand out and I didn't want to be special. I wasn't sure where to go from there. Maybe I should've told my parents but I still was too scared.
I just shook my head a little and tried the most logic thing. I tried to move them. The wings were like angels' and the worst was that I wasn't even near one. After cussing and feeling all types of emotions I finally sat on my bed, looking at the mess I caused and just put my hand over m face… The worst was, this was not a dream.
2nd Place
Erisa Bersha, Libofshe
Something really strange and unbelievable happened to me today.
When I wake up I felt different from the other days. i saw myself in the mirror and screamed of excitement because I had wings.
My childhood dream came true and I felt happier than ever. The problem was that I had school so I decided to hide the wings because I wanted to be a secret. I wore the most baggy clothes I had and I went to school. I tried not to show my excitement but I could'nt. A lot of friends asked me why I was so happy, I just told them I got an A+ on my exam and yep, they believed it. After two hours of lessons I decided to tell my best friend what happened and her reaction was everything I thought it would be. We had P.E the third hour, I sweated a lot and I didnt know it was a problem for my wing's. They grew bigger and ripped my shirt… everyone saw them. They were so surprised… Then out of nowhere I got a message from an unknown number. The message was: “Hi, I know you but you dont know me but I'm the other person that has wings. Only two people in the world have them and it's us. We have to cooperate together for a secret mission to save the world from the evil fake faires.”
I said okay and we met. We went ton the secret mission. The apple teleport had been invented that day and we used it to teleport to the time. We went in the year 2055, on the strange city called “ If you enter here you, never come out.”
It was a weird name but we said whatever and continued our mission. We used our wings to fly inside the city and it was so weird, it felt like another dimension.
We explored the strange city and we didn't belive our eyes, we saw a literal witch flying on her broom, we even saw a giant eating his nails… yeah that was really weird but what could you expect in a world of evilness. After we explored the place we started the mission with the title: “ Get rid of the evil Fake Faires… Expect the wings we even had a power that could easily catch the evil Fake Fairies. We flew and catched 20 Eliv fake Fairies but we had 30 more to catch. After a lot of work e Finally caught all the evil Fake Fairies, we felt relievied.
After we finished the mission we had the chance to know each-other more. We were the same age, and had the same birthday, I was so surprised tho. I didnt think that deep but when I went home I asked my mom about this boy. She told that he was my long lost twin…
She said that when she was pregnanat she didn’t have much money to afford to raise both of us so she put him in a adoption center, and she didnt even tell me..!? I was so mad at mom for keeping et a secret from me. I tested my long lost twin to meet up. We met and I said the truth and he was very shocked. We talked a lot and then decided to go somewhere mom couldn't find us. We flew with our wings to Brazil, and then America, Canada, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Hawai.
I am greatful that I got the chance to have wing's because of them. I went in a mission, traveled the world and most important of all I found my long lost twin brother!
3rd Place
Antea Alebaku, Golem
“Ambers 64”
The Daily - Dates 16.09.3092
…Scientist have reported a new planet has been found 6 light years away from T.50, our planet of 50 years now. They think that it might have formed recently as it still had an irregul and not sperid shaped…Despite the weird “aura” that this planet sems to have signs of life have been spoted.
-NASA hedquarters - 01.01.3093
“Turn on the engine” the austrocomande said “We’re geating ready to reach Ambers 64 3, 2, 1…
As the austrocomonders voice faded around the small space. My head felt like mush as I passed T.50’s athmasfere. This culd go really badly but I push the worries out filling my mind with my curiosity.
-Amber 64-
“Geting ready for landing” I say in the mic. So for evrything has gone smoothly but you never know.
I don’t get a response from Agden the austrocomander but I don’t let that bother me. In a cuple minutes I set foot on Amber 64’s surface. Some years ago I would be excided but now the only think that fills my mind is the fear of dying here like my Aron so many years ago… Thoughts leave my mind as I set eyes upon the planet.
Evrywhere, evrything is color of gold like evry pice of this planet is Evrywhere my eyes fall upon I see Big eyes and little golden bodys. Mouths open wide revealing nothing but a black void. They speak in unison their voises merging in one. Sudenly the golden land disapears in it’s place now is a burned ground with nothing growing or coming out of it. The air smells of rott and smoke. In the distance I spoted black iland like bodys just Floting in midair. The tiny creatures still remain as they are. Their bodys seening to cover almost evry surface and hiding the blackend grown. Sudenly I understad them: -Welcome to Amber 64. The land of greed.
pice of jewlery. Water flows stedily on a spring near my feet it’s melody. Soothing, Tres the ground beneath it shining like pure gold. Trees made up compleatly out of golden leafes blown by the wind. I hear tiny footsteps behind one and turn to see a small creature it’s body golden. It sees me with big corious eyes as if trying to deduce what such a creature is doing in it’s golden land. Sudenly the little creature opens it’s mouth and from it come a string of what seems to be words in an weird language. It’s still “talking” when the ground rattles and without realizing it I’m surrounded by thousands of the same creatures.
8th Grade
Prompt A:
A. At sunrise, a dewdrop sparkled on a blade of grass, beckoning to a bug's tiny world
A. Në lindjen e diellit, një pikë vese shkëlqen në një fije bari, duke thërritur botën e vogël të një
Prompt B:
B. Children find an old piano in an abandoned classroom, that has the power to make music that
brings life back to their village.
B. Fëmijët gjejnë një piano të vjetër në një klasë të braktisur, që ka fuqinë për të krijuar muzikë që
rikthen jetën e mëparshme në fshatin e tyre.
1st place
Uendi Zhuleku, Bilisht
One summer holiday, in a small village in Albania where boring old people live, three boys were visiting their grandparents. The boys were around 8-years old and they knew each other because every summer holiday they would play together. But this year, everything was different. The happy people, the animals, the nature, it was all very different. The people were no longer smiling or dancing like they used to. The animals were less energetic and they were on the verge of death because of starvation. The nature couldn't even be called that anymore. All of the trees, the grass, the flowers, the bushes, they were all burned down. All of the crops were destroyed.
The village wasn't like this before. It all happened one winter night, when the villagers were warming up in the fire. Everyone went to sleep and they put out the fire, or they thought that… the next morning they were woken up by smoke and when they went outside they saw over half of the village burned down. One night before the villagers were singing all happily together and now they were crying. Ever since that day not even one person has smiled.
The boys were very sad when they saw the condition the people were. Every summer the boys gathered in an old magazine with broken stuff. Luckily the fire didn't burn it. When the boys met they were talking about how sad they were about the situation and they wanted to find a solution about it.
While they were talking and old curtain fell, and it revealed a piano. The boys went closer to see the piano and they saw that it was in very good condition. One of the boys came from a wealthy family and he knew how to play the piano. The boys thought of something that maybe would make them at least less sad and depressed, so they could at least smile once. The plan involved the piano. They knew that the stuff in the magazine was abandoned so they could take the things there.
The boys gathered all their strength and with a little bit of dificulty they managed to place the piano in the center of the village where all the people used to gather and sing together.
After placing the piano where they wanted to they cleanded and it was ready for the boy to play. One of the other boys was a talented singer.
When everything was ready the boys called a emergy meeting and everyone gathered around the piano. The boys started to sing and they were followed by the wonderful sound of the piano. The song they were singing was the villagers favorite song. Suddenly an old lady started singing with them and then everyone else joined and they also started dancing.
After the performance the people think the boys for their performance and for making them happy. The boys told him that they should be happy like before, and maybe, with a little motivation they could start over and make the village like it was, they could bring back life to the village.
Two months passed. It was time for the boys to leave because school would start soon. But they weren't sad now. They were happy and filled with joy because they managed to make the people happy and motivate them.
Now everything was better. They planted new trees, flowers and looked after them every single day. The crops were bigger and tastier. The animals weren't skin bones anymore. Everything was better that it was. The people have never been happier.
The boys left knowing that they brought life back to the Village Inn when they come again, next summer the people would be even more happy. And all of that thanks to the curtain that fell and revealed the piano.
Now, the piano is at the center and every night they gather around, sing and dance together.
2nd place
Ami Meço, Libofshe
The end of the school year was slowly but surely approaching and the only thing on every student's mind was the much welcome summer vacation. Of course, I wasn't any different week. Days were repetitive and each week was as born as the previous one I suppose, last week broke the cycle as a new teacher had come to our school. I haven't seen her yet though. I wondered what she's like yesterday. Wouldn't the last bell rain and everyone was rushing out of the building? I realized I'd left my pencil case on my desk. So I asked my friend to accompany me after we got back. We were joking around in the hallway like the 3 of us often do.
“Guys knock it off already! Don't push me…” I trailed off.As I turned around and the front of me stood tall at the ceiling door i've never seen before.
“Am I seeing this right?”Asked my friend if she is also saying that's that list mean.I haven't gone crazy just yet.
“Should we open it?”- I asked, already known the answer
As I twisted the doorknob, I held my breath, not knowing what to expect. Because all of us have been here for 8 years or more and never had we seen anything where this mysterious room was. Once the door was open just a creek we could see the golden sliver of light creeping out of the gap. In unison, we picked to see what was inside.Nothing but a strange piano sitting lonely in the middle of the room.It's only companion being a low stool.A layer of dust covered both of them like a veil that meant that we were the first to be here in a while. “What?This is amazing.I can't believe the school would hide this from us.” I yelled one of my friends.I can't recall which because in that moment I was mezmerised. We started making our way to the sad looking instrument.And after a failed attempt at flowing off the dust from the store.We took our seats one of the girls reached for the pieces of paper on top of the piano as me and my other friend lifted the cover in.
Sure.We didn't really know anything about the piano.But we did remember last year Music class So slowly and with a lot of mistakes , we somehow managed to play the notes in the musica sheet. It was a simple, honest and almost childish tune. But we still swayed along to the music. Just for the fun of it, it started getting late and seeing as we didn't want to be locked in the school. We began to collect our stuff all of a sudden. The door swayed open and in came a lady. I'd never seen before. Her hair was put in a 1/2 up half down style and a Fringe parted to the side framed. Her face perfectly, as did the oval glasses she had on.
“Oh! She must be the new teacher!”- I whisper yelled to my friends who were frozer beside me.
Expectant to be scolded for being somewhere. We shouldn't have. We were last to stay shocked when she's struck behind our backs and straight to the piano. She looked back and smiled at us as her elegant fingers adorned with rings curessed the keys, before she started playing the same sweet melody we did earlier. But somehow it seemed completely different.It's like we were put in a total trance.Like a siren sawn who knows for how long she played.But once she snapped back to reality we heard her voice say “you girls should get going now.”
The sound of her voice had a shook.It was as tender as the notes she played.
-"Will you play for us again tomorrow?”
The ladies said nothing.Just stared at us in an indecipable manner.We still came back the next day, which happens to be to.Day this time we waited in front of the door until she came by.She came welcomed us in, played the same tune and without a word left.
Just repeated for quite a few days. And only once did we try to mention it to our other friends. Just to be left even more confused. It went something like a new teacher was so different from what I expected. Yes, she's really gorgeous. I could have mistaken her for a model. I was met with laughter for some reason. My friend thought the joke. I made was so funny a week later from the 1st day of our piano adventure. The pretty lady stopped coming. We thought she might be busy being new here and all so we didn't think about it too much. After a few days though I told my friends I'd go and ask the other teachers about her. When I got to the teacher's meeting room?I saw my english teacher miss smith so I went up to her.
“ Ms. Smith, sorry to bother you.Do you know where the new teacher is?”
“ You mean Mr. Gibson? He should be in his office in the third floor”
“Huh…what do you mean ‘Mr. Gibson’?
She shot me a strange look never mind. I said I started heading to this Mr. Gibson's office and once I got there. It was sure that a pretty lady was not in fact the new teacher, this old man greeted me and asked if he could help with anything, not knowing what to think anymore. I asked him. “Do you know any music teacher that has a pretty wavy hair and oval glasses? And looks like she comes out of a Fairytale”. I was rambling uncontrollably but I couldn't help myself. Mr. Gibson furrowed his eyebrows and pulled an old school yearbook that pictures of the teachers too. He flipped over to a page and it seemed like he knew exactly what he was looking for.
The page she stopped at had a big heading: “ TEACHERS REGISTRY: couple of the year.”
Underneath it was a picture of a young man.And the pretty lady , but how could you possibly be in this old year book when she still looks so young? Their names were signed below: Albert Gibson and Mary Janre Sparks, but te last name ‘Sparks’ was crossed out and above was scratched ‘Gibson’.
“She was my late wife, -spoke Mr.Gibson, -she said if this time comes, to give you kids this.”
he handed me a few pices of paper wich read:
“I'll never allow for these students to be so bored of school. If it's necessary, i'll come and show them how to have fun with music!” The other pieces had some music arrangements in them and lastly, a paper which read: “may the sound of my beloved piano bring life and love to everyone who hears and plays.” Mr. Gibson, who had Begun to tear up muttered I guess she does keep her word.Sure enough the last few months of school went by in a breeze.Everyone gathered in the piano room after school and we all sung and laughed and had the most fun we'd had. I suppose the piano really had the ability to bring life and love.
3rd place
Zade Gërbolli, Kukes
Children find an old piano in an abandoned, that has the power to make music that brings life back to the village. Music is brilliant and these children are made of it. But the amazing thing is that the piano is a treasure hidden by Elvis Presley, an amazing singer of all time. One of the children has a special talent a play in piano so he tried it and the melody was so fantastic but it was shocked because the children were powered with superpowers. There were 5 children.One of them can fly, one can sing to make everything goes up their other one can draw everything that will happen in the future (Is it amazing? Of course). One of them can repeat the time ten seconds in the past. The last one doesn't have a special superpower, but she is the smartest of the group.And she discovered that she can brain all super powers of the group. These 5 children are sad in the bottom of their hearts.Because the village that they lived is in a war and all people there loved music also these kids are so brave and wants to save all people there.But they don't know how except one person the piano's teacher. The teacher opened the door of the class, saw them and she smiled, she knowed that one day these children will discover Elvis Presley's treasure.
She gave them a book and ran out of the class. Children's kept the book and when they opened it.They saw that the book can't talk.They felt scared firstly, but later they felt amazed. The book told them how to use their superpowers and to save the village.They read the book and were prepared trained for 1 week.They learn how to save the people there. After one week they were trained and went to the village there, they went to an abandoned house. The group ran out and saw some angry warriors that wasn't friendly with anyone. The children's punch them put them up and throw them away, but one of the warriors hit one of the children so bad, but the Benjamin, one of the children's repeated, the time ten seconds and the children's punch to him again and again so he died. Xhudi, the girl, who can draw the future told them that some other warriors are coming?They had a plan to kill them: They opened a tunnel so warriors would check. Who is there when they will go there. The girl that sings to put everything up will put a bomb to the tunnel. The plan did work so more than 100 warriors died. The children's doesn't have mercy for them because they did some terrible attacks to other people. The captain of warriors was worried because how a group of children's killed more than 100 warriors.
Warriors built a castle to the center of village to stay, there also in the castle were more than two hundred warriors also there was a captain of them. The childrens infected the water with a lot of bacteries. The girl who can draw the future told them that the plan will work now childrens were happy. Mikel, The children who can fly went up to the castle to learn more about their plans.And he heard that they will kill ten families just by set in a fire.That was terrible.The children's told all of the members of the families for their plan so they ran out of the house and went to the abandoned house.The smartest girl of the group told them that they would fight to live so the children strained them and together they went to the castle when they arrived, they saw all warriors dead and don't have reasons to fight.The village was saved by these five children's. After some weeks all people in the village were happy because the war had ended and the music was bad.That's not all! Now children have a mission to save all the world from bad people.
But as a fantasy writer, I know that we can live in a better world without crimes and more.I think that peace is the meaning of life and why we have to stay back and watch tortures from some people that are more powerful than us and to hear touching stories how a mom loses her child. No, no, noo that isn't fair, we have to talk about this mistakes as these children's do, I know that we can.
Save the world guys by your kindness
9th Grade
Prompt A:
A. As you pass by the old museum you notice a dusty old portrait whose eyes seem to follow your
every move.
A. Ndërsa kaloni pranë muzeut të vjetër, ju vini re një portret të vjetër të mbuluar me pluhur, sytë
e të cilit duket se ndjekin çdo lëvizje tuajen.
Prompt B:
B. Explore the world from the perspective of a blob trying to fit in among shapes and structures.
B. Eksploroni botën nga këndvështrimi i një pike që përpiqet të përshtatet midis formave dhe
1st place
Megisa Uruçi, Belsh
As I passed by the old museum i see a dusty old portrait whose eyes seem to follow my every move. I started to get suspicious so i go back again and clean with a paper his face who was considered ugly in this town. As i cleaned his face i could see that it was a grandpa in his 80 but i don’t know if i could belive it was a portrait. I started to look at the picture to see if he moves again but he didn't. But the moment i was about to touch his eyes a security guard come and told me not to touch his face with my hands. I said that his eyes moved but he didn’t belive me. After that i went home and sleep as i was almost 9pm. As i went home took a shower and eat dinner i went to my room and lied in my bed but my mind couldn’t stop thinking about the portrait. The time went 12pm i couldn't sleep but my mind was still at the dusty old portrait. I got out of the bed and went to the kitchen to drink some milk but the moment i opened the fridge i heard some noise upstairs to my older brother room whose now was in university in another city. I went upstairs again and open my brother room and what i saw oh my goodness is that old person in that portrait a real person or was i thinking to much. I closed my eyes and opened them again and he was nowhere to be found. He destroyed my brother handmade house who was made with wood. I was scared, was i really imaging things or am I in bed dreaming about this but the moment I was about to get up someone touched me from behind and the next moment i couldn’t see anything, everything went blank. In the morning I woke up finding myself in a white room with no doors. It was just a white room. I started to call my mom but i couldn’t hear my voice, I couldn’t scream. I went to knock on the whit wall but no one heard me. It started getting cold. My hands were freezing than the next moment everything went hot i started to sweat but i thanked god i was i was wearing short jeans and a crop top. After some minutes of sweating i closed my eyes and falled on the floor. As I open my eyes again I found myself in the hospital and woman who looked like my mom come and hugged me and told me something: My dear daughter you wok up it’s been 3 weeks since you were in a coma, and now you are all right what happened to you. At the whole time I was just blinking my eyes trying to understand what happened. My mom talked again: Pleas say something i want to hear your voice i missed you so so much. I opened my mouth but no words came out of my mouth. After my mom hugged me again i understood that i couldn’t talk. Time skip at my house the next day. I went to my room and tears rolled in my cheeks. I really couldn't speak. After crying for hours i went to the bathroom to wash my face. I saw myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red but i made up my mind i would go to that old dusty portrait again. I wanna get rid of it and never see it again. I got out of the house and went to the museum. I saw the picture and his eyes moved again. I took a photo of it or maybe more than 10 photos. I swore at him with my mind because it was his fould that my voice was gone. Hi eyes moved again i checked the portrait and saw a small black door i opened it and it was a key there and i opened the portrait but as i opened it someone come out of the picture and it was the same old man i saw at my brother room that day. I grabbed his arm and pushed him at the wall but as you know i couldn’t talk so i punched him in his stomack to mak him weak. He could talk to he was not hurt. What is this person? I had to many questions in my head right now so i took a piece of glass and hitted his head and he went unconsious. I took his watch and saw it but i never saw this model of watch before so i saw my phone and it wasn’t the right time. I made the clock at the right time but every-thing went past in time. It was at the time when i couldn’t sleep or anything. I was prepaeared that time i wouldn’t go out of the room. I would stay there until the morning. The morning come and my eyes was still opened. My mom came in my room and saw my blank face with no expressions. My mom said: What’s wrong sweetheart did yo sleep last night. I couldn't lie to her so i told that i sleept early last night and woke up at 6 am in the morning. As my mom gave me her morning kiss she went downstairs. I got out of bed but my feet couldn't touch the floor. I was falling for my bed but nowhere to fall. I close my eyes and thinking abot beatiful things that could’ve happend if i didn’t touch or see that ugly old man at the portrait that day. I was still falling from my bed but no place was under me so i could fall in. Even if i die at last i got my morning kiss from my mom whose i’m gona miss all the time but theres nothing i can do abot it anymore. I was stuck somewhere where no one can find me. I opened my eyes to find myself in a island where to many children was standing, some of them were crying and some of them were unconsious. I closed my eyes now it doesn't matter if i live or die. I walked until the water touch my knees. I went until i drowned and this is i was dead, i killed myself.
2nd place:
Paulina Ozuni, Golem
-Wake up Jane, you’re gona be late for school!
-I’m coming Mom.
Little did I know that this would be my last conversation with my mom…
My mom left me a few blocks down from my school cause I told her that I’d accompany my friend Ana to school since her mom has left town for work and Ana wanted to go to school by foot.
There’s nothing wrong with that…Right?
As we were walking I noticed the sip, grumpy, old museum that everyone got shivers from even hearing it’s name, cause it’s believed to be haunted. As we we passing it, Ana thought that it would be a good idea to go explore it and dump school.
-Ana, are u out of your mind?! -I said.
I mean…not going to school on a Monday sounded like a dream come true. But leaving it far an exploration of to the museum, never. Ana doesn’t believe in ghosts so this would be a great opportunity to move her believe in the other world, in the paranormal, in demons…
I was really scared but she talked me through it, said that nothing would happen so I agreed.
That was the worst decision of my life. We were walking the front stairs to the door and then…suddnly as soon as we got in, the door closed by itself.
I had NEVER been that scared for my life, ever.
We had no choice but to put with it and go explore. Walking down the hall I saw the big spiders web, dust everywere, everything gave off a bad vibe.
-What Ana?!
-The portaits eyes are following us, literally every move.
We wat closer to investigate. It was dark inside there, and that made it 10 times scarier but I was constanly telling myself that I can do this.
I said -Ana I don’t think this is a good idea, we should get out of her.
I was was waiting for a response but nothing exept silence was there. The way that I started running to the door was wild. I was running for my life. I started banging the door to open. I was crying, calling Ana’s name, I was sooo scared. Then…the portrait was coming closer to me, I genuinly thought that I was hallucinating. I screamed but noone heard me. As the portrait was coming closer its eyes were wider, black and blood was coming out of them. The it opened its mouth…
*crying sounds are heard* *silence*
This is the scary story of Jane and her friend Ana, a real horror. This story truly became a lesson for everyone else to not go in there. Everytime passes throug the infamous museum, screaming sounds are heard. No one dared to even get close to it.
But the story repated itself and every year on hallowen’s night two girls would go in the museum. It’s like it calls then and then they dissapear in that dark, scary, cursed museum…
3rd place
Leandro Berzeshta, Havaleas
I was walking by this old museum that the people that show up there is probably a land Max well… While I was walking by I thought it would be a great idea to go and take a look of those dusty old portrait. I didn't know where it came but a scary feeling started hunting my body. I was getting that feeling that someone was watching me but no one was around. I thought those things are just coming from my mind cause of the place I were in so i just moved on. I started taking some pictures of those “arts” to post it on my Instagram story so my friends could see. Well… While I was taking pictures one of the portrait was looking at me dead in the eyes and accidentally made me drop my phone…got scared…got freaked out…got that feeling that I was being spied on but anyway I moved on again because at this time I was going throw a depression phase because all of the things that were happening with my family. I started taking pictures of the other portraits but my mind was still there. Those eyes, that look made me feel like it was searching for help…that help that couldn't find for years just like a little baby who hasen’t enjoy his mom love for long time. Wanted to go there again and explore that portrait but that haunting feeling that I what was getting didn't let me do it so I just ignore it. After some minutes my eyes went there…again and I got freaked out when I noticed it was looking…LOOKING dead in my eye. Those eyes were haunting like they were saying come and get me out of this hell. He needed “HELP”, but I couldn’t do it I was freaked out and run away of that miserable old museum. After some days passed away my mind was still there…it was still on his eyes. After school I couldn't take it no more…needed to know the truth. Was is a real person behind that portrait or that was just a masterpice that took years to be created. Well…i needed to find out…wanted to get that feeling out of me and see the truth. So I went there. I didn’t took any of my friends because they would think I was crazy…maybe I was. This time when I went there, the eyes weren’t…got freaked out again but I didn’t let those feeling haunt me again. I went straight to that portrait and took it out of the place it belonged. When suddently there were two holes…the holes when the eyes stands. Immideatly I ran out of that place to search HELP. I was searching for help to anyone that was walking by but they thought I was crazy and ignored me until I called my best friend to help me. We both tried destroying the wall and it was really hard so we searched for help from more mature people and that's how we destroyed it. That was actually a prison when there was noone else beside the skeletons…well that calmed me down and I just got back to normally until one day we were taking about all this situation that had already happened until I realised…what about the eyes?
10th Grade
Prompt A:
A. You found a diary of a time traveler. Write a diary entry about one of the time traveler’s
A. Ju gjetët një ditar të një udhëtari në kohë. Shkruani ne të për një nga aventurat e
udhëtarëve të kohës.
Prompt B:
B. Exploring an old abandoned cabin in the woods, you stumble upon forgotten love letters
hidden beneath the floorboards.
B. Duke zbuluar një kasolle të vjetër, të braktisur në pyll, ju pengoheni në letrat e dashurisë
së harruar të fshehura nën dërrasat e dyshemesë.
1st Place
Amelia Kote, Tirana
December 1872
I still haven’t realized if it was the fear or the extreme cold that was making me tremble uncontrollably. One thing was for sure: my life flashed before my eyes. Why you might ask? I accidentally time traveled to one of the most merciless places and ended up in the worst situation you could ever imagine.
In Moskow, Russia and I wake up in a crime scene. A strong politician had been assassinated and I was the number one suspect. Such an irony right?!
The worst part was that I didn’t even know what was happening, so they thought I was mocking them. Trust me they didn’t like the disrespect.
I woke up in a dark room tied with ropes in a rusty old chair, even though that was the least of my worries. A big splash of cold water woke me up terrified, my heart was beating like crazy while I felt the ropes digging on my skin.
I saw four giant men standing in front of me talking in Russian I could understand absolutely nothing but judging from their frown I realized that they weren’t there to play.
Even though I was about to die from the fear I calmed myself down knowing that I could return anytime as the cronometer [the tool with which i time traveled] was right in my pocket.
“Who are you spying for?” I heard one of the men say in a heavy accent.
I couldn’t even respond as I was shaking like a madman. If they weren’t going to kill me the stress was going to.
My breathing only quickened in terror as I roamed my gaze around the room and I noticed blood, torture tools and human limbs. I knew I couldn’t move as I understood that if they were to notice me and deem me as a danger I would have been shot in a milisecond.
I tried to deny the accusations as sincerely as I could but nothing worked with them. Thankfully they hadn’t hurt me yet but I knew they were about to.
I had to think quick so the moment that I noticed them talking again I struggled to get my hand in my pocket in order to take the cronometer out.
As soon as I felt in my hands I quickly pressed the clock in the middle so I could travel back to the current times.
The moment that I felt the shift my legs went numb and I fell on the ground. The horror of what could have happen to me back there lingered in my mind for the longest time. I needed time to recover mentally.
This happened about three weeks ago. And today I felt fine with writing about that experience.
To be honest I’ve never felt more grateful to be able to write on my diary, cause god knows what could have gone wrong that night. And to think that I was considering going to Russia for vacation. Creep indeed. Anyway, that was everything my dear, dear diary.
(PS: I think ill stop time traveling now, this was traumatizing enough)
2nd Place
Evelina Hyska, Bilisht
Embarking on another journey throughout the fabric of time, I found my self transported to a period of profound change and innovation. The Renaissance. As I stepped out of the time portal, I was immediately enveloped by the vibrant energy of Florence, Italy, in the 15th century.
The air was thick with the scent of fresh paint and the sound of aritsons at work echoed through the cobblestone streets. Everywhere I turned, I was greeted by the sight of magnificent architecture, adorned with intricate sculptures and vibrant frescoes. One of the highlights of my journey was witnessing the genius of Leonado da vinci at work. I was fortunate enough to observe him sketching in his studio, his mind seemingly ablaze with creativity. His sketches and notes lay scattered around him, offering glimpses into the workings of true polymath. But it wasn't just famous figures of history that captivated me. It was the everyday life of Renaissance Florence that truly enchanted my senses. I spent hours wandering through bustling markets, marveling at the array of goods on display and engaging in lively conversations with merchants and artisans.
One particularly memorable experience was attending a lavish banquet hosted by a wealthy Medici patron. The feast was a sensory extravaganza, with exotic foods and wines from across the known world. I found myself swept up in the revelry, surrounded by the intellectual elite of the time engaging in spireted debates on art philosophy, and politics.
However, amidst the splendor and granduer of the Renaissance, I couldn't ingore the darker aspects of this era. the shadow of the Inquisition loomed large, casting a pall over the city and reminding me of the fragility of freedom of thought and expression. As the sun began to set on Florence, I reluctantly made my way back to the time portal, filled with a mixture of awe and meloncholy. Witnessing the Renaissance firsthand had been an experience beyond compare, but it had also left me with a profound sense of longing for a time and place long gone.
As I stepped through the portal and returned to the present day, I couldn't help but feel grateful for opportunity to jourey through time and witness the wonders of history firsthand. Each adventure leaves me humbles and inspired, reminding me of the richness and complexity of human experience across the ages.
3rd Place
Frida Vrioni, Katund i Ri
Dear diary
I don’t know where i am. I don’t even remember my name. It’s been a week since i have arrived in this strange place. All i remember is me getting in my car and driving through a forest. While driving, a big light from the sky hits the ground. Everything just dissapears. Darkness… I open my eyes and suddently I’m in the middle of nowhere. I get up and start walking. Everything seems so familiar, yet so strange.
I have been alone for a week now. I have found an abandoned house to sleep through the night. What is actually werid and suspicious in all this situation is the fact that i have not seen not a single person in this whole village. So many questions but not yet single answer. At least i had food. I get out of the house to get some fresh air. I start walking. Everyday is the same. I have memorized every road and every detail. I wish I had a phone but sadly there werent any. All i had was an old watch which i found at the place I’m currently staying. I decided to go back “home”. While walking i started thinking about my life before the “accident”. Losing my memory making me go insane. at my house. At the front door there was a pink paper facing down. I take the letter and open it. There was written in all caps, “TULLY1980”. I had time travelled. There was also written in lower case “Alice”. That was my name. This was all a set up.
To be continued
11th Grade
Prompt A:
A. In the attic, an old chest whispered secrets of generations past, waiting to be uncovered.
A. Në papafingo, një sënduk i vjetër pëshpëriti sekretet e brezave të kaluar, duke pritur të
Prompt B:
B.In a society where everyone's thoughts are broadcasted for all to hear, you discover that you
are the only one with the ability to keep your thoughts private.
B. Në një shoqëri ku mendimet e të gjithëve shpërndahen për tu dëgjuar nga të gjithë, ju
zbuloni se jeni i vetmi me aftësinë për të mbajtur mendimet tuaja private.
1st Place
Eralda Bullari, Belsh
My thoughts only.
“I want to eat”; “I’m so bored”; “I’m so tired”; I keep getting distracted by my classmates thoughts, as I’m listening to the teacher. It’s the end of the class, so nobody is paying attention, but I am. It’s better than hearing everyone’s thoughts, or better than thinking myself. My friend say that I have no thoughts at all, or that I just say whatever its on my mind. But that’s not true. It’s far away from the truth. Even getting bullied for being thoughtless or stupid wasn’t enough for me to tell anybody about it. Not even my parents. They are worse than everybody else. They are disapointed and think that my head is empty. So I dont tell them either.
I finish school and head home, tired and hungry myself. When I find a older man outside my door. I’m about to ask him if he has the wrong adress when he calls my name. He tells me that I am his niece and he’s here to visit us, but I’m not really paying attention. I think I know this man, that I’ve seen him somewhere but I don’t know where.
My mom comes outside and inviates him in. We have dinner with this man, but I’m still wary of him. When my parents go to the kitchen, he turns to me and smiles. Its a warm smile, but his next word arent. :- “I know your secret”. four words that make me feel very cold and scared. “How can he know?” - I think and of course he doesnt understand. He doesnt hear. My thoughts are mine alone. Not for anyone to hear. He tells me that I have a special gift and I can use that for good. He tells me all about a secreat organisation which is trying to keep peoples thought, private, and fight who set the system up, change our society.
I almost laughed. Why would anyone want that? Who would want to be called? Or thoughtless. But accoarding to him lots of people. So I agreed, hoping that one day my parents would be proud of me, and my friends would not stay with me out of pity. He told me that he would see me this weekend, and he went away. The second time he came to our house, I was supriesed and scared. I knew that this was happning but still, I thought that I had just imagined it. We went away to an underground building, and I met his friend. Their thoughts were like everyone exept me. They told me their plans, how I was going to be a spy in the ministers office. How they wouldnt be able to catch me because their servants were forced to think and punished if so. All I had to do was steal a file from their office and give it to them. That they would do the rest. I just had to be brave and I would go home the next day. I could do that. Or not. I was so scared. I almost said no. That was stupid and dangerous. But I didn’t. I was doing something good. I was helping people and that’s all that matters. So I found myself outside the ministry. Dressed as a servant and walking with them I was certant that they wouldn’t tell me apart. I went inside and tried to act normal. I follow their orders and did everything right. But as I was passing by an offieral I hear his thought: “Another one for the priaon. They never learn.” I went to my task thinking about that. What did he mean? What prison? We have no prison. Thats why our thoughts are public. Everyone guilty is executed. So I was saving lives but what lives? What if what I was doing was a bad thing? Am I just saving criminals? I continued with my tasks because I knew that it wasn't that simple. We have a right to privacy as humans and so everyone should have that. Not only me. So I went to the office and started cleaning. I search for the file, as I was taught and had a really difficult time finding it. But I did. And I opened it. I wasn't stupid, I wasn't going to hand over something without knowing what. I read the first page and I didn't really understand anything. Government stuff and more boring stuff. They don't teach us these things in high school. So nothing bad. I started to leave and opened the door, and come face to face with a gun. The guard was here and he looked mad. He took me to a room where I was questioned and kept locked in. And I told them what I knew, which wasn't much. Now that I think about it, I didn't ask more questions before coming here. I was so determined to prove myself, to not be special, and to be like everyone else, that I ruined my life. The man that came next was thinking the same as the man in the hallway. “Another one.” My stomach felt weird, I felt like I was going to throw up. I knew what he meant. I was going to prison just for stealing a file. I begged them to let me go, that I was innocent, that I meant no harm. But they wouldn't listen, they just told me that it wasn't their fault but mine. And that they couldn't do anything. Also, the man said, the file that I tried to steal was useless, but it was just a test. The other man, my relative that sent me here, they didn't want to help people, they just wanted to steal for themselves. And me not having my thought public was why they were keeping me here. I because they didn't know if I was guilty for more or not.
In the end, I was silent, I was silent as I was sent to the prison, I was silent as I entered my cell, and I was silent while looking at the white wall that I was supposed to look at all my life. I wasn't going to be executed, because I was a minor. I wasn't getting out because I was a criminal. I wasn't talking because I was empty. My head was empty. Everything was empty. So I cried, and screamed, and yelled and sobbed. I slept and ate and I existed for a lot of time, I spent years there, but not talking not even thinking. I didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve anything. That was my last thought, and then I just, stopped breathing.
2nd Place
Anisa Bazhiqi, Librazhd
Everyone has their own lifes, thoughts and struggles. But in this society everyone's thoughts are broadcasted for all to hear. So basically I and everybody else can hear what other people think at an exact moment. It's wierd how this happens but the biggest mystery for me was how I could hear their thoughts and they couldn't hear mine.
I figure this out one week ago when I heard about the strange things that happened in our city. Some people said that was a big explosion, some said that an unusual weather striked I all of a sudden and some other said we were at danger. We were all confused and one day when hanging out with my friend, I asked her some thing and I could hear what she was thinking. Like really, really hear her thoughts. I asked her and told her about all these wierd things, and she also told me that the same thing happened to her. We were not informed about any of this but one thing I knew for sure. They weren't able to hear me, they could only hear themselfes. So I was thinking that I should do something about this strange wave of private violation. It was actually an explosion that made human brains speak out and understand everything the others were saying. At the time this happened I wasn't near the explosion place. This explosion was wierd, it was spread like a gray dust around and make these strange things happen in our city.
My idea was that if they couldn't hear my thoughts, I could say them out loud which would make this wierd thing disappear. That's what I did! I said everything I was thinking at my friend while hearing everything she thinks. After doing that that wierd grey dust that came from the explosion was going up in the air. And suddenly I couldn't hear them anymore. I bet intense and loud noise from everyones head. Oh it was all gone and I was happy that this happened and I could do that.
3rd Place
Markela Torba, Peshkopi
As every other Sunday, I went to explore the old attic at my grandparents house.But little did I know at this time.It wouldn't be the same saturday evening of every weekend, I started exactly where it left last time.A black box with golden letters on it, writing “memories”, but somehow the fear I clearly had last time about opening the little box is gone and a feeling in my chest.Is shooting tell him to open it and Reveal the secret…secret? Which secret? Am I being paranoid right now!? Like it's just an old dusty box.I don't even know why I get the feel of it being that special… whatever it's now or never!
Finally decided to open the box and as I opened it and enchanted.Pretty light went out of it as if I just opened a pandora box, “Paranoid” - I called myself again.And when I got my head together.I saw 2 old photos in black & white, but weirdly in great condition, weirdly like they have been taken yesterday.
In the first one I could see a woman, a pretty woman with dark black hair and deep eyes and jealous eyes. The woman had in her arms, a baby. That was nothing like the woman, but only by the photo. You could tell that those 2 had a strange connection between them. A strange 1 11 1. You could tell by the sparkle that was visible in their eyas. I turned to the photo on the other side. I could see the meaning of it. Was written in a beautiful handwriting.: “Jessie, came from Germany raised by his second mother.Maria, as a promise to the biological one to never abandon her child.No matter the things they go through maria and her only son jessie”
Just then I could see and make the connection.Jesse wasn't actually my dad's cousion, aunt Maria raised him as her child. He was hebrew…but how did no one knew? How was this a secret? My heart started pounding like crazy and my chest1nearly2got cut out of it's place…
Only then I could've see the second picture, Jessie and my dad, two little boys, cousions, but so alike, close to each other, with the same smile…
Afraid to know more I flipped the photo… it was writted. “Brothers… not by blood but definetly by heart.” My dad died when I was 2, and exept of a phot when he was a solider, this is the only clear photo of him. Since I remember, Jessie has been by my side all my life… He was the perfect figure of father in my head, and now I understand why!
12th grade
Prompt A:
A. In the bright streets, holographic signs teased the wonders of tomorrow, hinting at the future
ahead. The sign ominously declares: "Embrace the Future or Be Left Behind.”
A. Në rrugët e ndritshme, shenjat holografike ngacmuan mrekullitë e së nesërmes, duke lënë të
kuptohet e ardhmja që na pret. Shenja tregon në mënyrë të çuditshme: "Përqafoni të ardhmen
ose do te ngeleni pas."
Prompt B:
B. In a reclaimed world, a community revives a forgotten garden, nurturing life and hope for a
greener tomorrow.
B. Në një botë të përmiresuar, një komunitet ringjall një kopsht të harruar, duke ushqyer jetën
dhe shpresën për një të nesërme më të gjelbër.
1st place
Eldison Laraku, Prrenjas
In the heart of the world ravaged by neglect and despair, there lived a young boy named Light. Despite the desolation that surrounded him, Light harbored a spark of hope within his soul a belief that even the bleakest of landscapes could be transformed with a single seed of inspiration.
One day, while exploring the ruins of this once vibrant neighborhood, Light stumbled upon a forgotten garden, hidden beneath layers of overgrowth and debris. As he gave upon the tangled vines and wilted flowers, a flicker of determination ignited within him.
He knew that this neglected oasis heid the key to restoring not onlly the beauty of the world around him, but also the spirit of his community.
Whith unwavering resolve, Light rallied his peers inspiring them to join him in ‘his’ quest to revive the garden and nature life back into the barren earth. Together, they cleared away the rubble, tilled the soil, and planted seeds of hope in every corner of the once-forgotten plot.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Light and his friend poured their hearts and souls into tending the garden, their efforts, fueled by the belief they could make a difference in the world. Slowly but surely, life began to bloom once more as vibrand fllowers burst forth from the soil and verdant vines climbet towards the sun.
Word of Light’s gardens spread throughout the community, drawing in neighbors from far and wide who were eager to lend a hand in the shared how. Together, they transformed the once desolate landscape into a thriving oasis of green, a testament to the power of unity and the resilience of the human spirit.
As the flourished, so too did the sense of hope and renewal that permeated the community. People came together to celebrate their collective achievements, forging bonds, that transcended age, race, and background.
And in the heart of it all stood Light, a beacon of inspiration for his peers and a symbol of the transformative of one person vision to change the world for the better.
2nd place
Orinela Gurra, Librazhd
Sitting in her room, her face damp, her clothes wrinkled, her nails dugging into her thigh’s skin, with so much sadness in her eyes, Lucy is feeling completely lost. Like an empty void is trying to fill itself with her soul and is not leaving her at all times. Something from her is already gone, already broken, her eyes are in a dark shade now.
A like the others, a day that she expected to stay her bed, rotting, tossing, scrolling and looking at her phone without leaving it for moment. Things didn’t go as planned. A noise shattered the windows, people gathering in the streets, confused, puzzled grown ups with so many questions. That is strange indeed because they are supposed to know what is going on, that’s what they say, they know things better. That noise and the crowd makes Lucy move. Firstly her leg, then her arms and suddenly she was out of the door of her house.
A bright light so gorgeous and magnificent coming down the street. Funny though that is, because that place was only dark in her memory. She didn’t want to move but she did. She couldn’t stay there. Her body itself was magnetized by that light. A man opened a door, and the view behind it came to sight. A garden. A flowerish, lively place like no one has ever seen. Full of nature, full of life.
At that moment she felt it, she knew it. That light, that life was a sign to her. That opened door of the garden was a door that opened her soul and mind. A door, that led to a future full of hope.
3rd place
Ristana Ago, Bilisht
Almost 5 years had passed since everything was destroyed. Everyone had adapted to their new lives and were trying to somehow get everything back to the way it was. We had made a lot of progress, it’s true, but still we were far from what we wanted to achieve. We were determined to create a better future for ourselves, rebuild what we lost and make it even better than what it once was.
Fixing our homes and finding a food and water supply had been our main priority the past few years, and we did, working together. Everything was working out the way we planned it, but still there was something that just didn’t sit right with me. The only green plants I could were the crops we were growing. I felt so away from the nature I so deeply loved. I missed looking at the beautiful leaves on the tall trees as the wind blowed and at the big flower fields near the river. Almost all of that was gone and there was nothing I or anyone could do about it, except to wait. But all this waiting felt like eternity, it felt like it was never going to come back.
One of my favorite places to go as a little girl had always been the small waterfall that the river formed just a walk away from my childhood home. For me, it was the most peaceful place on earth, it was wonderful. That day I was thinking about it again and I couldn’t stop myself from going. Since everything, I had gone there a few times, but never stayed long. I simply couldn’t. It felt like a piece of me was taken with it.
As I was walking around, I sat down on the ground and looked at the waterfall. I kept staring at it. As if something was going to come out of it. Then strange thoughts started to fill up my mind, and one of them told me to get in the water and walk through the waterfall. For some reason, I let these intrusive thoughts win. There was no one there to see me, no one was going to call me crazy, it was a hot day, so I did. Feeling the cold water on my feet felt amazing. I swam towards the waterfall and then through it. I don’t know what I expected to find there, but it certainly was not that. My eyes widened and I was left in all by the most beautiful garden I had ever seen in my life. It looked magical, like it had come straight out of a fairytale. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There were all kinds of flowers, plants and trees.
I can’t remember how long I stayed there, it could’ve been ours. Then I ran. I ran back as fast as I could to tell everyone. Would they believe me? I was speaking so fast, I couldn’t even catch my breath. Everyone was so confused, but after calming me down they went to see it. They, just like me, couldn’t believe their eyes, realizing that this garden was our biggest opportunity, another chance to get our nature back by taking care of this garden and growing it. The forgotten garden was the start of it all.