WriteOn! 2024
2016 National Winners
6th grade
6th Grade, 1st place
Name: Rea Gjona
City: Prrenjas, Albania
I walk alone the road hopeless. You have never been a dog like me to expect someone throw something to eat or care about me. I’m bored in this world because nobody loves me. I have pain, but I can’t express like you, with words, but I can say ham-ham. Sometimes people are indifferent. They look at me and hit me, saying: Go away you bad animal! There isn’t a bigger offense to me as a loyal animal than to be treated in this way from these humans without soul. I wish you can put the hand in your hearts and had more love for us because we are creatures just like you.
With love and blessings your loyal friend.
6th Grade, 2nd place
Name: Ilarja Lumani
City: Erseka
One day I was in my bed. When I woke up my self was a dog!!! I didn’t care about it I love dogs. My sis too. By the way last night before I was a dog I had a fight with my sister. I will go return the favor back… sorry I’m a dog I forget things… what am I going to do now? Uuu yes going in my sister’s rooooom. So I went in there and what to see. Boy bands, boys and boys ugh. I was angry about last night so I was eating her leg so she didn’t even feel it she was busy with her phone. Teenagers am I right. After that I went outside and stand there a long time… a long time…a long time…wait I’m hungry. Oo hello there lunch. Come here little squirrel. So the squirrel left and I was eating the trash blah ugh gross. Not for me I’m a dog I don’t care. Then I went to my garden and I was eating flowers I don’t know why guess yourself. Then I was watching my parents. They didn’t even know I was missing. What good parents am I right again. I was running to eat my short tail don’t know why still. I was a little dog I didn’t know what to do. So I was sleeping on the garden for a little while. Then my cousin came but I forgot she was afraid of dogs she screamed. I didn’t know what to do. She was still screaming and I was still there. After 2 full hours she decided to stop screaming I falled asleep. I’m still a dog don’t judge me… What am I doing in here I’m not a dog? Oh, wait I am. Hahaha sorry I forget things fast. I need to eat again this time I saw a snail I wanted to eat it and it was yammy. Don’t judge or ask for what am I doing. I’m just a little dog but I’m cute. You can’t buy me at a pet store so I’m sorry. Not really…What am I going to do now. Well I know I’m going to nap in my bed. I napped for a little but when I wake up I saw… I was still a dog. Just joking I was dreaming. Just joking again. I’m still a doooog. I tried to sleep again because it was 8:00pm. When I wake up at 6:00am. This time I was a human. That’s sad I didn’t pick my territory. You know how dog decide to pick a territory don’t you. Haha Bye. At this time I was eating cake I don’t why maybe I am a human with dog brains maybe yes maybe not. No I’m just an idiot that’s what my sister says when I come around in circles. I wake up again. O yess, I’m a dog again. Wait why is this mirror covered with a dog skin, is this a prank of my sister??? I will get her, she is doomed… What I was going to do again????
6th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Visar Doçi
City: Lezhe
If I have a door that opens anywhere I’d like to open it in Mars. I chose this place because if in Mars live aliens I’d like to meet those amazing and cool creatures. My friends which are aliens can take me with their ships. I’ll explore their amazing planet. I’ll call my friends. Also I’d like to play with my new friends. They’re red and they have one eye. I’ll take my friends to Earth to meet my best friends. In earth I’ll give to them our best foods. I’ll say to them to give me their food. I’ll take them in our town’s zoo. I’ll take my human friends to go to mars. That is the coolest planet I’ve ever seen. Mars has some cool big floating houses. They’re usually blue. I’ll be so upset because Mars has pomegranates, which are my favorite fruits. They have too their castles with their king. Their king is peaceful and he is always happy. I’d like to meet their king and I meet him. He give me a golden ring. Aliens always help their friends like me and they never forget them. I’m the luckiest boy in the world. They make me a spaceship but in their style. Their ships are as shiny as a star. I’m not a bad guy, I don’t forget to give them our foods which they like so much, really our foods are the best. I’d like to see their animals but they don’t have any and I buy to them a puppy to give them and they life it so much. Everybody take one of these adorable puppies. I have one too and I love it so much. I call him “Rajku” because my favorite singer is Rigeli Rajku “Noizy.” I give to them some songs which are singed from Noizy. Music help them to be happy as their king. They always come and meet me every week. I’d like to give everybody an amazing door like mine because I know everybody will like to meet an amazing friend. That’s for now. Bye now I’m going to play with my friend.
7th grade
7th Grade, 1st place
Name: Kristian Blido
City: Roskovec, Albania
“Aren’t you bored of living in a normal gravity and always stepping on something solid? Well, I am. I have to find a solution, the only two environments that does not have the normal gravity are space and oceans. But…my choice is… space. I like exploring too and space has a lot to be explored and I have already explored oceans, in fact just a lake near my house but anyway that doesn’t matter.” — That’s what I said to my class three years ago.
After three years preparations which include:
-Finding the best and easiest way to go to moon
-Inventing and intergalactic tunnel
-Getting enough food for as long as someone can live
And now in 30th February, 1372, I Kristian Blido am going to explore space.
I entered my supersonic, flying motorbike in my astronaut outfit, ready to start my journey to… somewhere in space.
Firstly I went to moon, where in a few days, as I had planned, built an intergalactic tunnel. After going through that tunnel, I arrived in a very strange part of space. I could see planets like bubbles, some others seemed to be made of glass and wood. In the 25th night I was sleeping in my motorbike that could be transformed into a very comfortable place to sleep, while suddenly I heard a noise. It was an alien spaceship, a very giant spaceship. They took me inside and started saying:
-Vorrk, warrrrok, wark?
I wouldn’t have understood them, if I hadn’t invented an alien translator. And they had asked me where I was from.
After telling them my whole story, they told me their story, which unexpectedly was the same:
They also started exploring space. Seeing that we had the same achievement, alien Queen accepted me on their board.
After 15 years of exploring 27 different planets, I decided to go back to my home planet. That wouldn’t be possible if I hadn’t invented a teletransportater. But I had invented it so I went back home, of course after I thanked the alien crew of the alien spaceship.
When I arrived home I was prisoned for 10 years by the US government because the pretended I knew too much about space and refused to tell them about my experience.
Now, at the age of 96, I finally had the possibility to tell my story to the media and the whole world. But…because I did this, 1 day ago I got a warning from the alien crew and alien queen that if I do say even one more word I will be killed. I don’t care, I’ll tell everything.
7th Grade, 2nd place
Name: Dejvid Zogaj
City: Lezhe
We live in a colorful world. With a blue sky a blue ocean. With green gardens and green trees. In a world with colorful flowers and colorful spirits of nature. We live in a world full of dark mysteries too. Everyday, everyone, has bad days, and their garden is full of dark roses. Everybody loves to be loved by the warmth of the beautiful colors of the rainbows, believing that, close to it, is a magical world, perfect people, kind fairies that invite you to their perfect large kingdom. We all love having good days, with butterflies and magic. We live in a world full of different characters. We have adults addicted to cartoons. We have kids who are born old soul. I love seeing everybody happy. Everyday I wish to have a castle full of money, so I can give the poor children the chance to try the candy bars I eat everyday. This is a colorful spiritual world. But I have this ability to turn everything to different color. I can’t choose between all the colors. I really love them all. That’s why the rainbow doesn’t show only one of his colors, because he knows that he’s gonna be there after every storm. I wish I could create a color which would be called Sweetie, so I would swallow the world with it, and make every single individual person feel its taste. There’s a reason why everybody has a heart, to feel all the things everybody feels. That’s why we all have a heart and feelings. The color Sweetie would sweeten up all the things. Even our minds. It would swallow the wrong opinions and the wrong tastes in people’s heads. We would see everything’s bright and beautiful sides, without really noticing its imperfections. Because nobody is perfect and we can’t make a free judgment about something or someone, without really having knowledge about it/him. There really is not a total perfection or flawlessy. Even our 2 eyes and our own body have no symmetry or full correction. That’s the good thing about my ability and the color “sweetie”. It gives the chance to change the world and making it better. “Sweetie” might make people better too, but really there’s no good or evil spliten up, they’re both inside us. It depends in which one we choose to act on!
7th Grade, 3rd place
Name: Gea Qendro
City: Tirane
Once I was asked a very strange question. They ased me that if I had a chance to explore either the space or the oceans, which would I choose? And I have been repeating that question in my head ever since. I think I have come to a conclusion. To be honest, I am not quite sure if it is the deep blue or the deep black that attracts me the most. Or if it is the colorful slippery fish or the colorful dusty planets. Or if it is the risk in both places. But, if I did have a chance to choose…my choice would be space. I’ve always wanted to go there. The aliens won’t want to hurt me, right? I will go pay them a visit in an imaginary trip.
I will set off in a minute. The spaceship is shaking. All I can see is the eight blue sky. Birds are flying somewhere far from here. Why won’t they say goodbye to me? Don’t they understand this is maybe the last time they get the chance to see me?
Ok, let’s do this.
The moment I’ve been waiting for.
Here we go…
I closed my eyes. All I could hear was my inhad and exhale. Silence everywhere. It felt like the time had stopped. “Who cares about the fish?” I thought with my eyes closed. “I’m better off without them.” But I have to open my eyes and steer this thing. Let’s try and stay away from the sun, I don’t want to be burtn to a crisp. I’m looking at the earth and I think it’s beaitul. I feel like it’s in the palm of my hand, and that I can recreate it. But I wouldn’t want to. No need to, I love it the way it is.
Ah…here it is… a beautiful red planet. As read as a big juicy tasty tomato. “Hello Mars, nice to meet you!” In fact, it’s my destination. Am I the first to land on Mars? Am I? My legs finally touched the ground. It’s so dusty! I felt like Neil Armstrong, like I had to sentence similar to his. Oh well…can’t think of one.
It’s fun to move around, hopping. I can almost fly. I feel like a big bunny. I turn around and look at my spaceship. I hope I don’t get lost. Although this was an imaginary experience. BUT suddenly the ground is shaking. Here comes what I feared most. The Mars Monster. He looked like he came right out of a horror movie. He was tall, read, had black claws and big creepy teeth. Raised his huge arm and sent me flying. I fell on the dusty ground. Oh no. I forgot. It’s space so it’s pretty much impossible to perform specific actions… including standing up.
I closed my eyes. Farewell, humanity…birds…earth…I guess my time has come. The monster will kill me.
Something lifted me up. My heart was beating like crazy. The monster had taken me, opened the spaceship door, and put me in. I looked at him slowly walk away. “Maybe we wasn’t so bad after all” I thought while steering my spaceship back home.
Here ends my imaginary trip.
8th grade
8th Grade, 1st Place
Name: Abigeil Tabaku
City: Tirane, Albania
Being a girl is great and fun, but sometimes I’d like to be a boy. I think all girls once in their lifetime have thought about that. Knowing that one day you could wake up as the opposite gender is terrifying, but also fun. It’s seven in the morning and you’re ready to get up for school only to find out that you’re a boy. I mean looking at yourself in the mirror with your mouth wide open. Well you have nothing to do about it, so I’d go straight to my dad’s closet to pick up some clothes. But what would my family say about it? They don’t freak out and they look so casual. It’s like I’ve been a boy all my lifetime. When I got to school, I wonder if my friends will notice. I’m about to greet them only when I’m greeted from some guys. Oh right, they’re my classmates. I’m quite sad because now I can’t talk too much to my girlfriends like I used to. One thing is for sure. If they loved girl version of me, they absolutely would love the boy version of me. Now I have P.E. I hate sports and what scares me is that as a boy, I’m expected to do so much better, especially in soccer. I’m now on the ground because someone pushed me while we were playing. How I hate soccer! In the cafeteria I’m sitting by some guys that yesterday I barely talked to. I’m starting to miss my old life so much. Well, I have to accept my destiny from now on. The good thing is that I can hang out tonight until 12 o’clock. As a girl, no one would have let me. Yeah, tell me about it. The other day is the same routine. Wake up, go to school, eat and then go to bed. But each day passing life’s becoming easier. I’m starting to enjoy being a guy. I’m getting to know my guy friends better, learning things and stuff about them, as a girl I’d never know. As days were passing, now becoming months, I was asking myself, “Is this the life I was supposed to have?” but I couldn’t answer that. Being a guy is so much easier, trust me. No one says what you could and could not wear, no one judges your hairstyle, no boy harasses you, and it’s so normal and used to be late at home. I hope other guys would understand what they put girls through. As a boy, I was very respectful. Well, the perks of experiencing both genders. One day I came home, go to my room and stare in my mirror. I started doubting myself. I may could have been a boy for my whole life. But staring at my mirror I realized that it doesn’t matter. Girl or boy, I was still the same. I still loved comic books. I still was a movie fanatic. I still loved the same food and TV shows. I still got hurt easily. What I’ve learned is that even if we’re in the 21st century, society treated men and women so differently. Being a boy was sometimes hard, because you were supposed to be tough all the time. Only waking up as the opposite gender I realized in what sexist society we lived in. Maybe if that was what opened my eyes, wasn’t it for the best experience what I did. Well it was getting late so I went to sleep. The other morning I was so ready to start my day. Only when I saw myself in the mirror, I couldn’t believe it. A girl?! What happened! Was I dreaming the whole time? Well, it wasn’t such a big deal. I mean, I got used to it now, right?
8th Grade, 2nd Place
Name: Ledia Sulaj
City: Puka
The New Me
I am Mary, 20 years old, living by myself in an apartment in New York.
It all started one Monday morning, when I woke up at 7:00. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and when I looked in the mirror I saw a man staring at me. OMG. I went to my bedroom, I closed my door and called the police. When the police got there, the man was gone. They asked me a lot of questions. They asked me where did I see the man. “In the bathroom,” I said. I went to the bathroom to tell them where I saw him. I FROZE. I looked in the mirror. That man was there. “Here he is. Arrest him!”
-What are you talking, sir? That’s you!
-Sir? I am a “Sir?”
That day my life changed. I couldn’t believe it. I was a male. First I thought it was a dream, then I realized it wasn’t. What was I going to do? I didn’t know a first thing about being a man. Well, at the end I wasn’t going to stop living. I needed to go to work, I was late. But the thing was that I didn’t have man clothes. Luckily I had the Halloween costume. I decided to dress like a man that day. I got to work as fast as I could. My boss was staring at me.
-I am so sorry I am late!
-Who are you?
Damn, I forgot I am not a girl anymore.
-I’m … I’m… Daniel. I came instead of Mary. I’m… I’m her boyfriend. I came to replace her cause she was sick and couldn’t come.
-Okay. What are you waiting for? Clean the tables.
-Right away, sir.
After I finished my work, I decided to walk for a little bit. I was walking in a park and I see me, I mean myself, I mean Mary, I mean I don’t know who she was. I knew I was Mary, but she was just like me. I went to talk to her.
-Who are you? I said.
-No, who are you? She said.
-I’m, you! I mean you are in my body. And I guess this is your body.
So, after talking we realized that we didn’t have a choice. We decided to continue our lives. It was so hard for me. Well the first thing I should’ve done was to make some new friends. Of course boys…
After a couple of days my life had completely changed. I had friends (boys), a new job, even new boys clothes. I don’t know how but as a man my life was different. I didn’t need to have SO many clothes or shoes. At the job sometimes people treated me different. It felt like I had started a new journey of life. I could’ve got used to this, but deep down I was still a female, so maybe I couldn’t live a normal life. Every Monday I sit down, drink a cup of hot chocolate and lay on my bed, hoping I will return into a girl. Even I liked adventures and this was a big adventure. I would loved to go back where I was. I missed my old life. One day I woke up, opened my curtains, the sun was shining. I watched myself in the mirror. OMG, it’s Mary, It’s me. Me! But this moment wasn’t as beautiful as I thought. I needed to start everything from the day I returned into a boy. Five years later I was the owner of a big company, married, had two boys and I was happy. I never thought that my life was going to be like this. At the end I understood that after all, it doesn’t matter if you are a woman or man to have a great life. For the moment I’m enjoying it. You never know, I could return into a man again. At least I know I’m prepared for everything.
8th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Ida Grada
City: Fier
There is a picture on the table. It is a picture of my school, and there, right there in the corner is a lonely girl. You might ask who is she or what is she doing on her own. Well, that girl is me. Although it was a long time ago, I just can’t forget those terrible days of my life.
First of all my name is Isa, and this is my story. I haven’t been a popular girl at school. However, this was not my own choice. I have been just me, although maybe the others expected to be someone else. All I wanted, in fact, was just being aware of troubles in every possible way. But the more I tried, the more troubles followed me every single school day.
It had all started, when one day in the school yard, some students in my class started to play with my own stuff and I got very angry with that. This made them feel good and laugh but I felt extremely embarrassed. I ran out of school and started to think about things I had never thought before. The first thing I thought about was death, then depression and then I thought about what would have happened if I were a boy. I thought that things would be much better if I was a boy. Anyway, it was time to eat lunch, so I decided to go to a Chinese restaurant. A young woman offered me a biscuit that she described as special. I didn’t know what she meant with that but I thought that I had nothing to loose. She told me to make a wish and when she lift, I found a little paper where was written “Tomorrow morning, your dreams will come true.” I thought it was a joke but the next day, something really strange happened to me. Really, I didn’t understand at first, what was happening. I woke up and my hairs were turned short. I had really changed. I was a boy. But the thing that surprised me the most was that everyone knew that I was a boy. Also in the photos I was a boy. Everyone thought I had always been a boy. When I went to school I could see boys and girls that called themselves “friends of mine.” I wasn’t used to this at all. I didn’t even know how to call myself. It would be strange if I’d ask someone else what is my name. I tried to take it easy, but I just couldn’t. I just could not realize that I would be a boy, the whole my life, I had to do things that boys do and all the stuff. I also couldn’t get used to the fact that now I was having lots of friends, everyone now was my friend, even the ones that made my life suck the day before. Just the idea that I has wished something as stupid as this, made me laugh. I was supposed to like the fact that finally I was a popular girl, or better to say “popular boy”, or that everyone was my friend, but I wasn’t. I was a boy! What I really wanted was just to have my own life, my own real life. The next morning I woke up as the real me, that lonely girl that would spend the rest of her school life in the corner of the yard. Yes, that girl, you remember that girl in the photo. I was that lonely girl, but now it’s different. But I liked it because I know exactly who I was, and I knew my name, and this makes me feel very happy, because I knew I could change my life in other ways. At least, I wouldn’t loose my identity.

9th grade
9th Grade, 1st Place
Name: Anxhela Doko
City: Fier, Albania
Mmmm…I’m so stiff… it’s like my whole body is going to crumble despite the fact that I’m standing in front of a mirror looking carefully at my strong muscular sculptured chest… I don’t remember well what happened…just some glimpses of light and a few bubbly giggles. I feel my throat sore and the worst part is that I can’t express through my face muscles any emotion… My salty cheeks won’t let that happen. I carefully touch them… they’re so rough… no wonder why… sleepless nights, tearful morning, blurry days… that damned door is unmaning me… I recall the night I moved into this apartment…I was stunned… The bricky wall, the old windows, the gothic fireplace and of course… a black ancient, rough, partly painted black door… I’m gonna be a little romantic “hearts & flowers” as others will me… that door was the one that really catched my eye, that really made me wanna buy this place… At the time I didn’t know its secrets… I considered it as an ornament… shame on me. It was the third day in my new apartment when I first learned her secret. It was a lazy Monday and work has been exhausting… as I laid in bed and seconds later drifting to sleep, I heard this strange noise coming from the door… it was like little giggles and then pity screams, and when I just started believing it was a nightmare, the three thumping knocks on the ornament door made my heart stop… after that I heard some cracks, and as my eyes were adjusting to the darkness, I saw a white pale figure standing beside my bed… Before I even had time to move or even to feel the adrenaline rush, the pale woman threw a key at me and suddenly disappeared in the emptiness of my room. Thirsting for air, I got up… first disgusted by the key, I stood there like a fool waiting for a hint to tell me it was just a nightmare. I don’t know how much time passed…seconds…minutes…hours, until I finally decided to give a second look at the key. I grabbed it in my hands and softly touched with my finger tips the letters on the key, “THROUGH THE BLACK DOOR TO THE BLACK WORLD.” I would have laughed with the look on my face if that damned black door at the end of my bedroom wouldn’t produce scary noises. I dress quickly… it’s now or never… shaking hands put the key in the keyhole and after a 90 degree switch, the door is open before my very eyes… I see nothing but blurriness, fog, and a dim light bursting through the heavy air. Stunished I search with my eyes for any possible hint to where this door may lead… suddenly my eyes lock an embrace with some piercing blue marine eyes through the blurry air…It was a familiar blue a known one… and suddenly it hits me like a truck… They’re my eyes. I hear the little boys giggle and in absolute amusement. I look puzzled. The little boy runs to his mother, to hug her, to kiss and maybe even to play with her…No, this is too much for me… too much to bear, I haven’t recalled her memory since her accident and the thought of being 5 steps away from her makes me burst into tears… I won’t watch no longer, I know what’s going to happen… the tall woman grabs the little kid and drags him further into darkness… I know what she did to him, I look at the scar in my right arm… This is no fair… no fair and there I go I burst like a tight through darkness and run full speed to the boy. I need to save him… I need to save ME. I manage to push away the woman, grab the little kid and say, “YOU’RE OK, YOU’RE GONNA BE OK, I CAN CHANGE THIS, I CAN CHANGE YOU FUTURE LITTLE BOY, HAVE FAITH PLEASE” And I burst in this sobby tearing that just turns my world upside down. The woman is back, she has a gun… NO NO PLEASE NO she points it at the little kid and pulls the trigger… blood…lots of it… lot of blood the poor child is bleeding… bleeding to death… and a giggling laugh vanishes through the air…it’s another boy HE LOOKS HAPPY BUT WHY…WAIT he looks like the dead boy… he is his twin, no this won’t be happening… the mother takes the boy in an embrace so huge it makes me cry, she says my name and I’m confused, she’s talking with the boy… “OH JACK… JACK I HAD TO GET RID OF ONE OF YOU, I COULDN’T KEEP YOU BOTH.” Then air shoots me out and the door closes in front of me. I HAD A BROTHER… A BROTHER and she murdered him. NOOO…why O God, why?... I remember going into the door again and again, still no matter how much I tried the boy never made it. I feel sick me… I’m still living while the other one is dead… his giggle…it still haunts me… I lost half my body half of my soul half of my heart I LOST MY TWIN. I START CRYING AGAIN… why do I have to go over and over this again? I lay in bed sobbing and carefully drifting into sleep when I see the woman, the door crack, the key, the giggles O GOD here I go again… BEHIND THE DOOR…WHEN MY NIGHTMARE BEGINS WHEN I WAKE UP.
9th Grade, 2nd Place
Name: Grace Kelliçi
City: Tirane
Imagine this. You are walking down a path. At the end of the path you see something. Curiosity pushes you to get closer and find out what it is. You realize that it’s a door. Of course, the first question that comes to mind is: What’s behind it? Could there be material riches like gold and jewels that touch the ceiling of the room? Could there be a different kind of treasure? Instead of precious metal and other material goods maybe there’s something more important. Perhaps, an answer to a question you’ve been asking yourself for a long time. You reach out to open the door and find out but you back down. After wondering what is behind the door you ask yourself a more crucial question: Why is it closed? Could it be that what lies behind the door isn’t something good, but the opposite? And as this question remains in your head you begin to wonder if what stands behind the door isn’t waiting to be discovered at all.
Suddenly you can’t help to do anything, but what you’ve been doing so far: wonder. Wonder what it could be. Could it be a horrible secret? Could it be a kind of a Pandora box, having all of the possible bad things that could bring the worst upon mankind? Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe you’re just making too much of a big deal out of it. Maybe you should simply open the door and put an end to the agonizing torture.
Yet again, you can’t ignore the possibility of being right. Would it be worth it. With a million thoughts running through your head you stop and remember something. A wise man once said that some things are not meant to be discovered. They are simply meant to remain unknown to the curious mind of man. And besides, what’s life without a bit of mystery? For within every mystery lies a bit of magic. Though many people don’t believe in magic, it wouldn’t hurt for those who choose to believe. In such a situation it’s just better to walk away. Why take something from behind a door, when you can have some fun finding it or better yet, making it during a journey of a lifetime?
9th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Sidrita Peci
City: Lezhe
Blair is a normal teenager, who loves mysteries and is always up to something. She lives in Manhattan, New York but she hates that city, because she thinks that life there is boring. The same routine everyday, the same faces, the same noises, the same view everywhere. Only skyscrapers and fancy cars, and people rushing to their boring works. Blair wants adventures, wants to discover new things and live life at it’s fullest. She got was she asked for. One day, her mom told her they were going on a trip to Japan, since it was summer and Blair was on a school break. That was probably the most exciting thing for Blair, since she loved traveling as much as she loved mysteries and adventures. She has never been to Japan before and she would really love to visit Kyoto, which is also known as “The City of 10,000 Temples.” A few days later, she and her mom took a plane to Japan and arrived there 9 hours later. You probably think she is exhausted and jet-lagged, but no, Blair was more excited than ever and with all that energy she had she could visit all the cities in one day. Her mom though wasn’t that energetic so they decided to find a good hotel, in Tokyo, spend the night there and then head over to Kyoto. The hotel was amazing, Japanese food was delicious, and the service was on-point. The next day they took a plane to Kyoto. Blair went visiting the beautiful cherry blossom trees and some of the temples. She stopped in front of a temple that had a golden majestic door, while the rest of it was a beautiful dark red color with golden details all over it. It didn’t look like a normal temple, Blair felt like it had something extraordinary about it. “What is behind that door?” she said to herself and tried to open it, but it was locked, and there was nothing she could do about that. And old man with a long white beard tapped on her shoulder.
“We were expecting you, Miss Blair” he said with his cracky voice and Japanese accent.
“How do you know my name? Who are you?” Blair said terrified.
“We will explain everything to you” the old man said.
“We?” Blair asked curiously and her mom walked towards them.
“We,” she said. Blair, the old man and her mom talked a lot. They explained to Blair the reason why she came here, the reason why Blair always felt like she is connected to Kyoto in one way or another, and the reason she had a love for mysteries and adventures. She is the lost princess of Kyoto, the woman she calls her mother actually adopted her when her real mother was killed from a secret band called “The Emerald Snakes.” Blair’s family always had the key to open that ancient temple door, and behind that was a book. The book of all world secrets. Blair was taken to Manhattan in order to be safe, but now that she returned she can have access to the key who opens the door of secrets as she liked to call. Now, with her holding that incredible book on her hands there is no mystery that she can’t reveal.
10th grade
10th Grade, 1st Place
Name: Edra Tabaku
City: Tirane, Albania
My invention is a dream machine. I created it during my high school days. To use this rare invention, you need to be with an expert. I guess you’re wondering what does this invention do and how does it change our lives?
This invention can be used to see someone’s dreams. I got the brilliant idea during my worst days. When you’re a child, you’re afraid of things that don’t really exist like “Boogy Man” or even small things that can’t be harmful like bugs. I was told that when I got older all my fears would shrink, but right now I’m more insecure. That day, I was really thinking about this. I saw a lot of nightmares just because of my insecurities. I don’t know if those nightmares made my fears come stronger. And then I thought, “What if I could create new dreams and delete my nightmares? What if I could see my dreams, on my screen, just like they were a movie, waiting for me to analyze them.” I guess this time it would be easier because I know my story. I know why I react in the way I do in my own dream.
And then I spent many years on my small lab. Just a chair, a table, some equipments, me and my madness. Finally, the product was in my hand. I presented my invention to my dearest teacher, the one who taught me everything I know about technology and innovation, Mr. Banks. I remember the day we decided to try it. It was rainy or cloudy, I don’t really remember the weather but anyway, we took a guy who worked on our secret lab to try the machine. I placed the biological DG mini helmet on his head, connected it with the TV screen and waited next to me. Then it was finally there, on my screen, my colleague’s dreams.
Firstly, he was opening a door. He saw his hand. It was bleeding. In his other hand, he had a gun. I turned around and glanced at him. Even though he was asleep, he seemed nervous, anxious, and sweaty. I turned my head back to the screen. On the ground, somebody was dead. Then his body disappeared and turned into black, small butterflies.
Every butterfly was flying away, except one. On her wings, there was a woman’s face printed. The butterfly waved her wings a couple of times, going slower and slower. He took the butterfly in his hand. She was dead. I turned back around and saw him moving from one side to another, just like he wanted to wake up. I immediately ran near him and woke him up. He was scared. I could see that in his eyes. He mumbled something and slowly walked out of the lab.
“What is wrong with you?” Mr. Banks shouted. “We need to find out something important and you woke him up because you’re so sensitive. Be a scientist, not a pure human.”
I just went downstairs ignoring him. It was my invention. Not his. Why was he going to teach me how to use it? I approached my new terrified colleague, whose name is not going to be mentioned for practical reasons and said that I could plant new dreams in his head. He just nodded and grabbed my wrist softly. “Okay,” he finally said. I placed the helmet on his head and went near the screen.
“How do you want your dream to be?” I said.
“Happy.” I didn’t know what to do. Different people define happiness differently. “I want to be the director of this lab.”
I thought this was helpful. I created a new dream. He was happily directing the lab.
“Make dreams true!” This was an option I also created.
“Wouldn’t it be great if he directed our lab instead of Mr. Banks? Mr. Banks is an amazing person but he’s really pushy sometimes.”
I thought and then pressed the button. My colleague woke up. “Ms. Tabaku, the invention is ready to be used. Everything is great. Hand it to me.” He said and left. The next day, I found out that Mr. Banks was fired. I ran to director office.
“The machine is not ready to use. If I don’t delete ‘make dreams true’ option, people will do whatever they want. Their dreams can be harmful. This machine can improve the world of dreams, but it can destroy our world.” He opened the safe, took the helmet and handed it to me. “Do what is right,” he said and walked me to the door. I ran to my lab thinking about what could happen if I didn’t delete the option. Many people would be happy, there would be no diseases, or poverty. But then many people would be able to control the world with their arrogance and greed. I was going to delete it. The world would be ready to be introduced to my invention. They could see their dreams and analyze them, that’s it. It was life-changing for humanity. Everyone would have the opportunity to see their dreams. And their demons wouldn’t be able to take the world easily.
10th Grade, 2nd Place
Name: Egi Gishti
City: Fier
My life has always been exciting and insane but this is the greatest thing I have ever done. I mean, going to space? How does that even work? I’m bout to find out today. When I first won the trip, I was feeling a mix of emotions. I was afraid and excited. I just couldn’t believe it. They even let me choose the destination. And of course, me being me, I didn’t choose the moon, or mars, or any other planet. I said to myself, “Why not go to another universe?” This chance will never come again.”
So, here I am, packing my bags. I took some astronaut lessons so I think that there will be no problems on my way. Also, a professional astronaut is coming with me in case we have technical difficulties.
After a good 40 minutes we finally set off. My heart was beating so fast as the spaceship was shaking like crazy. “Off we go” I thought to myself as I closed my eyes. I didn’t open them until the spaceship stopped shaking. I looked through the window I had never seen something more dreamy than that. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.
Furthermore, I saw galaxies, meteors and different space materials that I had only seen on TV. Suddenly, I wanted everyone to be here, to experience the same thing as me, to feel the same level of happiness that I was feeling.
It felt like forever but finally we had arrived. When we were about to pass into the other universe, the spaceship went off really fast. Different lights with different colors flashed outside my window. As much as I was amazed, I have to say that it was a pretty terrifying experience. I let a sharp breath of relief as we landed.
When we got out, we were shocked. Around the spaceship there were people just like us who had a surprised look on their faces. I felt confused. Were we still on earth? Was all this a joke? We waved at the people standing in front. They even waved the same way. I was becoming suspicious. I started speaking to them. The people were confused at first but then they started to communicate with us.
Turns out, our spaceship had landed to a different version of earth, more peaceful but completely opposite. It was so interesting because they taught me their language. Instead of bakery they said shoe shop, and instead of shoe shop, they said bakery. Bread meant shoes, and shoes, bread. It was so funny.
Sadly, I had to go back to earth. The spaceship set off again with a lot of noise. Our people were waiting for us with a lot of gifts, champagne and food. I’m sure I will never forget what I saw there but even more sure that no one will ever believe me.
10th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Kristela Gjonaj
City: Lezhe
My name is the Shadow. That’s the nickname I got for myself. I don’t consider myself as an inventor, I consider myself as a dreamer. I dream about things and they become true. This is what happened that night. It was one hell of a scary night. My parents weren’t home actually I’m not really sure about it maybe I was just delirious, anyway there was a big thunderstorm outside so I was scared. What am I saying? I wasn’t scared, I just felt tired and went to bed. There is a lot of contrast feelings inside of me right now, so please don’t mind me. Anyway where was I? Ah, yes a scary night. It’s not like our house got destroyed by the storm, in fact I slept pretty good that evening, but was this one dream that it gave me the chills. I had invented a time machine. When I say it like that it doesn’t sound scary at all, unless you wake up one morning and find an enormous freaking scary time machine in your living room. That’s what happened to me. My first thought was “Awesome!” in cases like this people start thinking and decide to do the right thing, that’s not my case. I was just surprised of what did I do to deserve this. Anyway like I said before I am a pretty weird person. So what does a weird person do? They start playing with things that they don’t have a clue how to use. Anyway after a lot of questions like: Should I touch it or should I not? I ended up in another dimension. I went through a lot of troble to get back to my world but the good thing about time travel is that when you’re gone no one notices your absence, so that’s a big plus to time travel. So for the first time I captured myself thinking about what to do, yeah I’m amazed too of how much I’ve grown. So I decided to do the right thing for this one time. I gave my time machine to the world. I didn’t want to be greedy and selfish, that’s why I did it.
2:30AM. I woke up guys. All of this was just a dream. I’m not an inventor, there’s not time travel machine. All I had left was a freaking storm outside. I called the police because the whole place was filled with water, it’s weird because they aren’t answering. That’s a first. Someone knocked on my door and I went to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, I dropped the phone. I couldn’t believe what I saw…
…Hello? This is 911.
The end.

11th grade

12th grade
11th Grade, 1st place
Name: Daniela Kuka
City: Tirane, Albania
I was sitting in the dark corner of my library. The scent of old books and humid warmth was so known to my skin. The stories I have seen so many times were standing there silent in their slumber. My old and tired bones were resting in my old and tired chair. The wrinkles on my face were sending sharp strokes of pain into my soul. I still don’t understand the need of that. Years can still be felt even without them… But to forget my pity, I want to tell you my situation. Today, in the doorsteps of my home, the one I have not left for 80 years, came a young man. He was standing silent and looked at me with tired eyes. He was tanned, different from my pale face. But an old and tired skin (I have said tired too many times but forgive this old man) cannot compare with his youth. He said he wanted to ask me something. I in puzzlement let him in. Know he was standing before my sight, with a look that begged to break the silence. I gave him my most warm look to tell him to continue. He took a deep breath and began,
-I…am…cursed…Not from magic of witches or the hate of some god…from life itself. I can’t stay in one place. I can never find home. I travel from one place to another. I move like a shadow into the darks of the night and walk carefree in the mornings. I have seen so many things, so many lifes. I have been in movement like the wave of oceans of the air that save breath in our lungs… but as they are powerful, they never stay, never seen…And so am I…
He stopped tear falling from his face. He cried and cried and moved in anger, pity and rage.
He started to calm down. He stopped his screaming and stared at me like a child who has done wrong.
-I am sorry… for my voice… he said in a low voice. I laughed and stared back into his tearful eyes.
-As an old man, I have seen many things. Pain and hope, lust and desire. A screaming of a young man can not bring me fear… but why did you come to me my child…
-I was walking again… he said in pain… And I heard of you. A man who has never left his hometown. A man who has stayed in the place he was born, has lived his life in a small and destroyed town… he stopped. I saw pain in his eyes and understood what he wanted to say.
-And will probably die there…?
-Yes… he said in a weak voice. Thought that maybe you could tell me something of what is like…to have a home you do not need to leave… A place of peace…
“Ah young and hopeful,” I thought. For youth always craved for what they did not have. You now would asked me and say to me wasn’t this strange. Wasn’t this an absurd situation. Yes, but why ask and defy fate. So I answered:
-I am cursed as you are. We both are. For one who can not leave his home is as cursed as the one who cannot find one. Do not think of me as better than you. Do not think of me as better than your fate. We did not choose this path. Nobody in their right mind would. Life cursed us. It cursed us to have to choose (or in this case an essay!) a path. To have to choose between home and world. But my child whichever we have chosen, we should take it as a blessing and a dream. For our life is our own in both cases. I long for your life as you long for mine. We will both die of regret, but we will both have lived. That is all that we can ask. So do not cry, my son, for we have lived, we have seen. You the world, me my soul. And if we are not human in our deaths, then we have becomed gouls.
11th Grade, 2nd Place
Name: Sonja Cenaj
City: Puka
If I had to choose between staying in my hometown my entire life, or being able to travel the world, but never stay in one place for more than three months I would choose the second option.
I love traveling, but more than that I love being able to know new people, new places, new cultures. I love being able to absorb all of that until I feel like I belong in every place I’ve visited, like I am a part of that place, a face seen among those crowds (even though for a short period of time). It’s pleasant to grow old and finally take a look at your photos and know that your album is complete, that your story is complete, because you’ve been everywhere and you’ve done everything you could, everything you wanted. Wouldn’t everyone want that? To see how the sky slowly changes at the birth of day, how the soft, cotton clouds turn to pink and then gold as the sun slowly rises, to feel the pleasant cool breeze that whispers in your ear like a hushed melody, to stand there and stare as everything comes to life. It’s wonderful and breathtaking and even though it’s the same sun and the same sky, it’s never the same place and it’s never the same feeling. In brazil you can see the sun rising above the immense buildings as the cars flow like a river on the never resting streets. In Italy you can see the sun rising about the mountains or about the neverending sea. And then there’s Sweden, and you Japan, and Germany and New York and every other place and it makes you feel amazed and overwhelmed each time.
But of course, there’s so much more than a simple sunrise and there’s so much more than those short breathtaking moments that life you should and almost make it break free out of its mortal frame. There’s so much more and that’s what intrigues you. That’s what you live for. That’s what I live for.
And by the end of the road you and I would have known love, pain, wealth, poverty, life, death. Would have seen faces, so many faces, each one different, each one unique and stamped on our minds forever, each of them holding a different expression for us to hold dear in our minds and hearts.
Maybe by the end of this road we call life we will throw our heads back and laugh. Maybe we will feel complete, or empty inside. Maybe we will be remembered as great figures, or dearly loved ones. We will be remembered as stubborn, reckless, or maybe careful to the ones we love and considerate to all but ourselves, and then we will laugh once again, happy that we did what we wanted and what we thought was right. Then we will laugh once more at the irony that this is the time, this is the final destination that we have secretly feared going all along. Our minds and bodies will have to rest in eternal peace, forgotten as the time goes on. But our souls will be free, wandering the world in different forms or shapes in a neverending pace.
Between existing and not existing, we choose to exist with the given conditions of time. It’s up to us ‘how’ and ‘what for’ we use that time, because the opportunities are endless and so is the universe and we know we cannot have it all, although we still try and try with what we can.
Between existing and not existing I choose to exist, but as a part of this planet, of its people and its cultures even though it means to be always in a run. This is what I want and what I hope to make me complete.
11th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Anxhela Beharaj
City: Fier
What had I done?!...
It’s 2:00AM and I just had a nightmare, another nightmare… I walk to the mirror for the 127th time during these 24 hours to look at myself, but I can’t. I could never look at myself again. The only way was to close my eyes and imagine… imagine my old face appearing in front of me, my long hair, my young body… my old self. But is that myself? Have I ever been that girl? I’ve been stuck in this body for so long now that I can’t even tell what’s real and what’s not anymore. I miss a family, a mom, a dad, a sister that I’m not sure if I ever had. And I curse myself for making that choice…
I say I have nightmares, but my whole life is a nightmare, will my whole NEW life. A nightmare which started the day I was given an opportunity to be someone else.
Let me tell you a brief history, so you can I can be on the same page. I was an unhappy, ignorant teen who had all she needed, took it for granted and wanted more. I went out for a walk after I had had a fight with my parents. I sat in a bench on the park and some minutes later a tall, grown man, very well-dressed, sat by me in silence. I got a little bit frightened and just as I was about to leave he said, “I know you are unhappy, but I can change that.” Once I heard that, I was so furious on that moment, that I didn’t care who he was anymore, I just stood up and angrily said, “Is that so? And how you plan on doing that because I’ve been trying my whole life, ok?”
“I heard you like the Ellen show. Big fan, huh?” he said.
“Yeah,” I answered. “So what?”
“Ellen is dead,” he told me.
I was shocked, my mouth and eyes were wide open.
“We are offering you to be her,” he said. “The show must go on.”
“We? Who?” I asked, but he didn’t answer that, he just asked me loudly:
“Do you want to be her, or do you not?”
“Anything to get out of my life!” I said. Oh GOD, how much I hate my mouth and how much I hate the words that come out of it.
I thought it was such a great chance for me to finally be happy and live the life I wanted. Ellen was the host of my favorite show, she was famous and rich and funny, her life seemed so great.
But look at me now…Oh how I’ve wasted my life like this… all the things I’ve missed, my high school graduation, the prom, the New Year’s prom, college years, looking for the love of my life, getting hurt, married, being a mom… My whole youth, my whole life never happened.
I don’t want no fame or fortune…I want my family back, I want to get pissed off by my little sister again, I want to see my parents in the eyes and tell them that I didn’t disappear, I am not dead, I am “fine”…
How blind I was, I had people that loved me and took care of me and I threw it all away. I have not only hurt myself, but my parents too, how much they must have suffered when they lost the apple of their eyes.
Now I am 50 years old and married to a woman, surrounded by people I don’t even know.
I can not take this anymore, I have tried any way to get my life back, to undo what I did, and I’m desperate.
But there is one more way, one last try…I wouldn’t get my life back, but at least I won’t live this one either… this is my only escape, I HAVE TO GO…
I don’t know if God will take me, but Hell can’t possibly be worse than this.
12th Grade, 1st place
Name: Albiona Marku
City: Lezhe, Albania
All these years, all my life I have never felt like my heart is about to explode like this. Yes I’ve had millions of problems, millions of times when my life has been in danger but now… it’s not just my life, it’s our life.
Being a captain has taught me to be strong and to always know what to do but now… I’m the most clueless one. But why though? Why did this ship had to hit that rock? Why now? I had finally gone through the lost of my mother and I had finally started to love life again, to not feel responsible for what had happened. Now… I’m the one who has to decide who is gonna live or not. Every single minute millions and millions of thoughts run through my mind and I feel like I’m going to die, not because the ship is drowning but because of my thoughts. I opened the door since I had to face the situation sooner or later. “Captain, we’re all gonna die.” I hear Simon’s voice. “No, we’re not. Please calm down and tell everyone to come here, we need to talk.” Almost six minutes later everyone comes Simon, Danielle, Jack, Harry, Lisa, Niall, Liam and Ed. When I say them all I couldn’t help myself but let some tears fall. “I’m sorry I’m a bad captain, I shouldn’t have let this happen. All of you have supported me since day one, since when Lisa was 19 and Simon had his first child, Harry didn’t know what to do with his life and now he does, Niall loved playing cards and now he loves the sea.” I try to smile through the tears but somehow it makes me cry harder. “I’m sorry that in this trip of finding myself, I had to bring all of you with me and now… I just don’t know.” We all noticed something crash and the water level rising. “But now I have to say that our lives are over, it doesn’t really matter who lives and who dies, we will all die because of the pain and the memories. Only two of you can live, and I’m no one to say who those people are gonna be, I’m not a captain anymore, since the moment the ship hit that rock, I’m just a person who is trying to live.” I don’t even know at this moment what I’m doing or saying and my legs have gotten so weak and I feel like I’m gonna fall any minute. “Danielle, you are the youngest, smartest of all of us, and I think you will have so many great moments in your life, you have to live, please just make us all proud, okay?” Danielle was crying all the time, but now she fell in the floor, sobbing, I had to go on through: “Jack, you have two wonderful kids and your wife died one year ago, I can’t take you away from them, you have to stay.” Jack couldn’t even look at me this whole time and I could notice the other six sailors had lost their hope. Before I could say anything, Harry spoke: “I want to say that we understand, life is hard and if this was it, we will accept it, we will jump, just please take care of my mother. You know she only has me and I have always loved her more than anything, tell her not to cry about me because I’m leaving happy.” Simon, Harry, Lisa, Niall, Liam and Ed all turned around and got ready to jump, and at the last minute I managed to push Harry back and instead of him, I jumped. Yes, I knew I was gonna die I just couldn’t see his mother cry, it would break my heart. Now that I’m surrounded by cold and can’t breathe, I get this flashback and you know what, my life is difficult but the fact that I managed to go through all of this is great and I feel proud. I always had this feeling like I never made my mother feel proud of me. She taught me to be selfless, but I had never really done anything selfless until now. I think I finally understood what selfless means in that ship.
You know, life is great but sometimes death can bring you so much peace and I just want to say that now I’m in peace, with myself and others so I let the stream take me away and close my eyes.
12th Grade, 2nd place
Name: Sherina Dyrma
City: Elbasan
The ship kept rocking back and forth slowly tilting left and my ears were filled with the panicked voices of my sailors. I stood on the deck looking at the enormous rock that seemed to have cut through the ship like a knife would through soft better. I couldn’t decide whether it was all a nightmare. What god had we pissed off to deserve this? What was this rock doing in the middle of open sea? I couldn’t gather my thoughts. I could see Sally and Tim working to throw any and all items that added weight to the ship. It wouldn’t work. I knew.
The waves kept rolling in and each time they hit us, the ship sunk deeper. The immense vastness below us had never seemed so dark and frightening. I could see death lurking behind each wave, moving towards us with a slow, certain pace. I had always loved the sea because it created a natural blue barrier between me and the constricting order of life in society. It was rather fitting that we would die at the hands of that love. If this were a poem, our deaths would be beautiful and meaningful. But, it is not. We can’t sit and watch the dying colors of the sun and think of its splendid light. The sun is spent and night is rolling in, blinding in its darkness. The wind picks up and I feel goosebumps spreading in the back of my neck. Warning! Rock. Warning! Water. Warning! The ship is going under faster and we have nowhere else to hang on. In that moment a thought blooms in my mind. It is so revolting and I refuse to believe that I am capable of it. But, despite our endless efforts, humans are still animals at their core. I remember my biology teacher standing in front of our 8th grade class with a stuffed fox and explaining how strong the survival instinct is. Under extreme conditions animals would feed on their own babies, to survive. What would I do? Can I really throw my own sailsmen to certain death? Can I live knowing that I chose my life over theirs? They are my friends, my counselors, some of them I know better than myself. How do you decide who deserves life? I should deserve it, because I know how I can save myself from this situation. I am a survivor. But, when I choose myself over their lives, doesn’t that make me less human? Or, does it make me more human then ever?
Andrew approaches me. The yelling is something about the need of a decision. I can barely hear him over the noises of the sea and my own thoughts. Andrew just turned 17 a couple months ago. He was so young, too young and here I was planning to leave him for dead. No one should have to decide on life and death. But I have decided.
“Gather everyone,” I yell back at him. “We have to move fast.” And they do. All 8 pairs of eyes fixed on me. I can see their fear and pain. I can see how hope is dying out.
“We can’t all leave for mainland. The ship will hit rock bottom by sunrise and we don’t have any remaining saveboats. Our best bet, is to get three of us in a piece of wood and hope that it holds till we reach the island. It would take at least 3 days to reach shore. The rest that will be left behind have to live on the rock and hope that the waves to carry them off. I don’t see any other solution.”
They were quiet far a second and then they all started frantically working. Food, provisions. They were good men and we would come back. Hopefully.
12th Grade, 3rd place
Name: Joana Prendi
City: Kuçove
Sometimes I have a feeling that I can do certain things but I don’t just because I don’t have enough money or time, or because I can get in trouble. And when it comes to getting in trouble I would leave everything because I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like being in trouble and tries to avoid them. But if I would have the opportunity to do whatever I wanted with an unlimited amount of money for an entire year I would do a lot of things. In fact I could do so many things that I wouldn’t even know where to start. I care a lot about others and the first thing I’d do is helping people who are homeless and have no money, not even to afford food. I’d go all around the world and I’d give some of my money to all of these people who need it more than anyone. While I’d travel to meet this community I’d also have the opportunity to see places that I’ve never seen before, and experience things that I’ve always dreamt of. It has been one of my biggest dreams to travel around the world and being able to do it, and for such an important reason is twice as amazing. One other thing I’d definitely do if I’d have the money is save the dogs and cats that wander on the streets of many cities. It feels awful having to see pets suffering and being treated like that. I love animals and seeing them being killed just because they don’t have a home and somebody to love them makes me really sad. After these two things I would do something for my country. People here deserve better politics and a better life. I would hire somebody who could help me take the money from all the useless politicians in our country and give to the people who live here. That amount of money wouldn’t last forever so I’d also built some factories where I’d employ people who don’t have enough money. This would not only help them but the entire country because we would have places where to work. Then I’d do something for myself. Since there have been a lot of changes in the education system recently I’d find out how things really were and I’d explain them to all of my friends and that would be something really great for all of us because we would finally understand what to do and wouldn’t be confused or afraid that we wouldn’t be able to go to the university we wanted to. During this one year I would do whatever I could to help the people I love, but also those I don’t even know but that I would like to see happy like the people who suffer from a sever illness, but doesn’t have enough money to cure. In this one year I would meet a lot of people because of traveling to all these places but I would also go to see my friends who don’t live here. I’ve always wanted to meet my friend Eva who lives in the USA but I’ve never had the chance to. I’d go to see her and I’d spend some time with her doing different activities just having fun. One other thing I’d do is buy clothes I wanted, from the most expensive brands. Lastly, I would organize a party, the coolest party ever and it doesn’t matter that I wouldn’t remember it as long as it would make people and me happy. I wouldn’t mind forgetting all of these things because these are things that would have a long effect on people and would be there even after one year. All the things I’d do would be things that wouldn’t help people for one instance but during their whole life.

1st Year University, 1st Place
Name: Ana Doko, Fier
City: Fier, Albania
White, everything that surrounded me was white. Nothing else. Then there was this bright light blinding me. And there a pair of stairs right in front of me. As there was nothing else around me, I started climbing the stairs. Stairway to heaven I thought; praying that they weren’t actually taking me there. It would be a shame to die at such a young age. Ugh, these stairs didn’t really seem to lead to anywhere. I was starting to get exhausted. I was really considering going back, but back where? It all seemed pointless. Then, the stairs finally were beginning to come to an end. About time! The end was a bit bizarre, I dare say. It looked like a large balcony, the floor was marble white and shining also. I got to the end of this huge, large, strange balcony and I glanced down only to look at the ocean. Yes, the ocean. Massive deep blue water. That was what was going down under my feet. I heard a booming noise behind me and looked back. A few meters behind me large smoke was coming from the floor and was beginning to slowly fade. A very beautiful woman; blonde hair caught in a messy bun behind her head and wearing a robe like the ancient Greeks. She nodded at me in greeting and I slowly approached her. ‘Hello’ she greeted me in a melodious voice, and I stammered back ‘hello who are you?’- I wondered. ‘I come by many names,’ she said. ‘Some may call me an angel, some fate and some spirit.’ I was really confused. I asked her what did she want from me. Suddenly she clapped her hands and held her palms out and two boxes appeared in each hand floating a couple of inches above her hand with slow pulsive movements. She started talking in her sweet voice: ‘These two boxes contain all the things of life; everything there is to it. But they are divided into good and bad. You are chosen to give some good or bad to the people of the world and you get to choose what to give and who to give.’ I was very surprised. I wanted to look at the boxes. She gently pushed one, which slowly started floating and stopped in front of me. I slowly opened up the lid and stared. It was marvelous. Nothing, not had I ever seen so much light and brightness in a place. That kind of place made this crystal clear white room look like a dump. It was marvelous. A sweet melody which sounded like a violin playing coming from the box. And a second later I could see some spheres in there floating which read: gratitude, kindness, and all the best qualities of life. I noticed that the other box had approached me. I opened that one, leaving the first one opened. At first I didn’t see or better say, I couldn’t see anything because it was all dark. And then I could firstly hear a metallic strong noise coming from that box which started giving me a headache. And then these small black spheres started shooting from the box. They read poverty, misery, greed, crime and all the terrible stuff in life that no one wants to hear. Something, a small movement under my feet, caught my eye. It was New York City. It was populated but the people were numb, were not moving, were not doing anything. Then the view changed to London, to Tokyo, to Lisbon, Moscow, Paris, Istanbul, and so many other cities. But the people looked like they didn’t feel anything at all. They were just standing; like muppets waiting for someone to pull the strings. The blonde angel started talking to me: “Choose now. Give the people good or evil.” I didn’t know what to do. I was exasperated. I went down to the balcony to look at the ocean in the hope that it would calm me. It didn’t help. How could I choose to give to someone good or bad qualities. I couldn’t possibly do that. Then a thought, a small idea came across my mind. “You know what,” I said to the blonde- “they are people, not muppets. They can think and they can make their own decisions on what to follow good or bad. I’m not going to be like Pandora!” I grabbed the two boxes and threw them down to the ocean. That action got the beautiful blonde really mad. “You little insolent child!” she yelled at me. “Do you have any idea of what you have done?” She came at me running and I started backing down really quickly and then I fell. I could feel the smell, taste the salt in the air of the ocean as I suddenly opened my eyes, startled. I was in my bed, my sister standing above me with a big bottle of water. “Come on, wake up” she told me. “We gotta get to school.” I was so relieved that I had been dreaming. And I really hoped I had done the right thing.
1st Year University, 2nd Place
Name: Laura Hitoaliaj
City: Sarande
We all know that life has ups and downs. In a specific time it is going to amaze or surprise us whereas in one moment it is going to give us a lesson or to hit us. Both ways are in our favor. So up to a phrase what kills you makes you stronger. Bad times aren’t always as bad and good times aren’t always so good.
My box of best things in life would be that one that will include health, wealth, fortune, good family and success. All these are what matter in life. I didn’t mention friends that aren’t less important. If you are healthy you have strong abilities such as to work, to do anything. The most important is having a good family because family will never let you down and is going to support you in whatever the situation. Having success is another key to a happy life that includes wealth and fortune. Being successful is reaching all your goals and taking advantage of all your opportunities. If you are successful you get in touch with a variety of people that one day might become your friends. Until now you are accomplished.
On the other hand even if we don’t like it we have another box. This box includes the bad things. I might say that I consider bad things all the opposite things I mentioned before. For what is more to add being alone, without family, without friends, abandoned, having nothing for a living are the worst parts of life. You are not motivated, not supported you don’t have anyone to say “you can do it” but at the end you will survive because these things make us stronger. If we have a look at some celebrities we can easily see that most of them have had a bad life. They have been poor. But where are they today? They have reached on the top. So that’s our motivation to see how others can do even if they don’t have the opportunity. They can do because they believe in themselves. Believe in yourself. You don’t know how you worth. Bad times aren’t always as bad.
To sum up I can say that life sometimes is weird. It offer good and bad things. As I said before all are in our favor. Both ways help us to get stronger, motivate us to do our best. Dealing with problems doesn’t mean you are weak. It means you are strong enough.
1st Year University, 3rd Place
Name: Kaltra Musta
City: Tirane
During each and every day, people say “this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me” and on those very lucky days they say the opposite. But is the quote true?! Do we really understand what we are saying?? Is really an action, a look, a touch, a moment, a conversation the best or worst thing in life?? Can there ever be an exact scale for such thing as life??
However we are asked to say what is in each box… I frankly couldn’t choose a thing, instead I would choose someone people, each one, you myself that very inner self named as a soul or scientifically as unconsciousness. That is the best and the worst part, thing, empty that exist in life. So there comes the question “why?”…
This question will be answered in fact later because firstly I would like to mention a division which society makes but which I don’t fancy at all.
People, society divides each other people (that is so funny in fact, people judging other people) in three main categories which are:
A) Normal people, meaning people who live their lives in a moral way and don’t harm the others.
B) Good people, which are people that do good to society.
C) Bad people that are people who harm something or someone.
According to these main catagories sincerely I can’t see myself fit in. Are things really so fixed, is this all we humans can do?! I refuse to believe so, but that is a whole new essay that I would have to do. I stated the previous paragraph to say that is the end of the day is all about us, people, it is we that do everything good and bad, better and worse, do the best and the worst. Why?...
Because we do “the best” things in life like help each other, to charity, help animals, help the environment, help the aged people, save someone, etc. Is exactly that soul that makes us interact with others, makes us do everything we had never thought we would do. Is that subconciousness which makes us throw ourself into a dangerous situation to save someone, something else, makes us jump off a cliff save someone who is drowning. That is the best part of us all. That are we do without thinking, that loud laugh we berst into unexpectedly, that hug we need so much, even that smile we give to a stronger everything small tone with love makes us big.
On the other hand, is again this part of ourselves that we have no control over which makes us the worst for one another. Yeah, scary as it is, this two different sides are in the same people. Even in those very good people as we say. That soul as good as it can be, also worse. It is a human that one who killed, who roped, who murdered called hearted, who invented terrorism, war, weapons, who stole, who killed the animals and the tree. Yeah, they do it in the name of someone, or something, or because they needed to. Exactly they needed to. That, that is the terrifying part of it all. They do everything for their selves. Humans do everything to serve themselves.
But it is only because of these actions that I consider the human nature the worst and the best thing? Of course not. Another thing that scares me about the human nature is the way they spend time. I believe that time is the most precious thing that we have, and unfortunately it is limited. There are so many people who just waste it on unimportant things, or just let it flow.
That is life, time is life, everything you do during your staying here is life. I really don’t know how people expect so much from doing nothing all day. I’m not saying that we should do great things all day, but do something for yourself, help yourself and you will help those around you and so on.
So what was all this writing about… All this piece of writing were the reasons I chose the human nature as the best and the worst thing in life, in every life. But what can we do, we can’t control it…
No we can’t control it sometimes but we can cultivate it during our living, our growth. We can start by being a good example for those around us and then for those after us. I believe that this is everyone’s mission, to be a good example to follow. Live but live in a beautiful way, love but love healthy, don’t damage yourself, love is not supposed to hurt you, have fun but don’t make fun of the others, do whatever you like but not to whoever you like. In less words do the things you will never regret and for which you will be remembered as a good example. Live happily…
3rd Year University, 1st Place
Name: Hristina Mallanezo
City: Sarandë, Albania
Do you want to know what’s the miracle all Europe talks about? What’s the secret formula that shocked the world of medicine, beauty, science?
Well, the ancient secret is not secret is something we all know about it and it’s something we use everyday and we can’t live without it. It’s the reason life was created and exists.
It’s oxygen.
Have you ever considered why so many people suffer from diseases? Why our body is so sensitive and with the pass of time destroyed? Some may respond that this is the natural process, the human DNA is weak or humans can’t live longer than 100 years. But they can.
A highly experienced scientific group before 3 years started research. The project was to find and to carefully examine the most aged people on earth. The goal there was to reveal their longlivingness secrets and to progress them, to make these secrets more powerful and accessible for every person.
And they did it, they found and created “The True Oxygen.” The true oxygen is not just another product for sale, this is not an advertise promotion. We talk about life, progress, beauty, health in just one formula.
After the examination of the most elderly people in our planet, one thing resulted in common. Their body cells were decades younger than their age, but the laboratory examinations showed that was irrelevant with their DNA structure. Another thing interested scientists minds was that these people that were chosen to be examined actually were really isolated from civilization, they’re living in areas of wild nature that probably a common human would never visit. Moreover some of them belong in tribes that their members live decades after their 100th birthday and interestingly follow an active everyday life.
Scientists after the first findings, examined the environment of these people, everything that was related with them. The water they drink, the kind of foods they eat, the activities they are doing daily, the places they spend their day, the hours of sleep they get, etc. The results they got were pretty obvious. The lifestyle of these people had helped them to maintain healthy although all these were not answering the question of their longlingness.
Then Dr. Christina Keitsworth examined the oxygen they were breathing. The idea came to her when she found some strange elements in the water she examined. The results were astonishing. Their oxygen was different than ours. It has more minerals and natural elements, that was the key to their success.
The lifestyle we follow in big cities is unpreventably unhealthy. We can control what we eat but not always and not all of us, in a smaller degree we can control the water we drink or the exercise we do but definitely we can’t control the oxygen we breathe.
But now we can, due to “The True Oxygen.” “The True Oxygen” are bottles of enriched mineral oxygen from Amazon areas that you breathe everyday once or twice a day. People claim that they have seen amazing changes since their first use. They have been released from chronical pains and problems and they’re looking decades younger.
Surely it deserves to try it. Those who have tried it have loved it and can’t live without it, besides is far more economical than the deluxe creams and medicines we used to use. But we used them until now. Because now we have “The True Oxygen.”
3rd Year University, 2nd Place
Name: Angelina Sinaraku
City: Sarandë
“Nina, get up! Get rid of those books and come here to help me!”
“Nina, how many times do I have to call you?”
“Nina, Nina, Nina…”
You know, I can’t get rid of that voice in my head even now that I’m almost 21. I was a young girl when I discovered the love I had for books and foreign languages. I could sit all day long in my room, alone, reading French passages, English materials and things similar to those. But what would come next was the voice of my mom telling me that my friend used to study only two hours and the remaining time she helped her mum with housework. I really hated that comparison!
I know now that my mother was trying to make me a better person in managing my time and to have scheduled events but I couldn’t know that then. This was the first time I faced the struggle of comparison in my life. It wasn’t something I enjoyed though. I couldn’t stand the fact that I had to be compared with someone else in everything I did, and no one does. People differ. Not only in appearance but even in character and likeness. There is the deepest difference. Me, or everyone that had been in my shoes, couldn’t enjoy what he/she was doing if being compared with someone else. I like books, someone else doesn’t, another one likes movies and there are others who like doing housework. If someone tells me or the world that I should be or you should be like that other person, then he’s killing my/your “me”/”you”.
But on the other hand, there are people who give death to their joy themselves. I was once in the park, reading a French novel and I unconsciously heard a conversation between two ladies that were next to me. Briefly, one of them was saying how beautiful was the life of her high school friend. That sounded to me like a silly comparison full of jealousy because in the time she’s being jealous for her friend, she’s not enjoying what life gave her.
People compare themselves with others, I do it too sometimes and there’s nothing wrong with it but if this comparison turns into jealousy and obsession, as it randomly happens, one can’t enjoy his days, his activities, his life as it should. You’re killing the inner joy of seeing your child succeeding in acting if you keep comparing him with a child that has high grades. You’re not enjoying the cup of tea you’re having in a cold winter day if you’re comparing it with the chocolate someone else is drinking. You can’t say “I want what she has” instead of “I want what my heart wants.”
How can you enjoy being you if you’re comparing yourself with him/her? I think we’re all lucky people but in different ways. The moment we throw away that luck and kill our joy is the moment we’re compared. This prevents you to see how wonderful is your world and from enjoying it, enjoying what you have instead of what you might have.
3rd Year University, 3rd Place
Name: Anthulla Mallanezo
City: Sarande
Please, don’t do that! Please don’t compare me to anyone! Don’t do that because if you do that is like you’re killing me! You’re killing my own personality. I am one of my own and no other is like me, this is something that we all know. Everyone is different in this world, you and I do not have the same thoughts, the same needs though we are different and this difference makes us important and we have our own space in this world.
As I am not similar with you I am not similar with any other person because we have our own characteristics that make us different from the others. So don’t compare one with any other girl. You may know, one hundred, one thousand, one million or how many girls you want but no one is like me. I have my own way of doing things, I have my way of loving and this is not like others love you. I love you in a different way. Love you in a different way not because I am the only one in this world but because my character makes me so.
As I am not the same with others please don’t compare me because everyone in this world due to her character and specific details of their own is special. So am I; special in my way of life, love, breath and every other thing I do. I have my place in the universe. So many people are called like me but its my character that places me on top where I make contributions and then you can distinct me from all the other people. So why do you compare me?
Comparison is the death of joy. And yes it is because when you compare two things all the time you are searching for similarities and differences between them; you are not seeking for what it is that, that makes them different and at the end you lose the essence. You lose the essence because you are losing things on your way to discover the similarities and the differences.
So don’t compare things because they are made to be different. Comparison once said to me is the root of everything and is the root success. No, nothing should be compared, especially people. The root of everything is attitude and the attitude differs from person to person. Don’t compare me with anyone. Don’t do that because I will lose the essence between us and when I will lose the essence everything will be lost, my feelings my happiness and the most important…I.