WriteOn! 2024
Identify the steps of Writers Work Shops​
Describe how a Writers workshop builds a culture of writing
Lucy Calkins Units of Study website (https://www.unitsofstudy.com)
An writer's workshop example (https://learn.cli.org/best-practices/writing-workshop/overview)
One of the best ways to create a culture of writing is to use the writing workshop. Writer's Workshop is the idea that students need to be a writer from the very begining and that writing has purpose.
Task: Press on the gray box to watch the two videos of Writer's Workshops.
Video Question:
Can you identify the step of a Writer's Workshop?
How would writer workshops change for older students?
How do you feel about students not having to copy the "mini-lesson" at the start of the writers workshop?
What other writing lessons could you use for writer's workshops?