WriteOn! 2024
2019 National Winners
6th Grade
1st Place
Helena Anxhara, Gjirokaster
I wake up from loud animals noises and find myself in a stranded island. Panicking from hunger I start walking around to find some type of food to consume. The green leaves and beautiful exotic flowers led me to a coconut tree where i saw a diary and an open box. I look into the box and find a key as gold as the queens crown, a compass with magnificent engravings on it and a map of an odd looking pathway to an cave. After eating and triying to bust open a coconut i finally decided to read the misterious diary. I got the gold key and decoded the lock. The diary was full of writing by a man named Ron Hofsburn.
I read the whole diary in a bout a few hours. It was written 20 years ago and it tells the story of this man lost in an island who tries to find his way out by going into the cave. He carried with himself a map he found, his beloved compass, gold key and a bag full of different pieces of cement with patterns on them which was nowhere to be found.
The next morning i decided to follow Ron’s steps. I took his items I discovered and went ahead to find the cave. It took me days and days till i was seeing the large cae with my own eyes. It was closed….it looked like it needed a key to open the door made of rocks. I looked everywhere until the gold key that was in my pocket fell out. I decided to try opening the door with the key and if worked. The entry did a weird noise and it crumbled into dust. Kind off terrified of what just happened i went int the cave and right at the moment that i stepped in fire came out bursting from some big pieces of wood.
I was so shocked i needed a minute. After sitting down for a while i got out my map and saw three different paths to one room. The map changes but i didn’t know which path would take me securly to this misterious room. As i was reading the map it flew out of my hands and into the flames. How would i get out of here now?! I ran as fast as i could and right infront of me there was this skeleton who carried a green backpack with a patch on it.
It said “Ron Hofsburn property” and that’s when i understood Ron didn’t make it...I took the bag and opened it to see nothing...someone must be in here - i said to myself. Disappointed i walk into a few entries until infront of me there was a room full of gold and fire doors where behind it. I ignored the gold and pricy object to unlocking all the entries. Door number one was empty, door number three had a big waterfal in it and door number four had Ron.
-Help me!- he screamed -I’ve been here for more than 18 years!
I took his hand and slid him out of the room.
-How did your survive?- i asked him.
- Like this - he answered and threw me of the third door.
Ron was evil (the mean one!) He tricked me and who knows how many people before that i thought to myself before falling into the blue crystal looking waterfall.
2nd Place
Albi Ceku, Bulqizë
3rd Place
Sindi Majmutaj, Lushnjë
7th Grade
1st Place
Era Giyla, Lushnjë
One normall day I was walking to school. Suddenly I fell in a hole. I was falling so fast I lost my feelings. When I opened my eyes I saw some people with wings.
-Am I in heaven?
-No- they said. You are in rainbow city.
I started laughing. I thought it was a dream so I slapped myself but I was still there. Up there, there were only rainbow and clouds. Everything was enchanting, but I just couldn’t believe I was up there in the cloud kingdom. They got me up and took me to a little house in the rainbow street. Everything was bright, sparkly and colorful. There were people smiling and flying everywhere it was very different from the place where I lived. There was positivity everywhere. They took me somewhere else. It was a sad place where everything was grey and black. The angels said this was “sadtopia” where everyone was evil and sad at the same time.This grey shadow was getting very close to rainbow street and cloud palace. One of the flying angels was named Crystal (it was a really weird name). She was going to help me defeat the grey shadow and turn everything rainbow again. I said I couldn’t I was too small the defeat the grey shadow of sadness. They encouraged me by saying “small peple do big things.” I said.
-But why did you chose me, why me?
-Because you still got lots of hope and happiness that this world can become better.
It had been two days since my “tragedy” and I still wasn’t covinced “why me” I would say. Suddenly I heard people screaming in terror and the rainbow street getting grey. The grey trolls were walking on the streets and spreading sadness. Suddenly, Crystal grabbed my arm and flew away with me. The grey trolls saw that I was still colorful and started throwing arrows at me. Luckily, Crystal’s arms were strong enough to leave us from there. We stopped at the rainbow coffee and sat down that place was still colorful. I asked Crystal what happened and she said:
-The grey king must have heard of you coming here. He must have released all his biggest grey monsters.
-But what are we going to do?- I said
- We are going at the grey palace and get the rainbow heart. Here drink this potion it will grow you wings to fly away in case of danger.
I did so and I was suddently turned into a colorful fairy. It was so beautiful! So we started our adventure. During the way we say great big and grey dogs. Even though that was defeated them and reached to the grey palace, to the room of rainbow heart. Crystal got capptured but I managed to get the heart and run away I was turning grey cause I wasn’t believing in myself. But there was still hope I turned grey but then I got up broke the heart crystal and a magical fairy came out of there. “The Rainbow Queen” she said thank you and suddenly everything was colorful again. After that I went in the rainbow street and lived there spreading hope and hapiness to everyone, everywhere.
2nd Place
Alfredo Kalus, Vlorë
3rd Place
Matilda Gjoni, Baz
8th Grade
1st place
Kristina Kokum, Vlorë
I looked at the watch on my wrist. 3:30 pm. If I didn’t hurry I would miss my plane. “Line 3, Line 3” I mumbled as I fished my ticket from my purse. “Miss, are you sure this is your plane?” the security guard asked. I nodded. He seemed confused but let me go on. The plane was huge. Just the wings were the size of a fifty story building. Tiny windows lined the outside but there was no logo painted on. The flight atendant greeted me at the entrance. “You can sit in the fron now miss.”
I peeked inside and my blood ran cold. The plane was empty. Shocked for a moment I went to sit down reassuring myself that I was just early. I buckled my seat belt and took out my phone. 3:50. The plane was supposed to take off soon. I ignored the sinking feeling in my gut and started playing a game.
I jumped. A high pitched voice rang from the speakers. “Flight 1 now taking off. Thank you for fying with us!” “Flight 1” i thought, “Oh no!” Realizing my mistake, I called for the flight attendant. She was a nervous looking girl was big round glasses. “S-sit down please, we are about to take off.” she stuttered out. “Wait, I’m on the wrong plane I’m supposed to be on flight 3” I said in hysterics, but a sudden surge of pressure knocked me off my feet. The plane shook and rumbled before we suddenly took off at an unimaginable speed. My mind swirled and I felt like throwing up. Odly the flight attendant seemed perfectly fine. She was standing upright and smiling.
However after a few seconds the plane stabilized and I got back on my feel to sit down. I had never been on a plane before so maybe this was normal. I pluged in my headphones and started my favourite playlist. I leaned back to enjoy the view from the window when I felt something kicking me. “Hey Hey” a voice rang. “Give me some space” I flinched and turned around to see a big orange blob shaped thing with three eyes and flubbery arms. I bit back a scream. “What are you? I asked The thing laughed “I’m just like you” “A human, I pointed at myself confused. “Seriously, youre human!” I nodded. “Why did you get on a plane for spirits then?” I reeled back , what? Plane for spirits? No way I messed up that bad. I looked around and surely enough all the seats were filled with various monsters. No way! No way! No way! I clasped my head and shut my eyes tightly. This was a nightmare!
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
When I landed I had gotten a better grasp of the situation. This world, the spirit world, was home to various spirits. They ranged in ranks from simple peasants to gods who controlled natural phenomena in the human world. Obbly, my new orange friend was a mid range spirit with few abilities. But as he worked at a library he knew lots of trivia. To get back to my world I had to talk to the supreme ruler,Solaris, goddess of the sun who looked over the rising of the sun.
I stodd in front of her palace. It was hidden attop the clouds and fittingly decorated with golden ornamental suns. I greeted the guard spirit at the entrance. “A human!” He poked my check. “Are you real?” “Yes” I tapped my foot impatiently. Most spirits were harmless to humans. “May I see the queen?” He handed me a visitor badge and I went inside.
The queen stood behind a giant curtain, embroidered in golden flowers. “Your highness, I am a human who accidentally came here. May I return to my world. I saw shifting behind the curtain and a little girl came out. “Ah a petty human.” Why should I deal with your stupid mistakes? Get out now!” Her hands morphed into bubly monstrosities and I ran as fast as I could.
Somewhere along the hallway I bumped into a young boy with jet black hair and kind blue eyes. “Im sorry Im so sorry” He smiled. “Its alright” His face looked amused. “A human, the queen doesn’t like you very much. You are too much work.” He chuckled. “I”m assuming you want to return to your world?” I nodded quickly. The boy took my hand and helped me up. “I’m Weaver the got of destiny!! Lets head over to the tapestry room.
A humongous room that spanned perhaps 3 football fields unfolded before my eyes. The cathedral ceiling were decorated with moving stars. Thousands of tapestry machines were being run by human like spirits dressed in white. “This is where we weave destiny.” He lead me to my tapistry, a big long gold and blue color. “Your future is bright” I sat down and Weaver instructed me. As the thread converged I felt light. My eyes closed and when they fluttered open I was back in my bed. What a crazy experience.
2nd place
Sibora Sota, Lushnjë
3rd place
Andia Duraku, Kukës
9th Grade
1st place
Geris Hoxha, Burrel
Sometimes I think life isn’t fair with me, so I am the best at school and everything and my only problem is the dishes. Mum always says that I should know how to do household chores because I am a girl, etc etc….About a month ago like everyday I started washing and listening to music. I suddenly dropped a plate because of my soapy hands and then it stroke. My finger started bleeding and besides that some ashes or smoke clouds I don’t really now appeared. I started screaming but none was home and I fell unconcious.
Then I found myself lying at the couch but I didn’t remember anything. I got up and there was a beautiful boy staring at me with his deep blue eyes for a moment I was hyponotised. He told me: “Please don’t scream I’ll explain everything I’m here just for you.” I was shocked and just said okay. He started telling me a story it was about ancient times when there wasn’t any science but magic. There were a kingdoms the one of Nomea and Frianka. The king of Prianka started a war and in the end the fate would be decided by a magic fight between the two princs.Erny was the prince of Prianka and Andy the one of Nomea.They started the fight and for a moment Andy fell down just at this moment… then I interupted his talk and asked him “Why are you telling me all this and who are you, why are you here in front of me.” He replied “My name is Andy I was prionsed at your plate which was cursed by Erny and you relieved me right when you dropped it.” I can say I couldn’t believe my ears. I had a genie right in front of my eyes.
Andy told me that he could not be released himself so he have waiting for a miracle and now he was “in my order.” I asked him if he was totally freed but he wasn’t so I said I’d help him with anything now he had two days left. With his powers he created an identical copy of me, a better one who could do the chores and we left. During the road he told me that we had to found Erny’s blood people so anyone of his kids. I didn’t know where I was going but something about him gave me some security and I felt I was in good hands. We stopped for a moment because he was tired of all that light spped running and carrying my hand and he told me he just remmembered something his grandpa had told him.
He didn’t have to find Erny’s people but he used to say taht when a magician prince dies his tomb wasn’t an ordinary tomb it was like the faraons of Egypt there lies his sword that could break any of the prince magics and curses. So now we knew our destination we were going to Transilvania where all Prianka’s kings and princes were buried. Andy had a look in his face, it was amazing his eyes were shining and he was very happy and all the road was telling me he’d give me everything I wanted but I didn’t wanted anything. We arrived at the place and I was waiting for some dark place but it was an old castle and it was not as I expected it. We went in and there were a lot of gigantic paintings and statues covered with dust. We went at the throne room and hoped to find a clue just now I noticed at the garden something strange it was a tree but I thought it was a doorknob. Andy and me went there and I was correct.
We tried to open the door but it was locked it was a key in a shape of a leaf so we tried the leaf of the tree and it worked. The hidden door opened. We went down the stairs and there was a room with nothing in it. It was strange. I stepped at the floor and noticed some music notes and when I told Andy that he said he remembered a song that was only Prianka’s kingdom, it was like a traditional and he started making a strang walk. During the war he had seen them doing so and just by one step wrong the walls moved forwards each other. He arrived at the end and then made something to transport me there so now we were finishing what we started. He pushed the wall and arrived at a room that was all covered with gold and there were also some clear glass vacuum boxes where were swords of every king of Prianka. We went at Erny’s place and took his sword. Andy was very content. I said: “Can you give me the honour to release you since I started this my prince” and then he replied “of course my majesty” I took the sword and put it on his head and two shoulders. For a moment he was covered by all the dust and gold flying around him everything was moving and I was amazed. Now Andy was free. He grabbed me in his arms thanking and thanking me. I had never seen any person such happy literally.
We went home and he decided that now that he was free he was staying at my town he was 17 years old and had powers to do anything so now I had someone near me, someone real and that was about to be just like “my brother.” He promised to always stay by my side and we were always going to be together and new adventures were waiting for us.
2nd place:
Dario Skandro, Lushnjë
3rd place
Felisia Hajnaj, Vlorë
10th Grade
1st Place
Ana Muharemi, Vlorë
The last week of summer. What do I do? In less than a week I start my junior year in high school. I certainly could use a distraction from all the pressure. Since my mum wasn’t home and neither was my dad, I couldn’t go far from home. Luckily I live only ten minutes away from the Soda Forest, so I decided to go for a job. If I knew what I would discover, I would have never have left my house. I got dressed, tied my hair, checked my blood sugar levels and stormed through the door.
The jog was already starting to make me feel better, less stressed. I kept jogging for about half and hour. Why would I stop? Well, a hill that I had never seen crossed my path. Strange. Never had I seen this part of the forest, I didn’t even know there was a hill. My gut kept telling me to leave, but curiosity got the best of me. There I am, going up that hill. It felt like forever, but finally I was on the other side. What I saw was unbelieveable. A tall kulla and countless mountains of stones scattered in a what seemed endless green carpet of glass. After the observation, I suddenly realized that it was or had been a large village.
My summer reading book helped me realize what was in front of my eyes In “Broxen April” by Ismail Kadare, the main caracter Gjorg Berisha encounters a place just like this. “A punished village,” by the Kanun. The Kanun is the ancient code of honour in albanian society. It punishen non-obedient villages, families or individuals. This must have been a non-obedient village to the kanun. This was the punishment: destroying, breaking to the ground houses and killing every single villager. Realizing this, I was shocked. I thought the Kanun only operated in North Albania. How was it possible a village like this existed this near to my house and I hadn’t heard a single word about it?? Most importantly, what violation had they commited to recieve this strong of a punishment. It must have been a blood feud code one.
A young male, probably around fifteen year old, was supposed to carry on the blood feud: kill someone in order to avenge the blood of his relative who was killed before. He must’ve been reluctant though. Month’s passed, but the young boy hadn’t taken revenge. He was in the wait, the alleged victim came, the shotgun was ready but the boy wasn’t. He comes out of the place he has been hiding and offers a deal. The boy won’t kill and neither will the other man who murdered his relative. They go home to tell their fathers. Firstly, the reluctance is grave but eventually they accept. After all, there would be no more killings, no more blood shed. The village too, started shutting down blood for blood killings.
The word spread in the North Plateu about this revelutionarily compulsive village. The Band decided to punish the village, by killing everyone and tearing down their houses. And so the whole country continued shedding blood for blood. This whole scenary started taking life. The stones rose and created the houses. The boy in the wait; the pact; the killings. I was drowned in the villagers’ blood. A frozen tear rolled down my cheek and the mourni grew inside me.
2nd Place
Stela Cani, Lushnjë
3rd Place
Kiara Dona, Rreshen
11th Grade
1st Place
Besalba Kopani, Puka
She was staying at her castle as usual, a place full of roses, birds and bullshit like that, that the queen wanted.
The place had no way out and even when the Royal Family which consisted of the queen and her daughter, would go out to visit the villages, she never took the princess with her. The king had died a few years ago and he had been a thief before. An adventurous, funny and crazy thief with a big heart that he gave to the queen before the disease took him away. And his daughter was no different, a rebel with a need for new adventures, an 18 year old beautiful girl that only wore dresses for pictures but never on a daily. She would put her metal and rock n roll CDs on and dance all day with her ripped jeans and sway her black hair around to the rithm. Of course this pleasure was until her mother would come and interrupt her, making a lesson which felt like forever, telling her to change that outfit and her ways as she would never find a prince to like her and marrying her. She spoke back to her mom everytime, but this time she decides to be a “good” girl and to agree with her mother. She dyed her hair blonde again and took off all that black makep and clothes to put on her pink dress and her white shoes. The queen was surprized but she was happy.
Now, this was just a plan of the princess to go and do the one thing she always wanted to do, sing in a rock concert.
She ate dinner with her mother like normally, and convinced her that she would be back to bed in a few. Her mother gave her permission to talk around the garden but little did she know, her daughter was sneaking out of the kingdom to make her dream come true.
She went down the road stole some normal clothes from a yard and already felt like a rebel. She thought a bit about what she just did and her mothers words, that she wouldn’t get married, but that was not what she wanted at all. The prince and all those pretty things were not her.
As she climbed on the stage of a Karaoke bar, and started singing, she found herself. The words, the strength and the magic coming from her were amazing. But there was one thing that kept her from hearing all the cheers and the claps from others. The piercing brown eyes of a handsome boy in the back that had been watching her, the minute she came in. The night went on and they also sung together, a few songs but a few words and conversations that they exchanged later would be how the magic between them started. A loud noise was heard as the queen herself came in but stoped when she saw her daughter with another boy.
The princess run to her mother beging for apology but the queen could only whisper: “Thats how your farther looked at me” as a tear ran down her cheek. With taht, the queen went to talk to the guy, ignoring her confused daughter and the hundred eyes on her. As soon as he saw the queen he bowed down and said “My queen, its an honour for me, the prince of Amsterdam to finally meet you.” Everyone in the room was shocked, even the queen who proceeded to take him and his daughter to the castle to have a beautiful marriage a few days later.
When the moment came, daughter and mother walking down the isle she whispered: “See mom, I rescued myself and found my prince.”
2nd Place
Sibora Dervishaj, Vlorë
3rd Place
Era Laze, Lushnjë
12th grade
1st place
Ada Dobra, Burrel
Beep-beep. Ugh… That irritating alarm sound. Rolling over, I try to snut my ears up and dismiss the aggrarating sound, but I become more and more conscious of the annoying song from under my bed. I roll over and pick my phone up. I snooze the alarm system and brace myself to start another day, even though I’d love to sleep a little bit more. Oh, farewell my dear sleep, we shall meet again at night, You’ve been a good friend.
I got up of my enormous bed, but was surprised to see that it had already been made. I try to remember how I had fallen asleep last night, but could not recall laying over my mattress. Anyway, I blame my clumsy self for that and just carry on with the rest of the morning. I go to the kitchen, anticipating to dig into that delicious egg and cheese toast, but what I see makes me stop right on my tracks. Huh, clearly I must have drank something suspicious last night, because right now in front of my eyes there was another person. Scratch that, it was myself, my own face and body, me in living flesh.
I try to blink once, but she was still there. I blink again but she was still there. Well, clearly she wasn’t moving from there anytime soon. In fact, she was enjoying herself. Well, that was a little bit odd; the real me would never be that happy in the morning, I’m rather grumpy and annoyed. Then, my mum and dad pass right through me and greet the other me. Wow, how did that happen? Not only do I now have a doppelganger, but I am also walk-through? Things are getting a bit suspicious. Am I being replaced by another me, jst that she isn’t me?
To put that into test, I open my mouth and greet my parents but they just ignore me. Oh no you didn’t. How could they just brush me off like that? But if that wasn’t shocking enough, I am stunned to see them hug the other me and chat with her. I mean, come on, they are my parents. They’re supposed to know me right away. I go across the room and try to catch their attention, but it seems as though I am invisible to them. But not to the other me. She smiled at me. Then, a voice in my head whispered, “I have your life now, how about that?” I was utterly confused. What was happening? And then, the other me laughs it off. “I’m in your mind, silly? I have taken over your life.”
“But how?” I yelled at her. “You’ll need to find that out for yourself.” Ugh, that stupid imposter. She’s taking my life and she won’t even tell me why. Oh, if she wants war, I’ll give her jsut that. Get ready you stinky, silly, bratty imposter, cause I’ll show you the costs of messing with me. I just grin at her and let her finish with breakfast. My tummy growls. That was my breakfast, this is just unfair. But, I’ll have to put through with this, so I make my plan. I decide to let her live my usual day and follow her so as to try to find out more about who she is and what does she want from me.
It’s almost time for school, so the lying me gets out of the house to leave. I go right after her period. “How does it feel to be invisible?” She’s talking in my head. But why? “Who are you?” I ask her. “I am you” was her reply. I frown at that. “You can’t be me, I am me.” “I am you from another time.” she replies. “I have come to live yours in this time.” I am furious. “You can’t just snap my life up like that? It’s mine, you understand me?” “Well if you want it back, you’ll have to fight for it.” And with that she just shuts me down and enters the school quarters.
Throughout the day, I watch as this old, freaky imposter continues with my usual routine. I become jealous of her. Sure, chemistry is boring as hell, the biology teacher smells, and that boy at the end of the class that keeps staring at me is creepy, but I miss this, the whole of it. I talked to my doppelganger several times during the day, just to find out bits of information and learn more about her. Apparently, I’d been a duchess in France in the 1800s. I’d been an excellent student, a gorgeous lady, but had died of loneliness at a very young age. Well, that was depressing.
After school, she went to my dance class. I love dancing, but she took that from me too. She then went to the local coffee shop and drank my favourite chocolate chip caramel iced frappuccino, the torture she puts me through. She laughed with my friends, made fun of my little brother, went for a walk with my boyfriend, and worst of all, got to play with my kitty cat. Ugh, the audacity this girl had.
I was starting to feel hopeless. I couldn’t find a single clue that lead to this bizarre takeover of my life. But clearly, no one could recognize the real me. My doppelganger had suceeded in fooling everyone. It was better if I just accepted my fate and be gone for good, and let the memory of my old life be forgotten to oblivion. I was so sunk in my thoughts that I didn’t notice my doppelganger had approached me. I was sitting in my backyard, on my favourite swing, trying to wipe down my tears. It was a cloudy night, and I couldn’t see anything.
I only felt the trace of her hand on my face. She was crying, too. Stuttering, I asked her, “What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy now? You’re living the life you’ve always dreamt of?” She whispered, “But this is not my life. I have died a couple centuries ago.” I became irritated, “Well, you’re a bit old, so what? Big deal. You get to live.” She frowned and said “This is not fair. I tried to gain another chance to live life, to reshape my dreams, to give aim to my journey. But, I understood that it just doesn’t work that way. You are you, and this is your chance. Your shot. Mines expired so long ago. I regret what I did, and I’m returning you everything.” I was confused, “But why?” She told me, “I have take a great lesson today, you only have one shot at living, take it and take the best of it.” At that, she just disappeared and left.
I was stunned. Then, mum came out and called my name. She saw me, she actually saw me, and told me to go in for dinner. I couldn’t believe it. I had my life back. As I sat down for dinner, I started listening to the noisy chatter of my siblings and the bantering of my parents. My phone signaled of new messages. My friends had texted me, telling me our inner jokes. My boyfriend had sent me a cute selfie. Kitty cat was on my lap, waiting for my usual carressing on her fur. This was me, my actual life. As I saw through all this I understood what me from another time meant. This was my life, what I had built. She’d lost hers, not enjoying what she already had. But I won’t the same mistake. This is me, life, and I’m going to get you. Let the game begin. Live it up, my dear me.
2nd place
Loren Ormenaj, Vlorë
3rd place
Elvisa Gazi, Lushnjë