WriteOn! 2024
2018 National Winners
6th grade
6th Grade, 1st place
Name: Era Gjyla,
City: Lushnjë
After a day of school I came home tired. I was feeling weird that day. I think it was from the milk. So as soon as I got home my cat started to follow me like she was in danger. Then I stopped and asked her what was going on and then she just started to talk. For a moment I lost my feelings. As soon as I woke up my cat started to talk. I was so amazed even though I’ve always wished for my cat to talk it was weird. So she told me everything. She told me for the “catland” I just couldn’t believe my cat would talk so most of the time I was just staring at her and watching her lips move. And I think she told me something about a King Dog which was destroying her kingdom and her queen locked in a small room. So after hearing those things I just want to help her. She said that this was why she was crying all day. She took me at my garden. There she told me for a little hole in the wall. I put my door through it and it couldn’t fit. The cat gave me a weird juice and I turned into a fluffy white cat with orange stops. She said me to jump into the hole but just got from the other side of of the wall. She told me to imaginate so I could go to “CatLand”. I did that and amasingly I was in “CatLandia”. I saw a big castle decorated with black crystals. My cat was very sad. She told me how beautiful was it before kind “Dog” came. We ran fast as we could. At the way there we saw bulldog guardians. It was pretty scary when you were a cat. After we got in the castle we went at the prisons where the queen was staying. My cat found a key at the sleepy bulldog’s belt. After we opened the cage the queen thanked us. We even helped the other cat soldiers locked in cages. Very carefully we went to the king Dog’s room. It was very ugly. It had dog slime on everything. After going inside the room me and other cats locked the king in a cage. I wore his pajamas. I was pretending to sleep in his bed. I called the guardians and told them to leave the kingdom. The guardians were very amazed. They thought that I was sick. One of them came close to me and I started to shout to him. Then he and the other dogs left from the CatLandia and never came back. As for the king we locked him as he did with the cats’ queen. As soon as they thanked me I woke up. It was just a dream. When I woke up my cat started to talk. And I screamed
-Whaaaat? It was pretty creepy.
6th Grade, 2nd place
Name: Adelajdo Frroku
One day when I was going home I saw a strange creature. I was really mad because that day the principal sent me to detention for a mistake that one of my friends made. I was really mad and I kicked the creature. Then while I was going home I saw the creature following me. I was scared and I didn’t know what to do. I went home and I thought that he was gone but I was wrong. As soon as I opened the door he came in. Then I realized that it was a dragon. I was very confused. Then my mom opened the door. I was in panic and then I hid it under my bed. That night I didn’t sleep at all. Next day we went to find his owner. We went to a strange cave with lots of weird symbols. Then we saw a village. I asked the people who live if they knew anything about it. They told me that the dragons lived near the volcano. We climbed up to the top. Suddenly a stronge man appeared and started following us. The baby dragon hopped into my arms. We found a shelter to hide. I realized that he was a villain. We climbed up to the mountains and saw that his family. I saw an old man taking care of the dragons family. He was really strong. He gave me a necklace that he believed that it would bring me luck. I usually do not trust these types of things but I took it. In my opinion that required a lot of braveness. But he ate all the chocolates that were hidden under the bed but.. Never mind. To be honest the necklace brought me good luck… I mean for real.
6th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Ester Tartari
City: Vlora
I live alone with my pet cat. Her name is Lucy. It is really cute and sweet. I love her so much but one day a really weird things started happening… Here’s begins my story….
It was a sunny, beautiful day. I woke up and got off bed, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. Then I saw my cat standing beside me and just watching me from the ground. Then she started meowing, but I thought that she just wanted some food, so I went to grab the cat treats. When I filled the bowl with food, she didn’t eat it and just kept meowing like she wanted to tell me something. So when I finished my breakfast I went to her and straight up asked her a question like she was a human:
-What’s wrong my baby?
Then she said:
-You human thing, I just want you to pick me up, and I wana give you some love! Pick me up now, you, you… huuuumannn! Meow….
I didn’t expect her to give an answer!... I just expected a really cute meowing, but not talking! Anyway… I picked her up and then she asked me, while looking at me all cute and adorable:
-Do you wana meet meh friends… Meow meow?
-Uhm… sure I guess….
Then she brought me in the garden and she meowed really really loudly.
Immediately two shadows started coming down from the sky.
I was really surprised and scared, because the two shadows were a unicorn and a baby dragon. I screamed, but my cat covered my mouth. Then I met the two of them and they were really nice actually.
The sun started hiding it’s face… and the moon showed up. I went to bed with my kitty adn I said:
-Good night!
-Good night! Meow… meow
When I work up I thought it was just a dream but I was calm, but I was wrong:
-Yo, get off the bed, I’m waiting for my food…. Meow meow!
7th grade
7th Grade, 1st place
Name: Argesa Hereni
City: Kukës
My mom called me from the next room. She was going to visit my sister. My father was going with her too, this means I am home alone!!!
After my parents went out I opened my laptop. This would be my first walk alone in the forest. I’ve been waiting so much for this. I prepared my camping bag with all the things I needed I downloaded a navigator that would tell me the way to the forest. Then I got out the door, following the navigator on my phone.
Finally I found the forest, but unexpectedly too many voices were murmuring near my ear. I turned around and waited to see someone, but nothing happened. Then I fell on the ground. A big mouth in the middle of the tree made me scream.
“Who’s there.” I shouted.
“What do you mean?” the big mouth asked.
I didn’t know that the trees in this forest could talk. I never thought about something like that. This forest was so thrilling. While minutes past I was doing fine with the trees.
“Why did you come here in our forest?” -started one of the trees
“No one came to visit us since two hundred years ago.” said another.
“Look I won’t hurt you trees. I just wanted to explore this forest.” I answered
“We won’t hurt you too. We’re just happy that finally someone came to visit us.”
“And you will be rated for this. We have a present for you. We saved this little present for many years.”
“I can’t wait to see what it is.” I said.
“But we have one condition. Only if you stay with us, the present will be yours.” -they said.
“I can’t stay will you guys, because I have a family too. How can I stay with you?”
“It’s okay we can do something for that.” They answered.
Too many things happened at the same time. After a while I found myself inside one of the trees. That doesn’t have any sense. I started crying but I didn’t see any tears. I wished this could be a dream but this was the truth. I couldn’t do anything. At least I wanted to get my present. I heard a human voice. Then I realized how unlucky that human was.
7th Grade, 2nd place
Name: Rea Hajrulla
City: Vlora
Yesterday I went on a hike with my family. It was wonderful. Now I’ll show you what happened:
The forest was full with fall and old trees. They was the grandparents of the forest. I was also a fantastic view and I let myself free in the forest’s voices.
When I went to my family, I heard some strange voices. They look like an old man talking to me. I went there but there wasn’t anyone. The voices keep talking to me again, until a little girl said:
-Hello, I’m so happy to meet a girl, before 100 years.
I was excited but also terrified.
-Who are you? I can’t see anyone.
-Oh sorry. I’m a little tree. My name is Flora.
-Wow that’s fantastic. You can talk?
- Yes all trees there can talk. What’s your name?
I didn’t know what to do but I said:
-My name is Rea. I have never talked with trees. How can you do that?
Flora laughed for a few moments. Then she said:
-We never talk to people because if we do that they will cut us and the forest will disappear. Where can we live?! People are very bad and cruel. I hope you aren’t like them. You will not cut me?! Please.
-Sure. Here lives a fantastic animal world with rare animals like Coconut Monkey.
-Wow what are they?
-They are small cute monkeys that eat only coconuts, have you heard about the birds that eat only leaves? They are fantastic but sometimes they eat us. They are pink and have got a blue beak.
-Wow, this animals are amazing. Which is your favorite one?
-My favorite one is the fish that lives in sand. It’s black and has got white eyes.
-I love this animal world and I feel so disappointed because I never have heard about them. The nature is fantastic and the blue sea makes a fantastic picture. I’m sorry now I have to go because I will eat dinner.
-Please Rea don’t share this time with us to your parents.
-Ok Flora that ‘s not a problem. I’m so happy and I wish I’ll meet you again.
When I went to my family my mother was terrified and asked me where I was all the time, but I couldn’t tell her this amazing experience. I was too happy because they talk to me before 100 years and because I learned more about nature and their wonders.
7th Grade, 3rd place
Name: Ecio Goçi
City: Lushnjë
One day I was cycling in the forest with my friends. It was a sunny day and we were having so much fun. But then a very strange thing happened. I was lost inside the forest and it got even more darker. I was scared because I was all alone and the trees were moving! I decided to escape from the forest but the trees were big and I didn’t have space to go! Suddenly the trees shown their faces and started to speak to me. They said: How dare you step in the hidden forest! It’s unforgivable!”
-”I don’t know what are you talking about? What is “The hidden forest.””
-”It’s the only forest that the trees eat or speak. And I’ll tell you something. Do you know what’s our favorite food?”
“Human hearts!!!”
Then I started to run because I didn’t want to be dead meat. I cycled so fast that my legs were burning! When I escaped from the forest I told everyone that not to get in the forest because it was dangerous but not one listened to me and then I called the police so I could be sure if the trees were real. The police man never turned back. Then I decided to go again and kill those hungry trees!
I got a saw and pistol. I went there and the trees asked.
-What do you want again? Do you want to become an omelette that policeman?
-Oh no! Urghhhh, I’ll never forgive you!!!
Then I killed those trees with my pistol and cut them with my saw. They made a very nice and warm fireplace. Now those trees do not mess with humans anymore!
8th grade
8th Grade, 1st Place
Name:Lolita Mati
City: Korça
I'm awake, it's the big day! Today is the day that I'm writing that wonderful and creepy experience that happened to me that warm spring day. The "wow" thing wasn't in the morning, but in the most ordinary place in a world, school. yeah school. I just remember that I woke up very angry and of course as always, I was late. It was history class I was hopping that the teacher won't do us a test in history although history is my favorite subject. Teacher finally opened her mouth and said: Students! I have something special planing for you today.
In that moment my mind was like...
Alarm! Alarm! Beware! Danger! Nooooo the test i coming. I could picture myself getting an F and me crying at home for the rest of the week but.....
Students I thought that today we are going to visit a museum.
Yaaaay- we all said.
And in my mind I was like......
Omg! Omg! Thanks god!
Well if you thing that this was the "wow" thing sorry to let you down but nah. The wow thing is coming but please read more.
Okay so we went there. The thought that we had no test in hostory made me feel like a buterfly flying above a wonderful pink flower. Every thing was sooo boring there All you called see where first pictures, old peaces of paper, pictures, pictures and something else I don't remember right now, oh I found it, pictures again! And I was like...
Seriously dude, this is way too borring.
The teacher was talking to us. She was explaning the circumstances of the states durin first word war showing us a picture of Hitler. So in general boring things. Than we saw a statue of Cleopatra and old stuff from aicent Egypt. That was really facinating tho. Than the best part when my mind was like...... "Wow" was that moment when we saw a real mummy. It was very cool.
Than I noticed something strange..... All the most famous things of acient time where there, in just one single museum of our small city. But how.... I mean we saw mummys in a museum in Korca while that mummy should be in the National Museum of Kajro in Egypt. My mind was really blowing in that moment. Later I realise that others didn't noticed that. Click!
The light shut down and everything went dark, like deep dark. There's no way you could see anything in that huge museum wich were way larger than the building outside. I started to scream with all my voice. I was looking for others in the dark but.... nothing. I was alone! I know wow right! But wait there’s more! As I was screaming and begging for help I felt a cold very thin hand like a dead meat in my shoulder. I froze. My blood wasn’t circulating anymore. I turned around and sudenly the lights were on again. And what I saw! The mummy was standing in front of me saying –oh hello Lolita. I’m Jack. We are in school together remember. So are you enjoying the visit in museum? What… I was surprised by myself too. I wasn’t screaming anymore. It was the voice of Jack but it was a Mummy!! See, - he contined that pichre over there!
I saw the picture! Hitler was moving!! He was saying something in German that as I understood was let the war begin! And suddenly all the pichers was coming outside the pichur coming towards me. Their faces seemed very angry and ready to attack! My brain was like … Run girl, run!! But the door was locked. I said:
What do you want from me?
For all the cakes of the world she can speak!! (Marie Anttonette said!)
Yes of course I can speak and you miss should be without a head. You were excecudet in 1700s in Revolution of France.
Oh! How dare you threat me like that. I’m a queen. I’m the queen of cakes!
Than Mona Lisa said:
Anette, please, the girl was right, you are just a lifelike picture that comes outside of the pichure is the mos ordinary thing in the world isn’t it.
And I was like
Yeah picture coming in life and trying to attack me is pretty normal.
But let get straight to the point! (said Xhorxh Washington) Amerika needs us. Slavery should be forbidden.
Xhorxh, you are a picture for the god sake.
Oh yeah, for the rights of the museum than.
Than I said
Guys! – and all the pictures where looking at me. I just wanna go home.
No until we’ll have a word with you young lady. (Shekspir speaking) You are a drama queen lady. You keep saying allways that history is boring. But let me tell you something! It isn’t. You offended us.
So let me guess, you came alive and freaked me out just to talk about history is beautiful?
Of course! (Cleopatra speaking). History is beauty itself.
Here she started just because you are Miss History doesn’t mean you know everything.
Guys!! Please let me out I want to see my mommy.
Mummy? Did she say mummy! Here I am.
Noo, not you! I said mommy! Look I love history its my favorite subject but today I woke up angry. I realised that everyone in school is gonne outside this cursed or haunted museum without me.
Darling – said Napoleon Bonapart. Your friends are here but you can’t see them cause we brought you to the dimension of history. We only wanted to show you that history is not boring.
Yeah, - said King Edward I. History is a wonderful world. You can turn back your head and see a different time. Different sense of lifestyle. You can learn about many things. History is not boring. History is not boring.
Suddenly I realized I was back. Everything was normal. Jack was acting like mummy and Anna was admiring the statue of God. We were at the museum of Middle Aged icons. See this was the “wow” thing.
So do you thing is “wow”
Do you thing that history is still boring?
Nah, now I don’t thing so.
2nd Place
Name: Elona Hila
City: Lezhë
I remember I was with my colegs in one of our labs. We were trying to invent something that would help humanity. Robots. And we did. Robots did help but something went terribly wrong later. They got out of cotrol. Thousands and thousands of them escaped and went out in the open. Terror. Screams. Fire. One life after the other we slowly started to vanish. Blood had dyed every street of this city and our once blue sky had turned pitch black. I was lucky enough to get out of the labuotory alive. I went running touards my family, worried like I had never been before. As I reached my house the only thing that my eyes saw was Homes. I could hear their callings for help but I didn't move. I was paralyzed with fear. My eyes widen and I fell to floor covering my ears so wouldn't hear their pleas. "MOVE!" I screamed in my head but I didn't move an inch. I could feel myself violently shaking and tears fell down my cheeks. I stood there and did nothing. The people I loved the most were now dead because I was a coward. I opened my mouth and screamed as loud as I could. But did anyone hear me? The answer is no. I screamed and screamed till nothing came out. My house burned down to ashes and so did my heart. Every inch of my body was in pain and I fell on the street, rolling around, pulling my hair as hard as I could. "What monsters did I create?!" A voice told me. It was my voice and mine alone. I treid to open my eyes to see what chaos was happening but because of my tears my vision was blury. I was so tired by now, and bit by bit my conciounes slipped away. This was the end.
3rd Place
Name: Sigenos Golemi
City: Lushnje
It was the year 2034, a Japanese corporation created the first fully working robots. This made world-wide news and people had many different opinions on them some thought that they would be useful and do many chores for the humans, cook food, iron clothes and a lot more. But others had a more negative opinion, that they would be job-less and in the end the people wouldn't have any income and would be poor. But there was also the "conspiracy theorists", who thought the robots would take over the world, nobody took them seriously but little did they know that the conspiracy theorists were right. Five months into the year and the robotswere being used to do heavy jobs, people could also buy them and program them to do what they wanted. Eight months in and they robots had taken over a few jobs, leaving the employees with no money and job. People were now starting small riots to ban robots. And a full year laterit was complete chaos. the riots had gone out of hand. people were now homeless and groups had ben created that targeted robots and I would attack them. Due to this the Japanese corporation decided to update the robots so that they would be less capable and in turn would leave job spots open but something happened during the code updating. Robots now reacted differently, they were made agressive and acted weird. The corporation listened to the customer complaints and updated the code again, but it just made it worse . Customers were now claiming that they were getting attacked by the robots for no real reason, the corporation once again tried updating the code but nothing changed. All robots were returned to the company and were put in a room and turned off, but it was far too late, the robots escaped the roomand attacked the corporation and soon after the streets of the city. They had come become much to sentient and stole vehicles to travel around the world and conquer it. The year was now 2042, the robots had taken over the entire world. The surviving humans were now split in tribes and were trying to find ways to destroy the robots once and then for all. The remaining tech savvy humans found out that the reason why the robots changed was a simple code string mistake. But the corporation headquarters were destroyed by the robots, and the master computer to update all robots was destroyed too. It now seemed that the humans had no chance to defeat the robots. But a surviving employee of the japanese corporation had a spare master computer, a tribe managed to find it through the ruins of his house but they still needed some more components for it to work, after some more rummaging they found they missing components. After hooking up the computer the employee updated the code, and the robots were completely turned off. The humans had survived the Robo-Pocalypse and they could finally re-populate the world in peace
9th grade
9th Grade, 1st Place
Name: Xhes Baze
City: Lushnjë
I opened my eyes, but my vision was really blurry and I couldn’t see anything. Some weird metallic noises were coming from a place near me. I tried to move but my body felt so numb, I faited. After a few moments that felt like years, I was able to get up. I was in complete darkness. As I was trying to move, I touched something on the floor. It was a lighter. It was really small, but it still worked. I grabed it and started to explore. I didn’t remember why I was there in the first place. I climed up some stairs that led me to an old lady’s room. You could see that the lady who had lived there, didn’t have financial problems, because the room was decorated with expensive furnitures. As I was loking for clues, I came across some old photos. They seemed really familiar, but I couldn’t understand why. Then I started to have a terrible headache. I close my eyes and I tried to calm myself down. None of these things happened. Instead, I started to remember some small details ; my family, my high-school classroom, Lydia and john, my two best friends, some parties but nothing serious. Then I looked at the photos once again. The women in the picture looked terribly similar to me, but I could tell that I hadn’t seen her before. She had dark brow hair, full lips, brown eyes. She was stunning. She was smiling in the picture, while hugging a man, that looked like her boyfriend or fiancée. He was tall and wellbiult. They looked really happy. But, again, I had no idea who they were. I didn’t think much of it and I started too look for clues somewhere else. I climbed up some more stairs. A specific room caught my attention. I went inside and a lot a portraits were hanging on the walls. I was looking carefully at every one of them. Seemed like the family that had the house was filthy rich. Then I saw the woman and the man from the photos before. They were in one of the portraits. The woman was holding a small baby girl and the man was smiling at them. I looked closer so I could read their names. The first two names didn’t ring a bell, but the third one….. it was my name. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There had to be something wrong with the portrait. I started to panic. I was sheking and I tripped on something and I felt. Than another headache. Some more memories. A family fight. My father shouting loudly. My mother crying. Me running out of the house. Than it clicked. That night I found out that I was adopted-more like, my parents kidnaped me from my biological parents when I was a child. There excuse was that my biological parents were planning to live me but I didn’t believe a word coming out of their mouths. The same night, I decided to find my real parents. I searched for some documents and I found their names, photos and there address. Well there old one, because they had moved to another country five years ago. But I was determined to find out who they were. So I called my two best friends and we went to the house. Half way there, we realized that there were people following us. We split up and went inside the house, I fell and hit my head. That’s why I was at the house and the first place. I started sobbing and crying, realizing I was alone. I had no family, my friend were nowhere to be seen and I was trapped inside an old creepy building. I calmed myself down and I went on the first floor again. I was trying to open the door forcefully. I started to bleed but I was able to open it. I ran outside, even though I was pouring rain. I had to get out of that house. Something started ringing. I found where it was and I went to pick it up it was my phone. John was calling me I talk to him I told to come and get me. After a few minutes, I saw his car. I felt relieved, I went to his house and Lidia was there as well. After telling them what happened, I took a hot shower and reflected. I had no idea about I would do but I knew one thing: I had to be strong I had myself, my friends and that’s all I needed. Everything would be alright in the end.
9th Grade, 2nd Place
Name: Kiara Doma
City: Rrëshen
I was walking alone on the city streets. I remember it was a really beautiful night. I kept walking without knowing where I was going. It didn’t matter anyway. It’s normal for people to walk without having a destination, right? I suddenly saw an old abandoned building right in front of me. It look so scary and mysterious at the same time, and these two things I really like. The building was huge. The windows were far away from each other, as if the people who lived in there didn’t wanted to see each other. There were 2 doors, an old and a new one. I thought it was a movie scene but in fact it was real and I was the only one who could see it. I felt really special. Something inside me told me to leave but in that moment I heard a voice from the inside. That voice I could never forget. It sounded desperated but happy at the same time. After the voice stoped, a light turned on, and I saw a shadow. Not scary at all, I almost thought it was me. It was laughing and saying: “I saw the eight! I swear I saw it!” and then it ended. My curious nature couldn’t resist the temptation, so I went in and I took my red rose with me. It was so dark in the inside, but I wasn’t scared. The strong wind closed the door and the windows. I was alone in an old abandoned house. I was about to start screaming when suddenly I heard some steps.
They were so quiet, like the Balenimas steps. I started following them, but they were walking so fast that i lost it. I found myself in a little garden, full of roses, red and white ones.
I had never seen so many roses in my life, even though I love them. I tried taking one but it went away from me. I got scared and cried. When my tear felt down it touched a petal. They soon turned into white stairs leading me up. I was going up when I turned around and saw that all the roses has disappeared except for a white one. His petals started flying and went up. I followed them. They were staying in a fountain’s water and making small circles. There was this little gold light that I could see coming toward me. I saw a clear reflection of myself when I was little staying on a tree and seeing a beautiful bird flying. The fountain was releasing smokes and it broke taking me up to the East stop, A childs room, standing oposite an old library. The window opened and brought in the cold aor. There were 2 candles i could see. Again a red and a white one. I opened the library books and I saw that nothing was written in them. They all felt down exept one book. A very mysteryous one covered in gold and green petals. It opened. The words were going out of it as if they were released after a long time. Only three words stayed and there were: “Don’t hide”! I turned around and saw the little room changing into an empty one. I left my rose there with a letter. In that letter I wrote down: “I won’t.” I run to the door but they were not opening. The walls were going down. I saw again that red rose and hold it tight into my arms. It took me out into the street before the building went down. I took me back place I bought that rose. I left the rose in there. Since that day I have never seen that building again, it disappeared. But I still remember what it said to me.
It said “don’t hide.”
I always keep a rose with me since that day.
9th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Freja Cini
City: Fier
Dark… Cold… Empty… Grimy walls… Dusty furniture. That’s what greeted my eyes when I woke up. I don’t know where I am. I don’t know who brought me here. Most importantly, I don’t know how to get out of here. Suddenly, flashbacks from last night come into my mind.
“Fire! Run!” – my mother screamed. We all got quickly outside. I honestly didn’t know how the fire had started. We all were very careful with electric appliances and stuff like that. Then it hit me… it was them… The people after my father… The ones who wanted his company. I couldn’t breathe. I had a really bad feelings about this whole situation. Then… then I heard a loud gunshot noises…. “NOOO! – I screamed – NO! Mommy Daddy! Jenny! They had been shot. They shot them. They reached their goal… Sick bastards… Then something hard hit my head and everything went black…”
So they must’ve brought me here – I though silently. Hot tears were now rolling down my cheeks. Within a few minutes my family was taken away from me forever and my whole life was destroyed in front of my eyes. I cried and cried for what seemed like hours. My hands reached for the necklace I always kept with me. Huh… At least I still had that… My parents had gifted my that necklace on my 5th birthday and I had never taken it off ever since. Now that precious silvery gift would be the only thing that held my memories with them… Unbelievable…
I must get out of this place – I said to myself. I couldn’t stay here any longer, or else I would explode. I felt vulnerable, but I still had the force to get up into my feet. My eyes were now red and puffy from crying, but I could still see everything clearly. I ealked into another room. It looked similar to the one I was in but this was bigger. It seemed like a bedroom but I wasn’t quite sure about it. I opened the doors of what looked like a closet and what I found inside terrified me… a breathtaking gown was inside the closet but it was full of blood strains. That poor bride… her dreams must’ve been take away from her, just like mine… I continued walking around the house. It was enormous and it definitely was just like a maze. Every room I stepped in was empty, dark and cold. I felt trapped and lost. I was starting to lose faith, but little did I know about the next room I’d enter. At first, it seemed just like every other room in the domned house. But, stupid me for thinking that. In one of the dark corners of the room, I noticed someone. A boy, around my age. He was well-built and had tanned, olive skin. He had piercing, deep blue eyes and he stood there, emotionless. I was frozen in place and so was he. What should I do? Should I talk to him? Then he noticed me.
“What are you doing here?” – he asked me, his voice dull and thick.
I was locked up here, - I murmured, unsure of what to say.
Huh, so was I, but I don’t guess I’ll make it out alive
What are you saying?
What I’m saying is that there is only one way to get out and that’s impossible.
And that is?
A door on the first floor, but two bodyguards secure the door and won’t let anyone out. Believe me I’ve tried.
I see… - My voice came out weak but now that I found another human was locked up here I was determined to get out of here.
What’s your name? – I asked the boy – by the way I’m Alicia.
I’m Jason.
Jason… will you help me get out?
I already told you it’s impossible.
Please, Jason… They killed my family. I still believe I can get out…
He was silent for a moment but then he spoke again.
They killed my parents too. I want revenge Alicia. But I can’t…
Revenge it’s best served by two.
Okay… - he said and I was surprised. – I have been studying this house for weeks. The bodyguards change their turns late at night. We may get out by then but it’s quite dangerous.
We can try though… - I said quietly.
Yeah, yeah we can. – he said – so here’s a plan. We wait ‘till midnight and then escape. Okay?
Okay – I said, this time more determined.
We waited patiently until it got dark outside. We could clearly hear footsteps near the front door…
Now it’s our chance. – Jason said determindedily –
Run Alicia!
We both ran. Fast. We got through the door without being noticed and I couldn’t believe it.
We did it! – Jason and I said in unison.
I don’t know what will happen next but right now it’s important that we are alive.
10th grade
10th Grade, 1st Place
Name: Kevin Pilua
City: Kutalli
The soft summer breeze was playing with my hair and John was setting the tent. We decided to go camping since it was the last day I was going to spend at my hometown. John is my oldest and best friend. Everything we did we did it together. While setting the tent near the black frame of the forest he said:
“Did you hear that?”
“What?!” I replied.
“That voice.”
“What voice? My friend it looks like your ears aren’t as young as they were.”
“Very funny, but I’m serious… Again did you heard it?” But I wasn’t hearing anything then he ran inside the forest. I chased him inside the forest. He was calling my name for help. His voice led me to him. He was on the ground.
“My leg, It’s broken!” He said. I helped him get up and said to him with a very angry voice “What were you thinking you idiot!” I looked him in the eyes. Something was wrong. “What happened?” I said.
“I ran and then I tripped and then I saw him. That old man we meet when we were kids.”
Those words pierced my heart and made it stop. That old man was the reason I moved years ago. I remember that day very well. It was the last day of January and the snow was covering everything. Me and John were walking to school. We were kids and as kids the snow made us happy. We were singing and playing but then an old man called us from his house. We ran there because you know, kids. The old man invited us to sit down and then he said:
“My dear kids tell me who’s the oldest between you two?”
John replied “Me.”
“Then I am sorry but you are going to be the one who is going to loose everyone close and dear to your heart.”
At the time we didn’t think about those words but the next day Johns grandpa died and the next week his little sister. When we told our parents about this story, they forbided me to see John, my parents, and by next month we moved house.
“No way!” I said to John after this quick rewind of history.
“You know what that means? Someone else is going to die.”
“I thought that was just a weird coincidence.” I said to him, but I didn’t believe it myself.
“There’s something you should know. Last night I had a dream. The old man he was there… he told me… that… I…
“I will die today.”
I didn’t believe him at the beginning but the coldness of his eyes convinced me within a second. Lost in the dialogue we noticed something. We were lost.
“What are we going to do now! I knew it. I am going to die!”
“Calm down! You are going to live.” I said.
“Anyway we are lost what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know. But I promise you aren’t gonna die tonight there’s no such thing like fate.” Those words were soon to be proven wrong. Out of the trees the old man showed up.
“My son, fate is the most true thing in this world and definitely the strongest.” Said the old man.
“Don’t call me my son. Go away!” I shouted.
“Please I need you to follow me.” Said the old man.
“Why should we?” I replied.
“Because I am the only one who knows the way out of here.” I looked him in the eyes like a big question but it was pointless his eyes were empty.
At the time I decided to follow him and if he would try to do something funny I would stop him. We started to follow him but a great pain was making me worried. What if the old man was right and John was going to die? What if by following him I had signed a death contract for my friend. And if I was enduring this great responsibility what about him. What about John he had put his trust in me, his life on my shoulders. The old man stopped.
“This is where your trip ends my son.” Said the old man.
I decided to take action and escape the old man, but no I had to ask him: “What kind of god are you to decide our own fate!”
“You fate is decided I am just the messenger.” Said he.
“Who decided that for us? Who has the right of a god?” No way was I gonna let my friend die. I couldn’t give up not now.”
“It’s pointless. Submit now!” Said the old man.
“You could at least give us a chance.” I said.
“Very well my son here is a chance to you. Who decides everything? Who has all the weapons? Who has all the powers to change and stay the same? Who is the real god?”
I wasn’t understanding anything. What was this question. IS there any answer to this. But the answer just came up.
“Me.” Said John
“What?” I asked.
“It’s me who has the power to change and make my fate. Its me the god of myself.”
“And this is how your change your fate my son, by knowing that you can.”-by saying that he disappeared in the void between the trees but before he did that he said to me: “Fate.”
10th Grade, 2nd Place
Name: Semi Kushta
City: Kutalli
I was terrified. There was blood everywhere. It was so cold and I couldn’t see anything from the wind. I started to walk to see what was going on, an suddenly, I saw my friends covered in blood. I started crying cuz I thought my life wold finish. Suddenly, I started bleeding. My noise was full of black blood. After a tree I saw a little cat wich was hungry. I gave her some milk and in that moment I heard:
-Thanks! You’re so sweet.
Oh my god! How can a cat talk to me?
I asked it about the situation. The cat told me it was Lucierro who did this murder because strange people walked on his territory. Now I was hunted by him.
-How can I save from him? - I asked.
-You should marry him because he wants a child. - the cat said to me.
-Never, you heard me? Never! I rather die than marrying with this devil! - I said.
I was nervous. I lost my best friends because of him, and now he wanted to get marry to him! In that moment an earthquake happened and a red man with a huge head and black eyes came from the ground. He started screaming at me because I didn’t want to be his wife.
-So, you are not going to marry me, right? - he said
-Never, okay? I hate you more than everything - I said.
Suddenly I lost my voice. I couldn’t talk or say anything.
-I took your beautiful voice, so you can’t scream anymore - Lucierro said.
I had a knife on my jeans, I took it to kill the devil man, but the cat bite me.
-Why did you do that? - I was shocked.
-How silly you are! - the cat said to me. Don’t you understand that everything here is in order of Lucierro.
My eyes lost the light. I couldn’t see. Lucierro took my heart and ate it. And here was my death. That camping was the end of my life. But I was happy because I didn’t gave Lucierro a sun to complete his purpuses.
10th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Altina Mino
City: Lushnjë
The newspaper came again and today while looking at it, I was feeling really strange. Even though I read it everyday excited for what’s gonna happen, today was different and I could feel it.
The first page of it didn’t display anything exciting, however when I opened the second page I was shivering in fear. “Altima’s best friend will die today at 10 AM.” This written in huge black characters made my tears come out. AT first I didn’t want to believe it but I knew that at the end the newspapers was always right. The only thing I could do was to stop that from happening. But how in the world would I be able to change my own fate?
I didn’t eat breakfast that morning and went out rapidly. It was almost 8 AM but I didn’t go to school like usual. I was waiting for my friend to come from her house after all I knew that she always would come later to school and today I didn’t care if I was late with her. When I saw her I asked if she was feeling okay or if she was feeling weird. She told me she was okay, looking at me in a suspicion way.
At 08:05 AM we were at school. The teacher yelled at us for being late, and even though I was really embarrassed that was the last thing I was caring about at those moments. Two hours went by quickly. I was feeling stressed as I looked at my friend laughing with the other classmates. It was almost 10 AM, the bell rang and my friend said she wanted to go outside to get some fresh air, but how could I let her knowing what was gonna happen. At the end I couldn’t stop her, but at least I went with her so if anything happened I could protect her. We were outside and it was 9:59. That was the moment of truth, would I be able to save my friend and change the fate that the newspaper had written for me.
All my instincts were twice sharper than usual. -Hey Amie, watch out! - a boy called my friend’s name as a ball was coming towards her. I knew what I had to do so I pushed her away as far as I could and while she fell down the ball hit my face strongly, but I was didn’t care at the end I was able save friend. I turned my rosy face smiling and crying from happiness but what did I see my friend laying down while her head was covered in blood. “No it could not be true, that wasn’t real.” These were the thoughts I had in my mind all of that time.
-Oh my god you killed her!- a boy near me screamed. The teachers and some of my friends went out, they were all looking at me in a disgusting way full of fear in their eyes. At that moment I was just a common killer for them. I started crying, begging for an apology, begging for my friend’s apology. Then I heard my mom’s voice, that was the last person I wanted to see at that moment. I didn’t want to think her daughter was killer, but yet I couldn’t see her I could only hear her voice and I felt that I was really going crazy at that time.
-Wake up… Wake up!- I heard my mom loudly yelling at me. I opened my eyes and yes it was all a dream. I was still shivering and my eyes were still teary, but I didn’t care after all it was just a dream. I got up quickly and called my friend to ask how she was or if anything had happened to her, but she said everything was fine and I finally felt calmness in my soul. I was about to get ready so I went to make my bed but what could I see, below the pillow there was the same newspaper. That said my friend would die. However when I opened the second page it read. “Altima saves her from death and becomes the school’s hero.” I was happy but enough is enough. I took the newspaper and burned it. Since then I haven’t got any new newspapers that tell me what’s gonna happen in the future. To be honest I’m much better without it.
11th grade
11th Grade, 1st place
Name:Gentiana Deda
City: Tirana
31/06/2058 12:08
Dear E-diary,
It’s finally done! It’s finally here! All the scientific research, all the experimental processes, all the all nighters in the Vancouver Observatory, all the astrophysical hypothesis, all the impromptu stargazing, all the fears and anxiety and doubt and media and society and pressure…It has all come to an end! I am happy to announce that the most evolutionary scientific project of our time, an interdisciplinary scientific approach to meteoritical and astronomic phenomenon, “TIS’ THE SEASON 58”, was finally conclude yesterday. I and my international, multiracial team, the top-10 brightest scientists of our age, have successfully managed to fit the solution to all of humankind’s problems into one single 3-inch capsule! And tomorrow, at 5:00 AM, GTM: 0, the environmentally-troublesome planet we live in will be more than happy to welcome “UTOPIA58”, the very first lab-produced season in the history of humanity.
God damn, I’m super hungover from last night’s party! I’ve never been this intoxicated in beeranium in my life, but Pritya (the super well behaved lab assistant) insisted that after 3 months of exhausting work, a party to “Moonatics” (the fanciest bar her in Vancouver, or, at least, the fanciest we can afford!), was a much deserved reward. I’m quite dizzy, I can hardly type, but I’ll manage to elaborate as well as I possibly can. Imagine, I even have to write the speech for tomorrows global conference, “PLANETARS.” Gotta get my shit together real quick! I’ll order a Franciumaccino later, when Pritya shows up.
But, let’s get to the important part! I’m kinda gonna use this E-diary page to brainstorm and have a sketch in mind for tomorrow’s speech. And I know, one day, probably even in 2058, when science has evolved even more rapidly, this moment will be remembered and probably 2158’s scholars will read this hungover scientist’s E-diary page with the same curiosity as tomorrow’s historical speech.
So, for all the morons out there “UTOPIA58” is a lab-produced season, consisting of 33 days, taking up the entire month of July and 2 days of august. It’s reusable, which means the season capsule will be opened every year on July 1st and closed on August 2nd.
How? The 2-inch bullet-shaped quartz sealed capsule will be bombarded by a specific amount of UV and gamma radiation, for a required amount of time, until It’s divided into 2 halves. Then, the fun stuff happens! The capsule will send a cryptographic signal to all of our ready-to-use, perfectly-positioned satellites simultaneously, at the exact same frequency and put them to work. The satellites will then emit some form of unknown radiation, that we call “UTOPIA ∞”, consisting on a combination between gamma and UV radiation) to the centre of Earth and to the nearest star (apart from the sun) Proxima Centaur at the same time. It would take me 10 E-assisted lives to explain to everyone what happens then in a mathematical way, and nobody would quite understand (like, at all), but let me just get to the main point; a new season will be “installed” on Earth. Our lovely mother Earth that we managed to gradually ruin over the course of 5 decades! Why in July though? Simple! Because this is the month when we feel the consequences of global warming (floods, droughts, diseases, sea-level rise, tsunamis etc.…) at the largest spread and largest scale. We aim to minimize them.
For all the way-too-hopeful fellow humans and scientists out there! This won’t help us end global warming out there. Global warming is a disturbing environmental problem that took time to even be considered a problem! We didn’t listen to AL Gore in 2008, we didn’t listen to Maya deBrasca in 2038, we didn’t listen to Nellys O’Brian in 2049 (the latter graduated in Moonarward!), We listened to none of these celebrated scientists over the course of the years. Instead, we listened to politicans’ propaganda about “the myth of global warming.” Now that we’re facing the reality of it, we blame our previous generations. We blame the 2018’s Millennials, the 2038’s skeptics, the 2050’s douschbags that assassinated O’Brian for having the courage to speak up against the propagandistic regime of the infamous Drac de Mort and, announcing in his famous speech “The problem is we deny that global warming is a real issue, or as I like to quote from his mind-bogging speech, “We don’t see reality. We don’t want to see it. But mother nature doesn’t consider nihilism to be a virtue!” But indeed, everyone is to blame! Everyone is guilty.
We won’t have the green grass, the fresh air, the birds chirping and the parks and the mountains and the drizzle and the rainbow! We won’t have them for a long time “UTOPIA58”, believe it or not, won’t change our sad reality but temporarily. May it serve at least as a reminder of what we could have if we payed attention before we were left with a destroyed planet!
11th Grade, 2nd Place
Name: Loren Ormënaj
City: Vlora
My favorite season lasts only one week and it lies between spring and summer. It starts 4 days before the summer equinox and ends shortly, only seven days after. I believe it is because of this, that this season is not mentioned at all on the school books, or anywhere for that matter, but this gets me very agitated. It is after all a miracle of the nature, quite difficult to even comprehend.
The universe is an always moving reality that consists of millions of galaxies, and this, of millions of solar systems. On the course of movement these solar systems get very close to each other once a year. Scientifically it is described as the shrinking of galaxies which results in planets and stars coming closer to each other. This way, the Earth is enlightened not only by our own sun, but by thousands of other stars, which results in a week of permanent light and many many other unbelievable events.
People started to doubt that “The Season of 1001 Suns”, as it was later called, had extraordinary effects on every species, when they realized its connection to humankind’s greatest achievements. For thousands of years people thought the Pyramids an unexplainable mystery and Einstein a gifted genius. It took a lot of time for them to look deeper into the matter and the answer once discovered was difficult to look past: it all lead back to The Season of 1001 Suns. We all know that the sun is our life source, the provider of all energy on Earth. Through this energy the plants photosynthesize, the solar energy transforms into chemical energy and the later into mechanical energy in our bodies. Now imagine the sort of energy that our world gains in the presence of thousands of suns. It doesn’t double, it doesn’t triple, it multiplies by thousands. It goes to the plants, up through the food chain, and leaves human beings bursting with energy. More energy for the body, more for the mind and people are deemed to achieve extraordinary things. The slave in Ancient Egypt lifted the huge stones to build the Pyramids during this week, for years in a row. The apple hit Newton in the head the day after the Summer Equinox and Dante would have never thought to write the Divine Comedy, were it not for that hot afternoon of June the 20th.
And even if people don’t make some great discovery each year during this time, it still affects them, for they are more lively, more energetic, and more happy. Festivals, parties, and carnivals are organized. It is a time of joy.
But then time passes and on the seventh day the sun finally sets on our beautiful world who was for a whole week embellished with all that extra energy, joy and work. It is sad, especially for those who had planned to reach some incredible goal that week. But the cycle goes on, and who knows, maybe the next time the season comes will be your turn to shine and ingrave your name in the walls of outrrich history.
11th Grade, 3rd Place
Name: Saramontela Ferizolli
City: Kruma
A new season has appeared in Earth. This is a punishment that the “Nature” gives to people because of destroying her. The season is called the black and white season, but not everything is black and white, everything is gray. This is a season full of sadness, full of misunderstanding and angry faces. This new season will be the longest season of the year. Almost 2/3 of the year will be black and white season. The other parts will be spring, summer, autumn and winter.
One day the “mother nature” felt a lot of angry to people, because they didn’t stop destroying the beautiful monuments she was creating for spring. They couldn’t stop setting of fires on summer, they don’t stop cutting trees on autumn and on winter, people didn’t help endangered species to survive during winter. So, the black and white season was the human’s punishment to them by nature.
The black and white season will be the most sad season because of the missing of nature, flowers and green. Without that the world was too unhealthy, to misunderstood people fight with each-other all day, everyday kids were so sad. They couldn’t smile, couldn’t play, couldn’t spent time outside, videogames and smartphones don’t impress them. They’re all alive without living. They’re all breathing without oxygen and they’re all being humans without humanity. During black and white season, the weather is as cold as peoples spirits, the sky were as gray as peoples mind and the life were just boring. To remove and end this punishment that started destroying the world and peoples., we should try to bring colors to the world, painting with the color called “Love of Nature”, planting trees, stop hunting, protecting forest and environments. Growing flowers in our homes for as much as we could, and if “mother nature” notices that we learned by the mistake, and we will do the most for the nature to keep the life alive, she will stop the boringness, sadness, and hate, will bring back the happiness and humanity in world. People will be happy and the world normal. In the earth there will be back four seasons and by all of this, people hopefully will start taking care to the nature and loving her.
12th grade
12th Grade, 1st place
Name: Roaldo Hoti
City: Burrel
They told me that life moves fast so I should keep record of what happening in a diary before I forget it. And who are they? Oh, doesn’t mater, God, aliens… Something like that. So lets start -
Dear Diary,
This is the first time Im talking to you so let me introduce myself. I’m Waldo, a 17 year old boy who lives a pretty normal life. Lives?
Sorry, lived, cause I’m dead! Year, car accident, blah, blah, blah… but lefts get to the important stuff. I’ve been sent back in time, dead of course, nobody can see or hear me and I have a job. To babysit my younger version of me or that what I thought. He is 12 years old and he is the only one who can see or hear me.
Well he used to see me, cause that little piece of sh…, sorry, chocolate cake is forgetting me. I was kind of his imaginary babysitter and friend. I appeared to him since he was 6 years old and ever since we use to have a blast. I remember the time when that bully knocked him down and locked him in the bathroom, nobody could cheer him up but me, and plus what I did to that bully’s nightmares was horrible! Lefts say he survived. Nobody used to play with him but me and it was painful to me to see myself once again lonely and suffering. But as every child, they grown up and forget things and people they shouldn’t
The problem is not that I’ll be lonely once I fade away, the problem is what's going to happen on his 13th birthday, and that's the time he needs me the most. And how can I help him if he doesn’t remember me?
On my 13th birthday his father…, my father dies diary. He doesn’t know and I know nobody will help him on that day, cause nobody helped me. I needed someone, someone like me. I’ve got to help him.
****A few days after***
Dear Diary,
I’ve never cried for myself more. On his birthday, while he was celebrating, my mother went to him and told him the news. I remember the tears, the hugs. I was a sensitive boy, still am. And as sensitive as I was, I was tearing myself apart from the inside. That night my mothers left me crying on the bed and eventually I got to sleep. Its very painful for a 13 year sensitive boy to lose his father on his birthday, he completely lost it. If I couldn’t talk to hm in the real world, at least on his dreams. It was effortless with roses and bears, I had to scare him. I put a coffin in the middle of his room. He immediately woke up, and I knew he could see me next to the coffin. “You see it” I said “That's your father” I could tell he was scared by trying to under the sheets. “There is no point hiding Waldo. If you could only listen to me you’ll see that life is not that scary. I know what you’ve passing through. I have been there, trust me, trust yourself, If you are going to spend all yours life under those sheets just because you are scared of what's out there, well thats not living. I know your father hated yours mothers and that your brothers don’t get along but if you build a wall to protect yourself, that wall will be destroyed and it will take you with it” He didn’t say a word, just looked at me with doubt. “I know I don’t have much time but, every time you feel lonely and desperate you need to trust only yourself. If you're afraid to take a step into the unknown trust that I’ll be there to take that step with you! I promise! He was just a father, he did not give you the love you deserve. I will, yourself will!
In tears little waldo ran to hug me but it was too late. I disappeared from his sight and he woke up knowing everything. But thats okay, I live in his heart, in his self esteem.
Diary, the reason I was there, was not to comfort him on his father death. He didn’t need that, he needed self esteem, belief on his self on his…. when hell become 17 years old, the day when it is planned for him to die. Dear diary, I wasn’t found dead on a car accident, I killed myself cause I had family problems, my mother and brothers. I had no belief in the world, trouble with money, family problems, no father …. So I drank a whole bottle of sleeping pills and eventually I went to sleep but they did not rescued me after that. Now I know why “They” sent me to little Waldo. To give him what he needed the most, the will to life, to give myself the chance to be happy in front of every problem.
I’ll let you on a sneak peek diary
… After I helped little Waldo on his 17th birthday after commiting suicide, they managed to rescue me.
I live and so does he, with belief this time and Im grateful for that.
With love,
Just one Waldo.
12th Grade, 2nd place
Name: Xhesika Gorani
City: Ura Vajgurore
Staying around childream it means you live a new adventure everyday. And my “life” was full of adventures. Being a kid’s imaginary friend can be fun but also a struggle. In this world you have only one friend and one day you found out that you won’t have for too long even him anymore. Suddenly I discover that I was fading away “I should do something - was the first thing I ever thought. The reason that I was living on my whole existence was to make him happy and I knew that without me, his life it will be miserable. I just couldn't imagine him without me and me without him. Maybe my life wasn’t the best one but I was happy and thankful for everything. So I start to think about the solution of this problem. One time Patrick (my friend) told me that was a really creepy living near the forest. For some reason he said she was a witch. I wasn’t sure if she could see me or not but I thought I should try. I went alone to the forest. I couldn’t tell Patrick what was going on. I spend all day trying to find her house. I knew he would get worried as soon as he would see the room empty but this was for his sake and for the best of trico of us. Before the night fill completely I saw something horizon. It was her burning some clothes outside. I was moving slowly but she felt my presence. “I can see you” she said.
“I though Patrick was the only person who could see me” I responded to her.
“Well, haven't you hear the rumors about me. Im not just another human, Im “A witch”. And I know for what you for”
And from that moment I knew I had my soultion to that problem. Later she explained that all the humans have their imagine friends but as they grow up their friend slowly fades away and from that moment they don’t remember them anymore. Its quet sad story. Her name was Maleficent. After introducing herself and apologizing for not doing this sooner she confessed me her origin story. She said she had lived for 200 years because her servant in her old life cursed her. And I now to break the curse she had to help one person to make him happy. This was the best opportunity for her. As soon as she opened a huge book she saw the formula that could turn me to human. It looked like she saved that book for years. The ingredients that were required weren’t that hard to find because she was knew that place better then anyone. We found everything we needed and we made the “wre” just in time. When I touched my face. I couldn’t believe it, I was human. I run as fast as I could to reach Patrick before he went to school. Screaming from happiness when I saw him and tears were falling from eyes. I hugged with my arms and I said to him that I was human now. The smile in his face could melt hearts. And from that day we stayed friends and forever.
12th Grade, 3rd place
Name: Silvia Sanxhoku
City: Lushnjë
“Kyle! Talk to me! Hey, I’m right here.” I was screaming my lungs out trying to get my best friend’s attention. He was running down the stairs when he finally noticed me.
“Oh, hey there” - Kyle stood there looking at me.
I asked why he didn’t hear me earlier, but there was really no explanation. Kyle said he was sorry. And I knew he was. We never ignore each other. We do everything together. From watching cartoons to spending nights wholer pillow fortresses, me and Kyle are inseparable. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact, that, Kyle might go leave the house without me one day, and I’ll be here left behind.
His mother doesn’t like it, when he talks to me/ I don’t see why she wouldn’t like me. I’ve gone to the dentist with Kyle every time she couldn’t make it home. I’ve seen him preform in the school’s concerts, every time sh was too busy at work. If I weren’t there for him, who was going to be? I’ve watched him cry, I have watched him laugh and now, stuck behind the front door of his house, I’m watching him leave me behind. But it’s okay, really, when he comes home it is all like before.
One day I could hear his mother shouting at his dad. Kyle entered his room crying. I sat there, next to him, on top of the old blue bed covers. I touched his shoulder, and leaned to give a hug. I wasn’t there. He couldn’t see me. I started shouting again like I did last time. But nothing worked. Maybe, maybe, just maybe he will never hear me again.
I was passed and I watched him grow. I watched him play loud music so often the neighbors would complain. I watched him playing video games and reading books all day. I watched him leave the house for college, and I have never landed my eyes on his warm smile again. My eyes haven’t met his since then. All I do is sit here in the attic, thinking,”If he comes here today, will he be able to see me?”
Suddenly I heard the attic's door crack open. Nobody hes been up here in years.
Usually I wouldn’t bother to see who it was, but this time, I felt like I had to. And I was right. In front of me stood a young man, who I wouldn’t have recognized if it wasn’t for the young lady he held in his arms screaming “Kyle”
They sat down next the closet searching for something lost.
I was filled with joy, I could finally see my best friend again. Even though he forgot about me, I wasn’t mad at him.
“You know”- Kyle started talking to his daughter – “This toy right here I found it when I was with my best friend. She was an imaginary friend. But she was the best out there. I’ll never forget.”
University I, 1st place
Name: Sonja Cenaj
City: Tirana
The male homosapien presneted on the screen is on his sixteenth year of his life, he looks fully grown up and scanning the territoy of his school for potential female homosapiens to pass time with. He is rather shy and not good with his social skills but is determined to try, being also, inspired by his class makes around him. Our sixteen years old homosapies goes by the name Andrew. He attends the second year of high school and has laid eyes on an interesting female homosapiens that goes by the name Laura. After having watched her for a while now, Andrew picks the time between English and Biolodgy to finally ask her out on a date. He sees Laura stadning by her locker, completly unaware to Andrew’s presence. He chosen this exact moment to aproach her, but unforunately for him he trips over his own feet and lays face first on the floor. We are rewatching the scean as he trips one more time over his own feet. It is unbelievable how clumsy this homosapien can be under pression. Under such conditions he can be potinial risk to himself and others around him. This movement graps Laura’s attention who turns around suddenly, started at the noise and looks at Andrew on the floor. She hurries to help him get back up while asking him if he’s ok. Andrew just shakes his head, saying he’s fine and that he wanted to talk to Laura about something. Laura nods her head, moving a strand of hair behind her ear, looking at Andrew. This time Andrew blushes furiously wiping his clumy hands over his jeans as he thinks of the right things to say.
“So…” he starts and take one deep breath. “So?” Laura continues. Noticing that Andrew is taking too long to finish his sentence. “So…” he starts taking one deep breath. “So?” Laura contines. Noticing that Andrew is taking too long to finish his sentence.
“So, I’ve see you around and ….” He takes another deep breath as his left hand moves to grab his right elbow. In this exact moment his brain decides that it is the perfect time to forget every part of vocabulary Andrew has ever learned in his life. We witness as his ego lethalky fights his subconsciousness and Andress holds the same facial expression of someone who brain has switched into autopilot.
For his sake, it is Laura that decided to continue the conversation
“So, you’ve seen me around. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” She asks
Softly, her words followed by a smile. This seems to snap Andrew out of his trance.
“G-Good thing. Absolutely fantastic.” Andrew blurts out learning slightly forwards.
“Ok…?” Lauro retorts, laughing a little. We see as Andrew’s awkwardness is making Laura feel uncomfortable.
“So, Laura… I was thinking…” Andrew pauses again and this time it is Laura who takes a deep breath. The bell is about to ring. Time seems to stretch infinitely as Andrew simply keeps staring at Laura hopelessly.
“For the love of God, Andrew! Yes, I would like to go on a date with you.”
Laura huffs finally, causing both her and Andrew to finally let aside their awkwardness. Andrew looks at her unbelievable and ask:
“You would? We witness once more as Andrew’s social skills fail him any way imaginable.
“If that’s what you were trying so long to ask me. Yes, I’d like to spend time with you Andrew” she says smiling at him.
The bell finally rings. Inditing they are both late for their next class.
“Awesome” is all Andrew can say and Laura only nods before he turns her back on her and continues walking hurriedly, only to trip one more time and fall into his face again. This time Laura laughs and shakes her head. Andrew wishes the floor would swallow him whole.
As we see, homosapiens have carious ways of communicating with each other. Some are effective and some others are not. In andrews case we can only say he was lucky.
University I, 2nd place
Name: Andi Guda
City: Feir
I just woke up in my house on the moon to start my day life routine. I live alone but I can always count on my friend Tim who is about that take with me wherever I go. He wakes me up in the morning and reminds me that tasks that I have to do for the day. After eating breakfast which of course is prepared by Time I got out to start my job. Most of the time here is dark but thanks to the new technology system there is always light just like in earth. The light are symcronized with the time on Earth but the heavens are much longer. After getting on my ship I go to the station where I work which is centered in the main part of the moon where all the humans meet and cooperate with each other. So after entering the station at the gate I park my ship and go to the train station to go to the hospital where I do my job as a doctor. After getting there my first task was to create and attach a human leg to a patient who lost it jumping outside where the gravity isn’t controlled. I video conference with Tim who is waiting at the ship to help me with my job. After designing the leg i started creating it with real human tissues. And then attach it with a special laser to the rest of the body. When I finish my job I go and see my friends from work to have fun and relax. Our favorite place to meet is at the beach, drink a bee, take a swim, play football out the sand and then just chill and chat with each other. Today is a special day cuz its my dads birthday and I finish early with my friends. I change my clothes take the train back at the gate and enter my ship. Tim tells me that we need to hurry because my dad was waiting for us. So I go fast at the teletransporter to get me back on Earth at my parents house. I got teltranspeded with Time and I'm one second we are on Earth in front of the house. But remembered that s didn’t get any presents and I tell Tim about it. Time like always is prepared in any case and opens his chest and gives me the present. I tak it to the house but I didn’t know what was inside. After eating the birthday cake it was time for the presents. He opens up mine first and was very excited. It was a brian phone and was the last model. Dad was very happy and thanks me for remembered what he wanted and asks me to spend the night. But Tiem reminds me that I have very much to do back at my place so I left. After going home I ask Tim which was the next thing to do but his battery was out. Nervously I go and charge them very fast and when he got turned on tells me that my next task was charging his battery. Waiting for tim to charge I got a call from my dad and his hologram appeared in front of me. He wanted to thank me again and test his new brain phone. After finished talking to him I prepared myself something to eat. Here we have our own farms where I grow anything I want and also the same animals that are on earth but they live in a different station from the town. I go to check on Time and he was ready. The light very about to go off and I was direct to my bedroom so read a novel before going to sleep. Time was downstairs in the hall cleaning and preparing my tasks for the other day.
University III, 2nd place
Name: Fatjon Braka
Mankind society is strongly based on rules, duties and freedoms that every member of should follow. Everyone who breaks these rules gets punished but what would happen if we would live in a place with no rules, would people live in peace and harmony?!
At first, I think that the essence of life it is to be agameol. Being ergamisol is something that everyone should achieve to have success in this life, but this means that you need discipline, rules that you should break etc,
So ifa person it is not organized in his life, he will found itself im a terrible mess and the only thing that he would achieve in life would be wasting of time, noting mole. Now lets us imagine a whole society with me rules and not argument, absolutely that it would be im a terbly mem and this society would mevel achieve something good.
In a society without rules people would act like anoizy and every action would be based on their instincts. The strongest one would have more rights than the weakest one. Life wouldn't be appreciated. People would live like mom and because to monton a life in only one place w oudl be very difficult.
The only job that people would have in to be alive, amol to try to minitin their life in a big chors crime that every person would create. Fight itmes and wars would be somthing usually on that muety. To set up peace and harmoney would be very difficult, maybe they would not exist even on motiom. Nothing would not peopr with animals.
Maybe im making it like the warst society even and Im not remind that there would be even good people in that soceity. But the human history says (telln) to us that im every time that human kind gets an uncontrolled freedom and when a person, a group of people did what the wants a terrible doostep comes after. So even in this society with rules that we are imging even if there would be good people., the evil ones would win god it's them and people wouldn’t choose to be good ones but bord ones so they could like im this society.
Ogamibing, rules and everything else that makes us a good society should always be developed. Only by protecting our freedoms, our values and responing rules that we agrees to be, the evil would not win against the good;. Only by trying to give a great example of ourselves based on the values that mankind should have we can make a better society.
A place, a society withour rules it would be really a terrble chores and only by imaging it you pet stremeol not more to liv e on it. But imaging this bimol of socit helps us e to value the society where wer are leaving today, and why not makes us more enthsatic to improtve our soaty where we are leaving in.
Professional, 1st place
Name: Anila Lloshi
City: Fier
Middle Age. Arabria. Desert streets. Hot weather. A small village
No sound except for some birds flying over the palm trees at the end of the view.
Then a man comes across.
About forty, tall, handsome, familiar face, clean clothes, confident looking, walking quietly with a smiling face towards the houses in front of him.
I felt that he didn’t belong there, but rethink his smiling face and confidence I thought it would be one from the village.
(-oh, I forgot to say who I am: I am the shadow! I can be anyone's shadow: I can follow everyone, and they don’t see me, I can be their other self: I can stand and feel and see what they see)
So I decided to follow him: Two as one: (from now on i'll speak on we)
We entered his home. One of the most single and modest one but clean and warm.
“Cover me, please darling” - he said “I’m shivering”. She came in with a blanket, feeling worried, same as me, why he was could when the weather was so hot. She layed beside him and at this point I left for awhile, leaving them alone, with the wonder of what made him humble.
Next day I was his shadow again. We are there in front of many other men at the center of the village.
“Our our lord has sent us a message” he said. “We should care for each other, we should help, be generous; we should be humble and speak right, speak only the truth. All mankind are brothers and sisters, we are the same, no matter the colors or shapes: we should love and respect each other, as we are all creatures of our one and only god.”
I was shocked.
Even me, who as I said was invisible was a little scared how they would react… I knew they had a lot of “little gods”. A lot of wood or stone statues that they worshiped, what if they got mad…? What if they kill him? Isn’t he scared? How can he be so brave?
Well, I’m not telling you if I was brave enough to stay… If I could return to him…
I’m just saying I met him again. I heard speaking softly when everybody around was angry and full of hate.
I saw him giving his last bread to an orphan, his last soup to an old man, and still be smiling though he went to bed hungry.
I wasn’t his only shadow anymore, you know? Lots of people were following him. I was returning to him from time to time just to listen at those words: “We should love each other… we care… we do got… we may… we thank our lord… we are one…”” Few following, doing the same good things… Most fighting, destroying the good deeds…
I stood there for a million years perhaps… first a shadow…
Then I decided to change
I would have my face and voice, my heart and my heauds.
To see and tell and feel and build that there can be a better world if we chose to do the same.
“Being a shadow is not enough”, I said to myself. “Shadows have no heart and hands”
Deciding to follow the right path, I felt my heart warm helping other people, sharing with them the goods I had.
“Do you understand now? Said he turning right to my face. I was wondering to who he was speaking
“You, my follower - he said - don’t consider yourself just a shadow, choose to follow me by free will!”
God bless him!
He was Muhammad, last prophet sent by god as mercy from for all mankind.
If we are just shadows let us change, by free will to be followers, not just watchers of doing good, believing god, giving , sharing and caring for each other.
Me? Yes! I’m the shadow!
Of myself
Im watching me of not doing anything bad, of helping as I can of course of loving: you!