WriteOn! 2024
Winning Essays 2012 All Forms
6th Form Group

Stefani Xhoxhal from Vlora

Topic: If you could invent a new season, what would it be like?
If I could invent a new season it would be the most wonderful season as ever season has something “bad,” so something unlikeable and something that we like. This season would last six months, the most favorite by me. At every morning the sun would shine except of the late 5th of each month (I have chosen that with no reason), that this season would have. And certainly I would change the name of every month. Of course they would have to be weird and the most weird thing I could do with the names in this moment I’m writing to change their syllables order. So their names would be from July to Jyju and they would read as they are written.
From December to Bercimade
From June to Neju
From March to March (because it is my sister’s birthday)
From August to Ast-aug
From February to February (because it is the most weird name the moon or thing the world was invented by created.
As I said the sun would shine almost everyday but not all day and night but from 5AM to 8PM. In the period of time it would be so hot as I would lay on beaches, do sunbathing and even swim or dive.
Then the night would come down but it wouldn’t be dark as it would snow and everything would look white.
But as I described you will think that every month would be the same. It isn’t true—the trusth is that I can’t make four beautiful and different seasons as God made, but I think that I can make one season look the best and I am working hard for that but if it wasn’t be as I expect I will be happy because at least I tried.
So, where were we? Oh, I remember and now I’m teling to you what’s the strange thing of every month:Of Lyju is that the rainbow would come each day at 5PM.
Of Bercemde, I wouldn’t change nothing except the name, because it is the month I’ve born.Of Neju, at 7AM caramels would come as rain from the sky.
Of March, as I said, I wouldn’t change anything.Of Ostaug, children wouldn’t go to school.Of February, I would let God, or who invented it, make it.
Oh, and I almost forgot: the name of this season would be KSF2093Y
K for my sister’s name, S for my name, F for my dad’s name, 2093 is my favorite number for the moment, and Y for my mum’s name.
And for the other days it would rain and so the water that would fall would be in position to form the phrase: Ich liebe dich (in German and it is translated; I love you, and to say the truth I love thw world, but not every people on it).
The End
7th Form Group

Anxhela Shyte from Fier

Topic: What does God do for fun?
God is the most powerful thing in the world. I think that he stays in the sky and I think that he is a human, too. He have on TV seen a lot of games in this world. When he plays football happen an earthquake in New York, and when he plays golf there is snow in America. Another thing that God does for fun is to cook. He can cook a lot of meals and delicious food. His special food is the chicken. He sometimes burns it, but is not problem for him. Have I ever told you that he has a dog? Yes, it’s true. He has a big and beautiful dog. His body is red and his tail is blue. It has gold eyes, too. The God always goes for a walk with his strange dog in his free time.
In the summer he lies in the beach and in the winter he goes for ski with his friends. When the clock goes 10:00 the God eats his dinner and goes to sleep. In the second day he likes to visit the 200. In this 200 there are a lot of animals. His prefer animals is the lion. In this moment the dog is jealous. The God have homework too. He is very smart. In math he does all the exercises right. In the “history” he know everything. And he knows all the places in “geography.” He later goes again to eat dinner and it is time to sleep.
8th Form Group

Emin Kokonozi, Tirana*

Topic: Write a short, modern fairy tale.
The story takes place in S 22 Beta Galaxy, in a very old planet called Stramion. This planet is 150 million light years far from us, but coincidentally, this story happened 150 million years ago, so, if you turn a super powerful telescope on 40 degrees down in the South East you can actually see with your own eyes the things that you are about to read right now. 150 million years ago, on Stramion, there was no life. You couldn’t see a single living cell even if you searched the whole planet.
All of it was only dry orange rocks and hills, surrounded by huge lakes of purpe water, all under a strangely lovely silver-coloured sky.
But, a few years later, an Apocalyptic wave hit Stramion. It was first supposed to bring the end of the planet. Gigantic tidal waves of water hit the Stramion’s earth, terrific earthquakes shook the soil layers, and golden lightings that struck down from bloody-red clouds hit the ground with an enormous force.
Arthiopide, Stramion’s sun, could barely penetrate any of his light rays through the thick clouds. But, a successful ray of light hit the ground at the same time with a lightning strike and on tidal wave. A mixture o felements was created, and finally, they gave birth to a new form of life, the Stramionians.
First, they were simple cells that used soil and light to feed themselves. They continued to divide and to evolve. Finally, there were created societies of Stramionians earning and studying the place they lived in.
A few centures later, there were two wise men that were the most respected ones: Hadion, who wanted to take over the planet and Fodion, a young wise man who wanted to make the planet a better place to live in. A rivalry was created, and Hadion imprisoned Fodion in a glass prison using false laws. He soon took over the planet and created a government the way he wished.
Fodion couldn’t just stay cross-handed and recreated telescopes and other devices to study the sky. At the same time, he created weapons to get out of the prison. As he passed across the guards, he finally got out, and convincing the population with real facts, he finally managed to become the real governor and managing the planet, he made the planet a better place for everyone.
9th Form Group

Deana Haxhiraj, Tirane

Topic: You wake up, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. A different face looks back at you…
I have always thought I was a good person. I have never reflected on what I do or say. I have thought that my attitude was good and people liked me… but that day everything changed.
It was a cold day of March, when I woke up in the morning and did the usual things; opened my window, felt the ice cold air of the morning numbing my skin, stretched my arms and of course, I went to the bathroom. That brief moment, my heart stopped and I froze in horror. I was looking in the mirror, but… it wasn’t me! The reflection on the other side wasn’t mine! A repugnant being was staring back at me, and copying identically my actions. What was happening? I felt a warm wind inside of my head, the blood running like crazy through my body and my hands shivering. My mind was playing tricks on me. I jumped and completely furious, broke the “cursed” mirror. Then, I ran outside the bathroom crying. I needed my parents. Mom was in the kitchen. I ran towards her with my arms spread, but she screamed. She missed me. It was obvious that mother hadn’t recognized that I was her daughter. So… it was true. I really was a monster. I started to cry, and ran out of the house, without a direction. I was completely lost. People started to get as far as possible from me, even in the streets. They were appalled. But then… I saw a little girl. She was not afraid at all.
“Can you give some money, miss?” She asked.
I was surprised. I checked my pockets but they were empty. Then, I saw my shiny bracelet in my hand and started to think. Although I liked that jewellery so much, I felt that I needed to give it to the orphan little girl. She had nothing… She deserved it. I took it off and give it to her. A heavenly glow appeared in her eyes as she was holding the bracelet. She thanked me and disappeared in the end of a path nearby.
That was the moment when I realized that the only way to be me again was to make people happy. I started to wander around the town everyday and made charity so much as I could. At first, people were frightened, but then, they got used to the “benign monster of the town”! People started to respect me, and I felt happy in some way. But still, I didn’t know the explaination of the peculiar event that occurred to my life, or the reason of it…
I was sleeping in a street corner when I realized everything. Two of my old friends was playing in the street, and I heard them talking:
“Have you heard that Ann has disappeared? I know it’s a sad story, but I’m kind of happy. She was such a despicable person!”
They were talking about me! The real me! Was I that bad, to be contempted from all of my friends? “Yes, you were.” Oh God! Where did that voice come from?
It was my conscious. It continued:
“Have you ever reflected on your behavior? You weren’t the “good” girl after all. The reflection you saw that day in the mirror, was your soul, it was me, the real you. Do you realize how repugnant you were? You have changed so much these days! Look at the mirror again.”
I saw myself, and couldn’t believe my eyes. I was me again! Only then, I realized what had happened and why. The reflection of my soul, coming into life, had helped me to become a better person. After all the goods I did, it transformed little by little into the new me. The real me.
This long journey was the best thing that had ever happened to my life. It helped me ot become a better person, and finally, to find myself.
10th Form Group

Xhersila Yenga, Tirana*

Topic: Write about a heart that won’t stop beating..
Good morning world! I’m asking for your help. I need to know who are you?? Maybe… Not even you, know this answer…
If we look close into our world’s evolution we will see something strange… Since 250 thousand years ago, our world’s path was changed. We were born. For no reason, since then we’ve tried our best to make the world our home. We’ve tried to fit the world in our taste. We’ve tried to be the masters of it. We’ve tried to make nature life human nature. Us, the humans, pretend that nature isn’t kind because she gave us: hunger, Hurricanes, Tounami, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, etc.
But did we ever thought what we were causing to the World. Who gave life to: War, Atomic Bomb, Terrorism, Hitler, Caligula, and lots of criminals and crimes.
Who gave the world Global Warming? For years, we’ve heard the world’s ters, BUT we didn’t listen. We’ve looked the world’s metamorphosis, but we didn’t see it.
Our world lies in pain, but we don’t care. Human nature vs. real nature??? We’ve chosen the first one since long ago.
If we keep this rhythm, soon our future will be in risk, or maybe there will be no future at all: But NOT!!! Our world never gave up on us like we gave up on her. She keeps beating not for herself, but for us.
Our world it’s the clearest proof that I could find, the most powerful heart of all. I love you world, and I know you love me. Your heart will beat out loud forever, and we will make sure of that, and remember: “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”
The End
11th Form Group

Etien Isak, Tirane

Topic: What would you sacrifice your life for?
Since I was in the primary school I had a strong wish for my professional future. I wasnted to become a man of justice, fighting for the right. And this is what I still want to do.
At first many people discouraged me to continue this way. They argued that attending the justice faculty in Albania isn’t so comfortable for earning the best carrer. According to their ioinion the system of justice in Albania has many problems and it is still too much corrupted. In fact this is true…
But still after six or seven years, I haven’t abandoned my dream to pick a career in justice. The Albanian system of justice is problemativ and in most of cases you get a bad public name if you’re engaged on this job. It is so hard for people to believe that maybe exist honest lawyers, are legal judgment or devoted prosecutors.
I really don’t think that this way of thinking is effective and will help on eliminating the justice’s problems. I believe that things can change if we follow our dreams and our passions. I have never thought that anyone is going to be devoted to justice if he/she has chosen it for earning a lot of money and to possess a big wealth. This materialistic way of thinking is one of the reasons which harm justice in Albania. I have chosen to follow my dream and not to give up. The main thing I would prefer to invest my knowledge to help, to give a strong contribution and to sacrifice in my life is the process of perfecting the justice system. I’m ready to spend all my energies on this matter. Maybe the right position for me is to become a prosecutor, prosecutor general. Being on the top of prosecution would allow me to influence on improving the justice system because I think that prosecution is maybe the most important branch of justice. A healthy and not politically influenced prosecution guarantees an effective system.
I’m sure about my choice because helping and sacrificing for justice will help so many problems to be solved in Albania.
12th Form Group

Jona Musai, Tirane

Topic: Is anything purely good or bad?
Good and bad are two symbiotic concepts. There is no good without bad. No matter how controversial that might seem, for there to exist light, it needs its counter, dark. People usually attribute these particular colors to good and bad, white and black. Good and bad are like the parallel helixes of DNA, they mingle with each other to give us a whole human being. Following this analogy, we realize that there are in fact a few things that might be entirely one or the other. The human smile is something genuinely good and causing its disappearance be considered as bad.
Imagine a tear which is produced following some complicated chemical reactions. Imagine its way rolling down someone’s cheek. It’s curious; the way tears can magically pull their hormones along. Imagine the eyes it saddens and the smiles it kills. And then imagine a smile, the way brightens someone’s face, imagine the effort it takes to create it and the pure joy it presents you with. That is absolutely good.
First of all, the smile is good physically. It is the offspring of hormone production like dopamine, for instance, which stimulates the brain to feel happiness. That is what we are here for, after all, to find happiness.
Secondly, the smile has contagious properties. It’s like a magnificently red rose in a colorless world; a ripple of pleasure. One smile can change the day of many people. No matter how cliché that might seem, one never knows how his actions affect the people around. It may not assure success, but one thing is for sure you will make more friends than enemies.
In addition, smiling contributes to optimism which leads to less stress in our lives. And less stress assures a happier coexistence with everyone around you.
For the reasons stated above, I maintain that smiling is something purely good, mainly because it is not something. Smiling should be considered a living being like a friend, a woods guide that gets you out of a dark forest, a lighthouse that shows your way to a refuge. It’s true it’s not always easy to smile, but it is worth it.
To conclude, I believe something that purely good is foremostly relative. However, the thing that allows you to feel happier, the thing that does not in any way hurt any human being and the thing that connects them is surely not a bad thing. The smile of a mother to her newborn, the smile of pride glowing in the eyes of a child who shows his/her parents the school report, the smile of teacher to greet her students, the smile of undying love you give to those you love most in life. That kind of smile makes the world go round. They say we have but one rich moment in time. When you smile you make that priceless. Nothing is as good as that.
2nd Year University Form

Rinogerto Thyti, Shkoder

Topic: I wish I had told someone…
The story takes place in the beginning of high school. My cousine told me that she was in love with “K” … He was a boy at my school but I did not know him. It was a surprise for me because my cousin had never loved before so I thought he would be a wonderful boy; and he really is.
As I went to school I looked for him. I found him and he was a very wonderful person. He was the “student president” of our school and was a very intelligent person. Anyone can notice it since in the first meeting with him. I told him who I was and day after day we got closer with each other. He became my best friend. When I was at the second year of high school he told me that he was in love with a girl (he had nothing with my cousin, because of the other girl who he was in love with). I was sorry for my cousin because she was suffering for him. As he was my best friend, on the other side, I wanted to know who that girl was but he said that I would notice myself with his gestures. For a moment I thought that I was “the one”… But NO way; I was his best friend and knew I was sorry for my cousin.
Day by day I noticed that I was “the one” he loved… I felt disappointed from myself. At the beginning I thought it was my fault that my cousin was suffering for him and he was in love with me. I tried to get away from him but was impossible because I loved him… I noticed he was part of my life. He began the University and I missed him a lot but I thought that was the best thing for us, to be away from each other. My cousin was suffering and I was too… but I couldn’t tell her the truth. I decided to change my phone number and to separate definitely from him. It was impossible because of our common friendship. He always found my phone number and never forgot to call me for my birthday or other feasts. He was a boy that every girl can dream to be loved by… but I wasn’t.
One night he called me and was crying… He said that he really loved me. I began to fell in love with him too, because of everything “perfect” he had. Finally I said to him and he was happy but still now I don’t accept to have anything with him because of my cousin. I get engaged with somebody else just to stay away from him but I know he’s disappointed from me… I miss him immensely but I just cannot cheat on my cousin… This is a true story and I don’t wish to anybody… To love a person and to be with another one just for the state of circumstances.