WriteOn! 2024
Online Writing Course for Teachers
Lesson 4
The Writing Process
Describe the process you will use to guide students in editing their writing and how it will contribute to the classroom culture of writing.
How to get students writing: process writing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwvVyu0eDKU)
The writing process is a way to scaffold students from idea to published writing. Several lesson are available on the internet around the writing process which makes it a very useful thing for new teachers. It is important to realizes that students will often be in different stages of writing. A good teach identifies the stage the student is at and helps them progress to the next stage successfully. Sometimes this means helping students recognize they need to go back to a previous stage.
Google "Lesson Plans teaching drafting ELL" take a few minutes to look the resources available.
Watch the video on how one teacher uses the writing process.
Task: Look at the chart below. Under each part of the writing process are example video demonstrating one way to teach that process. Take time to explore these.
This is the time for students to brainstorm.

Students write a draft of their paper. Encourage students to write without spelling or grammar.

Students reread their drafts and edit for understanding.

Students identify grammar and sytax errors in their writing.

Finial Draft
Students type up or rewrite their paper nicely. If possible they have someone check the final product.

Having a place for students to publish their work ensures it is meaningful. Blogs or school newspapers are both good ideas.