WriteOn! 2024
northern winners
6th Grade
1st Place
Adelajdo Frroku, Lezhë
Prompt B
One day when I was going home I saw a strange creature. I was really mad because that day the principal sent me to detention for a mistake that one of my friends made. I was really mad and I kicked the creature. Then while I was going home I saw the creature following me. I was scared and I didn’t know what to do. I went home and I thought that he was gone but I was wrong. As soon as I opened the door he came in. Then I realized that it was a dragon. I was very confused. Then my mom opened the door. I was in panic and then I hid it under my bed. That night I didn’t sleep at all. Next day we went to find his owner. We went to a strange cave with lots of weird symbols. Then we saw a village. I asked the people who live if they knew anything about it. They told me that the dragons lived near the volcano. We climbed up to the top. Suddenly a stronge man appeared and started following us. The baby dragon hopped into my arms. We found a shelter to hide. I realized that he was a villain. We climbed up to the mountains and saw that his family. I saw an old man taking care of the dragons family. He was really strong. He gave me a necklace that he believed that it would bring me luck. I usually do not trust these types of things but I took it. In my opinion that required a lot of braveness. But he ate all the chocolates that were hidden under the bed but.. Never mind. To be honest the necklace brought me good luck… I mean for real.
2nd Place
Hilari Luku, Lezhë
Prompt B
I’m walking on my way to school and I meet a dragon. He is lost and I am sad for him. I decided to spend my day with him. We keep walking far far away from the city and we start walking on a dark place like a village. I got scared but I wanted to be strong and I was. The dragon told me taht his village as dark and very scary. When we got away from the dark I think I saw his village but he said to me told me that his village was after this one but he was afraid to go alone and I went with him. He was right it was really really scary, I saw witches from there, where we were. There was black magic used on that village. It was always dark and night. Witches were good to me. I thought I was in a dream. The view there was like scary movies without end. Then when I realized the little dragon was gone. Then I really began to get scared, terrified and lonely. I was unprotected there. I knew I had to be strong, but the witches that were good to me became evil and more powerful. I didn’t stay still. I ran more and more in the darkness, when then I disappeared. I went to another place. It was beautiful and it gave me such a good feeling. I saw the little dragon I was with. I tried to touch him, but he wasn’t real, when two tears fell off my face and my tears went to the dragon’s body. He was real now. I learned that I was magic. Everything of my was magic. The whole day long we played together. I wish that happiness would never end. We got asleep because we were tired. I saw bad dreams but now nothing bad would change my mind. Finally I was peaceful, til my friend woke up and told me that it was just a story I wrote. It came to me like a dream, but I still didn’t remember what happened to the little dragon. Everybody was so worried about me. I am good now. What can I say? This is me. Bad things happened, but this story has a beautiful and a happy end.
The end.
3rd Place
Avni Axhami, Kukës
Prompt B
So, I was going to school, you know a typical thing on Monday. When I was going to school I found something weird. It was an egg with red spots. I had never seen such a thing in my life. All of a sudden the egg started cracking. I was scared because I did not know what the egg could have been. When the egg cracked. I saw a dragon. I was so confused. I was wondering where the egg came from. I put my dragon in my school bag. I was scared because the teacher would have been suspicious on what I had. After school I was so relieved I was going to cry. I looked at the dragon, he was a magnificent dragon. When I went home with my dragon I saw a portal. I was again confused. My dragon slipped in my arm and he went into the portal. I followed him but little did I know I went through the portal. The portal sent me in a massive dragon’s cave. I kept on following the dragon but… I heard footsteps. They were so strong it teared up the ground. I looked up and I saw a massive dragon. I was super scared I started running. Lucky me I found a sword. I swung the sword to kill the dragon but the little dragon said to me to not kill her mother. The big dragon (the momma) spoke too! She told me to get out of here. I got out but I didn’t know how to get to my world. After a while the big dragon opened a portal. I did not know then but she did it. When I got back to my world I entered in my house. After a while I was going to sleep but I still missed my little buddy dragon.
7th Grade
1st Place
Argesa Hereni, Kukës
Prompt A
My mom called me from the next room. She was going to visit my sister. My father was going with her too, this means I am home alone!!!
After my parents went out I opened my laptop. This would be my first walk alone in the forest. I’ve been waiting so much for this. I prepared my camping bag with all the things I needed I downloaded a navigator that would tell me the way to the forest. Then I got out the door, following the navigator on my phone.
Finally I found the forest, but unexpectedly too many voices were murmuring near my ear. I turned around and waited to see someone, but nothing happened. Then I fell on the ground. A big mouth in the middle of the tree made me scream.
“Who’s there.” I shouted.
“What do you mean?” the big mouth asked.
I didn’t know that the trees in this forest could talk. I never thought about something like that. This forest was so thrilling. While minutes past I was doing fine with the trees.
“Why did you come here in our forest?” -started one of the trees
“No one came to visit us since two hundred years ago.” said another.
“Look I won’t hurt you trees. I just wanted to explore this forest.” I answered
“We won’t hurt you too. We’re just happy that finally someone came to visit us.”
“And you will be rated for this. We have a present for you. We saved this little present for many years.”
“I can’t wait to see what it is.” I said.
“But we have one condition. Only if you stay with us, the present will be yours.” -they said.
“I can’t stay will you guys, because I have a family too. How can I stay with you?”
“It’s okay we can do something for that.” They answered.
Too many things happened at the same time. After a while I found myself inside one of the trees. That doesn’t have any sense. I started crying but I didn’t see any tears. I wished this could be a dream but this was the truth. I couldn’t do anything. At least I wanted to get my present. I heard a human voice. Then I realized how unlucky that human was.
2nd Place
Samanta Stafasani, Burrel
Prompt A
The aliens need to know how to act normal. But that is going to be really difficult. People are going to judge them because they don’t look like us, they can’t speak our language, they are just different. I don’t know what to do, if I don’t treat them good I am going to feel bad for myself. I am going to take it easy. What’s the worst that can happen? Maybe they are going to leave and never come back again, maybe they are going to always remember that horrible experience that they had. Ughhh. I should trust myself and believe I can do this.
Next Day
I had the best day of my life. First when they came I gave them candies. It was so funny, they didn’t know what they were and started peeking their noses with it. I just couldn’t stop laughing. I tried to tell them that they should eat it. You should see my face. I was like “Eaaaaaaateeee it, puuuuuuuut iiiiiit in yooooourr mouth.” When one of them tried it everyone was just like, “Atatapatata”. I didn’t know what that meant but I think it meant “It is good.” After that I took the four of them to an ice cream shop. I ordered chocolate ice cream and one of the aliens thought it was poop. He was like “Ewwwww”. I told him to try that and after years and years and years of begging him, he tried the chocolate ice cream. Nah, I’m just kidding it took only 5 minutes to convince him. I bought some nike costumes for them and they couldn’t stop looking at themselves in the mirror. You should see my phone, I took photos of them when they were posing in front of the mirror. Then I went to show them my school. They had never seen books or pencils or even students before. Everyone looked at us. The small aliens felt really sad and lost so I took them out to take some fresh air. Then the bell rang. We needed to go to class. We had history and one of the aliens was really smart. He would write latin language and the teacher was shocked. After history we had PE and we were going to do an orientation inside the woods. The biggest alien could say where North East was and lead us. We won! At the end of the day I was really tired. When I went home, mom had made tacos. We ate like pigs, and then went to my room. I didn’t recognize that I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning and saw a letter. There it wrote:
“We are never going to forget you, your candies and your nice face.”
I got really happy even though it took time for me to translate those words from latin language.
3rd Place
Elisona Gjana, Kukës
Prompt A
Everything was cool when I started the day drinking hot chocolate in nature and it looks like the chocolate kissed me. I and my family was in camping for my birthday to taste the beautiful things of nature. It was morning and I had to build a fire so I had to get some wood in the forest. I was walking in the forest when I heard a soundtrack. I started to find woods but I saw a beautiful rabbit and I started running behind him. But when I see the clock it was 15:30 and this mean that I had to went at my family because the others said: “When the clock is 15:30, everything in forest starts to be angry, so be careful!” I was very scared. I didn’t find wood, I lost my time running behind a beautiful rabbit, and the worst the time was 15:30 and maybe the forest will come alive. I didn’t know what to do. Some scary thoughts came in my head. I was very very scared when I heard a sound behind me. It looks like a group of people started to say something. I thought that it was my family because I was late. But when I went to see my family it was very quiet. Maybe it was a dragon waiting to eat me, or the forest was come alive. It was really scary. In my mind were only bad thoughts. I started to be quiet and I did it. I didn’t have why to be scared, everything was in my control. But again I heard soundtracks and now it was like anyone was singing a song like: Hey,Hey,Hey, We are the trees, we are beautiful trees, Help us please!
I started laughing at this song. But again some thoughts came in my mind. If they were people why were they singing a song for trees. Maybe they loved so much trees and they sang a song for them. But again I wasn’t quiet. I was walking to my family but I couldn’t. I had lost in the forest!!!
I was trying to be quiet but I heard someone who was trying to call me. He said “Hey you little girl, what are you doing here alone?” When I heard this I turned back to see who was talking to me. But when I turned back an old tree was speaking. I said “Aaaaaaaaaaa, please don’t hurt me, aaaaaaaa!!!!”
I was very very scared.
-Who are you?
Said the tree
-Am, am I am Sona, a girl that she lost in the forest but please don’t hurt me. I’m not your evil
I said.
-Ha, ha,ha don’t worry Sona.
-Ok, um I have to go now, bye.
-Nooo where are you going, you are the person that we need.
But I didn’t really think about this, I was running. But some trees didn’t let me go to my family.
-Please, we need your help.- the trees said.
-My help, for what?- I said.
-Because the other people are cutting us. You have to stopped them.
-But how?- I said.
-You have to say at your father to stop cutting us.
-Ok- I said.
But when I started to went at my father he came in the forest. And when he see me talking with trees he was really shocked. But I started to calm down my dad and I did it. I tell him about the trees. But he said:
-No way!
-Please they are alive like us, they breath like us. How would you be if you will be a tree? People are cutting trees in every minute and it isn’t fair.
My dad said:
-You are right, sorry trees I didn’t know what problem is this.
-Thank you very very much Sona and you sir. You helped us very much.- said the tree.
I and my dad went at camping because we were very tired.
From this day I learned a very good thing. Helping the trees is fun. And don’t forget, don’t cut the trees they are alive like us.
8th Grade
1st place
Elona Hila, Lezhë
8th grade
I remember I was with my colegs in one of our labs. We were trying to invent something that would help humanity. Robots. And we did. Robots did help but something went terribly wrong later. They got out of cotrol. Thousands and thousands of them escaped and went out in the open. Terror. Screams. Fire. One life after the other we slowly started to vanish. Blood had dyed every street of this city and our once blue sky had turned pitch black. I was lucky enough to get out of the labuotory alive. I went running touards my family, worried like I had never been before. As I reached my house the only thing that my eyes saw was Homes. I could hear their callings for help but I didn't move. I was paralyzed with fear. My eyes widen and I fell to floor covering my ears so wouldn't hear their pleas. "MOVE!" I screamed in my head but I didn't move an inch. I could feel myself violently shaking and tears fell down my cheeks. I stood there and did nothing. The people I loved the most were now dead because I was a coward. I opened my mouth and screamed as loud as I could. But did anyone hear me? The answer is no. I screamed and screamed till nothing came out. My house burned down to ashes and so did my heart. Every inch of my body was in pain and I fell on the street, rolling around, pulling my hair as hard as I could. "What monsters did I create?!" A voice told me. It was my voice and mine alone. I treid to open my eyes to see what chaos was happening but because of my tears my vision was blury. I was so tired by now, and bit by bit my conciounes slipped away. This was the end.
I thought that I was going to die but when I woke up I saw I was inside a cave. There was a group of people all gathered together in different corners of this place. Women were hugging their children telling them it was going to be okay. I immidietly got up from where I was sitting and asked a man that was near me.
"Where are we?" I questioned him.
"Inside an underground cave. The city was completly destrojed." The man explained to me.
"We wont make it." "We will all die." "They will finish off us all" I could hear people wispering. The kids were crying herrily and one came up to me and grabed (thom) the hem of my shirt.
" Have you seen my mommy and daddy?" The little boy asked me with tears streaming down his cheeks.
I felt a gulp go down my throat and so i told him: "No.... I havent seen them". The little boy placed his hands on his eyes and ran to the other side of the cave. My heart was breaking because I wanted to act just like him. I wanted to see my parents too. But they are never coming back. Humanity had fallen so low, we no longer on top of the food chain.
Thinking about these metallic monsters made my heart burn with hate. " I want them all dead, I want to destroy every single one of them. I want revenge." I told myself those words and went to the group of people.
"How about we fight back?" I said my voice full of confidence.
"They are machines, we dont have any wepons. It will be useless." People said and I knew how to turn the tables around.
"Fine, dont fight. Stay here and let yourselves be murdered by the ones who took all you loved! Your all trash! You didn't love your families at all!" I screamed at them and then a women came close to me and said: " We loved them with we had!"
"THAN FIGHT FOR THEM! We are here hiding like rabbits when we should take revenge for the ones we loved!" I told her, my voice still full of hate. I want revenge so bad. I felt like I was falling in a black hole, and there was no way out.
I knew my words would change them, in the end we are all humans.
And soon we were all ready for battle.
There were guns hanging from my belt and so began the war against humans and monsters.
There was shooting everywhere, I sneaked into the lab where this all started hoping that I would find a way to destroy them. I walked quietly into the halls filled with shattered glass holding a gun in my hands. There didn't seem to be any robots here.
Little did I knew I was wrong.
I heard movements behind and I turned back fast. There was a robot, his red layser pointed at me.
I tried to shoot him but bullets were completly useless.
"Why are you doing this?" The robot asked me
"I want revenge." I answered to him
"?" He looked at me with a questening look.
"You wont understand what emmotion it is because your not a life. You are not human." I said to him
"Your right. Thats why I'm stronger" He said and a sharp pain pierce through me. I placed my hand on my stomach and saw my hand dyed in red. Now this was really the end. Hummanity lost.
2nd place
Klea Hallaçi, Kukës
8th grade
We were on a field trip with my class to an art museum. It was so far from my city and I was a little bit scared. I had a bad feeling about this. Then we arrived. There is was like a dessert and that made me even more scared but at the beginning I thought it would be very boring. My classmates were excited but I was terrified. We got out of the bus and closer the art museum was huge, like a giant would fir in there, or maybe two. In the outside it was bright but when I go inside all my classmates disappeared and turned to paintings and froze in place. I wanted to go away buy a strong wind closed the door. That time I collapsed in the ground but I got up last because the paintings were calling me. The creepy wind led me further into the building. It was huge and dark but the walls were white. The paintings were like a small dark room inside buy outside it appeared normal and it had a glass separating one from the persons inside there. They were punching the glass to break out but they couldn’t. Their knuckles had turned red and were covered with blood from the hard punching. It was like a hall but it ended. I stood there. I saw another painting but it wasn’t like the others. It was just crying but not trying to break the glass. I went closer to it. It was a girl around 20 years old. When she saw me, her eyes lighted up. She was beautiful like a goddes. I stood there terrified when she actually talked to me.
You there – she said to me. I was enchanted by her beautiful voice like a spell.
Yes… - I said trembling.
Please help me! – she said screaming but crying too.
What happened?! – I said as I came back to reality.
Did you fell the wind?
Huh… - I replied trying to remember.
The wind made us this way…- she continued.
Even my classmates?! – I said stoping her.
Yes. Those who don’t have a fully shite heart end up like me, my friends and your classmates.
But why wasn’t I enchanted by this terrible spell? – I asked with a little bit more curiosity.
Because, your heart is fully white and you weren’t too much excited to come here.
But why are you here, you are like a goddess, you wouldn’t do anything wrong … - I said stuttering.
I commited a crime but if I tell it you and me would die and never be found. If you want to be safe just follow the footsteps’ prints in the floor.
But I want to sav -! I said.
There is no time!! – she interrupted me.
How about the others? – I asked.
We all have been here for thousand years, we will be fine. Now go, save yourself! – she said trying to comfort me.
I followed the footsteps. They ended and in front of me was a door. I went in. it was a black room and I could hear the peoples’ scream that were in the paintings. A black figure was staring at me.
Your white heart can’t save you here … - he said.
That was the moment I figured out that the girl was evil buy herself she was a spell. The black figure came closer but something appeared in my hand. It was a sword and it had diamonds lining up. It was very bright I thought, I would become blind. He had a sword too but it was black and shining red. Thanks to my speed that the sword gave me, I stabed the black figure but he didn’t have blood, he just fade away. I was really happy but very sad that I couldnt’ save the others. The black wind turned white and like just blinding. I saw myself in the outside. My back was facing the art museum but when I turned, there wasn’t any more the art museum. A flying horse who looked like a unicors more, just sizzed me to him. A little bit scared he sent me home. I couldn’t image what happened to me but it happened in reality. I was freaking out.. I was happy that I was safe but really sad for my friends and I stared to say really bad. It was like a trauma and it all happened all in one day! I should be aware of any other creppy things next time and trust my feelings.
3rd place
Serena Hoxha, Lezhë
8th grade
Being in a trip to the art museum is wonderful because you learn a lot of new, beautiful things just looking to the paintings but when you realize that the people in the paintings can talk it becomes magical
I was walking through the gallery when suddenly a dragon from one of the paintings started talking to me:
- “Hello, little girl! Who are you? – he asked me. I was surprised but not afraid.
- You…you can talk! – I said to him. – How is this even possibile?
- What a boring conversation! I asked you first: - the dragon looked disappointed. His blu eyes become sad and his wonderful silver scales slot their brightness.
- I am sorry! I didn’t want to make you feel sad! My name isSerena. What’s your name!
- Serena, like lord Bergin’s daughter’s name. Nobody before had asked me for my name! I have forgotten my name!
- Well, we can fine your name! what about Zargyss?
- Zargyss…I like that. Zaryss! Now I am Zargyss! Than you little girl!
I walked away. Something I couldn’t understang. Why he aske for my name when in the end he called me, “little girl” again.
Hey you! – Someone asked me from the other wall. It was a beautiful Egyptian girl. – do you think you are more beautiful than me? – she said. I started laughing and after that I said: “No, of course you are the most beautiful girl in earth” – the eqyptian girl looked happy.
I know I am beautiful but are you nice too. I am Medisa, from Ancient Egypt.
How was living in Ancient Egypt? – I asked
It was hot and sunny everyday. That’s why I have this wonderful color of my scin.
But why are you here, in this painting?
Oh, because I was the first girl who answered the question of Sphinx. “Who walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night.”
A man – I said quiely.
Oh, now you are more cleaver than me! – she said. I was tired with her conversation so I walked away. After a while I saw an old man with a very long white beard. He looked said
How can I help you? – I asked him.
You can’t help a poor wizard, who lost his pride.
What happened?
A lot of centuries ago, whe goblins, doxys and trolles had started a fight, with my king’s kindon I walked away on the woods to find help from other magical creatures. Fairies, nymphs, griffins and vampires too, wanted to help. But we needed a black pearl, the symbol of balance and wisdom to finish that war. For some moments I belived that I could be as powerful, as a pure heartt magic, but I was wrong and in the end, were my bad choices who destroyed the kindom.
You don’t have to blame your self for all this! – I said.
You have a good spirit. Under your inocence is hidden a uniqe precious stone. Perhaps a moonstone. Your eyes shine dreamy, and your hand is there for everyone. Be careful, protect your magic! – I saw deep in his blue eyes, and they were as energetic as they were alive. I liked so much his life, full of adventures but I was sorry for it’s ending.
After some other paintings, I saw a familiar face.
Skanderbag?! I asked.
Yes, it’s me. And youlittle, brace, girl are?
I am an Albanian blood descandens. It’s wonderful talking with my national hero.
National hero!? No, I am just a son who protected his country, his land, his blood with love and pride. And I am glad to see that my Albania has become a indipended, strong country.
Albania is my heart place, where I have born and I will die, but it’s not as perfect as other countries, but I thing that it means that I have more thing to improve, more opportunities to develop in my country. We are inspired from you, I am inspired from because you fighted without fear for Albania. You are a hero! You are Skanderbag!
Skanderbag!? No, that’s not my name. my name if Gjergj Kastriot son og Gjon Kastrot. And I am pride to see that the next generation wants to make Albania a better place to live in. goodbye!
I run away happy. Perhaps our reality isn’t as good. Always will be wars but we always will find good people, with pure harts and beautiful minds. We have to dream and look optimistic to the future. When I was going to leave I head a kid voice crying.
What\s wrong? – I asked.
I don’t know where my mother is. I am afraid.
Don’t worry. People in the paintings will help us.
Really! – he looked surprised at me – can they talk.
Yes they can. Dragons who tell you wonderful stories. Wizards who learn you what to do. Heros who makes us pride. We always can find help. We just have to believe. Now let’s go find your mother.
9th Grade
1st place
Kiara Doma, Rrëshen
9th grade
I was walking alone on the city streets. I remember it was a really beautiful night. I kept walking without knowing where I was going. It didn’t matter anyway. It’s normal for people to walk without having a destination, right? I suddenly saw an old abandoned building right in front of me. It look so scary and mysterious at the same time, and these two things I really like. The building was huge. The windows were far away from each other, as if the people who lived in there didn’t wanted to see each other. There were 2 doors, an old and a new one. I thought it was a movie scene but in fact it was real and I was the only one who could see it. I felt really special. Something inside me told me to leave but in that moment I heard a voice from the inside. That voice I could never forget. It sounded desperated but happy at the same time. After the voice stoped, a light turned on, and I saw a shadow. Not scary at all, I almost thought it was me. It was laughing and saying: “I saw the eight! I swear I saw it!” and then it ended. My curious nature couldn’t resist the temptation, so I went in and I took my red rose with me. It was so dark in the inside, but I wasn’t scared. The strong wind closed the door and the windows. I was alone in an old abandoned house. I was about to start screaming when suddenly I heard some steps.
They were so quiet, like the Balenimas steps. I started following them, but they were walking so fast that i lost it. I found myself in a little garden, full of roses, red and white ones.
I had never seen so many roses in my life, even though I love them. I tried taking one but it went away from me. I got scared and cried. When my tear felt down it touched a petal. They soon turned into white stairs leading me up. I was going up when I turned around and saw that all the roses has disappeared except for a white one. His petals started flying and went up. I followed them. They were staying in a fountain’s water and making small circles. There was this little gold light that I could see coming toward me. I saw a clear reflection of myself when I was little staying on a tree and seeing a beautiful bird flying. The fountain was releasing smokes and it broke taking me up to the East stop, A childs room, standing oposite an old library. The window opened and brought in the cold aor. There were 2 candles i could see. Again a red and a white one. I opened the library books and I saw that nothing was written in them. They all felt down exept one book. A very mysteryous one covered in gold and green petals. It opened. The words were going out of it as if they were released after a long time. Only three words stayed and there were: “Don’t hide”! I turned around and saw the little room changing into an empty one. I left my rose there with a letter. In that letter I wrote down: “I won’t.” I run to the door but they were not opening. The walls were going down. I saw again that red rose and hold it tight into my arms. It took me out into the street before the building went down. I took me back place I bought that rose. I left the rose in there. Since that day I have never seen that building again, it disappeared. But I still remember what it said to me.
It said “don’t hide.”
I always keep a rose with me since that day.
2nd place:
Aleksia Prendi, Rrëshen
9th grade
Me Aleksia as the “Queen” of the planet
I announce that this would be an independent and free planet without religion, without racism at all. The people will live wherever they want and however they want. There’ll be houses for poor people and we will offer more ot them so them so there it will not excist more the orphins. Even if there are I will make sure that all the kids without a famiy it’s going to have one, and a good, a kind and a lovely failya as all the families are and are going to be. But the most important of all there it will be some rules that everyone should do them, but do them properly.
There its not going to terrorism. If just one person attends to do terrorism is going to be out of our orbit.
There it’s not going to have violence. The first person that does that it’s going to jail without making any court.
There it’s not going to have dirty environment. Because all the palces will be wifi, cameras, so no one can even try to do anything bad to environment.
There it’s not going to be bullying in schools. The students that does that are going to a rehab institucion.
There it’s going to be a high-quality teaching process, so no one will be without school and without work.
There are going to be a lot of high-quality doctors and medicines, so the people can live longer.
There are going to be a lot culture palaces so everyone can show their talents.
These are the most important ones, cause are more of course.
One of the things that me as a Queen I love is LOVE, so everyone can love and marry whoever they want. They can marry people with other religion, with other color, and even with their opposite gender if this is what they want.
There it will be the most healthiest foods, so everyone can be in good shape and mood. There it will be a hight-quality technology so everyone can know about other planets and other orbits.
I would love if everyone would start the day with optimism as I do. With optimism for love, for friendship, for work, for weather, but the most important of all with optimism for life. “We all have to see the glass of wine half-full and not half-empty.”
3rd place
Endri Stafasani, Burrel
9th grade
It started all back to 31st October 2017, the Halloween day. I woke up pretty late and realized I was locked in an old abandoned castle far away from my town scared to death. I asked myself “How did I end up here? Are ghosts haunting me? Is this the last day of my life?” and most importantly “will I ever see my family again?”
Suddenly, a horrific sound started from the hall. I didn’t know what to do. Then I remembered I had to be strong to overcome any obstacle. It had nothing to lose, neither my life. I became strong and went exactly where the sound came from, but what to see. My mum was laying on the ground covered by blood all over her neck. I screamed so loudly “No…” but it was all over. Next it would be my turn.
The weird sound started again but I could not leave my mother. Even if I was killed, at least I’d be with her. After almost 3 minutes I found myself surrounded by evil spirits. I guessed I had never done something eveil to somebody so nobody would be angry with me or want me to dye, but it wasn’t so. “That’s it” I thought but they kept moving slowly. |Why don’t you give it an end you coward. If you want ot kill me do it now. If you don’t, get away and never mess again with my family.” I don’t even know where or how all that courage was being shown by me…somebody who actually would face his death soon enough.
Unfortunately, those ghosts and monsters caught me. “Mum, I love you! I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m the worst son ever but I just want to tell you, you’re the best mother in the whole universe. See you up there in heave I hope.” I said.
When suddenly “Taaaaa da! Happy Halloween.” Mat said. I couldn’t believe my eyes. They were all my friends masked as ghosts. My mother than got up and gave me a hug. I was crying even though I wa the happiest person in the world. It was all on well-organised prank whose destiny was to make me the bravest one. “You guys…Thank you for everything. You’re the best: I said.
To sum up, althought all started as the worst experience ever, it turned up to be the most exciting and wonderful one.
10th Grade
1st Place
Kristina Keka, Shkodër
Prompt B
It was snowing that morning. 23rd December. A day before Christmas. I got out of bed and started getting stressed. Yawning, I entered the kitchen and start making some hot chocolate. I looked outside the window, the view a blinding white because of the snow covering the streets and roofs like blankets. I looked then at the old clock hanging over the door frame; 9:30. I went outside to get the day’s papers, shivering at the cold wind that felt as if it could pierce my soul. Going back inside, I threw myself in the couch and turned on the TV, but didn’t really pay any attention to it. I opened the newspaper and took a sip out of the mug in my left hand. I started reading, half dreading the words. MY papers these days were anything but normal. It had started a month ago. Like every morning I had taken the day’s paper and, much to my surprise and horror, the news talking about many things that hadn’t happened yet.
Firstly, I had thought that it was some sort of prank that the neighbor’s child deemed it a good idea to play a joke on me. But as the events started happening, I got shocked and, needless to say, terrified. The news predicted for example, who won the football match that was supposed to take place that night or, a statement by a politician, later made public.
I thought I was going crazy and had a mental breakdown. I became paranoid and started dumping all the papers in the garbage can without even sparing them a second glance. When it didn’t stop and the papers kept showing me the future, I decided to go with it. I didn’t act on my knowledge. The future was to be unknown for a reason. I stopped any urge to use this information (despite a great desire almost changing my mind, when I figured I could win the lottery). I never acted on them. Until now. I felt the blood leaving my face as I read the headlines. The big bold writings that said “41 YEARS OLD WOMAN LOSES HER LIFE ON A CAR ACCIDENT!” I felt dizzy. It was my mom.
Suddenly, I couldn’t breathe. My mom was supposed to die? I tried standing up, but my limbs felt weak. Immediately, I called my mom. When she answered, I asked, trying to be casual, what her plans for the day were. She said she was going shopping at the city center with my aunt and my 8 years old cousin. Coming up with a lie on the spot wasn’t easy, but I told her I was sick and she immediately cancelled. I sighed in relief. What I didn’t expect was for the newspaper to burst in flames. I jumped in fright and watched the newspaper burn. MY stomach turned and suddenly I had a very bad feeling. My mom came 20 minutes later and I spent the next day worrying something would happen to her. Luckily, nothing did. Even so, as I went to bed that winter night, I couldn’t shake off the bad feeling that had washed over me that morning.
The next day, when I went out to take the day’s paper, my eyes widened and they stared at the words. It was the same as yesterday’s paper. For a moment, I felt overjoyed. “The circle must be broken!” I thought happily. My heart sunk however, when I read the article on the second page. Again, the words in bold…burning a hole in y head, taunting me. “8 YEARS OLD GIRL HIT BY DRUNK DRIVER!” When my shock wore off, a crushing sense of guilt and regret took over instead. I couldn’t breathe as hot tears rolled over my cheeks. I cried uncontrollably and my body shook with every sob. The image of my cousin smiling was planted in my mind and I felt as if someone had ripped my heart and was twisting it cruelly. I threw the paper in the ground, the sound echoing in the empty room as I grieved. Then, I noticed a piece of paper fell out of the article. It was small and crumpled, But the words on it had me frozen in place: “No good comes to those who meddle with time.”
2nd Place
Anxhela Prendi, Shkodër
Prompt B
I woke up, as usually, washed my teeth and face and had breakfast. My dog took the newspaper. Just like everyday, even that day the newspaper was telling me the good and bad things that were going to happen.
Drinking coffee and reading the newspaper I made plans for the day. It said that an accident was going to happen in the neighbourhood next to mine, where my best friend lived. I decided to go to her house and stay there all day long, because I really loved her and cared for her and didn’t want anything bad happen to her.
But before doing that I kept reading. There was a photo of me and some mysterious guy, the two us hanging out. He looked awesome and I couldn’t lose the chance. Well, it looked like I had to choose.
Firstly, I went to my friend, who by the way wanted to go shopping but I didn’t let her with the excuse of being sick and wanting to do a movie-marathon together. All good, she agrees and we stay in the until…her boyfriend calls.
He desperately wanted to go out so she tells him she’s on her way. I was standing still, not know what to do. But then I think, if we go together in the club and we stay there until midnight then maybe there isn’t going to happen anything.
So we were all dressed up and ready to party and I call a taxi since the can on the accident wasn’t a taxi. We go to this new club which was opened lately. She meets her boyfriend and I wait for her until I see the mysterious guy. He’s right there, standing in front of me and watching me. I don’t say a thing, until my friend comes to only find out that he is her boyfriend’s friend.
We were chatting until he asked me to dance. I agreed and went to the dance floor with him. When I came back, my friend wasn’t there, neither her boyfriend. I was so worried. I kept calling her and her phone was turned off.
I got out and went to her home. Yes, there was a car crash. I was so disappointed from myself. How could I let this happen? I got near, but…it wasn’t her, it wasn’t neither her boyfriend. But there was a note, that had my name on it. I took it and read it. -Stop trying to the change the future- it said. The message was clear, I just didn’t know who sent it. But I’m sure it was the same person that sent me the newspaper, which I don’t read anymore…
3rd Place
Silvio Livalli, Shkodër
Prompt A, 10th grade
Not Available
11th Grade
1st Place
Saramontela Ferizolli, Krumë
Prompt A
A new season has appeared in Earth. This is a punishment that the “Nature” gives to people because of destroying her. The season is called the black and white season, but not everything is black and white, everything is gray. This is a season full of sadness, full of misunderstanding and angry faces. This new season will be the longest season of the year. Almost 2/3 of the year will be black and white season. The other parts will be spring, summer, autumn and winter.
One day the “mother nature” felt a lot of angry to people, because they didn’t stop destroying the beautiful monuments she was creating for spring. They couldn’t stop setting of fires on summer, they don’t stop cutting trees on autumn and on winter, people didn’t help endangered species to survive during winter. So, the black and white season was the human’s punishment to them by nature.
The black and white season will be the most sad season because of the missing of nature, flowers and green. Without that the world was too unhealthy, to misunderstood people fight with each-other all day, everyday kids were so sad. They couldn’t smile, couldn’t play, couldn’t spent time outside, videogames and smartphones don’t impress them. They’re all alive without living. They’re all breathing without oxygen and they’re all being humans without humanity. During black and white season, the weather is as cold as peoples spirits, the sky were as gray as peoples mind and the life were just boring. To remove and end this punishment that started destroying the world and peoples., we should try to bring colors to the world, painting with the color called “Love of Nature”, planting trees, stop hunting, protecting forest and environments. Growing flowers in our homes for as much as we could, and if “mother nature” notices that we learned by the mistake, and we will do the most for the nature to keep the life alive, she will stop the boringness, sadness, and hate, will bring back the happiness and humanity in world. People will be happy and the world normal. In the earth there will be back four seasons and by all of this, people hopefully will start taking care to the nature and loving her.
2nd Place
Klejdi Koca, Burrel
Prompt B
Discovering that the planets are giant animals, would be simply the most surprising revelation ever to made by mankind. It would be groundbreaking, to learn that all this time, we’ve been living on top a giant ball of biologic matter and only realizing it now. But what would it all mean? Maybe earthquakes were actually a muscle twitch by the humungus we call earth. Maybe volcanoes were acne on the skin of the creature we call home, and magma its blood. Who knows what else we could find. As for the society side of things, I don’t think it would make a very big difference. First of all it would prove that there is life beyond earth. That would be exiting, however, our daily lives would not change all that much. I mean, we would have lived for thousands of years on this prehistoric being, and it didn’t seem to care we were there. Why would it care now?
However, I can’t help but thing about the fact that only recently we have begun to shape the surrounding landscape to suit our needs. Only recently we’ve level mountains, and terraformed deserts. Maybe the creature would finally notice us, and maybe it could get interested to know more about the tiny being living on its back. Maybe it could like our activities on changing the environment. Maybe it would think of it as a free face lift of some sort, to hide the wrinkles of billions of years of aging. But perhaps it could get angry with our changes, and take out its claw and wipe us out in one blow, like a dog does with fleas.
Mayne it could be happy knowing that the closest life form to it is not Mars, or Venus, but tiny intelligent monkeys building skyscrapers on top of its rocky skin. Or maybe it thinks of us like parasites and only wants to get rid of us and it drifts closer to the sun, ending our civilization by getting closer to the thing that made it possible.
Many many possibilities could become reality. As for the changes in human society, and how we know the world, I think it would rock their world. People would start wondering about why God made us exist on a creature, living off it. Would he have created the creature for us, to protect us, or to serve as our trampoline, to the great beyond, to space. Maybe some people would start doubting on God as we know Him and start believing in the creature that literall supports our lives with its body and maybe it was the creature itself who made us, perhaps for the creature, it was just a hobby. A hobby that now can make decisions for itself.
As for myself, the first thing I would try to do is establish some sort of communication with the being. And see if its intelligent. You would think the thing that lived for billions of years before us would be super intelligent by now. If I could speak to it, it would be a life changer. And the first thin I would ask it is who made you, and who made us.
I could go on and on about the questions I want to know from it, and pray to every god ever believed in, that it would give an answer. Perhaps the biggest question eve, why do we exist, and what is the point of life. Sure it would know. And of course I would ask for it to share any knowledge about new technologies that would make life for humankind easier.
3rd Place
Raela Vata, Kukës
Prompt A
I guess everybody is sick off these 3 month lasting seasons. Different people have different preferences about them. For example, I love winter because it all white and cold, but when it’s freezing, I say: “Uh, I wish it was summer and I could get rid of all these thick clothes I’m wearing. “
This happens to everybody, that’s for sure. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for a change in our lifes. We should get what we want. Lately, I’ve invented the what it’s called “the chaos season.” Weird right?! Well, that’s how I am and that’s how I want to make people’s lifes. But you’re wondering what’s this season, that’s for sure.
Let me tell you everything. First, this season lasts forever and it will never ever disappear. So let’s supposed you are in the summer and there’s a scorching heatness outside. You can barely stand it, you’re about to die because outside the temperatures just hit 45o C. “Wow, no way. Oh man, I wish it was winter right now. I need some chillyness,” -that’s what you say. But you made a wish. The chaos season heard it and tata, here it is. You’ve got winter, blowing wind and snow outside. You have what you want and you are happy.
Then you’d say: What if another person would express another desire at the same time? Well that’s what I aimed for, to bring some chaos to the world. I know, everything would change but it’s time for it. Global warming is just destroying us. Seasons have drastically changed. In winter you got spring and vice versa. That’s chaos too. Who caused all this? Developed countries who build factories whenever they want, they cause a lot of pollution and do not care about the rest, except their own profits. Is this right? Of course not. So let’s bring some chaos to them, too. My invention is not only about this. I mostly thought about the homeless. They live in the streets and none of us thinks about them. They don’t deserve it. When it’s chilly outside, they have nothing to warm with, the might die. They need some pleasure too. So in winters they can bring summer. What is really interesting about the so called chaos season is the fact that you can bring it only on your homes. For example, you want some chill in your house because it is so hot. Then you say: “I want my house to be cold.” The magic only happens there, no in the city or country. This means there’s less chaos and better for everyone.
It's time for a change guys. Let’s think about everybody. Let’s hit the world with my magic tricks.
“How I created it?” I won’t tell it, it’s a secret, but I should tell you something. I was sent here to serve you, I’m telepathic, you can’t catch me, you can only see, listen or discuss with me. But do not think of me, just taste the feeling of the chaos in the world.
12th grade
1st place
Roaldo Hoti, Burrel
Prompt B
They told me that life moves fast so I should keep record of what happening in a diary before I forget it. And who are they? Oh, doesn’t mater, God, aliens… Something like that. So lets start -
Dear Diary,
This is the first time Im talking to you so let me introduce myself. I’m Waldo, a 17 year old boy who lives a pretty normal life. Lives?
Sorry, lived, cause I’m dead! Year, car accident, blah, blah, blah… but lefts get to the important stuff. I’ve been sent back in time, dead of course, nobody can see or hear me and I have a job. To babysit my younger version of me or that what I thought. He is 12 years old and he is the only one who can see or hear me.
Well he used to see me, cause that little piece of sh…, sorry, chocolate cake is forgetting me. I was kind of his imaginary babysitter and friend. I appeared to him since he was 6 years old and ever since we use to have a blast. I remember the time when that bully knocked him down and locked him in the bathroom, nobody could cheer him up but me, and plus what I did to that bully’s nightmares was horrible! Lefts say he survived. Nobody used to play with him but me and it was painful to me to see myself once again lonely and suffering. But as every child, they grown up and forget things and people they shouldn’t
The problem is not that I’ll be lonely once I fade away, the problem is what's going to happen on his 13th birthday, and that's the time he needs me the most. And how can I help him if he doesn’t remember me?
On my 13th birthday his father…, my father dies diary. He doesn’t know and I know nobody will help him on that day, cause nobody helped me. I needed someone, someone like me. I’ve got to help him.
****A few days after***
Dear Diary,
I’ve never cried for myself more. On his birthday, while he was celebrating, my mother went to him and told him the news. I remember the tears, the hugs. I was a sensitive boy, still am. And as sensitive as I was, I was tearing myself apart from the inside. That night my mothers left me crying on the bed and eventually I got to sleep. Its very painful for a 13 year sensitive boy to lose his father on his birthday, he completely lost it. If I couldn’t talk to hm in the real world, at least on his dreams. It was effortless with roses and bears, I had to scare him. I put a coffin in the middle of his room. He immediately woke up, and I knew he could see me next to the coffin. “You see it” I said “That's your father” I could tell he was scared by trying to under the sheets. “There is no point hiding Waldo. If you could only listen to me you’ll see that life is not that scary. I know what you’ve passing through. I have been there, trust me, trust yourself, If you are going to spend all yours life under those sheets just because you are scared of what's out there, well thats not living. I know your father hated yours mothers and that your brothers don’t get along but if you build a wall to protect yourself, that wall will be destroyed and it will take you with it” He didn’t say a word, just looked at me with doubt. “I know I don’t have much time but, every time you feel lonely and desperate you need to trust only yourself. If you're afraid to take a step into the unknown trust that I’ll be there to take that step with you! I promise! He was just a father, he did not give you the love you deserve. I will, yourself will!
In tears little waldo ran to hug me but it was too late. I disappeared from his sight and he woke up knowing everything. But thats okay, I live in his heart, in his self esteem.
Diary, the reason I was there, was not to comfort him on his father death. He didn’t need that, he needed self esteem, belief on his self on his…. when hell become 17 years old, the day when it is planned for him to die. Dear diary, I wasn’t found dead on a car accident, I killed myself cause I had family problems, my mother and brothers. I had no belief in the world, trouble with money, family problems, no father …. So I drank a whole bottle of sleeping pills and eventually I went to sleep but they did not rescued me after that. Now I know why “They” sent me to little Waldo. To give him what he needed the most, the will to life, to give myself the chance to be happy in front of every problem.
I’ll let you on a sneak peek diary
… After I helped little Waldo on his 17th birthday after commiting suicide, they managed to rescue me.
I live and so does he, with belief this time and Im grateful for that.
With love,
Just one Waldo.
2nd place
Esra Lohja, Shkodra
Prompt B
If you ask me about my name, you’ll be surprised to know I don’t have one, Not really I’m not a human either, nor or animal or alive, Im the fruit of a kids imagination. Or I was. I was my kid’s best friend even though I’m not real. And me not being real is not the problem. The problem is that my kid, the little girl I escorted through her childhood, is not a kid anymore and every day I’m fading more and more.
I had a really happy “life”. I was needed, and I made my sweet princess happy. Everytime when she felt alone or when she fought with the monsters in the closet and under the bed, I was there to protect her. To fight for her and bring the sunshine back into her smile. I love my girl with all my, what you call a heart, and I know she loved me too, but I don’t think I can compete with the real world for her love.
She doesn’t need me anymore. So now I’m lost in the sea of monstrous being and insecurities that use to star in her nightmares. They are only distant memories to her, and soon i'll be too. I find myself more weak and tired, and if before my purpose was to make her happy, now I don’t have one at all. It’s strange to know that even though you’re not real, your feelings are very much so, and soon you won't be around anymore.
Love is also a strange thing. For us fickle creatures to be given this gift wrapped with every valuably thing there is and being able to feel and produce a similar gift meant to be given to someone that deserves it, is the closest to reality we can be. But I understand that reality is really mean. It shows itself to you. Makes you want To be part of it only to no you find out that its unreachable.
Even through I would like to stay more. I know my time here is finished. The reason of my existence was to be there for her when she needed me to make her happy. Knowing that for her when she needed me to make her happy. Knowing that she is more than capable of doing that and that she has people, real people, who love and care for her, exerd. I can easily except my destiny. After all, her happiness is mine and if she is alright I’ll be too, in every shape life or whatever awaits me.
3rd place
Egesta Basha, Shkodra
Prompt B
I was Gary’s imaginary best friend. I was his buddy, the one he called about every single thing. If Gary needed me I would be there. I would wake up at 2 am just to check under his bed and reassure him that there was no monster there. When his school friends refused to play his favorite game and his parents to listen, I was still there, playing and listening. I promised that I would celebrate him , now and forever, and I did, I still am. I know every part of him, every story, habit, even his friends and family, or at least I did until now.
Gary has turned 18 and things are no longer the same. I keep waiting for him to call me. I wait for a sign but all I get is nothing. Dead silence, I see him struggling, facing difficulties and I keep asking if he needs any help, still silence. It seems like when he’s bored, he doesn’t need me anymore, my games are old-fashioned, he has these friend that he chats with and this girl he calls. Last night Gary had his first date. That's the thing I’ve been waiting for ages and of course I was there. But, guess what? He didn’t even bothered to introduce me to his new girlfriend. When his parents won’t listen he now shouts until they do, this is a part of Gary that I didn’t know. What hurts the most is that once I listened to him referring to me as past history, as a childhood memory that he loved. But what about now? You can’t just forget someone that invested all of his time and efforts just to make you happy. It hurts that I get to see myself completely fading as he growing older and there's nothing I could do.
Still, we, as human beings, have this crazy habit of not blaming the people we love and that’s why I don’t blame Gary that much. I guess that’s what happens to people in general. They grow up only to find out that the things they were so been on to before, now don’t even mater. They grow up to discover other parts of themselves that were hidden deep, but they shine like a treasure, parts they didn’t know that existed. They find new people, people of a lifetime that they may share any of their days with them. They face different things in life which shape them into a whole other person. So I guess that happen with Gary. All I can do is wish for him to love the person he has become and be proud for him. I wish for Gary to find what he’s passionate about and to be flexible with every opportunity that life offers to him.I wish for him to be kind, loving, adventurous but most of all to be a decent human being. If he can be all of this, then I’ll be happy, I’ll no longer hurt for the fact that he’s not here with me. After all, loving someone means being happy for their existence even if you’re a part of it or not.