WriteOn! 2024
Winning Essays 2014 10-University
10th Form Group

Dea Frroku from Lezhe
Invent a new day of the year to celebrate. What would it be, when would t be, and how would people celebrate it?
One day as I sat watching the rain falling from the window, a thought came into my mind. What if there would be one day when the children would be grown up san the grown up people would be children? Oh what a great idea! Everyone would have the opportunity to see a little sparkle from both worlds. Two worlds, different but the same. But when? Let me see! It should be a special day. Probably the day after 31 January. I can only imagine children with their tiny, beautiful suits going to work or their facial expressions would brighten under the shining sun. I mean is there something more fun than that? For the first time there would be no signs of corruption, jealousy, no sign of a world full of war, full of people who only think for themselves. A child?! It looks pretty ridiculous and absolutely impossible. What can a child do Nothing, but they got something that no grown up has. IMAGINATION. I would call this day “Imagichildren’s Day.” All the grown ups would go to school, would come from from school and start doing their homeworks. They would deal with what we call “age problems”. They all think that being us is the easiest way of life that a creature can experience. No! It’s the hardest! Anyway let’s make it more funny. Can you imagine our parents watching cartoons and crying in front of the TV or they don’t want to watch the news but they want all day to watch Torn and Jerry? I can imagine them putting their fingers on their mouth and crying out loud until they would take some piece of cake. Watching a baby it’s cute but are our parents? That’s funny! Or when they would complain that they want something to buy cause they have been seeing it for months at the shop. “Oh mommy please I want it.” They would understand what being a child is. It’s “beautifully annoying”. We children would also understand the hard work our parents do and how they try to give us everything we want. It would be a perfect day to celebrate because this would be the day when a grown up would understand how difficult it is to be a child nowadays but especially what we have to go through about the fact of being a teenager. All the parks and playing parks would be full of grown ups acting like crazy children and all the boring offices would be full of children trying to solve something with their “logic”. It’s extraordinary and strange but to change the world for one day, nothing happens right? It’s a good way for our parents to go pack in the flashbacks of being a child. This would be a good day to celebrate even though I should wake up from my dreams. That’s never gonna happen.

Inda Piroli from Lezhe
Topic: Invent a new day of the year to celebrate. What would it be, when would t be, and how would people celebrate it?
I would like us to have a 30 February each 6 years. That day would be called the “Alien Day” and it would be the biggest celebration in all years long. In that day we would invite the whole world to go outside and wave their hands like wild people in oder to say “Hi!” to the aliens. All of us would be dressed weirdly, especially in an alien way. The day would be separated into different stages. First all the people of the world would go out and talk to the aliens by doing a special dance. Their dance would consist of an upside down legs moving and on a loud alphabetic singing. They all would sing a special hymn call R-I-A-S-U-L-A and by doing this they would tell the aliens how the Earth is made up and how it works. They would invite them to Earth with a huge poster that would be as large as Australia, Europe and ASIA together. The posters would be all in yellow and it would have some writings and messages about Aliens. After that, 100 rockets would be sent out in the space with special dishes for the aliens to eat and those dishes would last 1000 years without being ruined. 710 satellites would go out in the space to look for aliens and after every 6 years, on 30 February they would come back with messages from them.
Some really special airplanes called F-L-aaa-G would fly all above the Earth and draw all the flags of the whole states of the world. A competition would occur among the continents. Each 30 February, different continents would invent different fireworks able to travel years and years of light. The beauty of the competition would be that it would occur once in 36 years and that the winner would have been selected (after) 36 years after the competition. You would ask about the way this works out. Well, after 36 years the fireworks would return back from the universe and depending on their colors people of the Earth would understand how many planets each continent has discovered. The continent that would win would be paid 1,000,000$ by each “loser” continent for each of the 36 years until another winner would be selected. On this beautiful day all the students would have a day off but that wouldn’t mean that they could rest, “No!”, they would have to prepare a good speech about how they would be a good neighbor in this universe. All the speeches then would be translated into Aliens way of talking and they would have been thrown into space. Billions of letters and messages would fly in the Earth’s space and by the time they would spread into the universe all the other planets would start filling up with greed because of our greatness and wisdom. Most of them though would be very understandable and friendly toward our calls. That day would be the only day when the whole world tries with all her strength to communicate with the universe and another special thing about it would be that after 30 February, on March 1st nothing and no one should be speaking about that topic. The whole trash and celebration should be cleaned before midnight otherwise punishments would occur. It would have been AWESOME.
P.S. This might and will happen when I will be the complete and powerful “president” of the world.

Irida Shyti from Kavaje
Topic: Invent a new day of the year to celebrate. What would it be, when would t be, and how would people celebrate it?
Everyday is a beautiful day. We should enjoy every day and be happy with all life because being happy is the most important thing. Every day is a birthday or it can be a celebrated day in a different place in the world but I would like to invent a new day of the year to celebrate.
Here in Albania there is a day when everybody tells a lie. It’s called “Liar’s Day”. I would like to invent Truth Day. This day should be celebrated on 2 April one day next after Liar’s Day. In this day everybody should say the truth and to be honest with everyone. I would like that people take post cards and write down something that they really think about somebody or to write down an apology note for someone that they lied to before. I would like to do this with postcards not with email because postcards are in plan B because of technology. Writing a postcard is more special than an email I think. A postcard makes you more special or happy. Thinking that somebody went to a bookshop, chose a postcard and he wrote a truth or something we think for you is the best part. This day will make people happier I think and prevent fighting between people. It’s like being honest and talking without heart or with words. Honesty is something that is losing value every day. People lie, lie and lie without thinking that they will make you unhappy or sad. So if one day of telling the truth exists it will be easier for everybody. You don’t’ have to be ashamed that you are telling the truth because everybody is doing the same.
11th Form Group

Mars is a planet but do you believe that I was the first settler there. I’ll tell you what happened. I was making a trip with one flying carpet and I don’t know what happened but I was in one planet. I don’t know where I was because my birthday is in March. I decided his name. All around me were animals, the green earth, the purple grass, the yellow tree and all these animals come around me and all of them tell me “Welcome! Welcome! We were waiting for you, you are the princess of our planet and you deserve all of our attention. Please come beside us and close your eyes.” I did all that the animals told me. When I opened my eyes I was in a place like heaven with all the colors around, the coastal was amazing and I started my life like a princess, like a person who enjoys his life. Everything was like a dream, the dream of a young girl come true. On my first day I met all of the animals. I spoke about their life and I learned that the word “problem” does not exist. They were very happy in their life except one whose name was Xho and it was a bear, a big one and a beautiful bear but in your first look, it looked angry and scared you. When I asked him what’s your problem he said I am the biggest animal there and I don’t have any friends because all of them are scared of me and go away. When days passed I learned that he was the best animal ever, an animal with a big heart with a big desire and with much self esteem to walk in the future. I looked there that love share like a river in the place like this and this river was everywhere. The peace was an ocean and there were thousands of oceans, the best thing was everything in the earth was like a flower. The rain was like cola and the snow was chocolate. The sun was like a big sunflower and the shine was red like a big love for everyone. The politics didn’t exist , the bad words too, the life was very better and in every day happened something that will give you a good memory to keep. One thing that the day, the month ran fast and fast and I can’t catch them. When you walk in the street or in the side of river, lake, ocean, in the grass, the good things will enter on you and you feel like you’re in heaven. I know that in their minds I was the princess but in reality, I was their friend or a piece of them. You haven’t believed what happened in the evening when the night arrived. “Oh my good.” What I see, the stars started to sing and the moon started to bring melody and the sleep come like air and you relax in your good dream and when you looked a miracle around you feel amazing and the happiest person in the universe. So I passed all the day, a week, month and year and I’ll say with all my heart that it was the best experience and adventure ever in my life. I know that I was te first settler in Mars but I don’t feel the need of others because I was in the friendship of all animals and nature that was around me. From that day that planet called Mars and I am proud of myself. When I remember this story I feel happy, enthusiastic, lucky, but I feel a bit unlucky too because I lived that for only one year and I can’t try again.
Topic: You are one of the first settlers on Mars. You have lived there for one year. Write about your first year.

Kristiana Sokoli from Bajram Curri

Kristjana Rrapaj from Fier
Topic: You are one of the first settlers on Mars. You have lived there for one year. Write about your first year.
It was unbelievable, I had finally reached my destination. It was not a simple city, I was one of the first settlers on Mars. I admit, I felt like a superhero. What I first realized was that I was surrounded by a group of aliens. They were staring at me in a freaky way. I thought they would probably kill me but they started babbling. I didn’t know what to do or how to react. So, the first thing coming up to ym mind was dancing. I started singing and dancing like a weirdo and they fortunately understood I was human and weird, oh well. After checking me out they tried to find out my native language by using a strange equipment. At the end they were able to understand. After the making some agreements with them, I started observing the place. It was incredible. I found out some cute little hosues made of stones, surrounded by big trees. It was all surrounded by nature. I decided to live there for a few days. The first days I learned how to cook their specialties, how to put up a house like those ones. It was a little annoying so I decided to make their life more cheerful. I started making some daily activities such as: learning how to dance, how to do karate, how to make weird body positions for the pantomime game, etc.
It was not difficult as you may think. It was funny to see aliens dancing “I’m a single lady”, a song by Beyonce or make them do karate. Instead of “hitting” each other they started punching themselves. The best part was to make them do weird body positions. One of them, instead of doing that, started laughing and saying “banana”. I don’t know the reason why it was so funny. Maybe the way he said it. I passed there 4 months and I didn’t know if I should leave or not. They begged me to stay so I stayed there another 2 months. One day, while I was doing some shopping, I noticed a strange building and I didn’t resist looking at it. When I tried to open the door, it needed a password. I tried everything, dancing as a monkey, singing, I said all the words I knew in their language, for one minute I said “OMG, now I need a banana”… You’ll not believe it, the door after the word “banana”, opened. I entered there, when soon I realized there was a laboratory. There I found out that you can make trees talk only by giving them banana. Everything could have been made only by using a banana. I went next to a tree and talked to it. Oh my god, that thing was alive. It had beautiful eyes and such a cute smile. I don’t know, I felt I needed to stay there and take care of that tree which I named “Beautiful”. Each day, all day I had been taking care of it, talking to it and I don’t know, I was feeling really comfortable. One day, Beautiful was sick. I didn’t know what to do, I needed it. I spent a month taking care of it but there was no point in doing that as he started becoming worse. One night I told a cute fairytale and hugged it. When I fell asleep two tears came out on my cheeks. I loved that tree, it was my best friend…
When I woke up, the tree was not there anymore… I started crying, I couldn’t live there without my friend…For an instance, a cute boy of my age appeared in front of my eyes. His first words were “Do you remember me?” I was confused. He said “I am Beautiful” and I couldn’t believe it. The tree I loved so much was turned into a beautiful, sweet boy. It was fate. We were made for each other. Now we live here, on earth, loving and taking care of each other.

Kostandina Marku from Lezhe
Topic: You are one of the first settlers on Mars. You have lived there for one year. Write about your first year.
On Mars
It came to me like a bomb when I was watching TV and I heard that I won the lottery for the Mars trip. Can you believe it? How is it possible for me to win when the possibility of winning was 1 out of 7 billion? Can you imagine all the people around the world cheering for my name? You don’t believe it but it’s true. I was happy of becoming famous but the true happiness was not like all the humans think, but where I was already destined to go.
One week after, I made my bags ready, greeted with all of my relatives and went in the direction of the space station. I didn’t have to do anything, just push the start button. The only voice that I heard in these moments was a male voice saying “Three, two, one, ready!” And here it started… After the voice the only things I could see were colors. All of them. Colors that I never saw on Earth before. And all these colors formed a tube in which I was going through with an incredible fast speed. Then, I started to smell something like a perfume. It was a perfume that had included all Earth’s best perfumes. Interesting! I started thinking that these were signs that I was on Mars. After about one minute I fell asleep.
I woke up with my head hurting. What to see! Well, I was on Mars now. I think you understand that. You might think that there are rocks, deserts and no water but that’s just the human imagination. I was impressed with everything there. After wandering around for some seconds a fairy showed up. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, smooth white skin and a big dress made up from tree leaves. “Welcome” she said. “You are on Mars, if you didn’t know Mars is the place of no limit but only in positive things. With the belief that you appreciate that same things as us like nature, you were chosen to come here. Just ask for things and they will be ready for you. Enjoy your time in here, human!” And she disappeared by leaving thousands of butterflies after her.
In front of me were some little hills. Without knowing where I was going, I started walking and a fairy sent me to the beach. Nothing was the same as on Earth. When reading this, you should always think of the best things. The sand was made of diamonds. The sea was colorful and it had all the good tastes. The sky was bright during the day and not dark during the night but the same color of a nebula with different colors staying in suspension on the air. I haven’t required anything yet.
After exploring all of its beauties, I started thinking about staying there forever. I didn’t want to leave from that perfect world. I was happy, I felt no pain, I didn’t need to eat, drink or even breathe. I was feeling so good that for a moment I forgot everything of my past. This world was for rest, it didn’t require energy, but just enjoyment.
I couldn’t number days and nights but time was passing. I had to do something because I felt that there was something wrong in all of this. In that exact moment of thinking this, my whole life went in front of my eyes like a flash. I saw my past, my memories and I felt a big pain on my chest. I always had that pain but I started getting it in this world. I was missing someone who died many years ago, my grandfather.
As tears fell out of my eyes like a river, my pain was growing bigger. Then I thought of what the fairy said. I totally forgot that I could wish. The pain that was growing bigger was a signal. Then I said “I want to meet you grandpa. Please, come. I miss you. I really need you.” For a moment, nothing happened. I started walking and I started hating this world. I was very tired and suddenly I fell asleep. A voice woke me up.
“You know… I missed you too!”
I wasn’t sure what was going on. But when everything was clear, I understood. I shouted: “Grandpa! You’re here! Tell me! Tell me this is so real!”
“It is! It is my dear” he said “but not for too long. You were brought here for a mission. A mission that will save your world.”
“But grandpa, I don’t want to turn back!”
“Remember when you were young you told me that if you had the chance you would change the world. Here’s your chance now. Use it!”
“What’s my mission?”
“Well, when you go back on Earth, people will ask you about everything about your trip on Mars. There are a lot of people around the world who will listen to you. You will give messages. You will change and you will become important like grandpa and Mother Teresa because you will put peace and love on Earth. If this happens people will be happy like here. They will live in a perfect world where no fights, no cries, no murders will happen. Like this you will end poverty and racism. People will never suffer anymore. Plants and animals will be a part of the normal circle of life. Africa will never be known for deaths from lack of bread anymore and there will be plenty of water. But only when peace and love become a part of everyone’s lives, then the seed of absolutely happiness will be planted by the Italy spirits and everyone would like to be a part of your planet. Now I know that you will miss me but don’t cry my darling, there will be another time when we meet again. But be happy and get old first. Now there is no more time, I have to go. I love you, good luck!”
My mission had just started…
12th Form Group

Joerd Hysa from Librazhd

Topic: Write a letter to yourself to be read in 15 years.
United Starts of Ethnic Albania
Dear Joerd,
You’re going to receive this letter by the 3rd of March, 15 years after the year of the Great War. I imagine that the contents of this letter will be shocking to you, as the Marshall of the USAA Strike Forces and to all Albanian people, but it is your duty to explain the truth and nothing but the truth. Reading this letter and being the only one knowing its existence puts great responsibility on your shoulders.
On April the 2nd, after Russian Armed Forces conquered Ukraine and the Black Sea, it was known that a time travel experience had happened. Operatives and officials of the KGB had worked in complete discretion to build an immense time traveling machine. Agents of SPECNA had travelled to the future to discover new weapons to be used against Ukraine and the NATO army on the Great War of 2014.
Such technologies are devastating and a serious threat to humanity as it is being used to place bombs not through places but to teletransport them through time. With Russia being in control of the planet, they have bombed and destroyed half of the continents, wiping them from the face of the Earth along with 2/3 of the human population and almost 90% of the vegetation, WE ARE IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION.
Things have gotten worse in the ending of the 3rd decade after living in peace after the Treaty of Krimess. The war is rising again and we are few in numbers against millions of tons of nuclear power.
The United States of Ethnic Albania are completely demolished by the allies. The army is in complete disability and all the research has been incinerated by bombs and fire power. Now we are hiding like rebels and we are being hunted like the most inferior race, after Russia declared the cult and the superiority of Russians being able to time travel.
Relying on the person I know most, I am suggesting that you, Marshall of USEA-SF, to create a task force of operatives for the purpose of stopping The Great War rise again. After the creation of the task force you will discover the coordinates of the time machine, hidden in the puzzle words of this letter.
I hope that YOU will be able to end this madness by time travelling back to April 1st, 2014 and attacking the Peninsula of Krimes, where the bomb transporting began. Following the instructions given will lead you to victory.
Joerd Hysa
Marshall of USEA-SF

Eleana Rraku from Saranda
Topic: Write a letter to yourself to be read in 15 years.
Dear Eleanna,
I hope, in the moment that you’re reading this, that you’re a grown, complete woman who has finally decided what she’s going to do with her life! And I also hope that you’ve made your dream of travelling the world come true.
Right now, I don’t have the slightest clue where I will or I want to be in 15 years, but I wish with all my heart that I will be somewhere I like. And dear self, so you know, I’d like to tell you tat where I’ll be depends partly on the response of the university, which I am waiting right now for and I am really anxious. I think you remember that. So, I hope that you’re in your own laboratory now, anywhere in the world, doing any possible research.
But enough with where you are. I’m more interested in what you’ve done with your life. I really hope that you’re no longest that indecisive and have finally learned how to make up your mind. This would make things much easier. To be honest, I’m more concerned about what mom and dad and Julie are doing right now that you’re reading this, rather than you, for reasons which you know, but I will explain briefly later. I want you to get up and give them a call. Talk to them and see how they’re doing. I hope mum has relaxed a bit and is no longer concerned about all the problems of the world.
The reason why I’m not that concerned about you is because I know that you can always find a way to make things happen. I hope this hasn’t changed during these years. I can say for sure that you’ve finished your studies and you’re looking forward to (or have) a successful career for the only thing which I’m worried is that you’ve not made your work the basic concern of your life. I would be really disappointed if you have. But I believe in you. I am sure that you’ve not made the wrong choices. That you’ve not forgotten your old friends, that you catch up with them every now and then. Remember? They used to be the sun of your world when you were a teenager. But of course you remember. You always do.
Finally, I’d like to say that I hope you haven’t kept your dreams hidden in your closet. I hope that you’ve learned to paly guitar, that you’re removed plastic bags from your life, you’ve adopted a pet and that you’ve been part of a move for legalizing gay marriage. And if not yet, there is always plenty of time. For now I gotta go because I don’t want to waste any more valuable paper.
Kisses, your young and full of dreams self

Denis Blloshmi from Librazhd
Topic: Write a letter to yourself to be read in 15 years.
Dear Denis,
Right now I imagine you sitting in the reading studio with a glass of wine and in front of you there is this letter of mine. You probably didn’t remember this letter at all and found it by chance while searching in your old stuff. With a smile on your face, you place the letter on the desk and think for a second. You imagine yourself 15 years ago and think for the time that has passed. I still live with my parents by the way, which is cool. I mean…free food, warm bed, no laundry, nothing to worry about.
I still haven’t decided what to do with my future and what do I want to become. I really hope that you made up your mind for good and now you have a nice job and a nice life. Do you remember the prom night? I am still waiting for it though… I really hope to get the best of it, with the best memories of my life. I hope that you found someone special in your life by now. I know she must be worth it and is able to change your mood anytime. We both have good taste in women, after all I am you and you are me. Take care of her. I know you will do your best and you won’t give up on her. I hope this letter brings some good memories. I really do! If not, I am sorry about that but you need to change that and think happy. Now I want you to finish that glass of wine because this letter is over and be well my friend.
Yours, Denis
University Year 2

Maria Laro from Gjirokaster

What will be the most important invention in the next century? How will it change the world?
Hmm, talking about inventions is an interesting topic, but thinking about creating a new one is… wow, it’s hard. It must be creative, unusually, something we haven’t ever seen before, something that will be useful for mankind. Well, I always loved the thought of space traveling and yes, the most important invention of the next century will be a space machine. It will be a machine that will travel for everyone who likes to explore our universe. This cool machine will have a round shape, like a bubble, no wings. There will exist many bubble industries in the future that will create dozens of these fantastic space travelers, like car industries. They will create many brands of the machine in any color and we will have the opportunity to choose the bubble of our taste. Bubble, bubble, bubble, I like the word so much. So, as I said before, the traveling machines will have no wings, a round shape and will have no fuel. I like them to be eco friendly. Their fuel will be the excitement and desire of the owner. In the inner body of the machine, there will be equipment, like a battery, that will measure the excitement and desire. If the owner is not too enthusiastic to explore the universe, than the measuring equipment will not fill up and the bubble will not turn on. If you wanna turn it on, you must be super crazy and have an adventurous soul. If you are this kind of person, you will have an amazingly explorative super cool trip in our universe. We all can have our bubbles in the garage, the only thing we have to do is buy them. I’m afraid they will cost a fortune but that’s the price we must pay for exploring the universe. And that’s the most important of all, once you buy your space bubble, you can travel to the other planets and galaxies wherever you want or whenever you have free time. Pfff, now a days people are so busy.
The creation of this massive machine will give us the huuuge opportunity to widen our horizon. It will give us the chance to learn more about what is outside out planet. By exploring the stars and galaxies and other dimensions we will be more open minded. Our mind will develop the capacity of our imagination. Our fantasy will go wild (I hope so) and we will be able to think more creatively and be more adventurous.
I want so bad for the space bubble to be created in the future, hopefully as long as I’m alive (ha ha ha). I want to see my baby live, not only in my imagination. Maybe someday I will, maybe not, maybe in another life, but at least in my fantasy I have traveled all the unknown and mysterious things in our big universe.

Kristina Nikaj from Shkoder
How did cavemen and women communicate with each other? What did they say? What were their concerns?
I cannot imagine how men and women communicated years ago. There were no telephones, no interest. I’m thinking of a couple from a century ago. I’m trying to picture the first moment they met each other.
It was a sunny morning when John and his brother packed for hunting in the dense jungle of Amazona. While they were walking through the jungle, they saw a beautiful girl with a snake on her neck. As soon as John saw her, he ran and killed the snake. He saved her life. Since that day, John and this girl called Mary, began to see each other.
You can say, how did they date each other when there were no telephones. When John wanted to see her, he called a buffalo. He wrote on its skin a notice. When the buffalo was running near to her, Mary saw the notice. She smiled and went to see John.
Years passed. They got married. Firstly it was hard to survive because they had to kill animals to feed. The most beautiful part was that they communicated to each other in a perfect way. They understood each other and there was nothing to separate them. One day John woke up early in the morning. He killed an animal and used its blood to write. He put her finger in it and wrote on their room wall: I love you Mary. He also used the animal skin to make a dress for his adorable wife.
I personally adore this way of living as a couple. Despite the difficulties, they understood each other and they were the most happy couple in the world.

Marsida Kaloshi from Shkoder
Topic: What will be the most important invention in the next century? How will it change the world?
“Meet Me” is going to be the name of the invention that all of us waited so much to have. It is going to be an object that will help us get in touch with the peope we love. When I say “get in touch” I mean it. We can tough the relatives that we couldn’t see in years. We can tough the person tat we always loved. We can tough persons that we never thought we could even see closely.
Want to see your sister, now married and has 3 little kids who won’t let her be online or Skype? Want touch your favorite actress (please don’t make Brad Pitt jealous in here.) Wanna have Channing Tatum all night just for you? Don’t think about dirty things, he can read you a book. I’ve heard that he can tell wonderful fairytales.
Well, al you’ve been waiting for is this invention. Everybody can use it. It ain’t difficult. All you have to do is pay 2# per hour and you can meet your sister/brother/nephew/favorite actress/crush/Justin Timberlake/Barack Obama/etc. If you want to you can also meet Justin Bieber. Please don’t use for violence. Or you can meet a person you just friended on Facebook.
The object can be taken anywhere there is internet and you will want to use it over and over again. All you have to do is have a picture telling all the physical appearances of someone, the object then will work.
You also have to tell their length. Another good thing about the project is that half of the money that people pay to use it will go for charity for the African children. Hopefully from this there is going to be equality in the world.