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central  winners

6th Grade


Era Gjyla, Lushnjë

6th Grade

1st Place


After a day of school I came home tired. I was feeling weird that day. I think it was from the milk. So as soon as I got home my cat started to follow me like she was in danger. Then I stopped and asked her what was going on and then she just started to talk. For a moment I lost my feelings. As soon as I woke up my cat started to talk. I was so amazed even though I’ve always wished for my cat to talk it was weird. So she told me everything. She told me for the “catland” I just couldn’t believe my cat would talk so most of the time I was just staring at her and watching her lips move. And I think she told me something about a King Dog which was destroying her kingdom and her queen locked in a small room. So after hearing those things I just want to help her. She said that this was why she was crying all day. She took me at my garden. There she told me for a little hole in the wall. I put my door through it and it couldn’t fit. The cat gave me a weird juice and I turned into a fluffy white cat with orange stops. She said me to jump into the hole but just got from the other side of of the wall. She told me to imaginate so I could go to “CatLand”. I did that and amasingly I was in “CatLandia”. I saw a big castle decorated with black crystals. My cat was very sad. She told me how beautiful was it before kind “Dog” came. We ran fast as we could. At the way there we saw bulldog guardians. It was pretty scary when you were a cat. After we got in the castle we went at the prisons where the queen was staying. My cat found a key at the sleepy bulldog’s belt. After we opened the cage the queen thanked us. We even helped the other cat soldiers locked in cages. Very carefully we went to the king Dog’s room. It was very ugly.  It had dog slime on everything. After going inside the room me and other cats locked the king in a cage. I wore his pajamas. I was pretending to sleep in his bed. I called the guardians and told them to leave the kingdom. The guardians were very amazed. They thought that I was sick. One of them came close to me and I started to shout to him. Then he and the other dogs left from the CatLandia and never came back. As for the king we locked him as he did with the cats’ queen. As soon as they thanked me I woke up. It was just a dream. When I woke up my cat started to talk. And I screamed

-Whaaaat? It was pretty creepy.


 Kristina Belba, Prrenjas

6th Grade

2nd Place 


If I was the size of an ant, everything would look gigantic to me. Even the smallest things would look big. Everything would be unepropriet for my small size. Imagine me walking to school. Normally it doesn’t take that long, but when you’re as small as me, it will probably take half an hour to go to the bus… actually don’t take the bus. We all know very well that buses get filled with a lot of people. I would get lost in a matter of seconds but hey why would you go to school in the first place? I can’t do homework because the pen and paper would be too big. Even if there was a pen small enough for me, nobody would understand my writing, because it would be too tiny for there big eyes to see. Life would be really hard if I was this small. And sure there might be a good side to this lifestyle but the struggles that you have to go through just outnumber the good things, but hey! I’m not as small as an ant and I will never be. Everything that I could do, somebody else could do the same things but ten times better. I would feel powerless. Sure it will be fun to try out for a little bit, but living like this would be unberebul, frustrating and really really hard.


Sara Laushi, Lushnjë

6th Grade

3rd Place


Last Monday I was walking to school when I saw a little dragon. He was crying and I went to him and started crying with him. He was green and yellow, his eyes were shining. I gave him a hug so he felt good. We talked together and then he invited me to fly with him into the wonderful blue sky. It was fantastic trip. We went to the dragon land and we tasted some fire candys. They were very delicious, so we ate burgers, we walked together and we played with fire balls. The name of dragon was Spike. I asked him:

-Hey Spike. I think that we should come back home now.

-Yes, you should, but I’m going to stay here.

-What about me, how can I come back home?

-You are going to fly.

-But how?

-I will give you some magic potion so you will fly.

-Oh, really? This is amazing.

After I flew to home I went to bed and slept a bit. When I got up I watched TV and ate a dessert but…. Oh no! School!

I had forgotten the school but never mind, I had a great day with my little dragon. He was so cute…



7th Grade


 Elio Goçi, Lushnjë

7th Grade

1st Place


One day I was cycling in the forest with my friends. It was a sunny day and we were having so much fun. But then a very strange thing happened. I was lost inside the forest and it got even more darker. I was scared because I was all alone and the trees were moving! I decided to escape from the forest but the trees were big and I didn’t have space to go! Suddenly the trees shown their faces and started to speak to me. They said:  How dare you step in the hidden forest! It’s unforgivable!”

-”I don’t know what are you talking about? What is “The hidden forest.””

-”It’s the only forest that the trees eat or speak. And I’ll tell you something. Do you know what’s our favorite food?”

“Human hearts!!!”

Then I started to run because I didn’t want to be dead meat. I cycled so fast that my legs were burning! When I escaped from the forest I told everyone that not to get in the forest because it was dangerous but not one listened to me and then I called the police so I could be sure if the trees were real. The police man never turned back. Then I decided to go again and kill those hungry trees!

I got a saw and pistol. I went there and the trees asked.

-What do you want again? Do you want to become an omelette that policeman?

-Oh no! Urghhhh, I’ll never forgive you!!!

Then I killed those trees with my pistol and cut them with my saw. They made a very nice and warm fireplace. Now those trees do not mess with humans anymore!


Luka Ndoni, Lushnjë

7th Grade

2nd Place


One day I woke up at seven o’clock and I decided to went in “The forest of flowers.” I listened, everybody went there didn’t come back. The weather was sunny and quiet. When I arrived in the forest I decided to eat a croissant. I put the croissant in to the flower. It was great and it was not scared. After 5 minutes I heard a voice: “Luka, bad boy, why did you put something on the flower.” I was scared and after that I saw some flowers and they walked around me and the trees were talking with me. The trees said: “You do a bad thing, and you must stay here for a long time and in the moment when you will be a good boy and you protect the nature you can go.” At the moment I was scared and I was talking with myself: “OMG what I did, and what I must do now.” I was talking with the trees: Please don’t do it again, please, please, please.” But they didn’t listen to me. I thinked it was a dream but it wasn’t. In the day when I was in the forest I did every thing to went home. I gave water and foods from the flowers and the trees. The trees, changed in people and this was amazing. I stay there for a year but it looked alike I stay for one hour and 30 minutes. The 364 day trees and the flowers went in a place where they wanted to talked with one people, but who was the people, I did not know. I went after the trees and the flowers, and when they arrived in the place I stay after a big stone. OMG what I was saying, it was the mother of nature! She was talking with the trees and she said: Luka is a boy with a big heart and he work a lot for you and he do something like wizards and after that I was sleeping, like I was in my bed but I was not, I was in the forest. When I watched the phone, was the same day and the same hour, when I do bad things. I picked up the croissant and I went home. Everybody can say it was a dream but in my pocket was a paper and it was written: “Thank you for everything, From Mother Nature and the plants.” After this day I protect the nature, every week I put in my village posters about nature because the people must protect the nature, like me.


Endri Kojku, Lushnjë

 7th Grade 

3rd Place 


The aliens finally came to earth. One alien got off the ship and as soon as he got off the ship disappeared. I was shocked that he could speak English. His name was Mike and he could do strange things. Tomorrow I went to school with him. When we arrived he turned into a human so no one would get surprised. I asked him and he said it was a disguise. After that we went to class. With his powers he made everyone be nice to us. He was really good at everything. Even math. He got good grades but every grade that he got went in my name. After math and science we went outside to play football or soccer. We chose soccer cause we were pretty good at it. He was a goalkeeper and I was a striker. When the enemy kicked the ball to our goal he became super fast and catched it. Then he threw the ball to me so I could score and I did that. Then we had lunch. I bought a pizza and he got something from space. After that school ended so we went home. When we got there my homework was magically done. So we played with cards. He won so I thought we could play “Fifa 18” So I got my x-box one controllers because I had the “Sc”. I won there. But after one hour he left. I’m still waiting for Mike to come back. He was a true friend.



8th Grade


Sigenos Golemi, Lushnjë

8th Grade

1st Place 


It was the year 2034, a Japanese corporation created the first fully working robots. This made world-wide news and people had many different opinions on them some thought that they would be useful and do many chores for the humans, cook food, iron clothes and a lot more. But others had a more negative opinion, that they would be job-less and in the end the people wouldn't have any income and would be poor. But there was also the "conspiracy theorists", who thought the robots would take over the world, nobody took them seriously but little did they know that the conspiracy theorists were right. Five months into the year and the robotswere being used to do heavy jobs, people could also buy them and program them to do what they wanted. Eight months in and they robots had taken over a few jobs, leaving the employees with no money and job. People were now starting small riots to ban robots. And a full year laterit was complete chaos. the riots had gone out of hand. people were now homeless and groups had ben created that targeted robots and I would attack them. Due to this the Japanese corporation decided to update the robots so that they would be less capable and in turn would leave job spots open but something happened during the code updating. Robots now reacted differently, they were made agressive and acted weird. The corporation listened to the customer complaints and updated the code again, but it just made it worse . Customers were now claiming that they were getting attacked by the robots for no real reason, the corporation once again tried updating the code but nothing changed. All robots were returned to the company and were put in a room and turned off, but it was far too late, the robots escaped the roomand attacked the corporation and soon after the streets of the city. They had come become much to sentient and stole vehicles to travel around the world and conquer it. The year was now 2042, the robots had taken over the entire world. The surviving humans were now split in tribes and were trying to find ways to destroy the robots once and then for all. The remaining tech savvy humans found out that the reason why the robots changed was a simple code string mistake. But the corporation headquarters were destroyed by the robots, and the master computer to update all robots was destroyed too. It now seemed that the humans had no chance to defeat the robots. But a surviving employee of the japanese corporation had a spare master computer, a tribe managed to find it through the ruins of his house but they still needed some more components for it to work, after some more rummaging they found they missing components. After hooking up the computer the employee updated the code, and the robots were completely turned off. The humans had survived the Robo-Pocalypse and they could finally re-populate the world in peace. 




Sindi Akulli, Lushnjë

8th Grade

2nd Place 


As walking in the museum with my friends and my teacher, I saw something strange. I looked the paintings and there were moving. I asked my friend if they’re were also seeing this but no! they asked me if I was sick. Even I, believet that I was sick. I couldn’t believe that. Still walking at the museum, still watching at the paintings or statues and they’re were still moving. Finaly I decided to leave my friends and teacher and go to “talk” with my new friends. I thought I was on a UFO grown in the Earth but still with my super powers. It actually wasn’t like that the paintings had the real power. They could only move. I was pretty special for them because only I could see them. I went in Van Goyh paintings. There as a disaster. Everyone in the paintings was screaming running. They were really scared in that strange world of Van Goyh. I asked a women that was keeping her hands in the face, what was going one.

“The Earth end is coming. The strange things from sky are destroying civilization, you should go as fast as you can” – these words of her were actualy pretty scarying, but I remembered that they were only paintings with an imaginary world. I went at Mona Lisa. She was so beautiful, so charming. She was perfect in every aspect. Her world was calm but with so much secrets. Somewhere I saw some letters. Some where a secret village. The point is that Mona Lisa is only in her way. “hey, little, cute girl” – she said and “I want to know more about they’re secrets.” – I said.

“Some time it’s better to live in a world with secrets. A few things need to be unknown because there will be a total change, in your lifes. There will be like everything you thought you know and you love, would lose theyr point”.

“What about your secrets” – I said to her.

If there are so many archeologists or historians searching for me and they haven’t find anything yet, than this is the best way to go on” – and she finished the conversation.

I didn’t realize that she meant with those words but I leave her and at Aprodite statue. She was so beautiful even I stone. As I went to her, she emidiatly asked me if she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. I thought she was kidding, because I thought that she would ask for civilization or other things but she realy want to it. We talk so much about beauty in her age, or what was it like in the goddes time. It was realy be great talking with her. Then I leaven, searching for other things or dates or everything else. I went at Napoleon Bonapart, at Rome’s solders, at Einstein, and she realy talk things that I would never understand. I went at stone age peoples, they were weird, and so I visited almost the whole museum. The only one that I couldn’t meet was God’s painting. I really want to now all those secrets, or if there is any of these. But this weren’t mean to be. I left with so much questions, promised my self that I would come again when I could understand more.


Fatmira Rrushi, Lushnjë

8th Grade

3rd Place 


Yesterday I was on a field trip to the art museum with my class. It was a beautiful day and I was very exciting. I was walking through the gallery and suddenly I realized that the people in the paintings gould talk to me. That was amazing! I couldn’t believe my eyes! Anyone could listen to them only I could hear them. After that I said: -“heyyy who is talking to me ? and suddenly I heard a voice next to me :-‘hello dear student!”! omg! It was Leonardo da Vinci. He was talking to me. I couldn’t believe that! I couldn’t talk at that moment I was facinated! And after that I started to talk….:-“hello errr I’m a student and I don’t know what to say. I have hundreds of questions to ask you. I don’t know how to start”. Leonardo da Vinci started to laugh and he said :-“don’t worry you can ask me for everything you want :”and the first question that I said it was :” who was the reason that you paint Mona Lisa?”. He said :-“ if you really know what is art you will find the answer of all your questions. But, it isn’t only for the art lovers. It’s for all the people who do everything realizing their dream. If you really want to realize your dreams that want a lot of work.” That answer make me forgot all the questions. That answer was really good. It makes me strong and makes me a good person. It makes me really happy too for following my dreams. And after that everything dissapeard. Anyone couldn’t talk anymore to me. Leonardo da Vinci saw that he make a strong person and he made that person strong too and he learned to learned to never “give up” , following your dreams.



9th Grade


Xhes Baze, Lushnjë

9th Grade

1st Place

I opened my eyes, but my vision was really blurry and I couldn’t see anything. Some weird metallic noises were coming from a place near me. I tried to move but my body felt so numb, I faited. After a few moments that felt like years, I was able to get up. I was in complete darkness. As I was trying to move, I touched something on the floor. It was a lighter. It was really small, but it still worked. I grabed it and started to explore. I didn’t remember why I was there in the first place. I climed up some stairs that led me to an old lady’s room. You could see that the lady who had lived there, didn’t have financial problems, because the room was decorated with expensive furnitures. As I was loking for clues, I came across some old photos. They seemed really familiar, but I couldn’t understand why. Then I started to have a terrible headache. I close my eyes and I tried to calm myself down. None of these things happened. Instead, I started to remember some small details ; my family, my high-school classroom, Lydia and john, my two best friends, some parties but nothing serious. Then I looked at the photos once again. The women in the picture looked terribly similar to me, but I could tell that I hadn’t seen her before. She had dark brow hair, full lips, brown eyes. She was stunning. She was smiling in the picture, while hugging a man, that looked like her boyfriend or fiancée. He was tall and wellbiult. They looked really happy. But, again, I had no idea who they were. I didn’t think much of it and I started too look for clues somewhere else. I climbed up some more stairs. A specific room caught my attention. I went inside and a lot a portraits were hanging on the walls. I was looking carefully at every one of them. Seemed like the family that had the house was filthy rich. Then I saw the woman and the man from the photos before. They were in one of the portraits. The woman was holding a small baby girl and the man was smiling at them. I looked closer so I could read their names. The first two names didn’t ring a bell, but the third one….. it was my name. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There had to be something wrong with the portrait. I started to panic. I was sheking and I tripped on something and I felt. Than another headache. Some more memories. A family fight. My father shouting loudly. My mother crying. Me running out of the house. Than it clicked. That night I found out that I was adopted-more like, my parents kidnaped me from my biological parents when I was a child. There excuse was that my biological parents were planning to live me but I didn’t believe a word coming out of their mouths. The same night, I decided to find my real parents. I searched for some documents and I found their names, photos and there address. Well there old one, because they had moved to another country five years ago. But I was determined to find out who they were. So I called my two best friends and we went to the house. Half way there, we realized that there were people following us. We split up and went inside the house, I fell and hit my head. That’s why I was at the house and the first place. I started sobbing and crying, realizing I was alone. I had no family, my friend were nowhere to be seen and I was trapped inside an old creepy building. I calmed myself down and I went on the first floor again. I was trying to open the door forcefully. I started to bleed but I was able to open it. I ran outside, even though I was pouring rain. I had to get out of that house. Something started ringing. I found where it was and I went to pick it up it was my phone. John was calling me I talk to him I told to come and get me. After a few minutes, I saw his car. I felt relieved, I went to his house and Lidia was there as well. After telling them what happened, I took a hot shower and reflected. I had no idea about I would do but I knew one thing: I had to be strong I had myself, my friends and that’s all I needed. Everything would be alright in the end.

Stela Cani, Lushnjë

9th Grade

2nd Place 


I had a really horrible day my phone was broke, I had argued with my best friend and my books were stolen. The night came quietly and the sky was covered by a blue blanket full of shinning stars. I saw a star falling from the sky and I wished for order in this planet. The next morning I woked up in an extremly weird tower. The maid came in and called me “queen.” I was sure that I was dreaming so I played the role to enjoy that amazing dream. Later on I realised that I was the ruler of the Upside-down Earth. It was the twin planet of the Eath, their environment was the same buy the have complitely different atmosphere. What I want to say is that the nature there was amazingly magical and the humans were really polite. I had a wonderful morning there. I explained the castle with 509 rooms full of positivity and hope genies, one big zoo full of animals that were in dongon and wich were disappeared such as dinaosaurs, unicorns, Fenix etc. also we went to the hospital and visit the sick people also we helped the orphans. I loved this job because I like ot help people or to make them happy. We turned back to the castle when the soilders told me that. This world was becoming weak as the days went on. The Upside-Down Earth can felt her twin pain, so her heart was sad. At midday the flowers weren’t any more colorful, the sky was grey and the animals were scared. Suddenly we heard the rain noise, it was raining, there were the tears of the planet. I couldn’t do anything beside cutting the connection between the twins. I had to go to the sun and destroy the tope that connects two planets. We started out journey by entering a cosmic ship. During out journey a storm of metheors destroyed half of our ship, and one of my soilders dyed. I was desperated but I had to do it when we were close to the sun I saw that he was like a control machine. It has buttons and ropes for every planet in our system. I saw the Earth rope it was weak and there was written that Earth has only 10,000 years life. I was shocked but I remembered my aim and I cut the connection between the twin planets with the “Safini Cronos” the rock that commands time in both planets. I cut it and I felt a strong earthquake there. When we weren’t back t othe upside-down planet I saw that it wasn’t the same anymore but I was happy because it wouldn’t be destroyed with Earth. At night I had to left the place I was homesick and I couldn’t take the responsibility of a planet I was only 12 years old. After coming back I never went there anymore although I know the entering.

Everyone who wants to go there must go to a glass building in the heart of it. But only those with a pure heart can enter in. I’m happy because I had my crazy world to just like Liza.


Juna Velo, Lushnjë

9th Grade

3rd Place


I wake up with a strange feeling in my heart. I open my eyes and realize that I’, not at home. Strange noises every where, squecky doors and scary voices. I get up immediately from the floor. I am trying to understand what is happening. Then in a flash back I saw myself playing with my friends and they dared me to do here. When I was in the hall way I felt that something possessed me and I fainted.  Now I woke up in a floor, at the living room surround by thousand of old books. I open the door and see a dark shadow circling the hall. I shut the door loudly and when I turn around I see my favorite book at the book shelves – when I try to take it all of the books fall down and to my horror the first letter of the books titles form this sentence: GO AWAY WHILEW YOU’RE STILL ALIVE. I scream with the top of my lungs and open the door quickly. In the hall way I see a ghost and she says “do not be afraid I am the reflection of your spirit”. I freeze in horror and when I try to run away she says “I am part of your soul”. When I stopped for a while and she explain that the world have two types of creatures: humans and ghosts. All humans have another personality at ghost and I am yours. I can’t understand what is happening and I ask her for the sentence in the living room

So if you are part of my spirit my another personality how can you say it for me. She says that everything that I saw are my worst fear, this house, that sentence everything is part of my imagination. So I never played with my friends and they never dare me to go there. Then I realise that this house is part of my spirit and I open a interdimensional portol with my mind which can send me back home. I close my eyes and when I open them I find myself in my garden. I am home finally. Thanks to her now I can control my imagination, my soul and set myself free.


10th Grade


Altina Mino, Lushnjë

10th Grade

1st Grade


The newspaper came again and today while looking at it, I was feeling really strange. Even though I read it everyday excited for what’s gonna happen, today was different and I could feel it.

              The first page of it didn’t display anything exciting, however when I opened the second page I was shivering in fear. “Altima’s best friend will die today at 10 AM.” This written in huge black characters made my tears come out. AT first I didn’t want to believe it but I knew that at the end the newspapers was always right. The only thing I could do was to stop that from happening. But how in the world would I be able to change my own fate?

              I didn’t eat breakfast that morning and went out rapidly. It was almost 8 AM but I didn’t go to school like usual. I was waiting for my friend to come from her house after all I knew that she always would come later to school and today I didn’t care if I was late with her. When I saw her I asked if she was feeling okay or if she was feeling weird. She told me she was okay, looking at me in a suspicion way.

              At 08:05 AM we were at school. The teacher yelled at us for being late, and even though I was really embarrassed that was the last thing I was caring about at those moments. Two hours went by quickly. I was feeling stressed as I looked at my friend laughing with the other classmates. It was almost 10 AM, the bell rang and my friend said she wanted to go outside to get some fresh air, but how could I let her knowing what was gonna happen. At the end I couldn’t stop her, but at least I went with her so if anything happened I could protect her. We were outside and it was 9:59. That was the moment of truth, would I be able to save my friend and change the fate that the newspaper had written for me.

              All my instincts were twice sharper than usual. -Hey Amie, watch out! - a boy called my friend’s name as a ball was coming towards her. I knew what I had to do so I pushed her away as far as I could and while she fell down the ball hit my face strongly, but I was didn’t care at the end I was able save friend. I turned my rosy face smiling and crying from happiness but what did I see my friend laying down while her head was covered in blood. “No it could not be true, that wasn’t real.” These were the thoughts I had in my mind all of that time.

              -Oh my god you killed her!- a boy near me screamed. The teachers and some of my friends went out, they were all looking at me in a disgusting way full of fear in their eyes. At that moment I was just a common killer for them. I started crying, begging for an apology, begging for my friend’s apology. Then I heard my mom’s voice, that was the last person I wanted to see at that moment. I didn’t want to think her daughter was killer, but yet I couldn’t see her I could only hear her voice and I felt that I was really going crazy at that time.

              -Wake up… Wake up!- I heard my mom loudly yelling at me. I opened my eyes and yes it was all a dream. I was still shivering and my eyes were still teary, but I didn’t care after all it was just a dream. I got up quickly and called my friend to ask how she was or if anything had happened to her, but she said everything was fine and I finally felt calmness in my soul. I was about to get ready so I went to make my bed but what could I see, below the pillow there was the same newspaper. That said my friend would die. However when I opened the second page it read. “Altima saves her from death and becomes the school’s hero.” I was happy but enough is enough. I took the newspaper and burned it. Since then I haven’t got any new newspapers that tell me what’s gonna happen in the future. To be honest I’m much better without it.


Alba Davidhi, Lushnjë

10th Grade

2nd Place 



We had been wandering in the woods for hours trying to find our way out, but every step we made, led us to nowhere. Every tree and bush looked the same and the foggy air didn’t allow us to see through. With the nightfall everything got scarier and scarier. Both me and my friend were hungry and cold and we felt terrified.  There’s truly no greater fear then that of never seeing your loved ones again. We sat hopeless on a hard rock waiting for God knows what, because no one was going to find us here. Suddenly, I heard something coming from behind a bush. What could it be? Was it the end for us? We rose to our feet and we stood there waiting our doom. To our surprise, what came out of that bush was no wild animal. It was a tall, young man. A very handsome one. He had hair darker than the night, a long face, skin as wight as snow, his jawline was so sharp, it looked as if it could you if you touched it.  His body was slender, but looked so strong. He wore all black, with his shirt revealing a bit of his chest. What was really mesmerizing about him, were his eyes. They were blue and deep as the ocean. Anybody could fall for them. A man this perfect only existed in fairytales. He talked to us with his soft voice, but we couldn’t understand a thing as we were both enchanted by the sweetness of his eyes and the tenderness of his voice. He took each of us by the hand and led us to a lake, the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen.

The image in front of me was wonderful and calming, but something didn’t feel quite right. Before I knew, the wonderful man no longer stood in front of me. Instead a pitch black stallion had taken his place. I felt my feet moving on their own. Against my will, I climbed onto the horse and so did my friend. A flashback of my grandmother came to me. I was sitting on her lap while she told me a story about the Kelpie who had fooled many young princesses and he had dragged them to his underwater kingdom. But no one knew what had happened to them afterwards.

My body wouldn’t move, so I gave up.  I could hear my friend crying and screaming for help. The stallion dragged us deeper and deeper into the water.  What would happen to us now?


*Kelpie- magical creatier, a shape shifter, can transform from human to a horse. Lives in forests.


Klejdi Davidhi, Lushnjë

 10th Grade

3rd Place


Pershëndetje, ciao, bonjour oh god damn it! Hi there! Yes, I finally got English.

Sorry about that I was just fixing my language translator 2.0. Well hi again. I am Klejdi and I am an alien. Let me tell you the story of how I ended up in your stinky planet.

Back on Jordania, I was a hot shot marketing producer at “Trabue.” Trabue was a home meal deliverment service who teletransported food directly to your table.  I came from a rich family, so I was destined for greatness. But I had a secret. Every morning I got a newspaper that showed me everything that was going to happen in the next 24 hours. So I did great at school cause I knew the exam questions. I did great on work (later in life, duh) cause I knew what marketing choice was going to fail and knew which one was going to have success. I always knew what to say on dates, that’s basically how I got my wife. Lily and my two kids, Victoria my eldest and peter, my youngest. But one day it came black with a writing on the end in white. It read “This is the last one.”

I thought to my self “shit.” Was I gonna die? Or was my day just going to be boring? Was I about to get blind? I didn’t know what to do since I was able to read. I started getting this newspaper. I had never had a surprise in my life. I am 38 by the way.

My wife, Lily came up to me and immediately I threw the newspaper in the hole. By the way the hole is what you terrestials call a trash can. But in Jordania we have unlimited resources so we put a black hole in our “trash cans.” I got back inside. I ate morning helped my wife get the kids ready for school and went to work. Once I got there, I found out were trying to expand Trabue to a human delivery system. Trabue’s director and best friend John had been working on this for over a year. I needed to come up with a marketing plan. I worked on it all day but nothing was good enough. I went home so my creative thoughts could come back to me and found a man on top of my wife. I was shocked. After the awkward encounter with my wife’s lover. We argued for a long time, until the kids came home. I still didn’t know what to do about my job and apparently my marriage was falling apart. I was really thinking about running away from my problems. And it still shocked me the fact that my wife was cheating on me. I wean I work out every day. He wasn’t even that hot. Then I got a phone call from my dad my mom had just died. After I went to my mom’s funeral that day, I went home and talked it over with my wife for the sake of our kids happiness we were going to stay together. Than I finally got it. My marketing plan was going to be “To stay with the ones you love.”

The next day I was thinking to myself. Life is full of surprises but I managed to survive. I got to work and found out I was getting a promotion. Trabue was going to open up a new branch on Earth. So I went home and I got my family. And here I am on you stinky planet as the director of Trabue’s new director.


11th Grade


Gentiana Deda, Tirana

11th Grade

1st Place 


31/06/2058 12:08

Dear E-diary,

It’s finally done! It’s finally here! All the scientific research, all the experimental processes, all the all nighters in the Vancouver Observatory, all the astrophysical hypothesis, all the impromptu stargazing, all the fears and anxiety and doubt and media and society and pressure…It has all come to an end! I am happy to announce that the most evolutionary scientific project of our time, an interdisciplinary scientific approach to meteoritical and astronomic phenomenon, “TIS’ THE SEASON 58”, was finally conclude yesterday. I and my international, multiracial team, the top-10 brightest scientists of our age, have successfully managed to fit the solution to all of humankind’s problems into one single 3-inch capsule! And tomorrow, at 5:00 AM, GTM: 0, the environmentally-troublesome planet we live in will be more than happy to welcome “UTOPIA58”, the very first lab-produced season in the history of humanity.

              God damn, I’m super hungover from last night’s party! I’ve never been this intoxicated in beeranium in my life, but Pritya (the super well behaved lab assistant) insisted that after 3 months of exhausting work, a party to “Moonatics” (the fanciest bar her in Vancouver, or, at least, the fanciest we can afford!), was a much deserved reward. I’m quite dizzy, I can hardly type, but I’ll manage to elaborate as well as I possibly can. Imagine, I even have to write the speech for tomorrows global conference, “PLANETARS.” Gotta get my shit together real quick! I’ll order a Franciumaccino later, when Pritya shows up.

              But, let’s get to the important part! I’m kinda gonna use this E-diary page to brainstorm and have a sketch in mind for tomorrow’s speech. And I know, one day, probably even in 2058, when science has evolved even more rapidly, this moment will be remembered and probably 2158’s scholars will read this hungover scientist’s E-diary page with the same curiosity as tomorrow’s historical speech.

              So, for all the morons out there “UTOPIA58” is a lab-produced season, consisting of 33 days, taking up the entire month of July and 2 days of august. It’s reusable, which means the season capsule will be opened every year on July 1st and closed on August 2nd.

              How? The 2-inch bullet-shaped quartz sealed capsule will be bombarded by a specific amount of UV and gamma radiation, for a required amount of time, until It’s divided into 2 halves. Then, the fun stuff happens! The capsule will send a cryptographic signal to all of our ready-to-use, perfectly-positioned satellites simultaneously, at the exact same frequency and put them to work. The satellites will then emit some form of unknown radiation, that we call “UTOPIA ∞”, consisting on a combination between gamma and UV radiation) to the centre of Earth and to the nearest star (apart from the sun) Proxima Centaur at the same time. It would take me 10 E-assisted lives to explain to everyone what happens then in a mathematical way, and nobody would quite understand (like, at all), but let me just get to the main point; a new season will be “installed” on Earth. Our lovely mother Earth that we managed to gradually ruin over the course of 5 decades! Why in July though? Simple! Because this is the month when we feel the consequences of global warming (floods, droughts, diseases, sea-level rise, tsunamis etc.…) at the largest spread and largest scale. We aim to minimize them.

              For all the way-too-hopeful fellow humans and scientists out there! This won’t help us end global warming out there. Global warming is a disturbing environmental problem that took time to even be considered a problem! We didn’t listen to AL Gore in 2008, we didn’t listen to Maya deBrasca in 2038, we didn’t listen to Nellys O’Brian in 2049 (the latter graduated in Moonarward!), We listened to none of these celebrated scientists over the course of the years. Instead, we listened to politicans’ propaganda about “the myth of global warming.” Now that we’re facing the reality of it, we blame our previous generations. We blame the 2018’s Millennials, the 2038’s skeptics, the 2050’s douschbags that  assassinated O’Brian for having the courage to speak up against the propagandistic regime of the infamous Drac de Mort and, announcing in his famous speech “The problem is we deny that global warming is a real issue, or as I like to quote from his mind-bogging speech, “We don’t see reality. We don’t want to see it. But mother nature doesn’t consider nihilism to be a virtue!” But indeed, everyone is to blame! Everyone is guilty.

              We won’t have the green grass, the fresh air, the birds chirping and the parks and the mountains and the drizzle and the rainbow! We won’t have them for a long time “UTOPIA58”, believe it or not, won’t change our sad reality but temporarily. May it serve at least as a reminder of what we could have if we payed attention before we were left with a destroyed planet!


Megi Nika, Tirana

11th Grade

2nd Place


    We were really happy with the way things were until one day we start shaking and moving all over the place. We didn’t know what was going on but the hole world felt “the shaking.” We started wondering about what was happening and how to deal with it. This is why we decided to have a meeting with out neighbors and discuss over the problem.

              All the adults gathered and started the meeting. They wrote own all their ideas about what was wrong with our dear little Earth and these are the results:


1.      Earth is fighting with Venus because she always thinks that she is better than Earth,

2.      Earth is really sick with a disease that she got from Venus.


We didn’t know what was going on for sure, but we sure new that Venus had something to do with this.

              After an 8 hour meeting they decided to call it a night and go home and figure our the rest tomorrow. Of course school was cancelled, every parent tried to make their children stay home so they could be safer.

              That night I couldn’t sleep. I thought about Earth and got really scared. If she was sick, how sick was she? Because I’ve had heard that creatures could die from some sort of diseases. And if she was fighting with Venus how will this one last and is it that serious that could end up with one of them dead?

              This thoughts came around my head all night. Tomorrow morning we heard on the news that scientists have discovered that Earth had the flu. So when she shaked all over the place she was sneezing. Scientists also said that all the cookers that were around near Scotland* had to make some of their best soups so we could help Earth recover herself faster.

              All cookers started cooking on the largest portions they could and they send soup to Earth at least 50 times a day. This situation lasted for a hole week and the cookers and almost the hole UK was out of carrots, beans, meat, and other vegetables that people use to make soup. Children were very happy about this they probably would eat soup for a hole month or even more.


*Scotland-That’s where Earth’s mouth is so they could feed her with no problem.


Sara Çela, Lushnjë

11th Grade 

3rd Place


We know that in our planet exists only 4 seasons spring, summer, Autumn and winter. All of them have often influence in our planet. But if scientists create another season with different characteristic, that can make our world better right? If there could exist another season I would like to to like my description below.

              The season name will be Rianshe. In our own language, Rianshe means reconstruction. Everythings that die after his biology life could reborn in a better way like phoenix does, reborning from the ashes. It will be flowers with different colors and each represent the spirit of the person or animal that has died in the past season. Rianshe will be the middle season between spring and summer that are the first two seasons, and than will be autumn and winter. The flower that will blossom in this season will be plant by angel of paradise.

              Not everybody could reborn. There are rules that spirits have to follow. They will be reborn all the ones that will pass the spirit exams that is made by God. Is like God the good ones will reborn and the bad ones not, but are those that are forgiven for the bad things that they have done in there past life. They will not be reborn in humans body but only in animal shape.

              All humans have spiritual animals like horses, foxes, wolfs and many other animals and this is how they will look like when Rianshe finishes. Rianshe will last only 3 days and it will be reproduced after 4 years.

After reincarnation the spirits will clone to be a human. They will bring humans to a better life, that will make them stay away from bad things that earth life has.

The human will be chosen by the only ones that follow the God Ardun. The spirit will be north the human that doing the same mistakes in these eyes that they had done in them when they were still alive. Afte they finish their job and make their job there flower will died and reincarnate will start again. Also there job like spiritual will last only 4 year. This is how I think of a better way that will do good in society.


12th Grade


Silvia Sonxhoku, Lushnjë

12th Grade 

1st Place 

Kyle! Talk to me! Hey, I’m right here.” I was screaming my lungs out trying to get my best friend’s attention. He was running down the stairs when he finally noticed me.

“Oh, hey there” - Kyle stood there looking at me.

I asked why he didn’t hear me earlier, but there was really no explanation. Kyle said he was sorry. And I knew he was. We never ignore each other. We do everything together. From watching cartoons to spending nights wholer pillow fortresses, me and Kyle are inseparable. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact, that, Kyle might go leave the house without me one day, and I’ll be here left behind.

His mother doesn’t like it, when he talks to me/ I don’t see why she wouldn’t like me. I’ve gone to the dentist with Kyle every time she couldn’t make it home. I’ve seen him preform in the school’s concerts, every time sh was too busy at work. If I weren’t there for him, who was going to be? I’ve watched him cry, I have watched him laugh and now, stuck behind the front door of his house, I’m watching him leave me behind. But it’s okay, really, when he comes home it is all like before.

One day I could hear his mother shouting at his dad. Kyle entered his room crying. I sat there, next to him, on top of the old blue bed covers. I touched his shoulder, and leaned to give a hug. I wasn’t there. He couldn’t see me. I started shouting again like I did last time. But nothing worked. Maybe, maybe, just maybe he will never hear me again.

I was passed and I watched him grow. I watched him play loud music so often the neighbors would complain. I watched him playing video games and reading books all day. I watched him leave the house for college, and I have never landed my eyes on his warm smile again. My eyes haven’t met his since then. All I do is sit here in the attic, thinking,”If he comes here today, will he be able to see me?”

Suddenly I heard the attic's door crack open. Nobody hes been up here in years.

Usually I wouldn’t bother to see who it was, but this time, I felt like I had to. And I was right. In front of me stood a young man, who I wouldn’t have recognized if it wasn’t for the young lady he held in his arms screaming “Kyle”

They sat down next the closet searching for something lost.

I was filled with joy, I could finally see my best friend again. Even though he forgot about me, I wasn’t mad at him.

“You know”- Kyle started talking to his daughter – “This toy right here I found it when I was with my best friend. She was an imaginary friend. But she was the best out there. I’ll never forget.”

Pamela Robi, Elbasan

12th Grade

2nd Place 


In Every century. From all periods of time children always have needed a shoulder to be on their feet. As they grow up, those feet have become stronger enough to stand up on their own selves.

A new baby born in a small maternity. Well everybody looked entuziasted, but in fact her life started even the struggles as fast as she opened her eyes…. She had everything she wanted and for sure from outside looked like she was living a life like a princess. Although everything looked good her spirit wanted to be filled with love and carriness, not just spolness.

    I saw her everyday struggling to make sure that her parents understand . It was that time after some years that I became a muse to her, a sister, an angle, an everything.

I was for her an everyday smile, a discussion a shoulder, an eye to look after her, an ear to listen to her problems. I was her family and her couragment. Furthermore, I woke up with her soul and went together at school. I prepared her for the exams and I was there for her when boys tackled her. Also we spent together every birthday, I felt her heart beating so fast before she turned off the candles. I can not forget one day when her father yelled at her and became violent with her daughter when she took one grade lower of the maximum. Well, it was clear that her family wanted to support her and wanted in every way to make her a doctor… In fact, they never considered her real passion and talent: Singing. They always judged her when we were closed inside out room and started singing together songs that expressed our feelings and situation. Undoubtly, I would never forgive the fact that one day a compositor wanted to be her vocal couch and make a song to her for free. What do you think her family did? They locked her inside her room for one month during summer holidays. Well, I was there for her…

As the years passed, I saw something to her changing. I couldn’t release what it was. I couldn't. Day by day she was forgetting me. But why? Why she would destory my soul when I was made only for her. How could she do these to me. Eventhough she hadn’t much problems, because she learnt to pass them in that way that she didn’t I want my courage anymore. But, what was for her during all of those years making sure that she was good.

She forgot me somewhere in her closet and as years passed I couldn’t feel anymore myself, I couldn’t feel her. I was sceptic and scared if she moved from her home or if she…. No! Those silly retoric questions couldn’t let me to breath.

But one day, that day that I will never forget. Finally! She opened the closet and what to see! A beautiful girl with long brown hair, a beautiful skin, some makeup on her that I couldn’t recognize her; those eyes, her green ones that never changed, I couldn’t forget those eyes that were in tears and happiness. She starred at me in that way of disappointment but why? What did I do to her? Had I become ugly or an old lady? She took me from that closed and for some reason she went through the same hall. We stopped in a big mirror. Well, I was in dust and she was clear, but the memories were there. She was watching herself and me in the mirror and I couldn’t get in a conclusion. Then, with that same disappointed face we went downstairs and guess what? She threw me in a dump truck and I found myself in the middle of a landfill! Can you believe it?

As the sunset, I finally got in a conclusion. All of those years I was for her a muse that she could talk to. And as years passed she didn’t want to talk to me not because she didn’t like me anymore but I wasn’t useful for her… I was her childhood, her dreams and when she got older my spirit became faded and faded. And now I can understand that she is not a children anymore. She is a grown women and I am just a teddy bear with a lost spirit that will spend the rest of my “life” in a landfill until my soul is all destroyed.

Greta Bufazi, Lushnjë

12th Grade

3rd Place


It’s Friday 26th and me and my human friend Angela have our friendaversary month.

Usually she likes to give me homemade gifts, which she selects long before we have our special day: IT’s just how she i: thinking too much and no knowing how to turn her hypersensitive feeling into words so she does it by neating random things: and I love her for thatL for opening her heart to me. As by me, I always give her gifts that smell “a bit of heaven” or she says. The are tiny baby pink( or sometimes baby blue) soft clouds, which I pick from the children special friends’ world's garden:all put in a for which glows and sparkles at night. Angela makes an adorable smile, which reminds me of the angles I’ve seen in where I live: and inocent yet delighted one which is not complete until her dimples appear.

It’s almost 6 pm and Angela doesn’t seem to appear. She’s not with Trishe, neight with Cony. She’s one hour late. In 18 years she never missed one. Did something happen to her? Is she ok? Does she need me? But if would, wouldn’t she call me like she always does? Ouu Kejsi, my Kejsi “ = Angela would always say. So where are you? I think I might be sick, I mean like physical sick, just by loving her so profoundly much. Does that had even happened to you? To love and miss someone so much that you feel physical sick? I’m starting to get worried. I heared the other day that Jake was throwing a party at his place tonight. Could she be there? But Angela hates parties. She think of herself as an old lady (probabbly one hundred and somthing years) and she would fall asleep during a part, or so she swears. But maybe Mary and Sarah we there and they would have “pushed” her in some kind of way to go there. I’m sure she feels like a stranger there. I’m …. I'm’ going to see if she really is there. She really is and looks like she’s having a blast. Is she drunk? Did someone give her a drink?

Five days have passed since Jake’s part and I haven’t see or talked with Angela ever since. Is she mad at me? Is it something I said or did or something that I didn’t say or do? Or is it everything? Can you forget about someone all of sudden? Are you growing up Angela? Is this what is all about? You not wanting to play games with me? You entering the adult world?

I have to let go of you? But I don’t want to. I can. I can pick another kid and be his “special friend” but I don’t want to . You see? I chose you! I can live without you but I don’t want to.

Last night when I came to see you and sing you your goodnight song, you couldn’t hear me or so you were pretending to. So I’m asking you know? Can you see me? Can you hear me?

Im going to sing you anyway. “You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”


University I


1st Place, Sonja Cenaj, Tirana

The male homosapien presneted on the screen is on his sixteenth year of his life, he looks fully grown up and scanning the territoy of his school for potential female homosapiens to pass time with. He is rather shy and not good with his social skills but is determined to try, being also, inspired by his class makes around him. Our sixteen years old homosapies goes by the name Andrew. He attends the second year of high school and has laid eyes on an interesting female homosapiens that goes by the name Laura. After having watched her for a while now, Andrew picks the time between English and Biolodgy to finally ask her out on a date. He sees Laura stadning by her locker, completly unaware to Andrew’s presence. He chosen this exact moment to aproach her, but unforunately for him he trips over his own feet and lays face first on the floor. We are rewatching the scean as he trips one more time over his own feet. It is unbelievable how clumsy this homosapien can be under pression. Under such conditions he can be potinial risk to himself and others around him. This movement graps Laura’s attention who turns around suddenly, started at the noise and looks at Andrew on the floor. She hurries to help him get back up while asking him if he’s ok. Andrew just shakes his head, saying he’s fine and that he wanted to talk to Laura about something. Laura nods her head, moving a strand of hair behind her ear, looking at Andrew. This time Andrew blushes furiously wiping his clumy hands over his jeans as he thinks of the right things to say.

“So…” he starts and take one deep breath. “So?” Laura continues. Noticing that Andrew is taking too long to finish his sentence. “So…” he starts taking one deep breath. “So?” Laura contines. Noticing that Andrew is taking too long to finish his sentence.

“So, I’ve see you around and ….” He takes another deep breath as his left hand moves to grab his right elbow. In this exact moment his brain decides that it is the perfect time to forget every part of vocabulary Andrew has ever learned in his life. We witness as his ego lethalky fights his subconsciousness and Andress holds the same facial expression of someone who brain has switched into autopilot.

For his sake, it is Laura that decided to continue the conversation

“So, you’ve seen me around. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” She asks

Softly, her words followed by a smile. This seems to snap Andrew out of his trance.

“G-Good thing. Absolutely fantastic.” Andrew blurts out learning slightly forwards.

“Ok…?” Lauro retorts, laughing a little. We see as Andrew’s awkwardness is making Laura feel uncomfortable.

“So, Laura… I was thinking…” Andrew pauses again and this time it is Laura who takes a deep breath. The bell is about to ring. Time seems to stretch infinitely as Andrew simply keeps staring at Laura hopelessly.

“For the love of God, Andrew! Yes, I would like to go on a date with you.”

Laura huffs finally, causing both her and Andrew to finally let aside their awkwardness. Andrew looks at her unbelievable and ask:

“You would? We witness once more as Andrew’s social skills fail him any way imaginable.

“If that’s what you were trying so long to ask me. Yes, I’d like to spend time with you Andrew” she says smiling at him.

The bell finally rings. Inditing they are both late for their next class.

“Awesome” is all Andrew can say and Laura only nods before he turns her back on her and continues walking hurriedly, only to trip one more time and fall into his face again. This time Laura laughs and shakes her head. Andrew wishes the floor would swallow him whole.

As we see, homosapiens have carious ways of communicating with each other. Some are effective and some others are not. In andrews case we can only say he was lucky.


2nd Place, Andi Guda, Feir


I just woke up in my house on the moon to start my day life routine. I live alone but I can always count on my friend Tim who is about that take with me wherever I go. He wakes me up in the morning and reminds me that tasks that I have to do for the day. After eating breakfast which of course is prepared by Time I got out to start my job. Most of the time here is dark but thanks to the new technology system there is always light just like in earth. The light are symcronized with the time on Earth but the heavens are much longer. After getting on my ship I go to the station where I work which is centered in the main part of the moon where all the humans meet and cooperate with each other. So after entering the station at the gate I park my ship and go to the train station to go to the hospital where I do my job as a doctor. After getting there my first task was to create and attach a human leg to a patient who lost it jumping outside where the gravity isn’t controlled. I video conference with Tim who is waiting at the ship to help me with my job. After designing the leg i started creating it with real human tissues. And then attach it with a special laser to the rest of the body. When I finish my job I go and see my friends from work to have fun and relax. Our favorite place to meet is at the beach, drink a bee, take a swim, play football out the sand and then just chill and chat with each other. Today is a special day cuz its my dads birthday and I finish early with my friends. I change my clothes take the train back at the gate and enter my ship. Tim tells me that we need to hurry because my dad was waiting for us. So I go fast at the teletransporter to get me back on Earth at my parents house. I got teltranspeded with Time and I'm one second we are on Earth in front of the house. But remembered that s didn’t get any presents and I tell Tim about it. Time like always is prepared in any case and opens his chest and gives me the present. I tak it to the house but I didn’t know what was inside. After eating the birthday cake it was time for the presents. He opens up mine first and was very excited. It was a brian phone and was the last model. Dad was very happy and thanks me for remembered what he wanted and asks me to spend the night. But Tiem reminds me that I have very much to do back at my place so I left. After going home I ask Tim which was the next thing to do but his battery was out. Nervously I go and charge them very  fast and when he got turned on tells me that my next task was charging his battery. Waiting for tim to charge I got a call from my dad and his hologram appeared in front of me. He wanted to thank me again and test his new brain phone. After finished talking to him I prepared myself something to eat. Here we have our own farms where I grow anything I want and also the same animals that are on earth but they live in a different station from the town. I go to check on Time and he was ready. The light very about to go off and I was direct to my bedroom so read a novel before going to sleep. Time was downstairs in the hall cleaning and preparing my tasks for the other day.


University III


1st Place, Fatjon Braka, Kamëz


Mankind society is strongly based on rules, duties and freedoms that every member of should follow. Everyone who breaks these rules gets punished but what would happen if we would live in a place with no rules, would people live in peace and harmony?!

At first, I think that the essence of life it is to be agameol. Being ergamisol is  something that everyone should achieve to have success in this life, but this means that you need discipline, rules that you should break etc,

So ifa person it is not organized in his life, he will found itself im a terrible mess and the only thing that he would achieve in life would be wasting of time, noting mole. Now lets us imagine a whole society with me rules and not argument, absolutely that it would be im a terbly mem and this society would mevel achieve something good.

In  a society without rules people would act like anoizy and every action would be based on their instincts. The strongest one would have more rights than the weakest one. Life wouldn't be appreciated. People would live like mom and because to monton a life in only one place w oudl be very difficult.

The only job that people would have in to be alive, amol to try to minitin their life in a big chors crime that every person would create. Fight itmes and wars would be somthing usually on that muety. To set up peace and harmoney would be very difficult, maybe they would not exist even on motiom. Nothing would not peopr with animals.

Maybe im making it like the warst society even and Im not remind that there would be even good people in that soceity. But the human history says (telln) to us that im every time that human kind gets an uncontrolled freedom and when a person, a group of people did what the wants a terrible doostep comes after. So even in this society with rules that we are imging even if there would be good people., the evil ones would win god it's them and people wouldn’t choose to be good ones but bord ones so they could like im this society.

Ogamibing, rules and everything else that makes us a good society should always be developed. Only by protecting our freedoms, our values and responing rules that we agrees to be, the evil would not win against the good;. Only by trying to give a great example of ourselves based on the values that mankind should have we can make a better society.

A place, a society withour rules it would be really a terrble chores and only by imaging it you pet stremeol not more to liv e on it. But imaging this bimol of socit helps us e to value the society where wer are leaving today, and why not makes us more enthsatic to improtve our soaty where we are leaving in.




1st Place, Anila Lloshi, Fier


Middle Age. Arabria. Desert streets. Hot weather. A small village

No sound except for some birds flying over the palm trees at the end of the view.

Then a man comes across.

About forty, tall, handsome, familiar face, clean clothes, confident looking, walking quietly with a smiling face towards the houses in front of him.

I felt that he didn’t belong there, but rethink his smiling face and confidence I thought it would be one from the village.

(-oh, I forgot to say who I am: I am the shadow! I can be anyone's shadow: I can follow everyone, and they don’t see me, I can be their other self: I can stand and feel and see what they see)

So I decided to follow him: Two as one: (from now on i'll speak on we)

We entered his home. One of the most single and modest one but clean and warm.

“Cover me, please darling” - he said “I’m shivering”. She came in with a blanket, feeling worried, same as me, why he was could when the weather was so hot. She layed beside him and at this point I left for awhile, leaving them alone, with the wonder of what made him humble.

Next day I was his shadow again. We are there in front of many other men at the center of the village.

“Our our lord has sent us a message” he said. “We should care for each other, we should help, be generous; we should be humble and speak right, speak only the truth. All mankind are brothers and sisters, we are the same, no matter the colors or shapes: we should love and respect each other, as we are all creatures of our one and only god.”

I was shocked.

Even me, who as I said was invisible was a little scared how they would react… I knew they had a lot of “little gods”. A lot of wood or stone statues that they worshiped, what if they got mad…? What if they kill him? Isn’t he scared? How can he be so brave?


Well, I’m not telling you if I was brave enough to stay… If I could return to him…

I’m just saying I met him again. I heard speaking softly when everybody around was angry and full of hate.

I saw him giving his last bread to an orphan, his last soup to an old man, and still be smiling though he went to bed hungry.

I wasn’t his only shadow anymore, you know? Lots of people were following him. I was returning to him from time to time just to listen at those words: “We should love each other… we care… we do got… we may… we thank our lord… we are one…”” Few following, doing the same good things… Most fighting, destroying the good deeds…

I stood there for a million years perhaps… first a shadow…

Then I decided to change

I would have my face and voice, my heart and my heauds.

To see and tell and feel and build that there can be a better world if we chose to do the same.

“Being a shadow is not enough”, I said to myself. “Shadows have no heart and hands”

Deciding to follow the right path, I felt my heart warm helping other people, sharing with them the goods I had.

“Do you understand now? Said he turning right to my face. I was wondering to who he was speaking

“You, my follower - he said - don’t consider yourself just a shadow, choose to follow me by free will!”

God bless him!

He was Muhammad, last prophet sent by god as mercy from for all mankind.

If we are just shadows let us change, by free will to be followers, not just watchers of doing good, believing god, giving , sharing and caring for each other.

Me? Yes! I’m the shadow!

Of myself

Im watching me of not doing anything bad, of helping as I can of course of loving: you!

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