WriteOn! 2024
central winners
6th Grade
Partin Cama
Tirana, 6th Grade
1st Place
One day I woke up and saw something different to my body. It was really weird. I had the size of an ant. The first thing I did was trying to talk to my family, but they couldn’t hear. I scared by thinking that the humans could squish me like an ant. The first day I didn’t eat or sleep, but the second I tried to find food. I was really hard. Then I learned how to climb walls. It was a fantastic feeling. I was seeing my kitchen in a different angle. After finding food my next goal was to drink water without drowning. It was hard but I succeeded. My family didn’t know where I was. They were terrified. Then a big spider was trying to eat me. I managed to survive. In the night I learned that ants had nightvision when its dark. After one week living like an ant I learned a lot things about the ants. I really missed my family. I could see them but I couldn’t talk to them. I felt like having a big hole in your heart. Then I tried again to talk with my family. I tried almost everything, but still nothing. After one month my size was getting bigger. Finally something good happened. My brother saw me while I was finding food. In the beginning he was scared but then he saw that I was real. I told him the whole story. My brother talked with mom and dad. When they came to see me they couldn’t believe that I was small. My body was still growing. The next day I was normal again. I didn’t believe my eyes. When my family saw me they were so happy. Now I’m living like a normal person again. My story was even reported in the newspapers. Being like an ant was really great. If I have another chance to do it I will but this time with my family.
Mirgen Xhunga,
Tirana, 6th Grace
2nd Place
If I was the size of an ant, everything would look gigantic to me. Even the smallest things would look big. Everything would be unepropriet for my small size. Imagine me walking to school. Normally it doesn’t take that long, but when you’re as small as me, it will probably take half an hour to go to the bus… actually don’t take the bus. We all know very well that buses get filled with a lot of people. I would get lost in a matter of seconds but hey why would you go to school in the first place? I can’t do homework because the pen and paper would be too big. Even if there was a pen small enough for me, nobody would understand my writing, because it would be too tiny for there big eyes to see. Life would be really hard if I was this small. And sure there might be a good side to this lifestyle but the struggles that you have to go through just outnumber the good things, but hey! I’m not as small as an ant and I will never be. Everything that I could do, somebody else could do the same things but ten times better. I would feel powerless. Sure it will be fun to try out for a little bit, but living like this would be unberebul, frustrating and really really hard.
Izabela Lako
Vore, 6th Grade
3rd Place
Once upon a time, there was a dog. It was homeless, and it needed a family care, love and support. One day, at road, it saw a homeless human. Human was hungry and he need care of him because he was sick. The dog, goes to that human and give him a hug. A few days, they have each other and no more. They care for each other and loved each other. Dog brought to the human food, and something to cover its body, because it was cold that day… Dog cared everyday for the human. Human says:
“Thank you for everything, you are my best friend, and he cried.” Few days, human says, “IT’s time for me to go in my home.” Because he won the lottery. Dog cried and camed him behind. Human: “Go away. I have my family. I don’t need you!” Human made his family. He had two daughters, and a son. Human was walking at the road, and suddenly, a car camed to crash him. The dog pushed him out of road and the car crashed it. The dog gave its life for the human. How about the human? Did he respected the dog? The dog was more than a dog! It was an angel! Just they don’t have a mouth to talk doesn’t mean they they don’t have spirit. They are just like us… just… more better.
Life is unfair for some creatures. Did you know what happends?! The human lefted the dog at road, and start again to walk. In fact, was someone who understand that dog… himself. Because the humans that don’t each other they can’t be humans. This is a sad story… Not just the dogs, but and the other animals. Dogs are lovely. Do the best for them like in this story… Care for them, make them feel like a part of your family. I would like to have a spirit of a dog. Respect Dogs!
7th Grade
Laert Mema
Tirana, 7th Grade
1st Place
If I ever leave Earth with a spaceship on a mission to battle with other alien spaceships it would be fun. When I mean fun I mean also extremely dangerous. That’s why our spaceship’s name is “Xtreme Rider.” We are going in a galaxy far far away (this speech is from Star Wars). It’s a hard mission. I hope the pilot is good and experienced. And if I only bring two items they would be:
First one: Laser gun. This is a futuristic weapon used in combat battles. When you shoot, it launches a laser which does a lot of damage if it hits on target. This weapon is the best. Even a rocket launcher can’t compare to this gun. There are reasons why it is my favourite: because its shape is perfect and because it hits 90% the enemy. Well, I’ve got to admit it: this gun rocks. It was created by a poisoned soldier who loved science and war. Well now the Earth is in peace, but the galaxy isn’t in peace. If you want to save your head in a combat battle, you’ve definitely got to use this.
Second one: Lightsaber. You might say that I watch a lot of science fiction and Star Wars but I’ve only watched 6 movies. Let’s get to talk about this sword. Only commanders have this sword. Luckily, I am one. This sword uses super powered small batteries that activate the light. But the light is so powerful and if it hits you it burns a part of your body. I’ve used lightsabers in training. It’s great. In all the aspects this gun is wonderful. The lightsaber needs skill to use it. They’s why the Earth has opened academies for scouters. They learn to use the lightsaber and how to combat. (You, as a peace corp might say “Why war and no peace?”) We have offered them peace but they refused. They made clear to us that their objective is to conquer our universe.
Our universe with millions of galaxies is in a great danger. We have to protect our homeland Earth, the land where we were born, the land where we were educated. We won’t let it die. The Earth needs to live, live millions and other millions of years. The Peace is important for Earth for our allies and for the universe.
Let’s get back to our spaceship. In fact is is a way spaceship with a crew of 40 people. Now that I’m writing I’m inside the spaceship on my way to the combat battle. Ahhh we arrived, anyway I’ve go to go now. “Let the peace be with you!”
Enejda Mucalijaj
Vore, 7th Grade
2nd Place
Hi! I’m Enejda. I need your help. I need to takes two things with me in space. What can I get? There are just two things. I first think about the clothes. They are all I need, because I need something to wear. Clothes are my world, but if I think that seriously I can wear a pair before I go and don’t need to take those. Now let’s see I can take fridge, because I need to eat many things, to be strong. But if I take fridge I need and a cooker, si fridge isn’t a good idea. Ehhh, let me think. How about a mobile phone? It maybe can help me talk with my family and friends. It’s a good idea but I need something to do everything for me. What can I get? Maybe a robot it can do things for me, but it cannot bring me everything that I want, so it can’t be. I need to be everything because I need to live there. What, what, what can I get. Maybe a person I can talk and play with him. But if I get him he’ll probably die without something to eat or drink.
Let me think again. I, I found it. It can be a magician. It can do everything for me. He can bring me water, carrots, friends, ballm letters, mom, dad. Everything I want can be there, so all I need is a magician. One thing and one thing. What can I get with this? Maybe a TV? No, it isn’t good for me. But I found it. I can take with me too a computer. That my world, my space. I can’t live with it. I can see what happen in the Earth where I am not there. The computer can help me. It is everything for me. But I need a place to take it. Oh, the magician can do it for me. He can give me a bed to sleep everything and the computer can show me the world. I found them.
A computer and a magician can safe my life. I don’t need to come more here. I can stay in computer as time as I want. I can stay all day without talking with mom about this. With eating chocolate from magician. My life in space will be perfect. I can miss mom and dad but I can come to visit or my magician can do it for me. Oh my dear space: I will come with my computer and my magician. Life will be wonderful.
P.S. If I need air I can say it to my magician.
The End.
Erta Duka
Vore, 7th Grade
3rd Place
I’m thrilled. I discover 2 eyes on my back of my head. I’m scared with myself. I’m like a monster. I went in school. I wore a cap for cover my eyes. I met my friends. I always went in bathroom for looking my eyes. When my teacher asked for the lesson I was afraid because he can understand me. But, no, he didn’t. When I went out of the school a rude boy took off my cap. They saw my disaster eyes. Actually all the school understand my eyes. I was really depressed. I run out crying and shouting. I went home disappointed. My mum relaxed me. Into me I was going mad. My best friend didn’t come to relax me. But in one moment Bill my friend came to me. I can’t believe. He said me, “Don’t cry. It’s not your fault. I will love you my friend.” Now I feel so good. I don’t mind. I’m myself.
8th Grade
Egida Saja
Tirana, 8th Grade
1st Place
There’s nothing better than a cup of hot chocolate in the morning. That feeling of calmness, it’s just as if an angel kissed you. But this heaven doesn’t last for too long. An uncanny headache slips through my head. That was uncalled for! I try to lay down and relax but it seems as if someones fighting for their life in an avalanche inside my head. I try it ignore it but it doesn’t seem to help at all. So I get my breakfast and sit in front of the TV. Trying to get from the kitchen to the couch seemed to be a challenge. I’m not happy to say that it took me 5 minutes and about 3 times colliding with the furniture to get there. Thank God I didn’t forget to bring an aspirin before sitting down. I turn on the TV and the first thing I hear and listen is news about a bank robbery. A robbery?! On a Saturday night?! Who would do that?! Well apparently someone had done it since the police were everywhere for them.
The robbery had taken place by midnight yesterday, Saturday. I finish breakfast. The headache was slowly going away. I walk slowly to my bedroom and get dressed. I have time on my hands and I don’t need to rush. I try to clean my room a bit and make it look better but the news was too perplexing. Why do I feel like I am missing something? “It must be from the headache”, I try to brush it off. Then, out of nowhere I see two men dressed in all black coming towards my house. Then a loud pounding noise makes me jump off of my bed. I heard someone shouting “Open Up!”. I was petrified, and didn’t really know what to do, then they shout again “Police! Open the door!” I saw lights flashing and guns being loaded. I open the door as slowly as possible. Then the police officer came in and told me to put my arms behind my head and a ton of other rules. I did what he told me. What else could I do? They take me to the police station. I couldn’t say anything, my mouth had dried up, my heart was pounding and my palms were clammy. We were accompanied by the media the entire time. What did I do now? They put my in a dark room with a small table and a chair in the middle. One of the walls was covered in a huge mirror. The chief commander put me there and left. I had seen too many police movies not to know what they were going to do. That was an interrogation room. I walk up to the mirror and put my finger in it. There was no gap between the reflection and my finger. It was a one-way mirror. Somebody was watching me from the other side. I hear a key turning and the door opens loudly. The detective tells me to sit down and answer this questions. The dialogue goes something like this:
“Where were you yesterday at 9:30 pm?”
“I don’t remember anything from last night.”
“I am asking you one more time, where were you yesterday at 9:30pm?”
“I am telling you one more time I don’t know!”
30 minutes passed by like this. That man was very stubborn and it was grueling to talk to him. I expected a little more sympathy!
They put me in a room with a tiny window. He leaves. I do not know what I had done yet! Then everything starts to turn black, I can’t hear nothing but screaming girls. “What is going on?!” I yell. No answer. I’m pretty sure I fainted. I woke up in a high tech lab. Two huge eyes were looking at me. They were cameras. I try to get up by seizing oen of them. I broke it. I get up and labor on until I get to a huge blueish gate. I hear only a groaning sound.
“What is she doing?” says a familiar voice. I try to yell back saying “She is trying to get out of here!” What a stupid decision! Sarcasm isn’t a good way to answer. But I wasn’t thinking clearly. I heeded a tiny alien like robot trying to inject me a type of medicine (I think). I turn around and hit him. He flies across the room making a squeaking noise. I wasn’t going back to sleep. Oh no, then a boy walks in. He looked like he was trying to figure out what I was doing. “I am NOT going to where I came from” I shout. He was very taken aback by my ability to talk so loudly even after what had happened. He says, “You need to keep your hair on!” But my blood was boiling, I tried to run out the door. He grabs my hand and injects me the syringe. I feel more calmed now. He told me to not talk anymore, otherwise I would end up with cut vocal chords. I shut up. That’s the only logical things I have done all day. He starts explaining, “You were chosen to be our new recruit. We are an organization trying to take over Earth. Not in a bad way though. We are trying to get rid of all the criminals. But to do that we needed some money. You were chosen to get them from the bank.” I knew it! I shout. He looks at me in a very angry way. ‘But as the prophecy foretold you mustn’t tell anyone about this. That’s why we erased your memory! You did a great job. Even though this is treacherous, we want you to help us.” I nodded. He then left. I now remember everything. How I got into their spaceship and how I met that boy. His name is Michaelangelo and he is the commander. I ran out looking for him. He was talking to some aliens. They were from Aphrodite. I had known that before I even got here. They take me back to Earth. THe same thing happens again. The headache, the shouting. As soon as I see the lights I run outside. A cop tries to shoot me but he misses. I had taken some knives with me so I throw them as him and one lands on his right leg. That’s where all the fun begins. I fight some other cops and they weren’t able to catch me. I run as fast as I can. In the meantime a huge black and blue spaceship flies above. The drop some kind of stairs. I grab them and start climbing up. But I get shot in my left foot. Unfortunately the stairs are severed so I fall back down. I wasn’t giving up and neither was Michaelangelo. He falls down and helps me get up. We are standing side-by-side. Both fighting for our lives when suddenly a huge black hole is opened under our feet. We fall down, but go up? I was confused. We found ourselves in Aphrodite. The hole was a teleporting spot. I had managed to open it by pressing a button on the stairs. The spaceship lands next to us. Our plan was going very well. We had managed to capture half of the Earth’s population. There was no turning back. I was thrilled! There was no escape from destiny and if I was chosen I was going to complete my mission.
“So let it be written, so let it be done.” I say to Michaelangelo. He smiles. Within one week our organization had taken over the Earth. We had won, we were controlling the entire Universe. The Earth was our last planet. They all obey our commands and there’s no way of them bringing us down or stirring things up!
Dea Rrozhami
Tirana, 8th Grade
2nd Place
It was a sunny day in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I did not want to wake up yet. It was one of those days when you feel like you can sleep for 24 hours. But that was definitely not happening to me.
“Hey you! Sleepy girl, wake up!” Said a strange voice.
I opened my eyes to see a squirrel jumping happily on the floor. It couldn’t have been the squirrel that just talked to me, now could it? Squirrels can’t talk. I got up and walked towards it.
“You finally woke up! I’ve been here all morning!” Said the squirrel in that funny western accent of his.
I gasped… and I think that I screamed a little loudly too.
The squirrel was talking! To me!!! And there it went again.
“Well you really are the laziest girl I’ve ever seen! Isn’t that right Tony?” Said the squirrel talking to a crow standing by my window.
“Yes of course.” said the crow in a rather uninterested tone.
“Wh-who are you?” I said stammering. “A-and h-how c-can I listen to you?”
“I am Steve! Steve the squirrel. And this is Tony the crow. The great whale told us that we had to find you, because you are the only one who could understand us.”
“The great whale?!” I said. Now I was feeling a bit more relaxed.
“Yeah”, Steve replied, “Why are you so surprised. If you can talk to a squirrel and a crow, what is so odd in hearing about a great whale that sent us here.”
I didn’t know what to say so I just went on staring at the little creature.
“Come on! Come on! Come On! Time is of the essence. We need to get to the shore to rescue the little dolphin.”
“What has happened to the little dolphin?” I asked.
“It is trapped on the shore by one of those evil human webs.”
“You mean a fishing net?”
I didn’t know why but I somehow believed and followed the squirrel and crow all the way to the seashore. The animals were right! There really was a little dolphin stuck in “the evil human web.” I ran fast as I could towards it and set it free from the net. My two new animal friends helped me push it in the water.
“Oh thank you very much miss!” said the dolphin in a girl-like voice. “I am Cordelia. The little dolphin princess of the ocean. I will forever be grateful to you for saving my life.”
When I saw the joy in the little dolphin’s eyes I realized why this gift was given to me, I realized that I was destined to help animals all around the world and be their voice. From now on I would protect animals and know that they could count on me.
Endrit Pali
Vore, 8th Grade
3rd Place
I got scared and didn’t know what to do. The police bursted the door open and got my dad because the witnesses told the police that he stole the bank, I begged them to leave my dad alone but they couldn’t just leave him. I cried for hours but I felt like he had no fault so I got my best friend there to investigate just like Sherlock Holmes and his buddy. When we got there police would not allow us to get in so I told my friend Bekim to distract him making it a child’s play for me to get in there. The foolish police officer got distracted so I got into the bank, I waited for the perfect moment to get in the crime scene. First thing that I noticed was a box of cigarettes which means my dad hated cigarettes so he had no fault. As soon as I decided to go out I saw something strange covered by the ashes of the cigarettes it was a credit card I had seen before somewhere but I couldn’t remember, while thinking a police officer spotted me and said “How did you get in here you brat?” And I answered, “It’s not my fault you have such police officers.” As soon as I said that I slid between his legs but unfortunately he got me, thrown off like a dog hurt but fine and happy because I had the trump card that could save my dad. When I got home I asked mom if she had seen this card and she said yes it belongs to my father’s best friend Chimi. I was shocked, he was such a nice guy, he couldn’t hurt a fly and then I decided to call the cops and send them to his house. I gave the cops the evidence and they got there in no time but unfortunately he wasn’t there he was gone exactly three hours ago just like the robbery. The cops asked her but she ain’t said a word, I begged her to tell me where he could be because my dad’s freedom was on the line, she finally told me that he is in Durres. I got Bekim and we both went there without telling anyone. When we got there we saw him and his friends there but they were just playing chess and nothing else suspicious as we thought until a man came there and took them somewhere. I wrote down the car’s number and left to chase the tire tracks but they brought us to a dead end. We asked people if they had seen them but no one knew. Bekim carelessly tripped and fell into a cave but there were no walls. I got there to touch it but my hand got through, the wall was just a hologram caused by some hologram projectors. I got through and saw Bekim covered in mud whining about how much he got hurt. I told him to close his mouth but they saw him and kidnapped Bekim. I tried to call the cops but my phone’s battery was dead, it was a job I had to do on my own. On the way in I saw them laughing at Bekim and threatening to kill him, I got a rock and threw it at the entrance but it didn’t work. Then I got the perfect idea I imitated Chimi’s voice and told them to get out. I rescued Bekim and got one of their phones and called the police, the robbers saw Chimi and said, “Yes boss what did you want?” He had no time to explain because the police got there and arrested him, on the end he saw me and said: damn you Endrit and your fat friend. Bekim answered and said: Really?
Anyway Chimi got arrested and I saved my Dad.
9th Grade
Megi Belba
Tirana, 9th Grade
1st Place
Since I was 3 years old I’ve had a big dinosaur doll like my favorite and special doll. I’ve always imagined that the dinosaur could actually understand me and I could understand him too. One evening I saw an amazing movie with dinosaurs. I went to my room and took Rex (dinosaurs name) and went to a forest. There I saw a big bucket that says: “Entrance to Another World”. I was curious and with Rex in my hands I jumped in. Suddenly I see Rex… it wasn’t like always. He was real, giant, and friendly. I was amazed… Then I saw the place and it was green and filled with lots of dinosaurs that I had never seen before. I realized that I had turned back in time, in the dinosaurs age. I climbed at Rex and saw everything in a more beautiful point of view. Then I started talking and said: “Rex have you ever been here?” I wasn’t expecting a reply but he answered “Yes, I have.” I talked with him for about two hours and we had a lot of fun. He met me with his dinosaur friends, Rocky-Tocky was a yellow dinosaur that could fly; Pinky was a pink female dinosaur that could already see that she and Rex loved each other, and the last one was Mockran, he was a fat dinosaur, I loved them all, but then they were actually explaining to me why I was there. They said that my job was to save dinosaur species from endangering. I should go and talk to another human because he was the reason that dinosaurs would disapear. I went there and talked to him (his name was Jack). He told me that there was no way he could change his mind about not disappearing the dinosaurs. When I asked him why he told me his story. His parents were dead because of dinosaurs and he wanted revenge. I went back to my Rex and his friends and told them why he didn’t like dinosaurs. They looked surprised and then they were smiling. I wasn’t understanding. I wasn’t understanding. They said “Those two people that he says that are his parents aren’t dead. We’re protecting them from the evil dinosaur “Dangenous” that was trying to kill them. I was very happy that they weren’t dead and asked Rex to bring me his parents. I took the parents and met Jack again. He was shocked and absolutely happy. All of them hugged for a long time and were crying from happiness.
Then I asked Jack again: “Have you changed your mind now?” He came to me and said “Thank you”.
“I’ll ask you something.”
“What?” He said, ready to do anything.
I explained why my dinosaur friends were keeping the parents and asked him to erase the dangerous evil dinosaur, the “Dangenous”. He without thinking twice did that and the dinosaur species were saved. I understood that it was time to leave and after hugging all my friends I jumped in another bucket that says “Go back.” Rex told me that he should stay there because there is his place and his species.
I was trying to accept it and when I really did I hugged him very much and said: “I’ll miss you, old buddy.”
Then I returned home. In the real world it hadn’t passed any minutes so I went back home and straight to my room. This was the most amazing adventure I’ve ever had, but it was the end of having Rex with me all the time...
Enea Tafa
Vore, 9th Grade
2nd Place
The world would be such a cool place with just flying animals. Of course people can not exist. A creature called super homasapiensis would exist. With some giant wings and with a massive body and the ability to breath underwater, it would be the superior creature. They would have a body just like humans now days but bigger and of course with wings. Their houses would be of course under water with some giant doors and a massive living room. Some other creatures (whales in the future) would grow as big as the Everest mountain. Their intelligence would be as good as they can talk and do what super-homo-sapiensis can. They would be in opposite things. The world would be separated. Half of it with the super creature super-homo-sapiensis and the other half with the superior creature Giant-future-whales. There would be no peace. Fortunately, there was a God. The lord of all the universe. He always tried to help super-homo-sapiensins and Giant-future-whales to make peace but it was almost impossible. Because the giant-future-whales have the worst leader ever. He wants to be the superior of the entire world. After 2000 years the God made a decision. He would clean the world with its planet cleaner. The planet cleaner was just a giant cloud. When a planet is inside it it’s whole natural life disappears. After 200 years of light traveling the planet cleaner was just near to Earth. The natural life is being disappeared with a very fast speed. Just after 20 hours the natural life on Earth was completely dead. Since that in all the other planets number 2 is the number of Death.
Elma Mema
Vore, 9th Grade
3rd Place
Life without land. How can life be without land? How were we going to walk? Where were we going to eat? How were we going to study? For all these questions there will be “me”. The one who is going to talk about this kind of life.
Life without land would be a bit different because we won’t be able to walk anymore, just to swim. We were going to eat fish and other ocean species but with a difference between in the real life. They will be eaten by us alive not cooked. We would be like monsters to them. They would try to kill us every single moment that’s why we have to be very careful. And about studying we were going to study by body language. There won’t be anything like maths problems or other things. And year, we were not going to write or read. Our houses were going to be in caves under water. There we were going to sleep different. Our beds would be made by algae and sponge not like in real life. And oh, we were going to meet SpongeBob there. Our best funny friend of childhood. If we would be mad with our parents or other family members we could swim far and turn back after won’t be mad anymore with them. When you’ll be hungry you could eat anytime, you eat even if you were in bad because in water you can find every seafood you want.
Life without land would be a bit boring because there won’t be computers, internet, or other technology stuff. But you would have other ways to spend time. For example playing with fish or other species. You were going to be friends with them. If you were going to be vegetarian ocean species were going to be your best friends. They would help you to visit wonderful places you have never visited before and like this life in water would be great. But there were going to be other things you would be afraid of. For example Sharks or other dangerous species that may kill or eat you. And there won’t be religions too. The only person you can trust would be your family members and yourself. There won’t be houseworks too. So you can be free all the time. We were going to search for the gold treasure and that was going to be our mission. In our way to find treasure we were going to meet mermaids too. We were going to see how they took out pearls when they cry.
If you think better life there would be different but not that bad too. This way we were going to live in another way. We’re bored here so hope this will come true one day. Why not?!
10th Grade
Semi Kushta
Librazhd, 10th Grade
1st Grade
I was terrified. There was blood everywhere. It was so cold and I couldn’t see anything from the wind. I started to walk to see what was going on, an suddenly, I saw my friends covered in blood. I started crying cuz I thought my life wold finish. Suddenly, I started bleeding. My noise was full of black blood. After a tree I saw a little cat wich was hungry. I gave her some milk and in that moment I heard:
-Thanks! You’re so sweet.
Oh my god! How can a cat talk to me?
I asked it about the situation. The cat told me it was Lucierro who did this murder because strange people walked on his territory. Now I was hunted by him.
-How can I save from him? - I asked.
-You should marry him because he wants a child. - the cat said to me.
-Never, you heard me? Never! I rather die than marrying with this devil! - I said.
I was nervous. I lost my best friends because of him, and now he wanted to get marry to him! In that moment an earthquake happened and a red man with a huge head and black eyes came from the ground. He started screaming at me because I didn’t want to be his wife.
-So, you are not going to marry me, right? - he said
-Never, okay? I hate you more than everything - I said.
Suddenly I lost my voice. I couldn’t talk or say anything.
-I took your beautiful voice, so you can’t scream anymore - Lucierro said.
I had a knife on my jeans, I took it to kill the devil man, but the cat bite me.
-Why did you do that? - I was shocked.
-How silly you are! - the cat said to me. Don’t you understand that everything here is in order of Lucierro.
My eyes lost the light. I couldn’t see. Lucierro took my heart and ate it. And here was my death. That camping was the end of my life. But I was happy because I didn’t gave Lucierro a sun to complete his purpuses.
Jonida Metushi
Lushnje, 10th Grade
2nd Place
It was 13 July. The weather was very hot. Me and my friends decited to go camping in the forest.
Everything was going perfectly. I was so exited because I loved camping in the forest, I love nature and shining stars on a summer sky.
So we got ready, we all had backpacks and two tents. When we arrived on the forest it was about 7:00 pm. We went for a walk and collected forest fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. They were so delicious.
Finally the sky was getting darker and we light a fire. We gathered and started to tell frightened story. I wasn’t hearing at all, actually I was staring at the stars. The view was breathtaking…
After we finished our conversation we were about to sleep… I watched the stars for the last time and then I closed my eyes.
Suddenly I heared a loud scream, first I thought I was dreaming, but then I heared it again and imediately I woke up my friends. Then an enormous shadow passed our tent.
We were very frightened and terrified… We decited to stay inside and not to scream… My friend called the police. That enormous animal was still standing outside our tent. What I noticed was the weird form of its body and head. I had never seen that kind of animal even though in cartoons.
Then the police came and kept the animal and we were safe. After that situation we went home imediately…
Next morning we had a call from the police station. We had discovered a new animal… Now the biologists were studying it…
We decited to call that animal “The Green Gigand” because its fur was green and it was really big.
Biologist were searching for other animals like this in the forest. The special about that animal was that it wasn’t dangerous; it doesn’t eat people or other animals.
I was very happy about our discovery… First we were very frightened but now everything is gone, and our fright became happiness.
Bora Sila
Lushnje, 10th Grade
3rd Place
I just got back from a party downtown. It was 5 July 2016. I took a shower and prepared my dinner. While I was eating my dinner on the couch I was switching the channels on my TV. Suddenly I saw my face on the news channel. First I thought that I was tired and it only was an ilusion but that was real. It was happeneing. The news anchor was saying my name. I could believe my eyes and ears. He was saying that I was wanted by the police. I turned the TV off and threw the remote away. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, hoping this was all a nightmare. While I was washing my face, I heard a knock on the front door. For a second I thought that the police came to arrest me. I was going to door with tiny steps and shaking knees and wondering if I had done anything ilegal at the party. I opened the door… I don’t remember what happened next. Next I found myself in my room, laying in the bed and an other me taking care of me. I know it sounds weird but it was really happening. I mean, she was me...excactly like me. Than she said to me “oh you’re up. I made you some green tea.” Than I fainted again. When I woke up for the second time she wasn’t in my room anymore and it was morning. I really thought that I was drunk the night before and that was just a dream. I went downstairs and prepared my coffee. I saw her again. In my couch. Watching TV. And eating my peanut butter. Isn’t that cruel?! I went to talk to her and asked what the hell was going on. She asked me to sit down and calm. She told me that she was my clone. She was a proffessional thief and she found me and my personal details and stealed my identity. My name, surname, credit card, everything. “I have a plan” she told me. “If the police find us, we will not addmit we made the chaos in the shopping centre downtown. The police will be confused and they can’t arrest anyone of us because they don’t have proves. I was shocked. While I was staring at her I noticed a scar on her forhead. I took advantage of the first chance I had to get out of the house and went to the police station. As soon as I got there I found myself surrounded by polices, pointing their gun at me. They arrested me and took me to the court. I was crying like a baby and I couldn’t speak. Than I calmed myself down and talked to the judge. I convinced him to look look carefully at my ID picture and to the images of the store camera. As soon as he noticed the scar on the other girl’s face they set me free. I told them that the girl on the camera images was at my house and in that moment I finally convinced myself that that nightmare was over. It took me six months of psychologist meeting to forget what happened. I didn’t talk about it with anyone otherwise in this moment I would be locked in some kind of an asylum.
11th Grade
Daniel Beqaj
Tirana, 11th Grade
1st Place
I wake up with a terrible headache. My body is exhausted and I’m having a weird feeling that something bad has happened. The bright light is hurting my eyes and the fact that it is so quiet freaks me out. I open my eyes and try to get up. I have been sleeping on the floor the whole night. My body starts shivering so fast and I have no idea what the hell is going on. My bedroom floor is all blu and not white, and what is around me is definitely not my room. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where I am or what is happening.
Yesterday, I was home all day because it was Sunday. I remember that I was having a hard time with my history homework and that essay that I had to write on the World War II. It might have took me some hours and after I finished I jumped on my bed. It doesn’t make sense and nothing explains what I am doing in this big white room. My blood is rushing and I scream: “Help! Help! Help me, please!” Nobody replies. I started to run as fast as I can to god knows where. As I was running I hit something hard and I fell on the floor.
My nose is bleeding everywhere. I was surrounded by glasses everywhere. It looks like I’m in the middle of some observatory or something. There are a few buttons on one of the glasses. Not knowing what to do I desperately press on the green button. I back off as a door opens. I get out of that prison and start running for my life. What are they doing to me? There are so many blackboards with so many equations and mathematical solutions everywhere. I don’t understand anything. Thank you physics and maths classes! You really come in handy! I turn around and I scream my heart out. Goosebumps invade my skin everywhere and it feels like I’m having a heart attack. There was a mirror in front of me reflecting a figure ery known to me, but I just cannot find out who. Maybe I am so terrified that I cannot remember anything at all. I’m in the body of someone else. In the walls there are hundreds and hundreds of medals and certificates. They all have the name of someone called Peter Higgs. All those physics equations, these certificates and this white room that looks like a lab come to the conclusion that I’m in the body of Peter Higgs. What has he done now. This is not my life. I have to go back to where I was. I’m not not a physicist. Well, not yet. I’m just a high school student. I’m so young and I don’t wanna be living anyone’s life but mine. I feel safe now and I think that I’m getting to understand it all. Mr. Higgs might have been doing a “little experiment” on teletransportation and maybe something wrong has happened and now we’re in each other’s bodies. I get a wonderful idea and I run to the nearest computer. I send an e-mail to my phone in Albania and I write:
“Dear Peter,
This is Daniel. I think that you finally proved that teletransportation and hooray to that! Unfortunately, we’re on each other’s bodies right now and I think I have to get mine back. Please tell me what to do.”
I cross my fingers as I wait for that reply. Peter sends me an e-mail and I start to cry. I don’t know why cause I usually don’t get that emotional. I do as he’s told me. I jump again on that hell of a prison, but not afraid this time. I push the button and I hear a huge noise.
I’m on the ground. I’m actually on my school’s toilets. I go straight to my class. Everybody staring at me. They told me I’ve been speaking english all day acting like I forgot albanian. I also got a 10 in physics and they told me that my teacher was amazed by the solution of that exercise. I feel so happy and I cry again. They start laughing at me cause they know me well and they know that I never cry. I hear a ding-dong. It was a notification on my phone. I open it and it’s an e-mail:
“Dear Mr. Beqaj,
Thank you a lot! Your physics teacher almost had a heart break there, but I think she will never forget this day. By the way, I’d be delighted to have you present at my Nobel Prize Decoration. We’ll stay in touch.
Peter Higgs”
That was the happiest day of my life. They say the best things usually happen when you’re not expecting them, but now I fully understand it.
Gracjela Budani
Elbasan, 11th Grade
2nd Place
I woke up and I found it hard to breathe, not because of the excitement, but because the oxygen inside the space shuttle wasn’t at the level that it was supposed to be. Ok. Just kidding the oxygen level was good but I couldn’t breathe, not only because it was the greatest day of my life, but because it was the greatest day of the entire human race. I checked all the systems and everything was fine, then I had a communication with the Kennedy Space Center, to let them know that everything was alright. After that I tried to take a deep breath and looked at the window. The first thing that I saw was my reflection, and then the satellite. I’m Neil Armstrong, and today it’s the day that I land on the moon.
Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamt of being for one day, just even for one day in the place of my hero, Neil Armstrong. I wouldn’t mind switching my life with him for any day, but I would rather chose July 20th 1969 because in my opinion this day in his life is what makes all of the other days count. He is my hero, first of all because he is an astronaut. Being an astronaut itself means being special, unique, of citizens of the universe, first with your mind and then possibly with your body as well. However being the astronaut that first lands on the moon means being more powerful than the president of the USA, more inspired than any writer, more philosophical than any phylosof, stronger than any other human being and certainly unique. These are the feelings that only one person can experience at the same time, and that’s Neil Armstrong, which means me for today.
So, after I make sure that everything is fine I wear my costume and prepare for landing. I’m I afraid? Of course I am. Who wouldn’t be? I think of my family and everything that I’ve left behind. I think of all the people that are watching me right now and following my every movement. The time has come. The door of the space shuttle opens and I step for the first time on the moon. I can’t describe my feelings, amused, happy, astonished it’s not enough. Despite of the fact that my heart is bursting I manage to speak and I say that famous line that everyone knows. He couldn’t have said it better. I wouldn’t even change a word from that sentence. After that I would just turn and look at the Eearth from the moon.
This is where I want to stop. If I was Neil Armstrong for a day I would do the same things that he did. I wanted to be him for a day not to make a difference or to change anything that he did, but simply to experience the feelings that a man is experiencing when he sees the Eearth from the moon.
I wouldn’t want to switch lives with a famous person just so that I can have the luxirious life that a famous person has, or go to the events that he goes, or be photographed and loved by everyone. I just want to experience those feelings.
Armstrong is certainly a great person, and the Earth has seen many great people, I could choose anyone of them, but I chose the only great person that the moon has seen, because no matter how much time goes by and how many people might land in the moon in the future, he will still remain the first one to experience the feelings of seeing the Eearth from the moon, and the only one being the first.
Arsi Balla
Tirana, 11th Grade
3rd Place
I went to the grocery store that afternoon as I usually do on Wednesdays. I entered repeating to myself the things I had to buy, but when I looked up there was nothing on the shelves. Very surprised, I asked the shopkeeper, a nice old lady, were the food was, and she replied with a quiet voice: “I don’t have any idea”. It was very strange. How come that the shopkeeper do not know where the food is? Actually, she didn’t look like she usually is that day. Her eyes were half closed, her hair was whiter, her lips looked like she had put on a dark lipstick. Anyway, I left the shop to go to another one. It was the same even there. Then I said to myself: “OK Ansi, this situation is really odd…”, but my thoughts were interrupted by a great loud noise. I wasn’t sure, but it sound like it came from the centre of Tirana. I got scared, so I decided to go to the safest place in the world for me, home. As soon as I got there, I noticed that all my family members were sit in front of the TV watching the news. “What has happened?” - I asked, but no answer. I asked again, nobody said anything. They seemed like they were hypnotized because they weren’t moving at all. The news was broadcasting some weird messages or figures. I’m not sure. Sometimes they looked like hieroglyphics or something. After a few seconds watching them, I was feeling dizzy. I turned off the TV, but my family was the same, no movings, no ords. The first thing that came in my mind was to call my best friend. “Where are you?” - was the first thing I said to her. “I’m going home. Why?” - said she. Then I told her what had happened to me, and after that we met at our favourite, secret place: The basement of the building we live. Firstly we had to find out what was that loud noise because my best friend, Livia, had heard it too. The only way was to go at the centre ourselves. We went at the bus station, waited there about half an hour, but no bus came. Anyway, we went there by walking, but at the first place everything seemed normal, except from the fact that there was nobody there. All sheets were empty. After a couple of minutes of walking around, near to the Prime Ministry, was an enormous hole, emitting smoke. It was very hot actually. Livia and I thought that it was better if we take a look at it, but some unusual voices were approaching. We hid on a corner over there, and saw them entered the Prime Ministry, so without making any simple noise we went after them. They looked like soldiers, some military people, but those hands were suspicious. When we entered, we noticed that all the rooms there were full of food, packed in boxes some of them. At the main hall, all of those “people” took of their helmets. It was shocking. They were ALIENS. REAL ALIENS. Apparently they were here for our food, but I had no idea why. Both me and Livia started to run immediately after we saw they real faces. We ran indeed but we didn’t know where we were going…
12th Grade
Sara Zambaku
Elbasan, 12th Grade
1st Place
“Listen, I know this is going to seem weird, but I had to come back in time to tell you this!
I just stood there, not knowing what to do or what to say. My brain freezed for like a whole minute. I took off my glasses, rubbed my eyes very quickly and said: “Well, I don’t seem to know you lady”!! With sharp movements, I was just getting ready to close the door, and go back to my precious books, but then again I felt two cold soft hands shaking my whole body. “It’s me, I mean I am you”.
“Well that’s what not getting a lot of sleep is doing to my life.” I answered, but then my eyes met her eyes, her lips, her birthmark and it all looked so familiar to me.
“You have to listen to me, there are a lot of things that you have to do this night, and we have no time to lose! The destiny of your life, your friends and your family, everybody in this town is depending on you right now”!
Okay, that’s the moment I seriously thought it was some kind of joke, but no, I looked at her, she was me! Not exactly me though, plain black hair, big glasses, winged eyeliner, serious clothes a fit body- she looked like she had just come from some kind of important reunion. But what kind of reunion? Why were people all of a sudden depending on me?!
That’s when I said: “‘Kay, tell me everything, I am going to list to you”. At some point we realized we were standing in my front door, she pushed me in my house, she checked if there was anybody spying on us and then she just walked in and went directly to the sofa I always sit in. Laughing she said, “You should know this is my spot”.
I tried to smile but my face still matched my thoughts. What was going on? She figured out I wanted the answers to all my questions right away so she jumped right in:
“So, I am 35 year old you. You know you always wanted to study medicine? Well you did, not only you studied but you made it out to be the best graduating student, straight As for six years! After university I worked at a lab with a famous scientist, we did research to modify human’s cells and genes, but what happened next was horrifying! Mr. Fry, the scientist I was working with, was blackmailed and soon after that, he gave out all the information we had.”
“Okay, but what’s the problem? What can I do to change things?” I said.
“Shut up and listen to me, now you are 20, right? You wanna know who blackmailed and killed Mr. Fry? Well Amanda did! And you wanna know who Amanda is? She’s the consultant of sales and manager or your beloved fiance, the woman which who you arranged him a meeting tonight to talk about business! Or should I say to talk about giving this town a fatal end!”
“What? Seriously explain things to me..”
“After killing the poor doctor, they had access in all of our databases, and honey in the world I live in, everything is about technology, every city is independent, countries don’t exist anymore, there is a new world order. What they are doing is recruiting teenagers in the factory of this town. People are supposed to work these 24 hours, so they never get out of there! But don’t get confused, they don’t work, as soon as they get in the factory they are taken for all sorts of experiments. We have to stop this, you have to stop this! Because this night is crucial for everybody. I’ll tell you what you gotta do.”
She got up from the red sofa and headed to the back door.
“Get up we have stuff to do!”- she said, I looked at her and said “Stuff, what stuff?” She got closer, took my hand and said: “Just follow me.”
And that’s exactly what I did, we ran across all my neighbors courts, then she stopped in the middle of the street, she bent and she opened a secret passage with a key made entirely of glass. I was pretty surprised but with all what was going on, there was no time for for comments of any kind. We walked down the passage down the street and were exactly underneath our town. It didn’t take us longer than 5 minutes to reach her lab, everything was so elaborate, it took my breath away. There were cameras and videos live from the specific places in town and a lot of cameras from the factory.
“What are these? When did you have time to do all of this”?
“I arrived in the past yesterday, but I didn’t come alone, I brought with me all the things I need to help you”. Saying that she sat in a chair, she typed something and a lot of instructions came right away. Then she gave me a big box, telling me everything I needed was in there. I opened it and it was full of stupid stuff like theatre tickets, credit cards, a perfume, and an address.
“Your game starts now, if you succeed, nothing will happen. Your life will continue to happen normally. In the box you will find the clues to everything. Don’t mess this up seriously!
“What, I don’t understand?!”
Then something hard hit me in the back of my head, it hurt like hell but I couldn’t react. I opened my eyes, I saw a blue ceiling, and understood I was in my bedroom…”Was it all a dream?” I said to myself. Then I turned my head around. I saw the white box I gave to me, a notebook, a timer in my lampdesk. My time had started and I had to save everything! That was pretty messed up!
Keitlin Sejdarasi
Tirana, 12th Grade
2nd Place
I always stay late at night so that I can learn every single thing and be the best student of my class. It’s difficult, but I like it when I get the best grades, maybe I’m not that good at managing time. One day, while I was doing math, I suddenly heard a strange knocking. I thought that came from my noisy neighbors but it continued and became stronger and stronger every moment that passed. Then I realized that it was my door. I can’t tell how scared I was. “Who could it be, in the middle of the night? Should I walk my parents?” I thought to myself.
As the fear continued to grow inside of me, a strange feeling more than just a childish curiosity pushed me closer and closer to the door. The more I approached, the stranger this all became and the door seemed to get bigger and bigger.
Soon I realized this wasn’t about opening or not that door. It was all about me fighting with myself, deciding which of myselfs would I choose. It was all about me confronting with my past, forgetting my present and focusing on my future. I opened the door that moment lasted an eternity. Who would it be? I recognized that black hair, the black eyes filled with sadness. It was me. Me? Am I not me, then? So who was she? Myself standing in front of me? Me standing in front of life itself? What someone sees in the mirror has nothing to do with appearance. One sees time itself, taking back little by little every second it once gave to him/her.
That’s what I saw. I’m not a good person. I’ve made the worst of sins someone could have ever made. People that I cared about died because of me because I wasn’t able to understand how time took back seconds it once gave me. I saw in myselfs or whoever the girl behind the door was, eyes, things I thought I would never need anymore. I saw my past, the one I thought I’ve thrown away, so away. I realized that a person without a past doesn’t exist at all, and that the only choice that was left for me was to confront with it. I hated her, I loved her, I was so scared of her, the girl in front of me. If I went where she was, if I hugged her, would I take her place? And if I went back in time, would I commit the same mistakes, like the fate was all written in the stars and can’t ever be changed?
I had only one question. I wasn’t worried about going to Heaven or Hell, I just needed to know if the people I hurt had forgiven me or not. Then my life would be easier. However, did I, at all, deserve a better life? And, like she heard the storms of my burning soul, she approached closer and closer, I couldn’t even make a move. “They forgave you, and they love you more and more everyday,” she said.
I don’t know if believing in yourself is the best thing you can do, I don’t even know if she was me at all, but I made a choice. I believed her. I had to. After that, I remember I cried for days. Now I’m still the same, I learn a lot and stay at night but I don’t forget to take a mirror close to me, so that I don’t forget who I am.
Irdi Duka
Tirana, 12th Grade
3rd Place
I start laughing. I do not know why but I laugh in scary, bizarre happenings like this. Anyway, having my future self in front of me calms me down because I know exactly what should be done to settle me down. After some minutes he gets that serious expression in his face again. Weird...Never have I ever seen myself like this. And that frightens me more. He tell me it’s not a random choice this one. Me appearing in the moment when you are about to discover something that extraordinary like time traveling. I know you were just studying physics but that moment...that exact moment is a beginning to a whole new age. 6 years later you will become the scientist who proved that time traveling is possible...I start laughing again. This time harder and not because I’m scared anymore but I just can’t believe what “I” am saying and I think the other me is just fooling around with me or that the pickles I was eating an hour ago made me this bad. But my future self shakes my body so hard, so I know it’s real as it gets.
There is something you should know. You have a lot of friends but not everybody deserves to be so. Some of those pseudo-friends you have are not that decent. From now on you should stop seeing them. You can only trust Boisin and nobody else. In my time the other friends are in possession of the time traveling machine and they are abusing it. But even they don’t know the red machine and the real effect of my discovery...our discovery. There are things that they don’t know and if they continue to act like they’ve been doing until now...I’m afraid the whole multiverse will be stuck in an eternal loop, doomed to see ourselves die in every possible and impossible ways. But they won’t listen to me. They think I’m crazy and don’t know what I’m saying.
A scary lightning enlightens the whole room…
Next thing I see is terror...Terror in my future self eyes. He seems to be shocked by the lightening and cannot even speak. After some seconds, he whispers “They’re here”. This time I shake him and tell him I do not fully understand what has happened in the future but I do understand that now we have to run and hide to a secure place.
He says there is no place to hide. They know every place I usually hide. They are my friends. God damn it we are screwed. But I smile again and my future self knows that this smile means I have a plan. I say again and my future self knows that this smile means I have a plan. I say follow me. We are going to the place no one knows not even us. And so we go to our grandmother and I tell him, “now we are going to hide. We’re going to hide like we used to do when we played hide and seek back in childhood where no one could find us for days.”
He smiles for some seconds but then trembles from fear staring behind my back. I turned around and see my future friends. Suddenly my future self takes out a gun and points it at me. He shouts: “ Do not come a freaking step close or I’ll shoot myself. I’ll shoot the younger me and the whole thing will be vanished together with him.”
But that moment, my future friends drop their weapons and start crying. “Irdi...we’re terribly sorry we didn’t listen to you. We have messed it all up. Only you can save us now...Please forgive us and Irdi…..please remember us.” It was the moment that they pointed the guns to themselves and blew their brains out.
My future me starts crying but I tell him to focus because there must be a solution. He stops crying and then I finally see an extraordinary thing in his face. Something with an incredible meaning that was going to change the whole things for good for all. I copied his reaction and we both smiled!